Wikipedia:WikiProject Saints/Use so far
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Using new template
Using old infobox
- Alberto Hurtado
- Abachum
- Adalbert of Magdeburg
- Adalbert of Prague
- Amand
- Agatha of Sicily
- Agricola of Avignon
- Andrew Corsini
- Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus
- Arialdo
- Barbara
- Benedict the Moor
- Benignus of Dijon
- Bibiana
- Brigid of Ireland
- Catherine of Alexandria
- Clare of Assisi
- Crescentinus
- Cristóbal Magallanes Jara
- Cucuphas
- Dismas
- Saint Dominic
- Domninus
- Edith Stein
- Eligius
- Emmeram of Regensburg
- Ephrem the Syrian
- Faustyna Kowalska
- Felix and Adauctus
- Felix and Regula
- Fina
- Francis of Assisi
- Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
- Gereon
- Hermano Pedro de San José de Betancurt
- Himelinus
- Homobonus
- Hospitius
- Humility
- Hyacinth and Protus
- Ivo of Kermartin
- Hedwig of Poland
- James the Great
- Joan of Arc
- John Bosco
- Joseph Cafasso
- Julian and Basilissa
- Julian the Hospitaller
- Justa and Rufina
- Justina of Padua
- Lawrence
- Leticia
- Liborius
- Louis IX of France
- Saint Lucy
- Margaret Mary Alacoque
- Margaret of Cortona
- Margaret Pole
- Margaret the Virgin
- Martinian and Processus
- Maximillian Kolbe
- Nicholas
- Nicholas of Tolentino
- Saint Ninian
- Paulinus of York
- Perpetuus
- Peter
- Peter Claver
- Saint Petronius
- Phocas
- Primus and Felician
- Prosdocimus
- Quiricus and Julietta
- Rita of Cascia
- Rumbold
- Simon of Trent
- Stanislaus of Szczepanów
- Thérèse de Lisieux
- Thomas Becket
- Thomas More
- Tikhon of Moscow
- Toribio Romo González
- Turibius de Mongrovejo
- Ubald
- Victor of Marseilles
- Saint Vitus
- Wenceslas I, Duke of Bohemia
- William of Perth
- Zeno of Verona
- Zenobius
- Zita