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Discussion utilisateur:GAN

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Dernier commentaire : il y a 7 mois par GAN dans le sujet List of national team

Bienvenue sur Wikipédia, GAN !

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Gratus (discuter) 25 juillet 2016 à 13:38 (CEST) Répondre

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Hey GAN. I saw your modification for the circuit, but it is not correct. For 1.1, 1.2, CDM... etc you don't know if it a women or a men race. That's why I need this complex algorithm. Psemdel (discuter) 30 octobre 2020 à 21:40 (CET) Répondre

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Hi, it had some issue in the past days, but now it should work again. I added the support for firstcycling to be able to upload results and startlists again. Let's hope it works :). Psemdel (discuter) 2 mai 2023 à 21:08 (CEST) Répondre

No, because the rider could be there with another name, it happens quite often. Especially for rider with double names, or women who changed name, the risk is quite high. For big races, it is not really a problem. But I agree with you, sometimes it makes some waste of time. Import_classification should not redirect... strange. Psemdel (discuter) 3 mai 2023 à 22:34 (CEST) Répondre
Good that you told me, I correct. (actually, I thought until yesterday that I was alone to use it)
Ok nothing works. Please wait a bit before testing more... Psemdel (discuter) 5 mai 2023 à 18:58 (CEST) Répondre
@Psemdel - I used the bot to create race stages (Super, but because of the titles only in French, the rest of them see them as "Qxxx"), team season, sortings. I mainly write articles about the race (not for a specific year) and do a list of winners in Excel for "quickstatements". And in it I make the missing racers.
- If I'm not mistaken, then the Bot should check the spelling of the rider for "FC" with the spelling for "WD"? And if you add a check for "rider id" on FC with "P10902" (WD) so that the spelling of the rider does not compare? Now there are almost 10000 id in the WD database (FC). Reinheitsgebot added values. — GAN (discuter) 5 mai 2023 à 20:19 (CEST) Répondre
Good idea for the FC-id! For the race title in French, it is because each language tend to have a different name. It can be easily added. Psemdel (discuter) 7 mai 2023 à 16:26 (CEST) Répondre
As I know you, you will still find something. But it seems to work for the few examples that I tried. Psemdel (discuter) 10 mai 2023 à 21:39 (CEST) Répondre
I see you have no success... why why why... Psemdel (discuter) 12 mai 2023 à 21:28 (CEST) Répondre
The problem is that the classification importer relies on the date of the race to work. When you try to load fc=9064, it cannot find the year and crash. Moreover, by default it would be 2023, but the race has not taken place yet. I need to insert more explicit error messages. Psemdel (discuter) 12 mai 2023 à 21:31 (CEST) Répondre

@Psemdel fc=9064 I was trying to upload data for the Giro Donna 2000 (review)
---1.5 weeks ago as FCid indicated 9064200004 (i.e. no letters, only numbers -> 9064&y=2000&e=04) and in the "Type of classification" window indicated "Stage classification". If you use FC, then you do not need to specify the type of classification?
--- When the window "Stage number" appeared, it began to indicate only "id of the race + year" -> 90642000
--- In the list of stage results for each classification, "#sta", "#gen" is added at the end of the link
--- In the list of final results, each FC classification has its own number 1 - general, 2 - youth, 3 points, 4 - mountain, 5 - ???, 6 - ???, 7 - ???, 8 - team time
GAN (discuter) 13 mai 2023 à 09:59 (CEST) Répondre

Hi, I am fighting with that the whole weekend. The site changed the ways it works with the time. For new races, I don't need to put the classification type as everything is on the same html pages, but for old races I need to put l=1, 2, 3... It gives me some headache but some days it will work. I tested mostly with new races, as a matter of fact. Psemdel (discuter) 14 mai 2023 à 18:26 (CEST) Répondre

By the way, very cool that you completed the Giro 2000! Psemdel (discuter) 14 mai 2023 à 23:21 (CEST) Répondre

@Psemdel I tried to create a startlist with Bot with FC. He did not create, as some riders were missing. I found a list of these racers in the logs of the Bot. Question. Can Bot for absent riders do like this - Example? This will allow not to force the Bot to do the same task twice. It will be enough to create the necessary riders and manually add them to the startlist. — GAN (discuter) 22 mai 2023 à 23:00 (CEST) Répondre
I will look. Psemdel (discuter) 24 mai 2023 à 20:27 (CEST) Répondre
@Psemdel * When choosing to import the results of the stages with the "All (only for fc, not file import)" FC, the Bot adds only the general classification. This is right? The results of the stages were added through the "Stage classification" parameter. It turns out that the Bot also indicates the necessary commands for the riders, if necessary, if they are indicated in the start list --- generally super.
* For missing riders in the WD via QuickStatements, I used the words "somevalue" or "novalue" without the quotes instead of the rider's name. All OK.
GAN (discuter) 4 juin 2023 à 19:40 (CEST) Répondre
Can you give an example of the "the Bot adds only the general classification". I will introduce the "somevalue", but I keep being the opinion, that it is dangerous. Psemdel (discuter) 4 juin 2023 à 23:30 (CEST) Répondre
@Psemdel Tried only on the 5th (d:Q118708933) and 6th (d:Q118708934) stages of the Giro 2003. For the remaining stages, the results have already been added separately in parts. — GAN (discuter) 5 juin 2023 à 10:50 (CEST) Répondre
Then it is not normal, it should put all classifications. I know, that I changed things on my local code, maybe it was related to that. I need to test again. Psemdel (discuter) 5 juin 2023 à 19:17 (CEST) Répondre
@Psemdel For the Giro d'Italia Donne 2004 decided to add stages Q23796572 (1st) and Q23796573 (2nd). Nothing has been added. All riders are missing the first letter in the error log. FC-id is not specified for everyone, but Giro 2003 is fine Bot added.
What "stage number" should be specified to add the result from the main page of the race for the year at FC? Only there are secondary results of classifications.— GAN (discuter) 5 juillet 2023 à 22:35 (CEST) Répondre
Hi, stage number should be 0 for the main page. I have to look in this topic. Psemdel (discuter) 6 juillet 2023 à 14:12 (CEST) Répondre
It seems that they changed a small thing on their site, that's why you have the rider with one missing letter. I fixed it locally, I still need to push it. Psemdel (discuter) 6 juillet 2023 à 16:36 (CEST) Répondre
@PsemdelSuch a situation / question. The main page is "0". Are the stages indicated only by a number without a leading zero (i.e. 1, 2, and so on)? If so, how to specify the prologue? It is numbered "00" on the website. — GAN (discuter) 6 juillet 2023 à 20:24 (CEST) Répondre
You always see everything! I had no example with prologue. Then I will have to change the convention. (Otherwise I have difficulties to push my code online, don't ask me why. Tomorrow it will work better...) Psemdel (discuter) 6 juillet 2023 à 22:58 (CEST) Répondre
Ok, the correction for the "misisng first letter" is online. I will do the convention today or tomorrow. Psemdel (discuter) 7 juillet 2023 à 08:32 (CEST) Répondre
Should be online now... Let's see if it works. Psemdel (discuter) 8 juillet 2023 à 11:07 (CEST) Répondre

@PsemdelGAN (discuter) 9 juillet 2023 à 00:57 (CEST) Répondre
- Giro 2005 (d:Q3768640). List of teams and roster done. You can test any stage.
- I have tested prologue (d:Q23780852). If the main page is "-1", then I specified "0" for the prologue. The bot added results from the main page for the prologue, including secondary classifications. And also to the racers in the "DNF-0" roster who did not finish the race.
- They seem to have changed the time format. It used to be 00t 00' 0" , but now it's 00:00:00 .
- The teams of the invited riders added correctly. Previously, the Bot added "victory" to the season of the corresponding team, now it does not.
- Haven't rolled back results yet.

Ok, I will test more... Psemdel (discuter) 9 juillet 2023 à 21:16 (CEST) Répondre
@Psemdel Tested in the Sandbox d:Q4115189 and d:Q15397819. First I tested the prologue which has the number "00" on the FС. I even specified three zeros (000) in the Bot's parameters. It still loads the final results of the entire race. Then he indicated "-1" in the Bot --- he loaded the results of the first stage. Then "-2" --- loaded the second stage. Then "-0" --- loaded the final results.

It turns out the following. The Bot does not see the minus sign ("-") and zero ("0"). The main race page on FC is "0". And the Bot cannot add two zeros ("00") to the end of the desired link for the prologue. — GAN (discuter) 10 juillet 2023 à 01:05 (CEST) Répondre
I added many tests and made some corrections. Let's see... Psemdel (discuter) 11 juillet 2023 à 11:18 (CEST) Répondre
@Psemdel Made Giro 2005. All results added correctly. From the main wishes / comments:
- did not add a stage victory in the season of the corresponding team.
- when adding results from the main page ("-1") duplicates the general (P2321) in the results of the stage (P2417).
- when adding results from the main page, can the Bot add final places to the roster? The same "position" parameter (P1352) is used there as in the general classification.
GAN (discuter) 13 juillet 2023 à 16:58 (CEST) Répondre
Ok, I need to look further. For 2023, I added the final ranking using the bot and it worked. But for old rankings (<2023), the code needs to be a bit different. I used it less, which can explain that I did not notice the issue.
For the team, a difficulty is that FC does not use the team code (SDX 2023), so I have to search for the team name. If the name is written differently... it does not work.
team: Team Bigla 2005 not found
team: Bizkaia - Panda Software 2005 not found
team: Nobili Rubinetterie - Menikini Coge 2005 not found
team: Buitenpoort - Flexpoint Team 2005 not found
team: Spain 2005 not found
team: Team Bianchi - Aliverti 2005 not found
team: Fenixs / Colnago / Camberra 2005 not found
team: Team S.A.T.S 2005 not found
team: S.C. Michela Fanini - Record - Rox 2005 not found
team: SS Lazio Ciclismo Team Ladispoli 2005 not found
team: Australia 2005 not found
team: Fanini / Velosport / Gauss 2005 not found
team: Team FRW / Top Girls 2005 not found
team: Vrienden van het Platteland 2005 not found
team: Chirio - Forno d'Asolo / Rider 2005 not found
team: Saccarelli - Emu - Marsciano 2005 not found
Anyhow, I will look further. Psemdel (discuter) 14 juillet 2023 à 08:39 (CEST) Répondre
I found the issue, add some tests... (push in 2 min) always the same story. For the team victory, I can confirm that it is only because the team was not found. Here it worked . For the "can the Bot add final places to the roster" you want it like for the WWT (for instance On which criterium? I don't want to put all races in the team. Big ones are ok (CDM, WWT) but before it was all 2.1, don't you fear it will be overloaded. Psemdel (discuter) 14 juillet 2023 à 19:40 (CEST) Répondre
@Psemdel Google didn't translate that well. :) Race team roster (P710) which outputs the "Cycling race/startlist" template. If the race is multi-day, then for non-finishing riders, the Bot adds "DNF-xx, DNS-xx, OTL-xx", where xx is the stage number. But the final places of all riders remain unspecified. Their bot can add, taking from the final classification of the race? In the 2023 race, he addedGAN (discuter) 14 juillet 2023 à 20:08 (CEST) Répondre
It is a function which is in "startlist". But I was also thinking of combining both. With UCI files, it was a bit different stuff, but now actually we could do everything at the same time ;). Psemdel (discuter) 14 juillet 2023 à 22:07 (CEST) Répondre

@Psemdel There is such a bug. It was before that, but I manually corrected it. If in parameter winners (P1346) the top 3 and winners/leaders of other classifications are filled. Then after adding the results by the bot, duplication of riders may occur (For those who were indicated two or more times - that is, each nomination is a separate line). Perhaps the bot, when adding winners, moves from bottom to top in this element. Finds the right rider and points him to the right victory.
The bot filled the winners of "Emakumeen Euskal Bira 2015". As a result, two riders were duplicated. See 2015 for the list of winners. And eu:2015eko Emakumeen Euskal Bira (template on the right). — GAN (discuter) 15 juillet 2023 à 13:22 (CEST) Répondre

Never ending story... Psemdel (discuter) 16 juillet 2023 à 20:29 (CEST) Répondre
Ok, I understand. It is because the rider was present several times. Psemdel (discuter) 17 juillet 2023 à 18:53 (CEST) Répondre

List of national team

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Dernier commentaire : il y a 7 mois 3 commentaires2 participants à la discussion

Hi, I cannot find anymore where the list of national team you created is located. Thx. Psemdel (discuter) 21 juillet 2024 à 14:51 (CEST) Répondre

@Psemdel - GAN (discuter) 21 juillet 2024 à 20:23 (CEST) Répondre GAN (discuter) 21 juillet 2024 à 20:25 (CEST) Répondre

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