Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/Recognized content
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a list of recognized content, updated weekly by JL-Bot (talk · contribs) (typically on Saturdays). There is no need to edit the list yourself. If an article is missing from the list, make sure it is tagged (e.g. {{WikiProject Mathematics }}) or categorized correctly and wait for the next update. See WP:RECOG for configuration options.
Featured articles
[edit ]- 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ⋯
- Actuary
- Affine symmetric group
- Algebra
- Archimedes
- Georg Cantor
- Euclidean algorithm
- Leonhard Euler
- Richard Feynman
- General relativity
- Introduction to general relativity
- Josiah Willard Gibbs
- Group (mathematics)
- Robert Hues
- Ted Kaczynski
- Johannes Kepler
- Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector
- Émile Lemoine
- Logarithm
- Logic
- Mirror symmetry (string theory)
- Emery Molyneux
- Emmy Noether
- Parity of zero
- Pi
- Problem of Apollonius
- Quine–Putnam indispensability argument
- Marian Rejewski
- Shen Kuo
- Edward Wright (mathematician)
- Zhang Heng
Former featured articles
[edit ]- 0.999...
- Ackermann function
- Algorithm
- Computational complexity theory
- Cryptography
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- Albert Einstein
- Electoral system
- Paul Erdős
- Fractal
- Galileo Galilei
- Game theory
- Carl Friedrich Gauss
- Stephen Hawking
- Illegal prime
- Infinite monkey theorem
- Margin of error
- Monty Hall problem
- Isaac Newton
- Numerical weather prediction
- Blaise Pascal
- Polar coordinate system
- Prisoner's dilemma
- Pythagorean theorem
- Quantum computing
- Quantum mechanics
- Regular polytope
- Sudoku
- Triangle
- Trigonometric functions
- Vacuous truth
Featured lists
[edit ]Former featured lists
[edit ]Good articles
[edit ]- 1
- 17-animal inheritance puzzle
- 69 (number)
- AP Statistics
- Addition
- Alexandrov's uniqueness theorem
- Antiparallelogram
- Aristotle
- Arithmetic
- Arrangement of lines
- Ars Conjectandi
- Averroes
- Basic Math (video game)
- Beckman–Quarles theorem
- Binary logarithm
- Binary search tree
- Binary tiling
- BIT predicate
- Book embedding
- Borromean rings
- Cairo pentagonal tiling
- Cantor's first set theory article
- Cantor's isomorphism theorem
- Cistercian numerals
- Clique problem
- Commutative property
- Final stellation of the icosahedron
- Component (graph theory)
- Constructible number
- Convex curve
- Convex hull
- Cop-win graph
- Curve of constant width
- Curve-shortening flow
- De Bruijn–Erdős theorem (graph theory)
- De quinque corporibus regularibus
- Dehn invariant
- Derivative
- Descartes' theorem
- Dirac delta function
- Directed acyclic graph
- Donkey Kong Jr. Math
- Double bubble theorem
- Doyle spiral
- Dual graph
- Dyadic rational
- E (mathematical constant)
- Earth–Moon problem
- Albert Einstein
- Erdős–Anning theorem
- Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem
- Erdős–Straus conjecture
- M. C. Escher
- Euclid–Euler theorem
- Euclidean minimum spanning tree
- Euclidean distance
- Explanatory indispensability argument
- Factorial
- Fast inverse square root
- Ronald Fedkiw
- Feedback arc set
- Fermat's Last Tango
- Fermat's right triangle theorem
- Fibonacci nim
- Field (mathematics)
- Finite subdivision rule
- Fleiss' kappa
- Free abelian group
- Square-difference-free set
- Gale–Shapley algorithm
- Carl Friedrich Gauss
- Andrew M. Gleason
- Ronald Graham
- Graph homomorphism
- Greedy coloring
- Grid bracing
- Group testing
- Halin graph
- Richard Hamming
- Handshaking lemma
- Harmonic series (mathematics)
- Heilbronn triangle problem
- Herschel graph
- Hilbert space
- Bernt Michael Holmboe
- Christiaan Huygens
- Hypatia
- Hyperbolic spiral
- Icosian game
- Ideal polyhedron
- Infinity symbol
- International Mathematical Olympiad
- Isosceles triangle
- Sunday Iyahen
- Vojtěch Jarník
- Jessen's icosahedron
- Kawasaki's theorem
- Keller's conjecture
- Kepler triangle
- Kite (geometry)
- Aderemi Kuku
- Emanuel Lasker
- Laves graph
- Logic of graphs
- Logic translation
- Lonely runner conjecture
- Malfatti circles
- The Math Myth
- Mathematical economics
- Mathematics and art
- Mathematics and architecture
- Matrix (mathematics)
- Maximum spacing estimation
- James Clerk Maxwell
- Mayer–Vietoris sequence
- José Mendieta
- Midsphere
- Möbius strip
- Rosa M. Morris
- Mutilated chessboard problem
- John von Neumann
- Isaac Newton
- No-three-in-line problem
- Opaque set
- Ordered Bell number
- Paterson's worms
- Patterns in nature
- Pell's equation
- Penrose tiling
- Pentagonal pyramid
- Perfect graph
- Pick's theorem
- Polygonalization
- Prime number
- Prince Rupert's cube
- Pseudoforest
- Pythagoras
- Pythagorean theorem
- Pythagorean tiling
- Quadrisecant
- Quantum electrodynamics
- Quantum mechanics
- Rado graph
- Random binary tree
- Regular number
- Representation theory of the Lorentz group
- Reuleaux triangle
- Reversible cellular automaton
- Rook's graph
- Arnold Ross
- Klaus Roth
- Rule 184
- Schönhardt polyhedron
- Schwarz lantern
- Shapley–Folkman lemma
- Anania Shirakatsi
- Simple polygon
- Skolem's paradox
- Small set expansion hypothesis
- Snark (graph theory)
- Square pyramid
- Square pyramidal number
- Squaring the circle
- Srinivasa Ramanujan
- Stars (M. C. Escher)
- Hugo Steinhaus
- Steinitz's theorem
- Carl Størmer
- Summa de arithmetica
- Sylvester–Gallai theorem
- Sylvester's sequence
- Taylor series
- Telephone number (mathematics)
- Tessellation
- Theil–Sen estimator
- Three-gap theorem
- Three utilities problem
- Transfer function matrix
- Triangular bipyramid
- Triaugmented triangular prism
- Turán's brick factory problem
- Alan Turing
- Stanisław Ulam
- Unit distance graph
- Unit fraction
- Universal vertex
- Vector space
- Vedic Mathematics
- Viète's formula
- Francis Amasa Walker
- Jean Walton
- Well-covered graph
- E. T. Whittaker
- Widest path problem
- Wieferich prime
- Eugene Wigner
- Witch of Agnesi
- YBC 7289
- Znám's problem
Former good articles
[edit ]- A Beautiful Mind (film)
- Best response
- Henri Brocard
- Entropy
- Euclidean geometry
- Fair division
- Gödel's incompleteness theorems
- David Hilbert
- Homotopy groups of spheres
- Ibn al-Haytham
- Religious views of Isaac Newton
- Ishango bone
- Klee's measure problem
- Linear algebra
- Map projection
- Mathcounts
- Mathematical analysis
- Mathematics
- Measure (mathematics)
- Nash equilibrium
- Order theory
- Ordinal number
- Philosophy of mathematics
- Physics
- Probability theory
- Quadratic equation
- Riemann hypothesis
- Rubik's Cube
- Bertrand Russell
- Schrödinger equation
- Statistics
- String theory
- Alfred North Whitehead
- Zeno's paradoxes
Good article nominees
[edit ]Did you know? articles
[edit ]- 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ⋯
- 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ⋯
- 1/4 + 1/16 + 1/64 + 1/256 + ⋯
- 1
- 17-animal inheritance puzzle
- 69 (number)
- 100 prisoners problem
- Actuarial notation
- Affine symmetric group
- Ages of Three Children puzzle
- Silas D. Alben
- Algebra
- Alligation
- Nalini Anantharaman
- Angle trisection
- Antiparallelogram
- Arithmetic
- Arithmetic (book)
- Arithmetica Universalis
- Āryabhaṭa's sine table
- Automatic differentiation
- Averroes
- Kosmas Balanos
- Barnsley fern
- John B. Bell
- Bent function
- Van den Berg–Kesten inequality
- Berge equilibrium
- Berlekamp–Rabin algorithm
- Lipman Bers
- Biham–Middleton–Levine traffic model
- Bilinski dodecahedron
- Binary logarithm
- Book embedding
- Borromean rings
- Brian Bowditch
- Bramble–Hilbert lemma
- David Bressoud
- Bricard octahedron
- Henri Brocard
- Herbert Busemann
- Cairo pentagonal tiling
- Calkin–Wilf tree
- James W. Cannon
- Cantor's first set theory article
- Guido Castelnuovo
- Catherine Cavagnaro
- Centered octahedral number
- William Chapple (surveyor)
- Characteristic equation (calculus)
- Chemical graph generator
- Xiuxiong Chen
- Sergei Chernikov
- Cheryl's Birthday
- Graciela Chichilnisky
- Circle Limit III
- Circular layout
- Cistercian numerals
- Cleo (mathematician)
- Clique problem
- Closed-subgroup theorem
- Cocker's Arithmetick
- Common fixed point problem
- Compound of three octahedra
- Congruum
- Constructible number
- Convex curve
- Cousin problems
- Elbert Frank Cox
- Henry Crapo (mathematician)
- Criss-cross algorithm
- Curve of constant width
- Curve-shortening flow
- De Bruijn–Erdős theorem (graph theory)
- De Bruijn index
- De Bruijn notation
- De Bruijn's theorem
- De quinque corporibus regularibus
- Dehn function
- Dehn invariant
- Blanche Descartes
- Descartes' theorem
- Directed acyclic graph
- Discrete Mathematics (journal)
- Distinguishing coloring
- Arthur Lee Dixon
- Dot planimeter
- Double bubble theorem
- Doyle spiral
- Dual graph
- Marie-Louise Dubreil-Jacotin
- Ioana Dumitriu
- Aryeh Dvoretzky
- Dyadic rational
- Eigendecomposition of a matrix
- Ivar Ekeland
- Gustav Elfving
- Equidissection
- The Equidistribution of Lattice Shapes of Rings of Integers of Cubic, Quartic, and Quintic Number Fields
- Equitable coloring
- Erdős–Moser equation
- Euclid–Euler theorem
- Euclidean minimum spanning tree
- Euclidean distance
- Eutactic star
- Extended Kalman filter
- Factorial
- Vera Faddeeva
- Fang Kaitai
- Fast inverse square root
- Ronald Fedkiw
- Feedback arc set
- Genevieve Grotjan Feinstein
- Fermat's Last Tango
- Fermat's right triangle theorem
- Richard Feynman
- Fibonacci nim
- Mario Fiorentini
- Jon Folkman
- Forking lemma
- David J. Foulis
- Fourth dimension in art
- David Friesenhausen
- Square-difference-free set
- GRIM test
- Gale–Shapley algorithm
- Carl Friedrich Gauss
- Gauss's Pythagorean right triangle proposal
- Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding
- Alexandru Ghika
- Edgar Gilbert
- Gilbert–Shannon–Reeds model
- Leonard Gillman
- Andrew M. Gleason
- Goldberg–Coxeter construction
- Gömböc
- Ronald Graham
- Grandi's series
- Graph power
- Emanuels Grīnbergs
- Emil Grosswald
- Group testing
- Grünbaum–Rigby configuration
- Iván Guzmán de Rojas
- Hadwiger conjecture (graph theory)
- Hadwiger conjecture (combinatorial geometry)
- Marjorie Hahn
- Halin graph
- Richard Hamming
- Handshaking lemma
- Pamela E. Harris
- Haversine formula
- Louise Hay (mathematician)
- Height function
- Katherine Heinrich
- Heronian tetrahedron
- Herschel graph
- Hinged dissection
- History of randomness
- Hoffman's packing puzzle
- Robert V. Hogg
- Bernt Michael Holmboe
- Ivy Hooks
- Leetsch C. Hsu
- Robert Hues
- Christiaan Huygens
- Hyperbolic spiral
- Hypercycle (geometry)
- Hyperdeterminant
- IM 67118
- Icosian game
- Ideal polyhedron
- Infinity symbol
- International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians
- International Congress of Mathematicians
- An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic
- Invariant set postulate
- John R. Isbell
- Isosceles triangle
- Svante Janson
- Vojtěch Jarník
- Jeep problem
- Jessen's icosahedron
- Jorge Luis Borges and mathematics
- Kawasaki's theorem
- Keller's conjecture
- Kepler triangle
- Chawne Kimber
- Thomas Kirkman
- Kite (geometry)
- Klee–Minty cube
- Gunilla Kreiss
- Jonas Kubilius
- Jeanne LaDuke
- Fredrik Lange-Nielsen
- Daniel Larsen (mathematician)
- Laves graph
- John Law (bishop)
- Least-squares spectral analysis
- Lefschetz theorem on (1,1)-classes
- Marguerite Lehr
- Louis Leithold
- Émile Lemoine
- Li Ye (mathematician)
- Life without Death
- Ewa Ligocka
- List of uniform polyhedra
- Logarithmic differentiation
- Logic
- Logic translation
- Lonely runner conjecture
- Yudell Luke
- Al-Mahani
- Malfatti circles
- Henry Mann
- Map folding
- J. Carson Mark
- Samuel Marolois
- Marquois scales
- Andreu Mas-Colell
- The Math Myth
- Mathematical diagram
- Yozo Matsushima
- Ioan Mire Melik
- Ménage problem
- José Mendieta
- Method of moments (electromagnetics)
- Mathias Metternich
- Margaret Meyer
- Minimal surface of revolution
- Josephine M. Mitchell
- Möbius–Kantor graph
- Möbius strip
- Edwin E. Moise
- Emery Molyneux
- Rosa M. Morris
- Moser–de Bruijn sequence
- Mutilated chessboard problem
- Pia Nalli
- Napoleon points
- Negative base
- Joseph Jean Baptiste Neuberg
- John von Neumann
- Mary Frances Winston Newson
- No-three-in-line problem
- François Noël (missionary)
- Emmy Noether
- Max Noether
- Non-convexity (economics)
- On the Sphere and Cylinder
- Ordered Bell number
- Peter Orno
- Hinke Osinga
- Ostomachion
- Pairwise summation
- Pancyclic graph
- Pandrosion
- Parity of zero
- Catherine de Parthenay
- Patterns in nature
- Pell's equation
- Penny graph
- Permutohedron
- Perspectiva corporum regularium
- Phase-space formulation
- Lisa Piccirillo
- Pick's theorem
- Jan Piekałkiewicz
- Salvatore Pincherle
- Pizza theorem
- Plane of rotation
- Plesiohedron
- Poincaré duality
- Polybius square
- Polygonalization
- Ed Posner
- Marian Pour-El
- Pride in STEM
- Prime number
- Primes in arithmetic progression
- Prince Rupert's cube
- Princeton Lectures in Analysis
- Giovanni Prodi
- Proof without words
- Prosthaphaeresis
- Pseudoforest
- Pseudotriangle
- Pythagoras
- Pythagorean tiling
- Quadrisecant
- Quantum mechanics
- Quartic reciprocity
- Queen's graph
- Quine–Putnam indispensability argument
- Rado graph
- Hans Rådström
- John Rainwater
- Regular number
- Representation theory of the Lorentz group
- Reuleaux triangle
- Reversible cellular automaton
- Ri Jong-yol
- Emily Riehl
- Ring of modular forms
- Roberts's triangle theorem
- Judith Roitman
- Roman abacus
- Arnold Ross
- Klaus Roth
- Linda Preiss Rothschild
- Routhian mechanics
- Ruffini's rule
- Rule 184
- Donald G. Saari
- Sampling frame
- Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics
- Leila Schneps
- Schönhardt polyhedron
- Schuette–Nesbitt formula
- Schwarz lantern
- Haidao Suanjing
- Self number
- Semisimple representation
- Series–parallel graph
- Shapley–Folkman lemma
- Siamese method
- William James Sidis
- Siegel modular variety
- Sikidy
- Mary Emily Sinclair
- Singly and doubly even
- Skinny triangle
- Social golfer problem
- Makoto Soejima
- Zhuo Qun Song
- Sophie Germain's identity
- Spherical wedge
- Square pyramid
- Square pyramidal number
- Squaring the circle
- Squircle
- Stable normal bundle
- Stacky curve
- Gigliola Staffilani
- Zvezdelina Stankova
- Stars (M. C. Escher)
- Jackie Stedall
- Hugo Steinhaus
- Steinitz's theorem
- Ruth Stokes
- Carl Størmer
- Straightedge and compass construction
- Anne Penfold Street
- Subgroup distortion
- Substructure search
- Summa de arithmetica
- Song Sun
- Louise Nixon Sutton
- Thyrsa Frazier Svager
- Marcia P. Sward
- Syllabical and Steganographical Table
- Sylvester–Gallai theorem
- Jacob Tamarkin
- Harold Taylor (architectural historian)
- Telephone number (mathematics)
- Tennis ball theorem
- Olry Terquem
- Audrey Terras
- Theil–Sen estimator
- Three-gap theorem
- Three utilities problem
- Thue–Morse sequence
- Tomahawk (geometry)
- Transfer function matrix
- Turán's brick factory problem
- Tutte 12-cage
- Stephen Twinoburyo
- Unit fraction
- Uses of trigonometry
- Akshay Venkatesh
- Viète's formula
- Karen Vogtmann
- Francis Amasa Walker
- Jean Walton
- William Allen Whitworth
- Widest path problem
- Wiener sausage
- Eugene Wigner
- Carl A. Wiley
- Witch of Agnesi
- Word (group theory)
- John Wrench
- Edward Wright (mathematician)
- Xu Ruiyun
- YBC 7289
- Stephen Shing-Toung Yau
- Yitang Zhang
- Zolotarev polynomials
- N-dimensional sequential move puzzle
Featured pictures
[edit ]-
Albert Einstein sticks his tongue
Ambigram of the word ambigram - rotation animation
Anscombe's quartet 3
Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model self-organized to a disordered intermediate phase
Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model self-organized to a free flowing phase
Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model self-organized to a globally jammed phase
Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model self-organized to a periodic intermediate phase
Bouncing ball strobe edit
Bézier 1 big
Bézier 2 big
Bézier 3 big
Bézier 4 big
Circle radians
Color coded racetrack large channel
Conways game of life breeder animation
Desargues theorem alt
Einstein 1921 by F Schmutzer - restoration
Fourier2 - restoration1
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) RMG BHC2700
Gospers glider gun
Hermann Amand Schwarz (1843-1921) by Louis Zipfel
Jeanette Scissum at Marshall Space Flight Center
Katherine Johnson 1983
Katherine Johnson at NASA, in 1966
Knight's tour anim 2
Knot table
Leonhard Euler - edit1
Line integral of scalar field
Lorenz attractor yb
MAZE 30x20 DFS
MAZE 30x20 Prim
Mandel zoom 00 mandelbrot set
Mandel zoom 01 head and shoulder
Mandel zoom 02 seehorse valley
Mandel zoom 03 seehorse
Mandel zoom 04 seehorse tail
Mandel zoom 05 tail part
Mandel zoom 06 double hook
Mandel zoom 07 satellite
Mandel zoom 08 satellite antenna
Mandel zoom 09 satellite head and shoulder
Mandel zoom 10 satellite seehorse valley
Mandel zoom 11 satellite double spiral
Mandel zoom 12 satellite spirally wheel with julia islands
Mandel zoom 13 satellite seehorse tail with julia island
Mandel zoom 14 satellite julia island
Mandelbrot sequence new
Mary Jackson 1979 Portrait (LRC-1979-B701 P-07085)
Mary Jackson working 2 - Restoration
Missing square edit
Missing square puzzle
Mug and Torus morph
NURBS 3-D surface
Physicist Stephen Hawking in Zero Gravity NASA
Porträt des Daniel Bernoulli - edit1
Power 8 mandelbulb fractal overview
Shallow water waves
Sieve of Eratosthenes animation
Tetrahedral group 2
Valerie L. Thomas standing with a stack of early Landsat Computer Compatible Tapes
Villarceau circles
Former featured pictures
[edit ]-