Degree Requirements

Last Updated
GSAS Policies

Common Requirements

The Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Harvard Griffin GSAS) students are required to:

Continuous registration may be interrupted by academic terms of withdrawal or leave of absence.

All Harvard Griffin GSAS programs have residence requirements both financial and academic, and many programs have language requirements (see departmental requirements for your program in this section).

  • Financial credit will not be granted for tuition paid to other universities or to other Harvard Schools.
  • After completing one term as a Harvard Griffin GSAS student, former special students or students who took FAS courses under the Tuition Assistance Plan (TAP) may be eligible to apply for financial and academic credit for coursework.

Academic Progress

Satisfactory Progress

Students are considered making satisfactory progress if they:

Programs may require additional conditions. See Departmental Requirements in this section for more information.

Harvard Griffin GSAS students must make satisfactory progress to be eligible for financial aid.

Grace Status

A student making unsatisfactory progress may, with departmental endorsement, be granted the status of "grace" for up to one academic year. At the end of the stated grace period, the student must demonstrate to the academic department’s satisfaction that the student has made satisfactory progress and addressed the conditions resulting in grace. If the student cannot make such a showing, they will be withdrawn from the program for unsatisfactory progress. Students who are unclear about the program’s expectations and academic milestones during grace should consult with their department or program.

  • In most cases, only one period of grace will be granted to a student.
  • Students in "grace" status may not hold teaching appointments.
  • Students in "grace" status remain eligible for institutional aid, except for federal Title IV loans and/or work-study (only students making satisfactory progress are eligible for federal Title IV funding).

Unsatisfactory Progress

Students who have not met conditions as outlined above or stated by their program may be considered to be making unsatisfactory progress and may be withdrawn from their program.

  • Students making unsatisfactory progress may not teach or receive financial aid (including federal Title IV funding).
  • Students making unsatisfactory progress are considered to not be in good standing with the University.
  • Students may not remain in "unsatisfactory" progress, and those who do may be withdrawn from their program.


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