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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Msz2001 (talk | contribs) at 08:21, 8 March 2025 (Created page with "Tech/News/2025/11"). It may differ significantly from the current version .
Cotygodniowe wiadomości techniczne ułatwiają śledzenie ostatnich zmian oprogramowania, które mogą mieć znaczenie dla ciebie i innych wikimedian. Subskrybuj, dodaj coś od siebie i wyraź swoją opinię.
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Wiadomości techniczne: 2025-11
Najnowsze wiadomości ze środowiska technicznego Wikimedia. Poinformuj innych użytkowników o tych zmianach. Nie wszystkie zmiany będą dotyczyć ciebie lub twojej wiki. Dostępne są tłumaczenia na inne języki.
Komunikaty dla edytorów
- Editors who use password managers at multiple wikis may notice changes in the future. The way that our wikis provide information to password managers about reusing passwords across domains has recently been updated, so some password managers might now offer you login credentials that you saved for a different Wikimedia site. Some password managers already did this, and are now doing it for more Wikimedia domains. This is part of the SUL3 project which aims to improve how our unified login works, and to keep it compatible with ongoing changes to the web-browsers we use. [1] [2]
- The Wikipedia Apps Team is inviting interested users to help improve Wikipedia’s offline and limited internet use. After discussions in Afrika Baraza and the last ESEAP call, key challenges like search, editing, and offline access are being explored, with upcoming focus groups to dive deeper into these topics. All languages are welcome, and interpretation will be available. Want to share your thoughts? Join the discussion or email!
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on March 19. This is planned at 14:00 UTC. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks.
- Element cykliczny Zobacz wszystkie 27 kwestii, zgłoszonych przez społeczność, które naprawiono w ostatnim tygodniu.
Komunikaty dla edytorów technicznych
- Element cykliczny Detailed code updates later this week: MediaWiki
Inne wiadomości
- The latest quarterly Growth newsletter is available. It includes: the launch of the Community Updates module, the most recent changes in Community Configuration, and the upcoming test of in-article suggestions for first-time editors.
- An old API that was previously used in the Android Wikipedia app is being removed at the end of March. There are no current software uses, but users of the app with a version that is older than 6 months by the time of removal (2025年03月31日), will no longer have access to the Suggested Edits feature, until they update their app. You can read more details about this change.
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