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User:Rich Farmbrough/refs

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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Rich Farmbrough (talk | contribs) at 12:16, 16 January 2024 (Febold Feboldson ). It may differ significantly from the current version .

Dennis the Menace

9781472850249 page 93, Tornado F3 ZE962 Deere after w:Alan Deere also add to accidents list, spin due to incorrectly fitted unit. (Cite mug.)

Bremer Linksradikale

w:Bremen Left:Radicals de:Bremer Linksradikale

Pulsed electric field processing

Redirect target, section or detail.


Cue to Comfort

J. G Millar and co. Also newspaper stands? 1917 [1] see also cigarette card. Seems to be a "psychologic" phrase. Widely distributed to hospitals.

Does not mention the early (Anglo-Saxon/Roman?) carving in the west wall of the tower. Perhaps a visit is in order.

Speed bumps

[500 deaths] https://www.london.gov.uk/about-us/londonassembly/meetings/Data/Transport%20Committee/20031211/Agenda/5%20Appendix%20A%20PDF.pdf


Manchester Mummy


Archibald Crabbe


Inverted asterism

Peruzzi's Nativity

+ many more

Canada assisted dying

Elizabeth Henrietta Torlesse


Best selling books

https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2012/aug/09/best-selling-books-all-time-fifty-shades-grey-compare based on Nielsen data.

William Yate

More info in DNZB. Also do not confuse William Yates (missionary)

Operation Raptor/GRAP

https://defendourprotectors.com/media - contains many links

Unreliable source?



Scifi of the 90s


Early texts


Butt of Malmsey

"Early" references, also to other such deaths, possibly allegorical.

  • The Histoire of Great Britaine Vnder the Conquests of the .. John Speed · 1623

And Ienkin went to sée his sonne,
Woe worth the time that he begunne,
He was drowned in a malmzey tunne,
alacke and well away:

Paternoster Row

  • Title: The English house-vvife Containing the inward and outward vertues which ought to be in a compleate woman. As her skill in physicke, surgery, cookery, extraction of oyles, banqueting-stuffe, ordering of great feasts, preseruing of all sorts of wines, conceited secrets, distillations, perfumes, ordering of wooll, hempe, flax, making cloth, and dying, the knowledge of dayries, office of malting, of oates, their excellent vses in a family, of brewing, baking, and all other things belonging to an houshold. A worke generally approued, and now the fourth time much augmented, purged and made most profitable and necessary for all men, and the generall good of this kingdome. By G.M.

Author: Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. Publication info: London : Printed by Nicholas Okes for Iohn Harison, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the golden Vnicorne in Pater-noster-row, 1631.

St Faith under St Pauls/Paternoster Square/Queen's Head Alley

Paternoster Buildings


Big Five (publishers)



Shallow Brown

  • Roud 2621
  • [8] Extensive coverage of recordings, and some collections(Grainger, Sharp), but earlier or co-equal collections exist as Challo Brown. (Poss Songs of Sea Labour: Chanties Frank Thomas Bullen, 1901)
  • Ships, Sea Songs and Shanties 1913 (And earlier?)

Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem

Needs an article, or at least a redirect.

Judge and jury club

London phenomenon, 18th C?

Savoy Rents [without Temple Bar] & Savoy Hospital & Scoloker &...

another transcript, more usable, less academic, Bridge ward only index to whole, of which previous is a part.
    • "In the year 1552, the Citizens of London, having the void suppressed Hospital of St. Thomas in Southwark, in the Month of Iuly, began the reparations thereof, for poor, impotent, lame, and diseased people, so that in the Month of November next following, the sick and poor people were taken in,; And in the year 1553, on the tenth of April, King Edward the sixth in the seventh of his Reign, gave to the Mayor, Communalty and Citizens of London, to be a Work-House

for the poor, and idle persons of the City, his House of Bridewell, and seven hundred Marks Lands of the Savoy Rents, which Hospital he had suppressed, with all the Beds, bedding, and other furniture belonging to the same, towards the maintenance of the said Work-house of Bridewell, and of this Hospital of Saint Thomas in Southwark. This gift, the King confirmed by his Charter. The Church of this Hospital, which of old time served for the Tenements neer adjoyning and pertaining to the said Hospital, remaineth as a Parish Church."

compromised professionally on the accession of Mary, for he had no connection with the court or church of Edward, and possessed no patents. But Scoloker was clearly a committed protestant and had probably spent the last years of Henry's reign on the continent. He used the knowledge of German which ha had acquired in these years to translate protestant tracts for the London printers in Edward's reign, and his own press was dedicated exclusively to the cause of reform. By 1548 his sympathies appear to have been with the Swiss rather than the German protestants, for he referred to his premises in the Savoy rents as'Geneva in Savoy'in the false Imprint to Roderyck Mors' Complaint. [footnote: 1553. Seres moved to the sign of the Hedge Hog in St.Paul's churchyard. The Hedge Hog was the emblem of the Sidney family.] Also ref. John Turke Sign of the Rose, Paternoster Row -> Cock St Pl. Chyd c. 1540s Refs E. G. Duff A Century of the English Book Trade, 1457-1557 - also mentions Stationers' Company's Register, should try to find.

the 3 White Lyons [Record office] later mentions Wastel bread.

Caxton and Hysse Booke

Suffolk House/Suffolk Place

Lollards Tower/Lollards Prison/Bishop's Tower

Rood of Dovercourt

Sawyer X

  • People feel entitled to treat you however they want.
    • If that bothers you it's your fault.
    • If you don't like it you should be shamed for it.#
    • And you will have to deal with it mostly alone.

Dylan Beattie on guilt

  • s.t., s.w., s.o. (also such that, math. w:St)
  • nwww, stYesY, wwtbp, QED any more?


Digitized works

Baroness Orczy, By The Gods Beloved/The Gates of Kamt

Python async frameworks


Rich Farmbrough 15:36 3 August 2023 (GMT). 15:36, 3 August 2023 (UTC)



Tom Costello


Logitech trackman

http://www.catb.org/esr/trackman-conversion/ Rich Farmbrough 22:16 19 August 2023 (GMT).

Smithsonian notebooks

Harold Augustus Fortington

https://www.newspapers.com/clip/99229378/wife-loyal-to-mate-though-hes-a-she/ Rich Farmbrough 14:41 21 August 2023 (GMT).

Oprah's road


Author names, caps in title, maybe a doi and accessdate?

  1. Quattrochi, Umberto (1999). CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names I. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press. pp. 17–18. 

Nares Strait

These will need citations.

  • Blocked by iceberg from Peterson Glacier.
  • Shared island.

Oliver's Army

"... a benefit for the miners involved in a long and bitter industrial dispute with the conservative government." Logan Hall 9 March. Thomson p 219

cape fox


Wopke Hoekstra

de cv, yrs Shell.


Nelson Slade Bond

  • 0573605386 Animal Farm, A Fable in Two Acts, pub Samuel French, 1964




Humphrey Littlewit, Ward Phillips, Richard Raleigh, Edgar Softly, Augustus T. Swift, Lewis Theobald, Jr., Albert Frederick Willie Joseph Payne Brennan (1951). H. P. LOVECRAFT: A BIBLIOGRAPHY. Washington DC: BIBLIO PRESS. 

Lunar resources

John Murray

"For example, due to widespread no criming, over one third of reports of violent crimes are not recorded by police." Source does not support part in italics. Also this is a 2014 report, and should be updated.

Algerian Civil War

Islamists targeted journalists, over 70 of whom were killed, and foreigners, over 100 of whom were killed,[14] although it is thought by many that security forces as well as Islamists were involved, as the government had infiltrated the insurgents.[15]

[14] Paywall

[15] [10] Les journalistes ont payé chèrement le prix de leur quête de liberté. Soixante d’entre eux ont été tués en Algérie depuis 1993. Les groupes islamistes armés ont directement ou indirectement revendiqué la plupart des ces assassinats. Le dernier remonte à l’été 1996, ce qui semble traduire un changement de stratégie des groupes islamistes armés.

Abu Sittah

[11] [12] [13]

Butuan Silver Paleograph

I created an article at Butuan Silver Strip. This was probably deleted (maybe moved) - see my todo list. Should be a redir and/or refund.



Odd grammar and inverted meanings

Garret Morgan

Not how they work, see patent.

John Ezzido



Tony Kinchcliffe

60 mins [15]

Fungal beazor



Matrix of discrimination

Frederick W. Crumb

State University of New York at Potsdam

Extinction rebellion


Subsection marking.

Drone art


John Barber (Lord Mayor of London)


Dismal sauger/Sauger

Febold Feboldson

Tall tales from the Great Plains, 1948 (See also They Were Brave And Bold Bullets meeting in mid-air, deliberate. DIsmal saugers, supra Rich Farmbrough . 19:48 3 December 2023 (GMT). 19:48, 3 December 2023 (UTC)

Appalachian Bestiary

Elachista megerella

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elachista#Former_species needs a boilerplate, explaining what "former species" means. Each entry needs expanding.

Note that "lotmoths.com" is now cybersquatted.

Tim Hepple (Matthews?)



The Speech of Miss Polly Baker

    Egbert van Heemskerck

    Multitree (languages)


    Joan Richards MBE

    Note this is the Lifetime award, the most exclusive of the

    US Capitol invasion

    Great Pipes of Baleshare

    No refs to record but they are out there.

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