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Stewards/elections 2009/statements/PhiLiP

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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Höyhens (talk | contribs) at 03:05, 14 February 2009 ({{sr-heading 2009|yes}} ). It may differ significantly from the current version .

PhiLiP (Philip Tzou)

translate: translation help, statement, template, headings

  • Languages: zh, en-2
  • Personal info: Hello, my name is Philip Tzou. I am a college student from Sichuan, China. I have been working at Chinese Wikipedia since December 2005. In October 2007, I was elected as an administrator in the Chinese Wikipedia by the community. My activities as a sysop focus on:
      1. Anti-vandalism and anti-spam;
      2. Maintenance of fully protected templates, e.g., Main page, copyvio-template, etc.;
      3. Maintenance of conversion tables for traditional and simplified Chinese characters (Conversiontable/zh-hans, etc.)
    If I am elected a steward, I can fight cross-wiki vandalisms better, and I can help with the Checkuser work at other wikis (I will recuse myself for Chinese Wikipedia). I would feel highly honored to have your trust to become a steward. Thank you!
  • Sprachen: zh, en-2
  • Informationen zur Person: Hallo, mein Name ist Philip Tzou. Ich bin ein Student aus Sichuan in China. Ich arbeite seit Dezember 2005 bei der chinesischen Wikipedia mit. Im Oktober 2007 wurde ich von der Gemeinschaft in der chinesischen Wikipedia zum Administrator gewählt. Meine Aktivitäten als Administrator konzentrieren sich auf:
      1. Vandalismus- und Spambekämpfung;
      2. Wartung von vollgeschützten Vorlagen, z.B. Hauptseite, URV-Vorlage etc.;
      3. Wartung von Konvertierungsvorlagen für traditionelle und vereinfachte chinesische Schriftzeichen (Conversiontable/zh-hans etc.)
    • Außerdem habe ich Bot-Rechte auf manchen Wikis und habe Bugs in MediaWikis Sprachumwandler behoben. Hier sind meine erweiterten Rechte in unterschiedlichen Wikimedia-Projekten:
    Wenn ich zum Steward gewählt werde, kann ich besser gegen projektübergreifenden Vandalismus vorgehen und ich kann mit Checkuser auf anderen Wikis (Ich lehne mich für die chinesische Wikipedia ab) helfen. Ich würde mich sehr geehrt fühlen, wenn mir das Vertrauen ausgesprochen wird, ein Steward zu werden. Danke!
  • Langues: zh, en-2
  • Renseignements personnels: Bonjour, mon nom est Philip Tzou. Je suis étudiant au Sichuan en Chine. Je travaille sur la Wikipédia en chinois depuis décembre 2005. En octobre j'ai été élu administrateur par la communauté de cette Wikipédia. Mes activités en tant qu'administrateur se concentrent autour de :
      1. l'anti-vandalisme et l'anti-spam ;
      2. la maintenance des modèles protégés par exemple la page d'Accueil les modèles de copyvio etc. ;
      3. la maintenance des tables de conversion entre les caractères chinois traditionnels et simplifiés ([[:zh:MediaWiki:Conversiontable/

    zh-hans|Conversiontable/zh-hans]], etc.)

    • En outre j'ai des droits de bot sur plusieurs wikis et j'ai corrigé des bugs du MediaWiki's LanguageConverter. Voici les droits qui me sont accordés sur différents projets Wikimedia :
    Si je suis élu en tant que steward, je pourrai mieux combattre le vandalisme cross-wiki et je pourrai aider au travail de vérificateur d'adresses IP sur d'autres wikis. (Je m'interdirai la Wikipédia en chinois.) Je serais très honoré d'obtenir votre confiance pour devenir steward. Merci !
  • Lingue: zh, en-2
  • Informazioni personali: Salve, mi chiamo Philip Tzou. Sono uno studente universitario di Sichuan, in Cina. Collaboro sulla Wikipedia in lingua cinese da dicembre 2005. In ottobre 2007, Sono stato eletto amministratore dalla comunità della stessa wiki. Le mie azioni da amministratore riguardano principalmente:
      1. Anti-vandalismo e anti-spam;
      2. Manutenzione dei template completamente protetti, p. es., Pagina principale, copyvio, etc.;
      3. Manutenzione delle tabelle di conversione tra i caratteri cinesi tradizionali e semplificato (Conversiontable/zh-hans, etc.)
    • Inoltre, sono l'operatore di un bot attivo su diverse wiki e ho risolto alcuni bug del LanguageConverter di MediaWiki. Di seguito alcuni dei diritti che mi sono stati accordati su varie versioni dei progetti Wikimedia:
    Se sarò eletto come steward, potrò più agevolmente lottare contro il vandalismo cross-wiki, potrò inoltre dare una mano con i compiti di Checkuser per le altre wiki (eccetto ovviamente per la Wikipedia in lingua cinese). Sarei grandemente onorato di ricevere la vostra fiducia per diventare uno steward. Grazie!
  • 言語: zh, en-2
  • 候補者の情報: こんにちは、 Philip Tzou と申します。中国・四川の大学生です。2005年12月から中国語版ウィキペディアで活動しています。2007年10月には、中国語版ウィキペディアの管理者としてコミュニティから選出されました。私の管理者としての活動は次に挙げる項目に焦点を合わせています。
      1. 反荒らし、反スパム
      2. メインページやcopyvioテンプレートなど、全保護されたテンプレートのメンテナンス
      3. 繁体字・簡体字中国語の変換表のメンテナンス(Conversiontable/zh-hansなど)
    • そのほかに、いくつかのウィキでボット権限を持っており、MediaWikiの言語変換機能のバグを直しています。各種ウィキメディアプロジェクトにおいて信任され保持している権限は以下の通りです。
  • Języki: zh, en-2
  • Informacje osobiste: Cześć, nazywam się Philip Tzou. Jestem studentem z Syczuanu w Chinach. Pracuję na chińskiej Wikipedii od grudnia 2005. W październiku 2007 zostałem wybrany przez społeczność administratorem. Moje działania jako sysopa koncentrują się na:
      • Zwalczaniu wandalizmów i spamu
      • Opiece nad zabezpieczonymi szablonami np. Strona główną, NPA itp.
      • Opiece na tablicami konwersji znaków języka chińskiego: (Conversiontable/zh-hans, itp..)
    Jeśli zostane wybrany będę mógł lepiej zwalczać spam międzyprojektowy i wspomóc Checkuserów na innych wiki (powstrzymam sie od tego na chińskiej Wikipedii). Będę bardzo zaszczycony mając wasze wsparcie w zostaniu stewardem. Dziękuję :).
  • Línguas: zh, en-2
  • Informações pessoais: Olá, meu nome é Felipe Tzou. Eu sou um estudante universitário de Sichuan, na China. Estou trabalhando na Wikipédia em chinês desde dezembro de 2005. Em outubro de 2007, fui eleito administrador da Wikipédia chinesa pela comunidade. Minhas atividades como sysop concentram-se em:
    • # Anti-vandalismo e anti-spam;
    • # Manutenção de modelos totalmente protegidos, por exemplo, página principal, copyvio-modelo, etc;
    • # Manutenção de tabelas de conversão para os caracteres chineses tradicionais e simplificados (Conversiontable/zh-hans, etc)
    Se for eleito como steward, poderei combater os vandalismos cross-wiki melhor, e poderei ajudar no trabalho de verificador em outras wikis (eu recusarei-me na Wikipédia em chinês). Gostaria de sentir-me muito honrado em ter a sua confiança para me tornar um steward. Obrigado!
  • Языки: zh, en-2
  • Личная информация: Привет, меня зовут Филип Чжоу. Я студент колледжа из Сычуаня, Китай. Я работаю в Китайской Википедии с декабря 2005 года. В октябре 2007 года сообществом Китайской Википедии мне был присвоен статус администратора. Моя активность в качестве администратора сосредоточена на:
      1. Анти-вандализме и анти-спаме;
      2. Работа с защищёнными шаблонами, такими как Заглавная страница, шаблоны копивио и так далее;
      3. Работа с таблицами конвертирования символов для традиционного и упрощённого китайского языка(Conversiontable/zh-hans), и так далее.
    • Кроме этого, у меня есть аккаунт со статусом бота в некоторых википедиях и я занимался исправлением ошибок в конвертере языков MediaWiki. Здесь перечислены мои привилегии в различных проектах Викимедиа:
    Если меня выберут стюардом, я смогу эффективнее бороться с кросс-вики вандализмом, и я смогу помогать чекъюзерам работать в других разделах (I will recuse myself for Chinese Wikipedia). Для меня бы стало большой наградой и честью получить ваше доверие и стать стюардом. Спасибо!
  • 可说语言: zh, en-2
  • 个人资料: 您可以叫我Philip Tzou,当然您也可以用我的昵称"菲菇"称呼我。我是中国四川的一名大学生。我于2005年12月加入中文维基百科。2007年10月,我获得了中文维基百科的管理员权限。我的管理员权限主要用于:
      1. 反破坏与反垃圾链接;
      2. 受保护模板的维护;
      3. 繁简中文转换表的维护(Conversiontable/zh-hans等)。
    • 除此之外,我还在多个维基中拥有机器人帐号。我还修复过MediaWiki系统中字词转换程序的少量bug。以下是我在各维基中所拥有的特殊权限:
    • 如果我有幸被允许使用监管员权限,我将能更方便地阻止跨维基的破坏,并在回避的前提下协助除中文维基百科外的用户核查。在此,我申请监管员权限,我希望能得到你们的信任。谢谢!
  • 可说语言: zh, en-2
  • 个人资料: 您可以叫我Philip Tzou,当然您也可以用我的昵称"菲菇"称呼我。我是中国四川的一名大学生。我于2005年12月加入中文维基百科。2007年10月,我获得了中文维基百科的管理员权限。我的管理员权限主要用于:
      1. 反破坏与反垃圾链接;
      2. 受保护模板的维护;
      3. 繁简中文转换表的维护(Conversiontable/zh-hans等)。
    • 除此之外,我还在多个维基中拥有机器人帐号。我还修复过MediaWiki系统中字词转换程序的少量bug。以下是我在各维基中所拥有的特殊权限:
    • 如果我有幸被允许使用监管员权限,我将能更方便地阻止跨维基的破坏,并在回避的前提下协助除中文维基百科外的用户核查。在此,我申请监管员权限,我希望能得到你们的信任。谢谢!
  • 可說語言: zh, en-2
  • 個人資料: 您可以叫我Philip Tzou,當然您也可以用我的昵稱「菲菇」稱呼我。我是中國四川的一名大學生。我於2005年12月加入中文維基百科。2007年10月,我獲得了中文維基百科的管理員權限。我的管理員權限主要用於:
      1. 反破壞與反垃圾連結;
      2. 受保護模板的維護;
      3. 繁簡中文轉換表的維護(Conversiontable/zh-hans等)。
    • 除此之外,我還在多個維基中擁有機器人帳號。我還修復過MediaWiki系統中字詞轉換程式的少量bug。以下是我在各維基中所擁有的特殊權限:
    • 如果我有幸被允許使用監管員權限,我將能更方便地阻止跨維基的破壞,並在回避的前提下協助除中文維基百科外的用戶核查。在此,我申請監管員權限,我希望能得到你們的信任。謝謝!


  1. Puntori 00:27, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  2. --Ivan Štambuk 00:39, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  3. --百楽兎 00:41, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  4. yes. Micha L. Rieser 00:45, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  5. -- OK. Marcus Cyron 01:30, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  6. --FollowTheMedia 01:34, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  7. --Wcam 01:36, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  8. --Jimmy xu wrk 01:55, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  9. --Shizhao 02:06, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  10. --长夜无风 03:16, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  11. bibliomaniac 1 5 03:21, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  12. Support Support『Skjackey tse』 03:42, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
  13. --Fadesga 03:43, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  14. --Revolus Echo der Stille 04:13, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  15. Again, I would like to see active stewards who know Chinese. --Millosh 04:25, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  16. --Advisory 04:33, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  17. Support Support 중국어, 일본어, 한국어 화자가 사무장에게 긴급하게 요청해야 할 일이 있을 때 도움이 될 것이라고 생각합니다.--Kwj2772 05:39, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  18. --Sir James 06:44, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  19. Avjoska 06:48, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  20. --Kegns 08:32, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  21. Sebleouf 08:47, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  22. She is a good user.--Wmrwiki 09:01, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  23. PhiLiP is a very productive user and admin on a wide range of areas. He is a hard working admin, write quite a lot articles and and talented programmer who also works on MediaWiki. I have full trust of him.--Wing 09:57, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  24. Efbé Je suis un WikiLover 11:03, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  25. Support Support--Cuaxdon Je suis un WikiLover 12:56, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  26. Kevinhksouth 12:57, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    (削除) 14:43, 1 February 2009 (UTC) (削除ここまで)[reply ]
    stroke not logged in vote, --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 14:48, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    (削除) You will be a good monitor, I'm sure about it Hdfdisk 14:45, 1 February 2009 (UTC) (削除ここまで) Not eligible to vote. Tomasz W. Kozłowski 17:10, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  27. Gzdavidwong 15:13, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  28. Ja. — Albert Krantz ¿? 16:24, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  29. Support Support--Ahonc 20:22, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  30. --Flamelai 02:25, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  31. Yes.--Bencmq 09:57, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  32. Support ' --Ofol 11:50, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  33. Szalakóta 15:09, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  34. --J.W ong 17:41, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    (削除) Ja --Ribald 17:57, 2 February 2009 (UTC) (削除ここまで) Not eligible to vote, follow all instructions at Stewards/elections_2009/Guidelines#Voters please. --Nick1915 - all you want 09:32, 4 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  35. --Ralf Roletschek 20:23, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  36. --Rave 22:04, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  37. I'm Mailer Diablo and I approve this candidate! - 04:05, 3 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    (削除) --I support you!Liuyujiaocn 08:57, 3 February 2009 (UTC) (削除ここまで) Not eligible to vote, follow all instructions at Stewards/elections_2009/Guidelines#Voters please. --Nick1915 - all you want 09:07, 4 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    (削除) —Forward.藏骨集团 07:37, 4 February 2009 (UTC) (削除ここまで) Not eligible to vote, follow all instructions at Stewards/elections_2009/Guidelines#Voters please. --Nick1915 - all you want 09:04, 4 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  38. Support - Amgine/meta wikt wnews blog wmf-blog goog news 21:45, 4 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  39. --Ffaarr 11:59, 5 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  40. Support --Zeljko 16:09, 5 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  41. John Vandenberg 16:50, 5 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  42. Support Support OhanaUnited Talk page 16:03, 6 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  43. As with putnik, I'd prefer to see more cross-wiki experience, however I've had good (indirect) interactions with this user, and brings needed language skills to the table.  — Mike.lifeguard  | @en.wb 04:36, 7 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  44. Strong Support -down load | sign! 05:45, 7 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  45. Support Support --Albamhandae 07:30, 7 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  46. (+) Hillgentleman 10:07, 7 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  47. Support Support --Anthony Ivanoff 17:41, 7 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  48. Support Support PhiLiP is very helpful to other wikipedians. His contribution, a system which can transform traditional chinese to or from simplified chinese, is really a great work. Also, living under an authoritarian government is not his fault, and this fact itself does not imply anything wrong with him. In fact, his style is just the opposite of that government. --Quest for Truth 00:50, 8 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    Thanks for your support. But I'm a male, thank you. --PhiLiP 10:13, 9 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    Sorry, I thought you were a female because your nickname contains "菇" which I always wrongly took as "姑"--Quest for Truth 16:21, 12 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  49. Support Support --Liangent 10:28, 9 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  50. Support Support--Smartneddy|Talk 07:00, 10 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  51. Support Support--An Macanese 17:29, 10 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  52. Support Support--Cp111 17:30, 10 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  53. Nbarth 02:03, 11 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  54. Looks like a great candidate, and opposers' arguments are unconvincing at best Storkk 03:54, 11 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  55. -- lucasbfr talk 09:45, 11 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  56. Support Support--Wikikids 03:31, 12 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  57. Support Support--章·安德魯 11:13, 12 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  58. roc (talk) 17:05, 12 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  59. give u a chance, I hope you succeed--JALK 10:27, 13 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  60. Support Support--Thesupermat 10:37, 13 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  61. Support Support --Höyhens 03:05, 14 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]


  1. Aitias // discussion 00:03, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  2. Not experienced enough in the right areas, IMO. NuclearWarfare 00:38, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  3. Oppose Oppose neuro (talk) 01:33, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  4. Lack of a real userpage on meta. Setting that sort of thing up would have been more indicative of a global affiliation, IMO. It may seem a silly rational, but I think it is the best test of global activity. Prodego talk 05:03, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  5. too many copyright and source issues on Commons[1] over an extend period of time, Gnangarra 08:40, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    Most of those files were transfered from other wikis (like English Wikipedia). And some of them were just name-change issues. --PhiLiP 10:04, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    (削除) Not experienced enough in the right areas, IMHO. Debresser 08:53, 1 February 2009 (UTC) (削除ここまで) Not eligible to vote, follow all instructions at Stewards/elections_2009/Guidelines#Voters please. OhanaUnited Talk page 16:14, 6 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  6. Oppose Oppose Vyk 11:39, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  7. sorry, you need more experience ... axpde Hello! 13:06, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  8. --MF-W 14:49, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  9. NonvocalScream 21:04, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  10. You don't need stewardship to contrast crosswiki vandalism and to translate. --Nemo 21:52, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  11. --Uwe Gille 13:16, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  12. per Commons stuff. Giggy 14:40, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  13. More experienced preferred. Majorly talk 14:43, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  14. Oppose Oppose Same reason as for Mardetanha: users living under authoritarian governments should not get access to checkuser rights. Habbit 19:13, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    That sounds more like a political statement to me. This is as bad as "I oppose you because you live in (fill in a country name)" OhanaUnited Talk page 15:59, 6 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    No, that is "I oppose you becuase you live in (fill in a country name)"  — Mike.lifeguard  | @en.wb 04:31, 7 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    You can't just overthrow a government with one person's power, plus it doesn't happen overnight. Asking the candidate to move and live in another country just to run for steward is a bit far-fletched. OhanaUnited Talk page 05:31, 7 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  15. No. per Habbit. Alefbe 20:02, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  16. Contra. QuartierLatin1968 21:01, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  17. --Davecrosby uk 00:49, 3 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  18. per Majorly. Alex Pereira falaê 12:47, 3 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  19. The experience is not in the right area and the responses to user questions are slow to none. Also agree with User:Habbit. --WikiCantona 12:51, 3 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  20. Agreed with all, especially Majorly. Razorflame 20:35, 3 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  21. Sorry, you don't really seem very experienced. Regards, --ChrisiPK (Talk|Contribs) 22:03, 3 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  22. Oppose Oppose No. Tesi1700 18:34, 4 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  23. No. Per NuclearWarfare and Majorly. -- (cypsy) 10:18, 5 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  24. Cross wiki experience? ...Aurora... 12:25, 5 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  25. Oppose Oppose Lack of cross-wiki experience is somewhat concerning fr33k man t - c 00:50, 8 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  26. Not enough experience. Malinaccier (talk) 00:12, 9 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  27. --Rax 21:34, 10 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]


  1. Neutral Neutral--JN 04:05, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
  2. Obelix 15:29, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  3. -- Abstain. Nahum 16:08, 1 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  4. Per Prodego. --FiliP ×ばつ 12:37, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  5. Neutral Neutral — MrDolomite • Talk 15:26, 2 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    Neutral Neutral--陈少举 02:49, 3 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
    Sorry, you are not eligible to vote because you do not meet the criteria. Your zhwiki account does not have 50 edits between 01 August 2008 and 31 January 2009 (has 11). ST47 03:03, 3 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  6. Poco a poco 12:12, 8 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]
  7. --Mayer Bruno 21:06, 13 February 2009 (UTC) [reply ]

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