Main public logs
Combined display of various logs. You can select the log type, the user name (case-sensitive except for the first letter) of the acting user, and/or the affected page (full name required, case-sensitive except for the first letter).
- 13:34, 24 December 2022 Araisyohei talk contribs created page Translations:Template:Grants info/Instructions for returning funds to WMF/Wire/4/ja (Created page with "残金を以下の口座に振り込んでください。 ; 口座名: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. ; 受取人住所 : 1 Montgomery St., Suite 1600 : San Francisco, CA 94104 : USA ; 銀行名: CITIBANK, N.A. ; 銀行住所 : 590 Market St. : San Francisco, CA 94104 ; 口座番号: 203129580 ; Individual marketplace routing number: 321171184 ''(送信者が米国の場合に使用)'' ; New York routing number: 021000089 ; SWIFTコード: CITIUS33")
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