Steward requests/Permissions
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This page is not intended for permissions debates; please only make a request here after gaining the approval of your local community. For urgent access requests, such as to combat large-scale vandalism on a small wiki, you may contact a steward in the #wikimedia-stewards IRC channel (see also a web-based version). If you are in urgent need of assistance, and only in that situation, enter the command !steward
in this channel to ask us for help
Requests for steward assistance which do not belong on this page include requests for bot status, spam whitelist/blacklist requests, and requests for CheckUser queries.
When requesting permissions, please copy and paste the following boilerplate text, filling in the three required items (language code, link to local request, link to local userpage) as well as any other salient information. Without this information, a steward cannot process your request.
Please only make requests here after gaining the approval of your local community.
==== Project name ==== I request sysop access on '''': *'''Language Code:''' xx *'''Local Request Link:''' [[xx:Project:wiki??]] *'''Local User Page:''' [[xx:User:Example]] Thank you. ~~~~
Please also add this if you request this to stay sysop instead of becoming one;
I have currently already temporary granted sysop status on this wiki.
Quick navigation: Oversight | CheckUser | Admin | Bureaucrat | Removal of access | Temporary permissions | Username changes | Other requests
Stewards: all requests presented here should be archived when fulfilled.
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List of local request pages
If your wiki has one of these, you should not use this page to request permissions.
- Wikipedias:
af - als - an - ar - as - ast - av - ay - az - map-bms - be - bg - bn - br - bs - bug - ca - ceb - cs - csb - da - de - eo - el - en - es - eu - fa - ff - fi - fj - fo - fr - ga - gu - gv - he - hi - hr - hu - hy - ia - id - ie - is - it - iu - ja - ka - ki - kk - kn - ks - ksh - lad - lb - li - lmo - ln - lt - mg - mk - ml - ms - mt - nds - nl - na - nn - no - oc - pih - pl - pt - ro - ru - ru-sib - sco - scn - sa - sd - se - simple - sk - sl - sq - sm - sr - sv - sw - ta - te - tk - to - tr - uk - ur - uz - vi - wo - yi - zh - zh-min-nan - zh-yue
- Wiktionaries:
an - ang - ar - bg - ca - cy - da - de - el - en - eo - es - et - eu - fa - fi - fo - fr - gl - gu - hi - he - hr - hu - ia - ie - id - is - it - ja - ka - kn - la - lx - mg - mk - ms - nds - nl - nn - no - oc - pl - pt - qu - ro - sc - sd - scn - simple - sk - sl - sq - sr - [[wikt:sv:Wiktionary:Beg%E4ran_om_administrat%F6rsskap|sv]] - sw - tr - uk - cy - vi - vo - yi - zh - zh-min-nan
- Wikiquotes:
ang - ar - bg - bs - cs - de - he - el - en - eo - es - eu - fa - fr - hu - id - is - it - kn - ko - ja - la - nn - pl - pt - ro - simple - sl - sq - sk - tr - uk - (see also Other language Wikiquotes)
- Wikibooks:
ang - ca - bg - bs - cs - da - de - en - eo - es - fa - fr - hu - hy - id - ie - is - it - ja - kn - nl - no - oc - pl - pt - simple - sl - sr - sk - tr - uk - ro - vi -
- Wikinews:
bg - de - en - es - fr - it - ja - nl - no - pl - pt - ro - sr - uk
- Wikisource:
bs - cs - de - en - en - id - it - nl - pt - sk - tr
- Wikiversity:
Oversight requests
At present, this is only available on the English Wikipedia.
Note to Stewards: When you give someone Oversight, please list them on Hiding revisions. Thanks.
Note to those requesting Oversight: Do not initiate an Oversight request here; this is where the Arbitration Committee makes usergroup membership requests once they have agreed to give someone Oversight access. Thanks.
CheckUser requests
To ask for a steward to answer one of your requests, see Request for CheckUser information.
Note to Stewards:When someone asks for CheckUser status, please check the current policy regarding bestowal of status before giving this status. When you give someone CheckUser, please list them on CheckUser. Thanks.
Any checkuser request made in a different section than this one will not be considered.
According to policy, there is no TEMPORARY status of checkuser. Either there are already checkuser on a project and these people must be asked to do the checkuser. Or there is nobody and a steward must do it. Giving a temporary status to anyone just simply asking it to a steward, with no agreement from the local community is against the checkuser status rules. Giving it with no request mentioned anywhere is even more problematic. Breaching these rules should imply removing the status of the steward if he can not be trusted to follow commonly accepted rules. If any one has a problem with this rule and wish that from now on, checkuser status be given to anyone without any community discussion, he must have the current rules changed, not breach them. Thanks Anthere 03:24, 23 December 2005 (UTC) [reply ]
Note: When giving someone checkuser, please (a) ask them to subscribe to checkuser-l and (b) email so that the listadmins know the person is allowed on the mailing list. (The list may contain confidential information.) - David Gerard 15:22, 31 January 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Apology: No-one's been adding new people to checkuser-l for a while. (Kelly Martin was but she's taking a longish break.) I'm going to try to clear the backlog this weekend. My sincere apologies for this, and I'll try to keep up with list requests in future. (It's really not a very interesting or active list, so you're not missing much ;-) - David Gerard 19:05, 6 October 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- en.wiktionary User:TheDaveRoss
- Userpage, vote. Thanks - TheDaveRoss 18:21, 16 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Done --Paginazero - Ø 10:32, 17 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Administrator requests
Simple English
Please grant simple:User:Tdxiang sysop access on simple.wikipedia:
- Language Code: simple
- Local Request Link: simple:Wikipedia:Administrators
- Local User Page: simple:User:Tdxiang
Thanks, Archer7 16:20, 19 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
I request sysop access on so.wikipedia:
- Language Code: so
- Local Request Link: so:Wikipedia:Requests_for_adminship
- Local User Page: so:User:mimursal
I am Somali native speaker and I would like to make a contribution on translating the interface of the so.wikipedia in order to gain more native language users and more article editors.
Thank you. Mohamed Mursal 09:10, 14 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- The local request link is missing, you must create a page on the Wiki where other users can vote for or against you. Greetings, —Pill δ 16:49, 14 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Local Request Link has been created and updated. Thank You, M. I. Mursal 22:56, 14 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Looks good, now a matter of waiting a bit. There is also one other sysop there; w:enUser:Zanimum, it a very small wiki there. You could ask him to vote. If you are requesting sysop status to make a translation of the wiki interface, see also the BetaWiki-project. That is a project for making a neutral MediaWiki translation that then will be default for all wikis. That is more useful than making only a local translation. You can ask questions in the IRC channel or in the mailing list of MediaWiki translation. --Walter Do you have news? Report it to Wikizine 11:36, 15 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
I e-mailed to info-en at wikimedia dot org on 9.11.2006 and I got this reply from (info at wikipedia dot org 14.11.2006).
- -Dear Mohamed Mursal,
- -Thank you for your mail.
- -Somali wikipedia has no sysop at the moment. User:Zanium is only a temporary sysop to clean vandalism etc. You need to put your request to . You should read that page and follow the procedure.
- -Good luck
That is how I come to this page at the first place. Beside the interface translation work there is also some cleanings to do. As you mentioned it is very small wiki, but lets hope and work for that in the future it does not stay like that ;-) M. I. Mursal -- 13:12, 15 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Just wait a bit ...--Walter Do you have news? Report it to Wikizine 14:24, 15 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
(削除) Support Support (cut text) -- Zanimum 15:15, 16 November 2006 (UTC) (削除ここまで)[reply ]- No voting here. That is for on the home wiki. --Walter Do you have news? Report it to Wikizine 17:57, 16 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Aromanian Wikipedia
I request sysop access for User:Eeamoscopolecrushuva (Real name: Prof. dr. Dumitrachi T. Fundu) on Aromanian Wikipedia.
- Language Code: roa-rup
- Local Request Link: none
- Local User Page: User:Eeamoscopolecrushuva
He is a native speaker of the language and wishes to translate the interface into Aromanian. Thankyou. --Jose77 03:24, 26 October 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Not done - request not done by sysop candidate, user can get temp sysop status. I have left a message on talk page of that user --Walter 22:10, 3 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
I request sysop access for User:Bonaparte on Aromanian Wikipedia.
- Language Code: roa-rup
- Local Request Link: none
- Local User Page: User:Bonaparte
I'm a native speaker of the language and wish to translate the interface into Aromanian. Thank you. User:Bonaparte
- Comment: This user (who is banned from the English Wikipedia) is very likely to abuse the tools (see this, where the ArbCom calls him "one of the most prolific trolls we face"). Sysoping him would be a huge, huge mistake. Secondly, the user in question is a native speaker of Romanian, not Aromanian (unlike Eeamoscopolecrushuva, who is the vice-president of an Aromanian publishing company). Khoikhoi 22:47, 4 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Oppose Oppose, I agree with Khoikhoi. Naconkantari 18:03, 5 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Bad edits - not a good idea to make an obvious vandal a sysop ;o) —Pill δ 18:46, 8 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Support Support, someone has to be a sysop there. Look at the vandalism and POV-ishness that is going on in that Wiki. Aromanikka 18:53, 12 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Troll on the Aromanian Wikipedia. Khoikhoi 23:11, 12 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Not done Rejected - you need to direct this request to the local wiki and receive support form the wiki you are asking to become sysop. Make a local request-page if it does not exist, make sure it can be found, ask the blessing of the local community and do not ask it here again before you have it. --Walter Do you have news? Report it to Wikizine 13:11, 15 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Hello, I'd like to ask you for a sysop status in order to correct the interface and title of the Aromanian Wikipedia. As you know, I am a native speaker of Aromanian, and have dealt with the problem of the language and have translated most of the articles on this Wikipedia in a standardized language, according to the International Conference in Bitola. I have also worked (with my team) for the affirmation of the language on the Internet, for example [ Lengua del Mundo - Aromunico]. I hope that based on this, I would get the status of sysop (even for a temporary period) to fix the correct interface. I thank you all for your support and I wish you all much luck in your life and work. Dumitrachi T. Fundu, PhD President of Eea "Moscopole-Crushuva" To respect the rules: I request Wikipedia sysop status for Aromanian wikipedia:
- Language Code: roa-rup
- Local Request Link: none
- Local User Page: User:Eeamoscopolecrushuva
Thank you - Haristo, Eeamoscopolecrushuva 12:21, 11 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Note also roa-rup:User talk:Eeamoscopolecrushuva#sysop. —Pill δ 18:29, 11 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Done - I make you temp sysop for 3 months. Expire date:2007年02月15日. To stay sysop make sure that you follow the normal procedure by then (= ask it localy and ask it here then again when you have support)
- If you are requesting sysop status to make a translation of the wiki interface, see also the BetaWiki-project. That is a project for making a neutral MediaWiki translation that then will be default for all wikis. That is more useful than making only a local translation. You can ask questions in the IRC channel or in the mailing list of MediaWiki translation. --Walter Do you have news? Report it to Wikizine 13:27, 15 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Please, give me administrator rights on Slovenian Wikivir (Wikisource). There haven't been any voting, because is very little active users (2 or 3?). --Wailer
Anybody?--Wailer 18 November 2006
Other projects
Bureaucrat requests
Simple English Wikipedia
Please grant bureaucrat status to simple:User:Blockinblox and simple:User:Archer7 (me).
- Language Code: simple
- Local Request Link: simple:Wikipedia:Administrators
- Local User Page: simple:User:Blockinblox, simple:User:Archer7
Thanks, Archer7 16:24, 19 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Volapük Wikipedia
I request bureaucrat access on for vo:User:Manie
- Language Code: vo
- Local Request Link: vo:Wikipedia:Administrators#Election_for_a_new_bureaucrat
- Local User Page: vo:User:Manie
The old bureaucrat has been inactive for one year vo:Special:Contributions/Flauto_Dolce. Manie is already sysop there and doing a great job translating the system messages, and keeping it clean, but as you can see in the RC's there are some Bots to flag and also there is a new vote for admin, so a bureaucrat is badly needed.
Many thanks in advance, best regards --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 11:41, 19 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Done --Paginazero - Ø 12:22, 19 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Thank You, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 16:49, 19 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Done --Paginazero - Ø 12:22, 19 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Other projects
Removal of access
To request the another user's de-adminship, please gain consensus on your own wiki first. All discussion must be kept on your local wiki. When it is finished and there exists community consensus that the user should be de-adminned, a trusted person from that wiki should just provide a link here to the discussion and a very brief explanation of the reason for de-adminship and results of discussion.
- Do not begin or continue de-adminship discussions here.
desysoping, debuerocrating at the Lithunian Wikpedia
I request removal of sysop and buerocrate access on lt.wikipedia for 1 user:
- Language Code: lt
- Local Request Link: lt:Wikipedia:Administratoriai
The following 1 user have not been reelected:
- lt:User:Tractor: last editing in 2005, see also Contributions/Tractor
20:02, November 18, 2005 (ist) (skirt) Naudotojas:Tractor (paskutinis)
Thank you. --Modern 14:41, 2 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Can you please link the page of a votation or the page of the local policy according to which sysop/buro rights are removed after a long inactivity? Thank you. --Paginazero - Ø 14:49, 2 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
desysoping at the Hebrew Wikpedia
Please remove sysop rights of he:user:John Doe according to hia request in his user page. Thanks, David Shay 20:27, 18 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
- Done --Paginazero - Ø 11:16, 19 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Farside on fi.wikipedia
I'm asking to de-admin fi:User:Farside from fi-wiki. Reason: two year inactivity. Read more about consensus fi:Wikipedia:Ylläpitäjät#Ylläpitäjyyden päättyminen and local request (both in finnish). --Agony 17:18, 19 November 2006 (UTC) (fi:User:Agony)[reply ]
Temporary permissions for emergency or technical purposes
Currently active temporary permissions may be found at /Approved temporary. Stewards, when granting, please copy the request to the appropriate place at /Approved temporary, and state clearly the date of removal. Do not archive granted requests until their expiration.
If you are requesting sysop status to make a translation of the wiki interface, see also the BetaWiki-project. That is a project for making a neutral MediaWiki translation that then will be default for all wikis. That is more useful than making only a local translation. You can ask questions in the IRC channel or in the mailing list of MediaWiki translation. See also MediaWiki localisation.
Enter new request here
Miscellaneous requests
French wikiquote
A vote on Requests for new languages supports to recreate french wikiquote. I've verified votes and users are FOR to reopen this wiki.
We want to apply the rules from these pages :
- Wikiquote FR/Droit de citation et protection des bases de données
- Wikiquote FR/Comment ajouter du contenu sur Wikiquote
--Bertrand GRONDIN 20:18, 5 November 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Username changes
See also
- Administrators of Wikimedia projects: statistics on Wikimedia projects administrators
- Requests for bot status
- requests for logos
- Archive of 2006
- Archive of 2005
- Archive of 2004 and 2005
- Vandalbot
- Log of steward actions