User:Dapete/ImageMapEdit: Difference between revisions
Revision as of 21:26, 11 June 2020
ImageMapEdit ist ein Editor für die Definition von Imagemaps, wie sie für Tim Starlings ImageMap-Erweiterung benötigt werden. Es wird auf der Bildbeschreibungsseite eingeblendet.
Unterstützt werden bisher nur Firefox ab 3.0 sowie Internet Explorer 7 und 8; weitere Informationen (in Englisch) siehe weiter unten. Von den Skins werden Monobook, Modern und Vector unterstützt.
Bei Fragen und Kommentare ist meine Benutzerdiskussionsseite in der deutschen Wikipedia der beste Anlaufpunkt.
Der Quellcode ist auf GitHub verfügbar.
Um den neuen Imagemap-Editor zu verwenden, muss man ein Skript über seine eigene monobook.js (bzw. modern.js oder vector.js, wenn man diese Skins verwendet; alternativ kann der Einbau auch in common.js oder global.js erfolgen, dann ist man skinunabhängig) einbinden. Die entsprechend einzufügenden Zeilen lauten:
if(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')==6&&mw.config.get('wgAction')=='view'){ mw.loader.load('//'); }
Wenn das getan ist und man als Benutzer angemeldet ist (funktioniert nicht als IP) erscheint auf jeder Bildbeschreibungsseite ein Link „ImageMapEdit >", mit dem die Editor-Oberfläche ausgeklappt wird.
ImageMapEdit is an editor for image map definitions as used by Tim Starling's ImageMap extension. It is shown directly within the image description pages.
Only Firefox 3.0 or newer and Internet Explorer 7 and 8 are supported; further information is included below. Supported skins are Monobook, Modern and Vector.
If you have questions or comments please leave a message on my user talk page on German Wikipedia.
Source code is available on GitHub.
In order to use the new image map editor, the following lines have to be loaded in your personal common.js, or if you have administrative access, Mediawiki:Common.js:
if(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')==6&&mw.config.get('wgAction')=='view'){ mw.loader.load('//'); }
When that is done a link "ImageMapEdit >" (which displays the user interface) should appear on all image description pages. (screenshot)
Supported Browsers
Browser | Version | Working? | Comments | Plans |
Mozilla Firefox | 2 | No | Selection does not work | Will not be suported; it's no longer worth the effort |
3.0 | Yes | |||
3.5 | No | Does not display the link | ||
4 | ||||
Internet Explorer | 6 | Partly | Translations do not work; right-clicking works, but the context menu is also shown | Will not be supported; it's no longer worth the effort. |
7 | Yes | |||
8 | ||||
9 | Untested | Test results welcome. | ||
Opera | 9 | Partly | Right-clicking does not work, the context menu is shown instead. | Opera will not be supported for now. The old problem that right-clicking can't be used is still unsolvable—it could only be avoided with an alternative user interface. I have not had time to test the final version of opera 10, but the beta had massive problems even showing the user interface. |
10 beta | No | Massive problems | ||
11 | Yes | No problems observed. tested by קיפודנחש | ||
Safari | 3 | Unknown | I'd like to support Safari. I won't know if this is feasible before I find out what the problem is. | |
4 | No | Selection does not work | ||
5 | Yes | No problems were observed. tested by קיפודנחש | ||
Google Chrome | 16.0.912.63 | |||
18.0.1025.142 | Wrong X/Y coordinates when image is clicked (creating an area) |
Any information how to overcome problems with a particular browser is welcome!
Version | Summary | Comment |
(no date) | Initial version | |
2009年09月20日 | Fixed problems caused by the 'Annotations' extension on commons. | The problem was that this extension changes the structure of the image description page a bit, I'm now taking that into account, and also disabling the 'Annotations' user interface when ImageMapEdit is active. |
2011年03月31日 | Moved everything to the toolserver. | It had been bothering me for a long, long time that the script could not be loaded from a central location; I solved that by moving from loading extra information as XML to using more .JS files. translations.js replaces the translations.xml file, and template.php replaces template.html (it's actually just a wrapper, which returns JavaScript code that puts the HTML code in a JavaScript variable). |
2014年09月02日 | Moved from Toolserver to Tool Labs | IME has been on Tool Labs in parallel for a long time, but I have now changed all links and will soon enable an automatic redirect. This will make sure everything works even after the Toolserver is disabled later this year. |
ImageMapEdit è un editor per le definizioni di immagini sensibili utilizzato da Tim Starlings nell'estensione ImageMap. É mostrato direttamente all'interno delle pagine di descrizione delle immagini.
Ulteriori informazioni sono riportate qui di seguito. É supportato dalle skins Monobook, Modern e Vector.
Se avete domande o commenti si prega di lasciare un messaggio sulla mia pagina di discussione utente sulla Wikipedia tedesca.
Per poter utilizzare il nuovo editor di mappe immagine, la seguente riga deve essere copiata nel vostro common.js
personale, o se si dispone di accesso amministrativo, Mediawiki:Common.js
if(wgNamespaceNumber==6&&wgAction=='view'){ mw.loader.load('//'); }
Quando ciò è stato fatto, un collegamento "ImageMapEdit >" (che mostra l'interfaccia utente) dovrebbe apparire su tutte le pagine di descrizione delle immagini proprio sotto l'immagine. (screenshot)