ObsPack Publications

List of publications that have included ObsPack data products and pre-ObsPack GLOBALVIEW products. Publications have been organized by research theme. This partial list is updated as we receive publication information from our product users. Please contact John Mund at john.mund@noaa.gov if you would like to add to this list.

ObsPack Methodology

  • Masarie, K. A., Peters, W., Jacobson, A. R., and Tans, P. P.: ObsPack: a framework for the preparation, delivery, and attribution of atmospheric greenhouse gas measurements, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 6, 375-384, doi:10.5194/essd-6-375-2014, 2014.
  • TACOS Sausage Flask Intercomparison Exercise: 2002-2005 (Levin, I. et al., Presentation at the 13th WMO / IAEA Meeting of Experts on Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Related Tracer Measurement Techniques Boulder, Colorado, USA; September 19-22, 2005), WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION , GAW Report No. 148.
  • Levin, I. U. Langendorfer, M. Schmidt, C. Facklam (UHEI-IUP, Germany), M. Ramonet, C. Bourg, V. Kazan, P. Ciais (LSCE, France), R. Langenfelds, C. Allison, R. Francey (CSIRO, Australia), A. Jordan, W.A. Brand (MPI-BGC, Germany), R.E.M. Neubert, J.A.J. Meijer (CIO-RUG, Netherlands), K. Holmen (MISU, Sweden). EuroSiberian Carbonflux - CO2 Intercomparison. 11th WMO/IAEA Meeting of Experts on Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Related Tracer Measurement Techniques. September 25-28, 2001, Tokyo, Japan. WMO/GAW, No.148, March 2003.
  • Langenfelds, R.L., P.B. Krummel, C.E. Allison, R.J. Francey, L.P. Steele, L.N. Cooper, D.E.J. Worthy, L. Huang, M. Ernst and A. Chivulescu, Intercomparison of MSC and CSIRO trace gas data from Alert and Estevan Point, Canadian Baseline Program Summary of Progress to 2002, Meteorological Service of Canada, 67-76, 2003.
  • Masarie, K., T. Conway, E. Dlugokencky, P. Novelli, P. Tans, D. Worthy, and M. Ernst, The MSC/NOAA Ongoing Flask Air Intercomparison Experiment, Canadian Baseline Program Summary of Progress to 2002, Meteorological Service of Canada, 64-66, 2003.
  • Masarie, K.A., R.L. Langenfelds, C.E. Allison, T.J. Conway, E.J. Dlugokencky, R.J. Francey, P.C. Novelli, L.P. Steele, P.P. Tans, B. Vaughn, and J.W.C. White, "The NOAA/CSIRO Flask-Air Intercomparison Program: A strategy for directly assessing consistency among atmospheric measurements derived from independent laboratories." Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 106, No. D17, p. 20445-20464, 2001.

Satellite Validation

Inverse Modeling

  • Babenhauserheide, A., et al. "Comparing the CarbonTracker and TM5-4DVar data assimilation systems for CO 2 surface flux inversions." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 15.6 (2015): 8883-8932. [PROTOTYPE, 10.3334/OBSPACK/1001]
  • van der Laan-Luijkx, I. T. et al. (2015), Response of the Amazon carbon balance to the 2010 drought derived with CarbonTracker South America, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 29, doi:10.1002/2014GB005082. [PROTOTYPE, 10.3334/OBSPACK/1001]
  • Peylin, P., Law, R. M., Gurney, K. R., Chevallier, F., Jacobson, A. R., Maki, T., Niwa, Y., Patra, P. K., Peters, W., Rayner, P. J., Rödenbeck, C., and Zhang, X.: Global atmospheric carbon budget: results from an ensemble of atmospheric CO2 inversions, Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 5301-5360, doi:10.5194/bgd-10-5301-2013, 2013. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Lenton, A., Tilbrook, B., Law, R. M., Bakker, D., Doney, S. C., Gruber, N., Ishii, M., Hoppema, M., Lovenduski, N. S., Matear, R. J., McNeil, B. I., Metzl, N., Mikaloff Fletcher, S. E., Monteiro, P. M. S., Rödenbeck, C., Sweeney, C., and Takahashi, T.: Sea–air CO2 fluxes in the Southern Ocean for the period 1990–2009, Biogeosciences, 10, 4037-4054, doi:10.5194/bg-10-4037-2013, 2013. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Sarma, V. V. S. S., Lenton, A., Law, R., Metzl, N., Patra, P. K., Doney, S., Lima, I. D., Dlugokencky, E., Ramonet, M., and Valsala, V.: Sea–air CO2 fluxes in the Indian Ocean between 1990 and 2009, Biogeosciences Discuss., 10, 10759-10810, doi:10.5194/bgd-10-10759-2013, 2013. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Law, R. M., R. J. Matear and R. J. Francey, 2008: Comment on "Saturation of the Southern Ocean CO2 Sink Due to Recent Climate Change", Science, 319, 570a, doi:10.1126/science.1149077. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Rayner, P. J., Law, R. M., Allison, C. E., Francey, R. J., Trudinger, C. M., and Pickett-Heaps, C.: Interannual variability of the global carbon cycle (1992–2005) inferred by inversion of atmospheric CO2 and d13CO2 measurements, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 22, GB3008, doi:10.1029/2007GB003068, 2008. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Miller, C. E., D. Crisp, P. L. DeCola, S. C. Olsen, J. T. Randerson, A. M. Michalak, A. Alkhaled, P. Rayner, D. J. Jacob, P. Suntharalingam, D. B. A. Jones, A.S. Denning, M.E. Nicholls, S. C. Doney, S. Pawson, H. .Boesch, B. J. Connor, I. Y. Fung, D. O’Brien, R. J. Salawitch, S.P. Sander, B. Sen, P. Tans, G. C. Toon, P.O. Wennberg, S. C. Wofsy, Y. L. Yumg, R. M. Law, 2007: Precision requirements for space-based XCO2 data, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D10314, doi:10.1029/2006JD007659. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Baker, D. F., Law, R. M., Gurney, K. R., Rayner, P., Peylin, P., Denning, A.S., Bousquet, P., Bruhwiler, L., Chen, Y.-H., Ciais, P., Fung, I. Y., Heimann, M., John, J., Maki, T., Maksyutov, S., Masarie, K., Prather, M., Pak, B., Taguchi, S., and Zhu, Z.: TransCom 3 inversion intercomparison: Impact of transport model errors on the interannual variability of regional CO2 fluxes, 1988–2003, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 20, GB1002, doi:10.1029/2004GB002439, 2006. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Patra, P. K., K. R. Gurney, A. S. Denning, S. Maksyutov, T. Nakazawa, D. Baker, P. Bousquet, L. Bruhwiler, Y.-H. Chen, P. Ciais, S. Fan, I. Fung, M. Gloor, M. Heimann, K. Higuchi, J. John, R. M. Law, T. Maki, B. C. Pak, P. Peylin, M. Prather, P. J. Rayner, J. Sarmiento, S. Taguchi, T. Takahashi, C.-W. Yuen, 2006: Sensitivity of inverse estimation of annual mean CO2 sources and sinks to ocean-only sites versus all-sites observational networks, Geophys. Res. Letts., 33, L05814, doi:10.1029/2005GL025403. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Gurney, K.R., Law, R.M., Denning, A.S., Rayner, P.J., Pak, B.C., Baker, D., Bousquet, P., Bruhwiler, L., Chen, Y.-H., Ciais, P., Fung, I.Y., Heimann, M., John, J., Maki, T., Maksyutov, S., Peylin, P., Prather, M., and Taguchi, S.: Transcom 3 inversion intercomparison: Model mean results for the estimation of seasonal carbon sources and sinks. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 18, GB1010, doi:10.1029/2003GB002111, 2004. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Law, R.M., Chen, Y.H., Gurney, K.R. & Transcom 3 modellers: Transcom 3 CO2 Inversion Intercomparison: 2. Sensitivity of annual mean results to data choices. Tellus, 55B, 580-595, doi:10.1034/j.1600-0560.2003.00053.x, 2003. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Gurney, K.R., Law, R.M., Denning, A.S., Rayner, P.J., Baker, D., Bousquet, P., Bruhwiler, L., Chen, Y.H. Ciais, P., Fan, S., Fung, I.Y., Gloor, M., Heimann, M., Higuchi, K., John, J., Kowalczyk, E., Maki, T., Maksyutov, S., Peylin, P., Prather, M., Pak, B.C., Sarmiento, J., Taguchi, S., Takahashi, T., and Yuen, C.W.: Transcom 3 CO2 Inversion Intercomparison: 1. Annual mean control results and sensitivity to transport and prior flux information. Tellus, 55B, 555-579, doi:10.1034/j.1600-0560.2003.00049.x, 2003.[GLOBALVIEW]
  • Enting, I. G.: Inverse Problems in Atmospheric Constituent Transport, Cambridge University Press, 2002. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Gurney, K.R., Law, R.M., Denning, A.S., Rayner, P.J., Baker, D., Bousquet, P., Bruhwiler, L., Chen, Y.H., Ciais, P., Fan, S., Fung, I.Y., Gloor, M., Heimann, M., Higuchi, K., John, J., Maki, T., Maksyutov, S., Masarie, K., Peylin, P., Prather, M., Pak, B.C., Randerson, J., Sarmiento, J., Taguchi, S., Takahashi, T., and Yuen, C.W.: Towards robust regional estimates of CO2 sources and sinks using atmospheric transport models. Nature, 415, 626-630, 2002. [GLOBALVIEW]

Model Evaluation

  • Kuppel, S., Peylin, P., Maignan, F., Chevallier, F., Kiely, G., Montagnani, L., and Cescatti, A.: Model–data fusion across ecosystems: from multisite optimizations to global simulations, Geosci. Model Dev., 7, 2581-2597, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2581-2014, 2014.
  • Corbin, K. D. and R. M. Law, Extending atmospheric CO2 and tracer capabilities in ACCESS, CAWCR Technical Report, No 035, 81pp, http://www.cawcr.gov.au/publications/technicalreports/CTR_035.pdf, 2011. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Nassar, R., Jones, D. B. A., Suntharalingam, P., Chen, J. M., Andres, R. J., Wecht, K. J., Yantosca, R. M., Kulawik, S. S., Bowman, K. W., Worden, J. R., Machida, T., and Matsueda, H.: Modeling global atmospheric CO2 with improved emission inventories and CO2 production from the oxidation of other carbon species, Geosci. Model Dev., 3, 689-716, doi:10.5194/gmd-3-689-2010, 2010. [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Law, R. M. and K. D. Corbin (2009), Simulating the atmospheric transport of CO2 and SF6 using the UK Met Office Unified Model, CAWCR Research Letters, 2, 18-23, (http://www.cawcr.gov.au/publications/researchletters.php). [GLOBALVIEW]
  • Law, R. M., E. A. Kowalczyk, Y.-P. Wang, 2006: Using atmospheric CO2 data to assess a simplified carbon-climate simulation for the 20th century, Tellus, 58B, 427-437, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2006.00198.x. [GLOBALVIEW]

Comparison with other Measurements

  • Lansø, A. S., et al. "Sensitivity of the air–sea CO 2 exchange in the Baltic Sea and Danish inner waters to atmospheric short-term variability." Biogeosciences 12.9 (2015): 2753-2772. [GLOBALVIEW, 10.3334/OBSPACK/1002]
  • Wanninkhof, Rik, et al. "Ocean acidification along the Gulf Coast and East Coast of the USA." Continental Shelf Research 98 (2015): 54-71. [GLOBALVIEW, 10.3334/OBSPACK/1002]
  • Sutton, A. J., Sabine, C. L., Maenner-Jones, S., Lawrence-Slavas, N., Meinig, C., Feely, R. A., Mathis, J. T., Musielewicz, S., Bott, R., McLain, P. D., Fought, H. J., and Kozyr, A.: A high-frequency atmospheric and seawater pCO2 data set from 14 open-ocean sites using a moored autonomous system, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 6, 353-366, doi:10.5194/essd-6-353-2014, 2014. [GLOBALVIEW, 10.3334/OBSPACK/1002]
  • Franco, A. C., J. M. Hernández-Ayón, E. Beier, V. Garçon, H. Maske, A. Paulmier, J. Färber-Lorda, R. Castro, and R. Sosa-Ávalos (2014), Air-sea CO2 fluxes above the stratified oxygen minimum zone in the coastal region off Mexico, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119, 2923–2937, doi:10.1002/2013JC009337. [GLOBALVIEW, 10.3334/OBSPACK/1002]
  • Sutton, Adrienne J., et al. "Natural variability and anthropogenic change in equatorial Pacific surface ocean pCO2 and pH." Global Biogeochemical Cycles 28.2 (2014): 131-145. [GLOBALVIEW, 10.3334/OBSPACK/1002]
  • Różański, Kazimierz, et al. "Anthropogenic changes of CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCl3, CF2Cl2, CCl2FCClF2, CHCl3, CH3CCl3, CCl4, SF6 and SF5CF3 mixing ratios in the atmosphere over southern Poland." Geological Quarterly 58.4 (2014): 673-684. [GLOBALVIEW, 10.3334/OBSPACK/1002]