Main public logs
Combined display of various logs. You can select the log type, the user name (case-sensitive except for the first letter) of the acting user, and/or the affected page (full name required, case-sensitive except for the first letter).
- 17:55, 16 May 2023 Jdlrobson talk contribs created page User:Jdlrobson/tipsyDeprecated.js (Created page with " $(function () { function maybeCall(thing, ctx) { return typeof thing == "function" ? : thing; } function Tipsy(element, options) { this.$element = $(element); this.options = options; this.enabled = true; this.keyHandler = $.proxy(this.closeOnEsc, this); this.fixTitle(); } Tipsy.prototype = { show: function () { var title = this.getTitle(); if (title && th...")
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