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This list includes userbox templates about philosophy .


[edit ]
Wikitext userbox where used
This user has reached a state of ataraxia .
User consciousness}}
This user is interested in the subject of consciousness .
User Empathy}}
This user knows that
Empathy Matters.
User EXIT}}
This user knows that there IS NO EXIT .
User Facts}}
This user knows that
Facts Matter
User Hopeless Philosopher}}
This user is a Hopeless Philosopher.
User Leibnizianism}}
This user is Leibnizian.

This user is interested
in Lucid Dreaming.
User Neoplatonism}}
This user is Neoplatonist.

User Neopythagoreanism}}
This user is Neopythagorean.

User nominalist intrumentalist}}
This user is a Nominalist and an Instrumentalist.
This user supports open-mindedness.
User:Public Userboxes/Perennialist}}
This user is a perennialist .
User Philosophy/1}}
This user likes to ponder Philosophical questions like "Why does 2 + 2 = 4?" and "Why can it not equal 5?"
User philosophy}}
This user is interested in
philosophy .
User Platonism}}
This user is a (neo-)Platonist.

User Pythagoreanism}}
This user is (neo-)Pythagorean.

User Reason}}
This user knows that
Reason Matters.
User Respect}}
This user knows that
Respect Matters.
User Science}}
This user knows that
Science Matters.
User Truth}}
This user knows that
Truth Matters.
This user's editing philosophy...
Contribute, let go
John Locke This user is an empiricist , and believes that knowledge is subject to continued revision and falsification.
This user is interested in the study of Objectivism .

This user is interested in Stoicism .
This user has a keen interest in the philosophy of physics .
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/Philosophy}}
This user is interested in philosophy .
User:Rursus/UBX/Philosophical Investigations}}
This user is in awe before Philosophical Investigations by Ludwig Wittgenstein.
User:Secret Saturdays/Study Zen}}
This user studies the Zen Philosophy .
User:The Ministry of Truth/Userboxes/Philosophy}}
This user is interested in philosophy .

This user is a practicing Stoic .

User:UBX/Enjoys philosophy}}
This user enjoys philosophy .
This user is interested in existentialism .
This user is interested in philosophical hermeneutics.
~(p&~p) This user studies the concept of logic .
This user wants to
This user loves the wisdom of Philosophy .
Newspaper This user believes that
the press is not the enemy.
User:UBX/US alt-facts}}
This user believes that
alternative facts
are damnable lies
User:UBX/US facts}}
This user believes that
facts trump
political propaganda.
User:UBX/US science}}
This user believes that
science trumps
individual belief.
User:Whoosit/Userbox}} User:Yozzer66/userboxes/Christian existentialism}}
This user is interested in Existentialism, particularly Christian existentialism.
User:Yozzer66/userboxes/Western phil}}
This user is interested in Philosophy, particularly later modern Western philosophy.
User:Infinity128/Userbox/Nihilist}} User:UBX/Dualism}}
This user is interested in dualism , the belief in fundamentally distinct mental and physical worlds.
User:Life in General/Userboxes/FreeLove}}
This user is an advocate of the free love movement .
This user employs dialectics as an analytical framework.
User:Digiulio8/Userboxes/German Studies}}
This user is interested in German intellectual history
This user is a kokugakusha.
Ethics[edit ]
Wikitext userbox where used
{{User hedonist}}
hed This user is a hedonist.
User Militarist}}
This user is not against Militarism.
User pacifist}} User ProMilitarist}}
This user is a militarist .
User transhumanist}}
This user is a transhumanist .
User vegetarian}}
This user is a
vegetarian .
This user knows that
the end justifies the means .
User:UBX/Moral realism}}
This user is interested in moral realism .
User:UBX/No honour and morality}}
(削除) HM (削除ここまで)
This user has never valued the concepts of honour and morality, and considers them to be outdated.
OLV This user is an
ovo-lacto vegetarian.
This user is interested in Utilitarianism , the belief that a moral action is one which increases the total happiness of humanity.
Pessimist? Nihilist? This user is an Antinatalist .
Machiavelli This user is Machiavellian.
User:CaptchaSamurai/eradication of suffering}}
This user advocates eradication of suffering.
This user believes that all human interaction should be voluntary.
User:Dr who1975/SecularHumanist}}
This user is a secular humanist .
User:Life in General/Userboxes/Abolitionist}}
This user is an abolitionist .
User:Life in General/Userboxes/Animal Liberation}}
This user supports animal liberation .
User:Life in General/Userboxes/AntiMilitarist}}
This user is an anti-militarist .
User:Life in General/Userboxes/MoralUniversalist}}
This user is a moral universalist .
User:Mati Roy/Userboxes/EffectiveAltruism}}
This user is an effective altruist.
This user is a consequentialist , who believes that the morality of an act is based on its consequences.
User:One/Userboxes/User cynic}}
I would say I'm a cynic but I bet you just wouldn't believe me.
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/Egalitarian}}
This user is an egalitarian .
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/EthicalHedonist}}
This user is an ethical hedonist who believes everyone should have the right to maximise their personal pleasure to the greatest extent possible without infringing on the right of others to do the same.
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/Transhumanist}}
This user is a transhumanist .
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/Vegan}}
V This user is vegan .
This user believes in the power of nonviolence .
User:The Ministry of Truth/Userboxes/SAC}}
All this user is saying, is give WAR a chance!
User:Theo Pardilla/Userboxes/Humanist}}
This user is a Humanist .
User:Warsaw Radio Mast/Userboxes/Ovo vegetarian}}
OV This user is a ovo vegetarian.
User:Wikipédiste Consommé/Userboxes/Violence}}
This user believes in the power of violence .
This user advocates pacifism .
Positions[edit ]
Wikitext userbox where used
{{User Creationist}}
This user believes in creationism .
User Faith}}
This user values
faith over reason
This user is agnostic .

¿!? This user is an Agnostic atheist.
User:UBX/User Atheist3}}
This user is an atheist .
Atheist? Antitheist? This user is a dystheist.
User hedonist}}
hed This user is a hedonist.
User:Commons is in a thing/ubx/Christian hedonism}}
ch This user is a christian hedonist.
User Minimalist}}
This user is a minimalist .
User moderation}}
Patrick Henry 1775 Give me moderation
or give me death!
User reality}}
This user believes that religion that
contradicts verifiable facts is a lie.
User reason}}
This user values reason
over faith
User religion & reason}}
This user believes that freedom of religion
does not constitute freedom from reason .
User truth}}
This user strives to be
against unfounded myth
and unbalanced in service of the truth.
User truth2}}
This user strives to be
against unfounded myth
and unbalanced in service of the truth.
User untruthy}} User Mind-Body Dualist}}
This user is a mind–body dualist .
User Substance dualist}}
This user is a Substance dualist .

User free speech}} User:Brian0918/Objectivism}}
This user is an Objectivist .

User:Ashley Y/Userbox/Separation}}
This user believes in the separation of church and state.
This user believes that Hell is other people .
rand This user opposes Ayn Rand's objectivist philosophy.
User:ClaretAsh/Userboxes/Silence}} User:Constanz/Userboxes/Pessimist}}
This user is a pessimist .
what ever This user is an Apatheist , because it doesn't matter whether there are any gods or not.
John Locke This user is an empiricist , and believes that knowledge is subject to continued revision and falsification.
! This user is a naturalist, who believes that only natural laws and forces operate in the universe.
Panthéisme This user is a Pantheist .
Panpsychism This user is a Panpsychist .
This user is a Fallibilist .
User:Hanyou23/Userboxes/Free spirit}}
This user is a free spirit :
goes with the wind~
This user is a non-conformer, but still likes to be uniform.
This user is a Determinist .
User:Heuh0/Userboxes/Soft Determinism}}
This user is a compatibilist who argues that "man can do what he wills, but he cannot will what he wills".
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/Compatibilist}}
This user is a compatibilist who believes a naturalistically determined physical universe is not incompatible with the existence of free will .
User:Life in General/Userboxes/Compatibilism}}
This user is a compatibilist .
This user is a Minimalist .
This user is a Singularitarian.
This user believes Groupthink is the most dangerous aspect of the human psyche. Who's with me?
User:Life in General/Userboxes/Absurdism}}
This user is an
User:Life in General/Userboxes/AnalyticPhil}}
AP This user is a proponent of analytic philosophy .
User:Life in General/Userboxes/CriticalRealism}}
This user is a critical realist .
User:Life in General/Userboxes/Meaning}}
Live a happy life, improve yourself, strive towards the truth : what more meaning does life need ?
This user feels that Pragmaticism is a better Empiricism .

This user wants a philosopher king .
This user is a Malthusian.
This user is a rationalist.
User:Mjpresson/Userboxes/I Think}}
This is where I stand. TODAY
User:One/Userboxes/User abstractions}}
This user thinks that abstractions cannot hurt anybody.
User:One/Userboxes/User skeptic}}
This user is a skeptic .
User:One/Userboxes/User skeptic3}}
This user is a skeptic .
User:One/Userboxes/User truth-corresp-or-something}}
This user believes truth is adaequatio intellectus et rei , or something like that.
This user is a sceptic .
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/Empiricist}}
This user is an empiricist who believes knowledge is subject to continued revision and falsification.
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/Freethinker}}
This user is a freethinker .
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/Naturalist}}
This user is a naturalist who believes only natural laws and forces operate in the universe.
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/Physicalist}}
This user is a physicalist who believes everything that exists consists of matter and energy .
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/ProScience}}
This user believes science , practiced through the scientific method , is the
most reliable way of determining the
nature of reality .
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/Rationalist}}
This user is a rationalist who believes "common sense " is a worthless delusion and prefers to use reason .
User:Queerly Bohemian/Userboxes/Skeptic}}
This user is a skeptic .
Privacy, sweet sweet privacy! This user enjoys his/her privacy.
User:Redthoreau/Coles axiom}}
Cole's Axiom This user believes that the sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; yet the population is growing.

User:Redthoreau/Grossmans misquote}}
Grossman Misquote This user is aware that complex problems have simple, easy to understand wrong answers.

User:Redthoreau/Katzs law}}
Katz's Law This user knows that men and women will act rationally when all other possibilities have been exhausted.
User:Redthoreau/No conspiracy}}
This user doesn't invoke conspiracy as explanation, when ignorance and incompetence will suffice.
User:Redthoreau/Sayres Law}}
Sayre's Law This user feels that in any dispute, the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the stakes.
User:Redthoreau/Segals law}}
Segal's Law This user is aware that a man with two watches on, may not be sure what time it is.
User:RisingSunWiki/Userboxes/All men are created equal}}
This user believes that all men are created equal.
This editor might be a precisionist. It depends - check the policy.

User:Rursus/UBX/Critical realist}}
This user is a critical realist.
User:Seonookim/Userboxes/Nothing after death}}
DEATH This Wikipedian believes that there is nothing after death.
This user is a skeptic .
x x {\displaystyle \Diamond x\!\!\rightarrow \!\!\Box x} {\displaystyle \Diamond x\!\!\rightarrow \!\!\Box x} This user lives in a mathematical universe.
This user is mathematicist. e i x = cos x + i sin x {\displaystyle e^{ix}=\cos x+i\sin x} {\displaystyle e^{ix}=\cos x+i\sin x}

User:The Devil's Advocate/trueskeptic}}
This user believes a true skeptic questions everything, not just minority views.
User:The Ministry of Truth/Userboxes/Soc Darwin}}
This user identifies as a Social Darwinist .
User:UBX/Benfords Law}}
Benford's Law This user believes that passion is often inversely proportional to the amount of real information available.
User:UBX/Christian existentialist}}
This user is a
Christian existentialist.
User:UBX/Cogito ergo sum-female}} User:UBX/Cogito ergo sum-male}} User:UBX/Cogito ergo sum-non-gendered}} User:UBX/Death-part-of-life}}
This user is interested in the belief that death is an acceptable part of life .
User:UBX/Hanlons Razor}}
Hanlon's Razor This user never attributes to malice that which is best explained by stupidity.
This user believes in materialism, the belief that everything that exists is made of matter.
! This user, like every other rational person, is a materialist.
This user is interested in the belief that the Meaning of life is to Improve Oneself.
This user is interested in the belief that the Meaning of life is to Improve Oneself.
User:UBX/Okrents Law}}
Okrent's Law This user believes that the pursuit of balance can create imbalance because sometimes something is true.
This user and C. S. Peirce have the fixed belief that Pragmaticism is a better Pragmatism .

Q This user employs rationality .
User:Warsaw Radio Mast/Userboxes/Neo-Luddism}}
This user supports Neo-Luddism and resists modern technologies.
This user is an objectivist, but not a jerk.
User:Wintran/Userboxes/Happy life meaning}}
This user believes that the meaning of life is to live a happy life .
User:Wintran/Userboxes/Life is good}}
This user believes that
life is good .
This user believes in logic .
I embrace Actor-Network Theory:
What's in your Black Box?
I am a Postmodernist.
Incredulity Towards Metanarratives
This user is an existentialist.
Philosophers[edit ]
Wikitext userbox where used
This user likes
St. Thomas Aquinas .
This user likes René Descartes .
This user is influenced by Wilhelm Dilthey.
User:UBX/Friedrich Engels}}
This user likes Friedrich Engels.
User:Llewellyn of the Lakes/Enlightenment}}
This user is a child of the Enlightenment .
This user likes Voltaire.
This user is influenced by Michel Foucault .
This user likes Gottlob Frege .
This user is influenced by Confucius.
This user is a fan of the principles of John Locke.
User:UBX/Karl Marx}}
This user likes Karl Marx.
It's not worth the bother. This user is a
fan of Emil Cioran .
Friedrich Nietzsche has
influenced this user.
User:Pifactorial/Userboxes/User kantian}}
This user loves the philosophy of
Immanuel Kant
This user agrees with Immanuel Kant's
categorical imperative .
This user knows that G. W. F. Hegel was a genius .
This user thinks Georg Hegel was a fraud .
This user's favorite pre-Socratic is Heraclitus .
This user is influenced by
Thomas Carlyle.
9 This user thinks that Cirno is a genius .
User:VanHelm/Paracelsian Philosophia}}
This wikipedian has insights into the inner nature of Paracelsian Philosophia.
This user is influenced by Martin Heidegger.
This user is in awe of The Great Leviathan.
This user is a huge fan of
Noam Chomsky .
This user is a huge fan of
Henry David Thoreau .
User:L.R. Wormwood/Userboxes/Burke}}
This user is a fan of the political principles of Edmund Burke.
This user is a fan of the political principles of Alexis de Tocqueville.
This user is influenced by Hannah Arendt.
This user is influenced by
Leo Strauss.
This user is influenced by the philosophy of Diogenes .
This user reveres the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza.
User:UBX/Bertrand Russell}}
This user likes Bertrand Russell .
User:Owynhart/Userboxes/Bertrand Russell}}
This user is a fan of Bertrand Russell .
This user is influenced by Max Scheler.
This user is influenced by Vladimir Solovyov.
User Stirner}}
This user is interested in the thought of Max Stirner
This user is critical of postmodernism and its effects on the academy.
This user is always-already interpellated by ideology.
JKD[edit ]
Wikitext userbox where used
{{User:RisingSunWiki/Userboxes/No way}}
道 This user uses no way as Way.
User:RisingSunWiki/Userboxes/The Pathless Path}}
JKD This user walks on the pathless path.
User:RisingSunWiki/Userboxes/Circle with no circumference}}
This user exists in a circle with no circumference.
User:RisingSunWiki/Userboxes/Formless infinite}} User:RisingSunWiki/Userboxes/No philosophy}}
JKD This user believes that the highest philosophy is no philosophy.
User:RisingSunWiki/Userboxes/No nationality}} Philosophy WikiProjects[edit ]
See Wikipedia:Userboxes/WikiProjects#Philosophy for Philosophy WikiProjects userbox templates.

See also

[edit ]
See Wikipedia:Userboxes
for a guide to userbox templates.

See Wikipedia:Userboxes/Galleries
for a guide to userbox galleries.

See Wikipedia:Userboxes/Galleries/alphabetical
for a list of all userbox galleries.
Mass media
The arts
TV shows
How to

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