User:LiWa3/Settings: Difference between revisions
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
that should not be here ... but now the other one \_OO_/
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#domains for which we do not store webbugs and similar (regex on sortable domainname, i.e. the order of each part between the dots has been reverted, split multiple by |).
#domains for which we do not store webbugs and similar (regex on sortable domainname, i.e. the order of each part between the dots has been reverted, split multiple by |).
#Waiting times (in seconds) for re-loading lists of domains in xwiki and local categories for regenerating. Upon refreshing it records the time, and will not refresh the list until the time is passed. If refreshing all open reports takes longer than the set time, it will refresh continuously, otherwise it will wait until time is passed.
# local list waiting time set to 1 week.
# xwiki list waiting time set to 12 hours.
Revision as of 16:18, 18 January 2025
# Settings for LiWa3 # # Syntax is as follows: # * EVERY line starting with a "#" character is disregarded # * Every non-blank line is in the format "Setting=value" # # If you add channels to the <rcchannels> (separate channels with a space), # then you have to command 'LiWa3 restart diffreader' to make the bot listen to the new channels. # If you change on of the settings below, say '!reset' to implement settings in the bot (certain parts of the bot will have some lag) ircreportchannel=#cvn-sw-spam ircbotchannel=#wikipedia-spam-bot-channel ircalertchannel=#cvn-sw-spam ircelchannel=#wikimedia-external-links ircelchannels=#cvn-wp-es|#BeetstraBotChannel|#wikipedia-en-spam|#wikipedia-spam-t|#wikidata-spam|#wikimedia-external-links|| # these are the wikis which have a XLinkBot blacklist, separate with || # This is where the local blacklists are on the wiki, format of parameter name is '<wiki>_blacklist', more lists can be # specified, separate with | en.wikipedia.org_blacklist=User:XLinkBot/RevertList|User:XLinkBot/RevertReferencesList|User:COIBot/RevertList|User:MER-C/RevertList.css en.wikipedia.org_overridelist=User:XLinkBot/OverrideList|User:MER-C/OverrideList.css|User:COIBot/OverrideList en.wikipedia.org_hardoverridelist=User:XLinkBot/HardOverrideList|User:MER-C/HardOverrideList.css|User:COIBot/HardOverrideList trustedgroups=sysop|bot|bureaucrat|rollbacker|founder|steward|checkuser|editor watchedspaces=0|2|6|10|14|108|118 # see # The bot will read all that are mentioned behind 'site url="http://' # The selection of channels from 'special' needs to be specified here. separate with space special=#commons.wikimedia #meta.wikimedia #species.wikimedia #strategy.wikimedia #mediawiki.wikipedia #wikidata.wikipedia #outreach.wikipedia #nyc.wikimedia # reporter sleep time between posting a next report. # this number has to be tweaked according to the number of reporters active, # and the number of link-addition edits per minute (type: "LiWa3_1 !info" on IRC). # Example, 20 reported link additions per minute with 5 Reporters on IRC would each give 4 reports per minute # or one every 15 seconds. The sleeptime should then be smaller than 15 seconds (so it has also some time to work). # If it builds up a Queue (number after 'M'), either this time is too long, or one needs an extra reporter. # Setting this time too short may result in flooding. linkreportersleeptime=1 # linkwarnersleeptime=1 # linkparsersleeptime=1 # linkanalysersleeptime=1 # Using the parsed wikitext (parseddiff = 1) or the original unparsed diff (parseddiff = 0). useparseddiff=1 maxmessages=5 onelinkperline=1 # Do not save reports for every redirect detected. dontsaveredirects=0 #some wikis are too active and cause crashing of the diffreader. Therefore, they get their own. Crashing them also results then in downtime on these wikis. #Separate with space owndiffreader=#en.wikipedia #wikidata.wikipedia #some wikis are (extremely) high volume but are not having XLinkBot. That results in these still getting high priority and slowing down warning to XLinkBot. #wikis here will be pushed to low priority queue (queue3). Separate with | lowprioritywikis=#wikidata.wikipedia redirectsites=tk|trcx|attf tk_rule=\.tk\b tk_contentrule=\<frame\ssrc=\"(.*?)\" tk_ignorerule=\bdomain\.dot\.tk\b trcx_rule=\.tr\.cx\b trcx_contentrule=\<frame name=\"redirectframe\" src=\"((?:https?|ftp|irc|gopher|telnet|nntp|worldwind):\/\/.*?)\" attf_rule=\.at\.tf\b attf_contentrule=\bdocument\.location\s+=\s+\"(https?.*?)\"; checklocalwikis=1 checklocalgroups=0 largenumberoflinks=5000 largenumberoflinkadditions=2500 # if there are speed troubles, set this to 1 and the bot will report less stats and no XWiki/Local reports (but a significant # increase in speed) noextendedstats=0 noextendedstatslimit=500 lowstatlimit=250 # detect webbugs, adsenses and clickbanks and similar detectids=1 # if there are speed troubles, set this to 1 and the bot will report less stats and no XWiki/Local reports (but a significant # increase in speed) # This setting does the same as the above one (noextendedstats) but then ONLY for pages outside of mainspace. onlymainspacestats=0 onlymainspacestatslimit=2000 lowmainstatlimit=250 # dontstatwhitelistedusers=1 # dontscanwhitelistedlinks=1 # dontscanwhitelistedusers=1 # usercountmax=3000 usercountmax2=5000 autowhitelistusers=1 # linkcountmax=2500 numtemplates=4 template1=(?:https?|ftp|irc|gopher|telnet|nntp|worldwind):\/\/[^\s\]\[\{\}\\\|^`<>]+ template2=(?<![\w\d-])(?<!isbn[\s])\d{3,5}[\s-]\d{2,3}[\s-]\d{4}(?![\d\w-]) template3=(?<![\w\d-])(?<!isbn[\s])\d{6}[\s-]\d{4}(?![\d\w-]) template4=(?<![^\s:])[^\s\]\[\{\}\\\|^\/`<>@:]+@\w+(?!\.htm)(?:\.\w+){1,3} numalerts=2 alert1=\bproof\.php\b alert2=(?<![^\s:])[^\s\]\[\{\}\\\|^\/`<>@:]+@\w+(?!\.htm)(?:\.\w+){1,3} #alert3=(?<![\w\d-])(?<!isbn[\s])(?<!issn[\s\%\(])(?<!\%)\d{3,5}[\s-]\d{2,3}[\s-]\d{4}(?![\d\w-]) #alert4=(?<![\w\d-])(?<!isbn[\s])(?<!issn[\s\%\)])(?<!%)\d{6}[\s-]\d{4}(?![\d\w-]) # Throw an alert when editors add more than XX external links in ONE edit externallinkoverflow=100 numignores=7 # ignore base wiki links. ignore1=https?:\/\/(?:wiki(?:[mp]edia|books|species|source|versity|news)|wiktionary|mediawiki)\.org\/[\?w] # ignore email addresses from mediawiki projects ignore7=@[A-Za-z\-]+\.(?:wiki(?:[mp]edia|books|species|source|versity|news)|wiktionary)(?!\.) # ignore the toolserver ignore2=tools\.wikimedia\.de\b # ignore mediawiki projects themselves ignore3=https?:\/\/[A-Za-z\-]+\.(?:wiki(?:[mp]edia|books|species|source|versity|news)|wiktionary|mediawiki)\.org\/[\?w] # ignore more toolserver ignore4=\btoolserver\.org\b # ignore links that are not links ignore5=^http:\/\/\',$ # ignore some malformed links ignore6=^http\.$ # regex for things that do not need to be scanned for adsense/clickbank and such noidsensing=\.pdf\b|\.doc\b|\.jpg\b|\.gif\b #For the queries - reporting when any of these is passing: #confidence threshold - only report when 'confidence' is higher than this (value between 0-100) # Lets try 25% ## bump to 50% as the username is least reliable, and probably IP address more of a concern forumspam_confidencethreshold=50 #frequency threshold - only report when 'frequency' is higher than this # Lets try minimum of 10 forumspam_frequencythreshold=10 #time threshold - only report when editor was last seen on within the last ## seconds - set to 0 for infinite. # Lets try last 4 weeks for users, 1 week for IPs forumspam_usertimethreshold=2419200 forumspam_iptimethreshold=604800 #username length threshold - only report when the length of the non-IP username is longer than this # Lets try minimum username length of 3, single and double character usernames are too common. forumspam_usernamelengththreshold=2 # Some on-IRC tags - MAKE SURE TAGS ARE UNIQUE, THEY ARE USED IN THE CODE TO TEST AS WELL tag_onlymainspacestats=MSO tag_noextendedstats=NES tag_notcounted=NC tag_dontcount=DC tag_clickbanklink=CB tag_webbuglink=WB tag_adsenselink=AS tag_plimuslink=PL tag_autoredlist=ARL tag_redlist=RL tag_alertlist=AL tag_redirectlink=REDIR tag_whitelistedlink=WL tag_blacklistedlink=BL tag_resolvedip=RESOLVED tag_forumspammer=FS tag_status1XX=STATUS CONTINUE tag_status100=STATUS 100 OK tag_status101=STATUS 101 Continue tag_status2XX=STATUS OK tag_status200=STATUS 200 (OK) tag_status201=STATUS 201 (created) tag_status202=STATUS 202 (accepted) tag_status203=STATUS 203 (non-authorative information) tag_status204=STATUS 204 (no content) tag_status205=STATUS 205 (reset content) tag_status206=STATUS 206 (partial content) tag_status300=STATUS 300 (multiple choice) tag_status301=STATUS 301 (moved permanently) tag_status302=STATUS 302 (found) tag_status303=STATUS 303 (see other) tag_status304=STATUS 304 (not modified) tag_status305=STATUS 305 (use proxy) tag_status306=STATUS 306 (not used) tag_status307=STATUS 307 (temporary redirect) tag_status300=STATUS 400 (bad request) tag_status401=STATUS 401 (unauthorized) tag_status402=STATUS 402 (payment required) tag_status403=STATUS 403 (forbidden) tag_status404=STATUS 404 (not found) tag_status405=STATUS 405 (method not allowed) tag_status406=STATUS 406 (not acceptable) tag_status407=STATUS 407 (proxy authentication required) tag_status408=STATUS 408 (request timeout) tag_status409=STATUS 409 (conflict) tag_status410=STATUS 410 (gone) tag_status411=STATUS 411 (length required) tag_status412=STATUS 412 (precondition failed) tag_status413=STATUS 413 (request entity too long) tag_status414=STATUS 414 (request-URI too long) tag_status415=STATUS 415 (unsupported media type) tag_status416=STATUS 416 (requested range not satisfiable) tag_status417=STATUS 417 (expectation failed) tag_status500=STATUS 500 (internal server error) tag_status501=STATUS 501 (not implemented) tag_status502=STATUS 502 (bad gateway) tag_status503=STATUS 503 (service unavailable) tag_status504=STATUS 504 (gateway timeout) tag_status505=STATUS 505 (HTTP version not supported) tag_noredirectlink=NOREDIR # More tags - just for display, no need to be unique tag_veryhighcount=!! tag_highcount=! tag_highalert=!! tag_lowalert=! # Since we have some bots running around doing A LOT of work, making life for linkwatcher impossible: # totallyignoredusers, is a '|' separated list, either containing: # a username in each item (which is then globally ignored), or # an item 'username@wiki' (username and wiki separated with @) for ignoring only the user on a certain wiki (wikiname is as in the url, '', '', '') totallyignoredusers=Legobot|Addbot|Sk!dbot|COIBot|GZWDer (flood)||||| # totallyignoredgroups, is a '|' separated list containing an item 'right@wiki' (right and wiki separated with @) for ignoring all the with a certain right on a certain wiki (as just above for totallyignoredusers) # global right ignoring is NOT supported.|| #This determines the places for the on-wiki whitelists and similar wikilinkwhitelist=User:LiWa3/linkwhitelist.css wikiuserwhitelist=User:LiWa3/userwhitelist.css wikidonotcountdomainlist=User:LiWa3/donotcountlist.css # These are cloaks of trusted users who can always use all commands of COIBot: trustedusers=user/beetstra|wikimedia/Versageek|wikipedia/MER-C|wikimedia/Igna|wikipedia/pdpc.professional.kaare|wikimedia/Martin-Urbanec|wikisource/billinghurst|wikipedia/Trijnstel|wikipedia/Shanmugamp7|wikimedia/Glaisher|wikimedia/marcoaurelio|wikimedia/-revi|wikimedia/Zabshk|countervandalism/Syum90|wikipedia/TheresNoTime|wikimedia/JonKolbert|wikipedia/Praxidicae|wikimedia/L235|wikipedia/ZI-Jony|wikipedia/GeneralNotability|wikimedia/ToBeFree|wikipedia/perryprog #domains for which we do not store webbugs and similar (regex on sortable domainname, i.e. the order of each part between the dots has been reverted, split multiple by |). notracingstorage=archive\.org|web\.archive\.org