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Wikimania 2010/Bids/Copenhagen

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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Agony (talk | contribs) at 15:09, 30 September 2008 (Supporters: fi:User:Agony). It may differ significantly from the current version .

Wikimania 2010 candidate cities:
(削除) Amsterdam (削除ここまで) - Gdańsk - (削除) Oxford (削除ここまで)

English: Stockholm (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish: Stockholm, Icelandic: Stokkhólmur, Finnish: Tukholma) is the largest city and capital of Sweden. It is the site of the national Swedish government, the parliament, and the official residence of the Swedish monarch. Stockholm has been the political and economic centre of Sweden since the 13th century. Today Stockholm Municipality is the largest of the municipalities of Sweden, with a population of 795,163 (December 2007), and Stockholm urban area with a population of 1,252,020 (2005) is Sweden's largest continuously built-up area.

Over the past few years, host cities have been proposed for locations all over the world. However, none of the Nordic countries have ever put forth any sort of bid of their own. For 2010, people from all of the Nordic Wiki-communities are interested in putting forth "a bid for the Nordic countries," to be held in Stockholm.

Svenska: Stockholm (danska, norska: Stockholm, isländska: Stokkhólmur, finska: Tukholma) är Sveriges största stad och tillika huvudstad. Sveriges regering och riksdag är baserad i staden, och den har varit landets politiska och ekonomiska centrum sedan 1200-talet. Det är Sveriges största kommun med en befolkning på 795 163 (december 2007), och den största tätorten med 1 252 020 människor (2005).

Under de senaste åren har värdstäder föreslagits från hela världen men inte från någon nordisk stad. Till 2010 är människor från de nordiska wikigemenskaperna intresserade av att lägga fram "ett bud från de nordiska länderna", med Stockholm som värdstad.

Norsk: Stockholm (dansk, svensk: Stockholm, islandsk: Stokkhólmur, finsk: Tukholma) er Sveriges største by og hovedstad. Byen er sete for den svenske regjeringen, parlamentet, samt kongen. Siden 1200-tallet har Stockholm vært Sveriges politiske og økonomiske sentrum. Stockholm kommune er i dag landets mest folkerike, med 795.163 innbyggere (desember 2007), og stor-Stockholm har et innbyggertall på 1.252.020 (2005), som gjør det til Sveriges største sammenhengende byområde.

I løpet av de siste årene har byer over hele verden vært foreslått som vertsbyer. Likevel har aldri en nordisk by tilbudt seg å være vertsby. Til arrangementet i 2010 er medlemmer av alle de nordiske wikisamfunnene interesserte i å presentere en "nordisk" nominasjon, med Stockholm som vertsby.

Norsk nynorsk: Stockholm (dansk, svensk: Stockholm, islandsk: Stokkhólmur, finsk: Tukholma) er Sveriges største by og hovudstad. Byen er sete for den svenske regjering, parlamentet, og kongen. Sidan 1200-talet har Stockholm vore Sveriges politiske og økonomiske sentrum. Stockholm kommune er i dag den mest folkerike i landet, med 795.163 innbyggjarar (desember 2007), og stor-Stockholm har eit innbyggjartal på 1 252 020 (2005), som gjer det til Sveriges største samanhengjende byområde.

I løpet av dei siste åra har byar over heile verda vore føreslege som vertsbyar. Likevel har aldri ein nordisk by tilbode seg å vere vertsby. Til arrangementet i 2010 er medlemer av alle dei nordiske wikisamfunna interesserte i å presentere ein "nordisk" nominasjon, med Stockholm som vertsby.

Dansk: Stockholm (svensk, norsk: Stockholm, islandsk, færøsk: Stokkhólmur, finsk: Tukholma) er den største by og hovedstad i Sverige. Byen er sæde for Sveriges regering og rigsdag og er kongens officielle residens. Siden det 13. århundrede har Stockholm været Sveriges politiske og økonomiske centrum. I dag er Stockholms kommune den største i Sverige, med et indbyggertal på 795.163 (pr. december 2007), og Storstockholm, med et indbyggertal på 1.252.020 (2005), er Sveriges største sammenhængende bebyggede område.

I løbet af de seneste år har der været foreslået værtsbyer i hele verden. Dog har ingen af de nordiske lande endnu tilbudt sig som vært. Til arrangementet i 2010 er personer fra alle de nordiske wikifællesskaber interesserede i et "bud fra de nordiske lande" med Stockholm som værtsby.

Suomi: Tukholma (Englanti, Tanska, Norja, Ruotsi: Stockholm, Islanti: Stokkhólmur) on Ruotsin pääkaupunki ja suurin kaupungeista. Tukholma on Ruotsin kuningashuoneen pään virallinen asuinkaupunki ja siellä sijaitsevat Ruotsin hallitus ja parlamentti. Tukholma on toiminut Ruotsin taloudellisena sekä poliittisena keskuksena aina 1200-luvulta asti. Nykyään Tukholman väkiluku on 795 163 (joulukuussa 2007) ihmistä, mikä tekee siitä väkirikkaimman kunnan Ruotsissa. Suurkaupunkialueella asuu 1 252 020 (vuonna 2005) ihmistä, joka myös tekee siitä Ruotsin suurimman kaupunkialueen.

Kaupungit ympäri maailmaa ovat hakeneet isännyyttä Wikimanialle viime vuosina. Pohjoismaista ei kuitenkaan yksikään ole yrittänyt hakea tapahtuman isännyyttä. Vuodelle 2010 pohjoismaiden Wiki-yhteisöjen jäsenet ovat halunneet järjestää yhteisen isännyyshakemuksen pohjoismaiden puolesta Wikimanian järjestämiseksi Tukholmassa.

Íslenska: Stokkhólmur (danska, norska, sænska, enska: Stockholm, finnska: Tukholma) er höfuðborg og fjölmennasta borg Svíþjóðar. Þar eru til húsa sænska þingið (Riksdagen), sænska ríkisstjórnin og sænska konungsfjölskyldan. Frá því á 13. öld hefur borgin verið talin stjórmálaleg og efnahagsleg miðja landsins. Íbúafjöldinn í desember 2007 var 795.163 innan borgarmarka en séu úthverfi talin með bjuggu þar alls 1.252.020 árið 2005.

Undanfarin ár hafa borgir um allan heim boðist til að halda Wikimania-ráðstefnuna en hingað til hefur engin borg á Norðurlöndum stigið skrefið til fulls. Því vilja Norðurlandabúar að Stokkhólmur bjóði sig fram til að halda ráðstefnuna sem samnorrænt framboð.

Português : Estocolmo (em Dinamarquês, Norueguês e Sueco: Stockholm, em Islandês: Stokkhólmur, em Finlândes: Tukholma) é a maior cidade e a capital da Suécia. É a sede do governo e nela encontra-se o parlamento e a residência oficial do monarca sueco. Estocolmo é o centro político e económico da Suécia desde o século XIII. O município de Estocolmo é hoje em dia o maior do país, com uma população de 795 163 (dados de Dezembro de 2007) e a área urbana de Estocolmo, com uma população de 1 252 020 (2005) é a maior área habitada de construção contínua na Suécia.

Nos últimos anos, foram propostas cidades anfitriãs um pouco por todo o mundo. No entanto, nenhum dos países nórdicos propôs alguma vez organizar este evento. Para 2010, pessoas de todas as comunidades wiki-nórdicas têm interesse em fazer "uma proposta pelos países nórdicos", com sede em Estocolmo.

About Stockholm

Read about Stockholm at a wiki near you: af, am, ar, arc, bat-smg, be, be-x-old, bg, bo, br, bs, ca, cs, csb, cv, cy, da, de, diq, el, en, eo, es, et, eu, fa, fi, fo, fr, fy, ga, gl, gv, he, hr, ht, hu, hy, ia, id, io, is, it, ja, ka, ko, ku, kw, la, lb, lij, lt, lv, mk, ml, mr, myv, na, nah, nds, nl, nn, no, nov, nrm, oc, pl, pms, pt, qu, ro, ru, sc, sco, se, sg, sh, simple, sk, sl, sq, sr, su, sw, ta, th, tr, uk, vec, vi, vo, yi, zh, zh-min-nan, zh-yue.

You can also see a lot of nice images of Stockholm on Wikimedia Commons.

Weather and climate


Local communication

Public transport in Stockholm is operated by Storstockholms Lokaltrafik AB. Information about tickets is available here.

You can also rent a bike (see http://www.stockholmcitybikes.se for more information).

Conference Venue

The date for the conference will be August 5-8, 2010.
The Södra huset (southern house) at Stockholm University (Stockholms universitet).
  • Stockholm University (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish: Stockholms universitet, Finnish: Tukholman yliopisto, Icelandic: Stokkhólmsháskóla) is the venue for the conference. With more than 50,000 students, and 5,000 employees(ref), it should fulfill our requirements.

Travel and visa information

Money and exchanges

The currency of Sweden is the Swedish krona. All of the Nordic countries, save for Finland, are not on the euro, which may confuse some travelers coming from other parts of Europe. In September 2008, the exchange rate for one euro equaled 9.7 Swedish kronor, and one U.S. dollar equaled 6.6 kronor. Despite having different currencies, the exchange rates between Sweden, Denmark and Norway are roughly the same.

It is recommended to change your home currency to Swedish kronor once you get to Sweden. There are three exchange counters throughout Arlanda Airport: Forex, SEB, and X-Change. The latest counter closes at 11 p.m., however, so if you will be arriving in the late night hours, it may be advisable for you to exchange your money before you board your flight to Sweden.


EU (Schengen) visa lists EU member states Special visa-free provisions (Schengen Agreement, OCT or other) Visa-free access to the Schengen states for 90 days Visa required to enter the Schengen states Visa-status unknown

Sweden is a part of the Schengen Agreement, which means that the nations in blue or green on the right do not need a visa. For a list of those who do, see this pdf. For more information, see http://www.swedenabroad.com/.

How to get there


Arlanda airport

There are several airports in the vicinity of Stockholm, the main international airport is Arlanda, there are three other airports on an convenient distance of Stockholm, that are offering budget flights (i.e. RyanAir and Wizz Air), these are Bromma, Skavsta and Västerås.

Getting to and from the airport

From all airports there are airport coaches available:

  • From Arlanda
    • Destination: Stockholm centre/Stockholm City Terminal
    • Time: about 40 minutes
    • Fare: roughly 19 € go and return.
  • From Skavsta
    • Destination: Stockholm City Terminal
    • Time: about 80 minutes
    • Fare: roughly 26 € go and return
  • From Västerås
    • Destination: Västerås Airport - Stockholm City Terminal
    • Time: about 75 minutes
    • Fare: roughly 27 € go and return

More info about the airport coaches here.

There are also an express train from Arlanda (http://www.arlandaexpress.com/) and local trains operated by Storstockholms Lokaltrafik and Upplands Lokaltrafik (via Upplands Väsby), see more info here (only in Swedish).

Ferry connections

The Viking Line-ferry that goes between Finland and Sweden

The mentioned priceindicator is for one way only.

Ferry company/departing from Helsinki Mariehamn and Turku Tallinn Riga Åland Gdańsk Ventspils
Tallink Silja [1] ~30€ ~15€ ~35€ ~26€
Viking Line [2] ~50€ ~19€ ~11€
Birka Cruises [3] ~20€
Polferries [4] ~54€ 1
Scandlines [5] ~60€ 1

1 + commuter train ~1h

Bus services

To Stockholm from Oslo (~48€) and Copenhagen (~75€) with Swebuss Express.

To Stockholm from Oslo (from ~38€) and Copenhagen (from ~45€) with Säfflebussen.


There are also good train services within Sweden and to Norway and Denmark, see SJ. It's possible (and recommended) to buy tickets online in advance.

Possible Accommodation sites


Project structure and management

Nordic team

  • Fluff Abrahamsson - Gothenburg, Sweden - - I live in Gothenburg but have the opportunity to work parts in Stockholm as my employer has an office in Stockholm as well. I have previous experience with both planning and executing conferences (size from 100 to 300 participants)
  • Henrik Abelsson - Linköping, Sweden - - I'd be happy to pitch in. I have some experience organizing, but mainly smaller events. I'll be living in Linköping, about one and a half hours from Stockholm.
  • (削除) Mikael Lindmark - I live in Umeå so I can't do any local work. But I can make calls, send e-mails and if needed, write stuff. (削除ここまで)
    • Oskar Sigvardsson - Stockholm, Sweden - - Lives in Stockholm, replacement for Mikael Lindmark.
  • Patrícia Rodrigues - Stockholm, Sweden - - I live in Stockholm and can help out with local contacts.
  • Christoffer Hafsahl - Kristiansand, Norway - - Although not so local, I'll contribute to whatever field I can. Have lots of experience working on various events, mainly as a lighting designer/rigger, and after having worked at 50+ poorly prepared events (50-3000 participants), I am aware of a number of things easily forgotten during the planning stage. Work and live in Kristiansand, Norway.
  • Jon Harald Søby - Trondheim, Norway - – will help anywhere I can. Even willing to move to Stockholm for the summer (of 2010) provided I find a place to stay.
  • Lars Åge Kamfjord - Tønsberg, Norway - - experienced LAN-party-organizer, might be helpful with the technical part.
  • Anders Wegge Keller - Aarup, Denmark - - Not exactly local, but I have both mobility and flexibility to be present in Stockholm if and when it's needed.
  • Carina Tangsgaard - Aarhus, Denmark - - I'm not local and will probably not be able to go to Stockholm to plan but I'm willing to help with whatever else I can, though I don't have any experience prior to this.
  • Mike Halterman - Tampa, Florida, United States - - I have experience with Wikimania process before, chairing the Wikimania 2008 bid for Atlanta. I have been elected bid chair, due to my past experience with Wikimania 2008.

Budget draft




Mailing list

There is a mailing list at wikimania-sweden at grok.se to discuss the bid. To subscribe, go here.



  1. Stockholm, like the Nordic countries in general, is an expensive location. Food and accommodation is pricey.


  1. In 2010 Wikimania will not have been held in Europe for five years but a large proportion of Wikimedians worldwide lives in Europe, shorter and cheaper travel will encourage participation by those people.
  2. The Nordic countries harbor some very active Wikimedia communities. The combined number of articles in the Nordic Wikipedias exceeds that of the German one and Nordic Wikimedians also contribute significantly to the English language projects.
  3. People in the Nordic countries are generally well skilled in English as a second language which is helpful when organizing an international convention such as Wikimania.


Please note: An informal IRC meeting is planned for sometime in the near future on #wikimania-stockholm on freenode.net. This meeting will discuss the bid team and things the bid team will need to do to start working on the bid. We will take calls for more volunteers (especially from Sweden) to be on the team. Also, Jon Harald Søby has created a facebook group so you can support the bid on facebook as well!

We are looking for people interested in the idea of holding Wikimania in Stockholm, with all the Nordic countries working together to make sure this happens. Signing your name doesn't mean you have to do work, but is simply a way to gauge interest from each of the Nordic Wikipedias. If you would like to help write the bid, however, that would be appreciated too.

Names are ordered alphabetically by language and then by name. Currently there are 109 supporters of the proposed idea, with 38 people from or living in Sweden , 25 affiliated with Norway , 18 affiliated with Finland , 14 affiliated with Denmark , and 7 people affiliated with Iceland giving their personal support. Other supporters come from other parts of the world.

Flags show countries where supporters live, and are not always indicative of the user's nationality.

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