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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This is an archived version of this page, as edited by LeonWeber (talk | contribs) at 15:03, 26 August 2006. It may differ significantly from the current version .

WikiCharts is a tool written by de:User:LeonWeber for finding the most popular (most viewed) pages on a wiki. This is done using javascript (source code) for relaying the name of the viewed page to the toolserver. The script is only executed with a probability of 1/counter_factor, to avoid overloading the toolserver. The data gathered using the javascript code is collected into a log file, IP addresses are not recorded. An entry of the log looks something like this:

[25/Aug/2006:10:54:35 +0000] "GET /index.png?ns=User&title=Anneke%20Wolf&factor=601&wiki=dewiki HTTP/1.1"

On the toolserver (Zedler) I have an awk script which inserts the data from the log into a mysql database every hour.

The DB schema:

| stats_id | stats_ns | stats_title | stats_hits | stats_samples |
| 177616 | User | Anneke%20Wolf | 601 | 1 |

stats_hits is the number of occurences in the log multiplied by the factor, stats_samples is the number of occurences in the log.

The insert script:

$wikis = array(
 'dewiki' => '[1-9][0-9][0-9]',
 'enwiktionary' => '[1-9][0-9]',
 'enwikiversity' => '[1-9]'
foreach( $wikis as $wiki => $factor_regexp )
 $cmd = "/usr/local/bin/gawk 
 'BEGIN { print 
 \"prepare pageviews_$wiki from \\\"INSERT INTO u_leon.wikicharts_cur_$wiki 
 SET stats_ns = ?, stats_title = ?, stats_hits = ?, stats_samples = 1 
 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stats_hits=stats_hits+?, stats_samples=stats_samples+?;\\\";\\n\"
 {a[4ドル]++}END{for(i in a) { 
 x=i;sub(/^.*\/index.png\?ns=/,\"\", x); 
 b=x; sub(/^.*&title=/,\"\", b);
 y=x;sub(/^.*&factor=/,\"\", y);
 sub(/&wiki=.*/, \"\", y);
 sub(/&factor=.*/, \"\",b);
 sub(/\?.*/, \"\", x);
 gsub( \"/\\\"/\", \"%22\", x);
 gsub( \"\\\\\", \"%5C\", x);
 gsub( \"/\\\"/\", \"%22\", b);
 gsub( \"\\\\\", \"%5C\", b);
 print \"set @title = \\\"\"b\"\\\"; set @ns = \\\"\"x\"\\\";
 set @hits = \"a[i]*y\"; set @factor = \"y\"; set @samples = \"a[i]\";
 execute pageviews_$wiki using @ns, @title, @factor, @hits, @samples;\" 
 } }' /tmp/pgcount/access.log";
 $cmd .= " | /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql";
 echo shell_exec( $cmd );
 $cmd = "cat /tmp/pgcount/access.log>> /home/leon/access.log; echo ''> /tmp/pgcount/access.log; echo ''> /tmp/pgcount/error.log;";
 echo shell_exec( $cmd );

This works, it's fast and I understand it :)

The web page is created by a PHP-script, its source can be viewed here: [1].

I can enable this tool for any wiki that requests it. All you need is an admin on that wiki and about ten minutes on IRC for us to determine the right setup.

List of wikis which have WikiCharts

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