ISAIAH – Biblical Data: The greatest of the Hebrew prophets of whom literary monuments remain. He resided at Jerusalem, and so contrasts with Micah, the prophet of the country districts. He was married (Isa. viii. 3), and had children...
ISAIAH, BOOK OF – Illuminated Page of Isaiah from a Manuscript Bible, Said to Be of the Twelfth Century.(Lately in the possession of Henriques de Castro, Amsterdam.)The chief note of the Book of Isaiah is variety—variety of tone, of style, of...
ISAIAH, ASCENSION OF – Name. Apocryphal book, consisting of three different parts, which seem originally to have existed separately; one is of Jewish, two are of Christian, origin. The common name of the book, "Ascension of Isaiah," properly covers...
ISAIAH BEN ABBA MARI – French rabbi of the second half of the fourteenth century; famous for his controversies and for the divisions he caused among the communities of France. Armed with an order from R. Meïr ha-Levi of Vienna, conferring upon him...
ISAIAH BEN ABRAHAM – Polish rabbi of the seventeenth century; author of "Be'er Heṭeb," a commentary on Shulḥan 'Aruk, Oraḥ Ḥayyim, based upon the later casuists (Amsterdam, 1708). In the preface Isaiah asserts that he wrote a similar commentary to...
ISAIAH BERLIN – See Berlin, Isaiah b. (Judah) Loeb.
ISAIAH MENAHEM BEN ISAAC – Rabbi of Cracow; died Aug. 16, 1599. At first chief of the yeshibah of Szezebrscyn, government of Lublin, Poland, he was later called to the rabbinate of Vladimir, Volhynia. There he was one of the rabbis who signed the protest...
ISAIAH (BEN ELIJAH) DI TRANI (the Younger) – Italian Talmudist and commentator; lived in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. He was the grandson, on his mother's side, of Isaiah (ben Mali) di Trani the Elder. He is usually quoted as (= "R. Isaiah Aḥaron, "), or (= "R....
ISAIAH (BEN MALI) DI TRANI (the Elder; RID) – Prominent Italian Talmudist; born about 1180. He originated in Trani (Conforte, "Ḳore ha-Dorot," p. 15a), an ancient settlement of Jewish scholarship, and lived probably in Venice. He died about 1250. He carried on a...
'ISAWITES – See Isḥaḳ ben Ya'ḳub Obadiah Abu 'Isa al-Isfahani.
ISCARIOT – See Judas Iscariot.
ISCOVESCU, BARBU (JUDAH) – Rumanian painter; born 1816 at Bucharest; died Oct. 24, 1854, at Constantinople. The son of a house-painter, he served his apprenticeship in that calling under his father, afterward going to Vienna and Paris, where he devoted...
ISE (ISI, JOSE) BEN JUDAH – Palestinian tanna of the second century; contemporary of Simeon ben Yoḥai and of R. Meïr. Bacher thinks it probable that Ise ben Judah is identical with both Jose the Babylonian and Jose of the "Babylonian village," of whom the...
ISḤAḲ. IBN 'ALI IBN ISḤAḲ – Karaite scholar of the eleventh century. The "Chronicle" of Ibn al-Hiti contains a warm eulogy of the scholarly attainments of Isḥaḳ ibn 'Ali, and cites two works of his, one a polemic against Saadia in the style of the "Sefer...
ISḤAḲ BEN YA'ḲUB OBADIAH ABU 'ISA AL-ISFAHANI – Persian founder of a Jewish sect and "herald of the Messiah"; lived at the time of the Ommiad calif 'Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan (684-705). He was of low origin, "a plain tailor"; and his adherents relate that "though he could...
ISH-BOSHETH – Fourth and youngest son of Saul, and, as the sole male survivor in direct line of descent, his legitimate successor to the throne (II Sam. ii. 8 et seq.). His original name was "Esh-baal (= "man of ba'al" [then, Yhwh]; see I...
ISHMAEL – Biblical Data: Eldest son of Abraham by his concubine Hagar; born when Abraham was eighty-six years of age (Gen. xvi. 15, 16). God promised Abraham that His blessing should be upon Ishmael, who, He foretold, would beget twelve...
ISHMAEL B. ABRAHAM HA-KOHEN – Talmudic scholar and author; chief rabbi of Modena; born 5484 (=1724); died 5571 (=1811). He was recognized as a profound dialectician, and many casuistic questions were submitted to him. His responsa and novellæ were collected...
ISHMAEL OF AKBARA – Founder of the Jewish sect of Akbarites; flourished in the time of the calif Al-Mu'taṣim (833-841). He was a native of Akbara, in Irak, ten parasangs from Bagdad. He is reputed to have been very vain, and is said to have...
ISHMAEL B. ELISHA – Tanna of the first and second centuries (third tannaitic generation). He was a descendant of a wealthy priestly family in Upper Galilee (Tosef., Ḥal. i. 10; B. Ḳ. 80a;comp. Rabbinovicz, "Diḳduḳe Soferim," ad loc.; Ḥul. 49a), and...
ISHMAEL B. JOHANAN B. BAROḲA – Tanna of the second century (fourth tannaitic generation); contemporary of Simon b. Gamaliel II. These two rabbis are often quoted together, either as opposing, or as agreeing with, each other (Tosef., 'Er. iv. [v.] 2; ib. Yeb....
ISHMAEL B. JOSE B. HALAFTA – Tanna of the beginning of the third century. Ishmael served as a Roman official together with Eliezer b. Simon, and was instrumental in suppressing the hordes of Jewish freebooters that had collected during the war between...
ISHMAEL BEN ḲIMḤIT (ḲAMḤIT [V06p650002.jpg]) – High priest under Agrippa I.; probably identical with Simon, son of Κάμιθος (or Κάμη), mentioned by Josephus ("Ant." xx. 1, §§ 3 et seq.). He is known as having had a hand so large that it could contain four cabs of flour (Yoma...
ISHMAEL BEN PHABI (FIABI) II. – High priest under Agrippa II.; not to be identified (as by Grätz and Schürer) with the high priest of the same name who was appointed by Valerius Gratus and who officiated during 15-16 of the common era. Ishmael was a worthy...

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