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Ntuli Aka Wikimedia Foundation Nke Afọ 2021

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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Minorax (talk | contribs) at 10:37, 7 September 2024. It may differ significantly from the current version .
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The election ended 31 Ọgọọst 2021. No more votes will be accepted.
The results were announced on 7 Septemba 2021. Please consider submitting any feedback regarding the 2021 election on the elections' post analysis page.

2021 Board Elections
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The 2021 Board of Trustees election has been rescheduled to 18 – 31 August 2021 due to technical issues with SecurePoll. Read more.

A na-atụ anya na ntuli aka kọmịtịị nke nlekọta n'afọ 2021 ga-eme na abalị anọ na ọnwa ọgọstụ ruo abali iri na asaa na ọnwa ọgọstụ afọ 2021. Ndị otu Wikimedia nwere ohere ịhọrọ ndị mmadụ anọ ga-anọchite anya afọ atọ. A na-ezube oku maka ndị anamacho ga-eme na abalị itoolu na ọnwa Juunu afọ 2021. ụbọchị ejighi n'aka ma o nwere ike ịgbanwe.

Candidate Table

Please click on a candidate's name to learn more.


Voting was from 18 August 2021 to 31 August 2021. Voting information and instructions are on the Voting information page .

Note: If your vote is rejected, don't try logging in on votewiki. Instead, if the system rejects a valid vote, you should just restart the voting process. Since the voting form will be blank again, it is a good idea to write down your choices in a separate document or take a screenshot before submitting the form.

Learn more about the Board of Trustees in this short video:

Usoro iheomụme

  • 2021年04月15日 Mkpebi banyere ntuli aka na-abịanụ
  • 2021年04月29日 IKpọọ okụ ndi ọrụ ofụfo maka ntuli aka
  • 2021年06月09日 rụo 2021年06月29日 lkpọọ okụ maka ndi anamachọ
  • 2021年06月30日 rụo 2021年07月02日 Nkwupụta nke ndi anamachọ akwadoro
  • 2021年07月07日 rụo 2021年08月03日 Ndi anamachọ n'eme mkpọsa
  • 2021年08月04日 Mmeghe ntuli aka
  • 2021年08月17日 Mmechi ntuli aka
  • 2021年08月18日 rụo 2021年08月24日 Ọnụ ọgụgụ na nhazi votụ
  • 2021年08月25日 Nkwupụta nke nsonaazụ votụ
  • 2021 Septemba, kọmịtịị na-ahọpụta ndị anamachọ ahọpụtara
Board of Trustees election timeline

The Board election facilitators created a graphic of the timeline. This can be used to share information about the election. The graphic is available in more languages.

Campaign Activities

This is a list of campaign activities planned during the campaign period. Further activities are in the making, the list will be updated continuously. Community members are welcome to add additional activities to the list below. If you add activities, please link to the page where community members can find more information.

Mgbasa Ozi

Ndi Ntuli Aka tụgharịpụta na ntuli aka ndị gara aga bụ ihe dịka 10% n'ụwa niile.Ọ ka mma na ndị obodo nwere nkwado afọ ofufo n'ntuli aka. ụfọdụ n'ime obodo ndị ahụ ruru ihe karịrị 20% tụgharịpụtara n'votụ

Ndị Ọrụ Afọ Ofufo Na Ntuli Aka

I chọrọ inye aka welite ọnụọgụ ndị ntuli aka n'obodo gị? I kwesighi inwe ahụmịhe na ntuli aka. Ndị ọrụ afọ ofufo ga inye aka kwalite ntuli aka nke kọmịtịị na obodo ha. Ndị ọrụ afọ ofufo sitere na ọrụ ngo Wiki niile nnọọ nụ! Ebumnuche bụ ịnwe opekata mpe otu onye orụ afọ ofufo maka Ihe omume Wiki na iri atọ kachasị elu maka ndị ntuli aka ruru eru. Nyere aka wepụta Kọmitii nke nlekota dị iche iche na ịrụ ọrụ nke ọma site na ime ka obodo gị sonye na ntuli aka ahụ!

Mkparịta ụka

Enwere ọtụtụ mkparịta ụka na-eme gburugburu ụwa gbasara nhọrọ ndị kọmịtịị nke nlekota. Bịa sonye na mkparịta ụka ahụ!

Telegram kọmịtịị họrọ nkata
Ndị otu na-ahụ maka ịme ntuli aka nke kọmịtịị ga-ekekọrịta ọkwa
Ndị ọrụ afọ ofufo maka ntuli aka si South Asia
Tinye njikọ ebe a ka ndị ọzọ wee sonyere mkparịta ụka ahụ


Kọmitii Ntuli Aka
Otu nhazi
Quim Gil- Nchịkọta
Xeno: English communities and Meta-Wiki
Jackie Koerner- Nhazi maka asụsụ bekee ya na Meta-Wiki
Civvi: Italian communities
Oscar Costero- Nhazi maka mpaghara Latin Amerịka
Mahuton Possoupe- Nhazi maka asụsụ French
Zita Zage- Nhazi maka mpaghara sub-sahara afrịka
Denis Barthel- Nhazi maka asụsụ German na ndị mmekọ ugwu na odida anyanwu europe
Ravan Al-Taie- Nhazi maka Etiti ọwụwa anyanwụ na mpaghara ugwu Afrịka
Krishna C. Velaga- Nhazi maka mpaghara South Asia
Mohammed Bachounda- Nhazi nkwado maka asụsụ French na mpaghara MENA
Mehman Ibragimov- Nhazi Etiti na mpaghara Ọwụwa Anyanwụ Europe
Sam Oyeyele: Yoruban communities and West Africa region
Vanj Padilla- Nhazi maka mpaghara Ọwụwa Anyanwụ, South-East Asia na mpaghara Pacific
Youngjin Ko: Korean communities and East Asia region
Ramzy Muliawan: Indonesian communities and Southeast Asia and the Pacific region


E mere nhọpụta ndị kọmịtịị nke nlekọta ntuli aka n'afọ 2020 iji họpụta oche atọ nke ndị nlekọta. N’eprel afọ 2020, ndị otu kọmịtịị ahụ kwupụtara na ana-eyigharị usoro ịtụ votụ.Ndị kọmịtịị nke nlekọta kwupụtara na Eprel afọ 2021 atụmatụ maka ntuli aka nke afọ 2021.Ndị Kọmịtịị na-achọ ịbawanye iche n'isonye na ntuli aka nke kọmịtịị.

Ndị otu kọmịtịị agbatịala oche ha rụo iri na isii iji kpuchie ọrụ na-abawanye na ngalaba nka chọrọ iji duzie Wikimedia Foundation.

  • ohere atọ maka obodo ọhụrụ - na Mgbakwunye-ahọrọ oche
  • ohere atọ maka kọmịtịị ọhụrụ-ahọrọ oche

aga ahụpụta oche anọ maka n'họrọ n'afọ 2021,oche atọ kwesiri mmeghari na nke anọ site nkwado mmeba kọmịtịị.ndi obodo ọhụrụ abụọ na agbakwụnye oche akwadoro nke aga ahoro n'oge 2022,yana oche abụọ agbakwunyere ga-abụ (anọ na mkpokọta).

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