Wikipedia:Lists of common misspellings/B
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- misspelling (click for Wikipedia search); (correct spelling)
To add an entry to the list, insert a new search entry using the {{search link}} template with the correct spelling in parentheses after the link. For example,
* {{search link|mispelling||ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspelling)
* {{search link|"mispell"|mispell|ns0|ns14|ns100}} (misspell)
Please do not delete a misspelling from this page just because it generates false positives. A better way of getting rid of false positives is to "unlink" it by removing the {{search link }} template. For example,
* u (you) (huge number of false positives)
By leaving it on the list, it will remind other users why it has not been added, and it can be easily re-tested at a later date.
- babys (babies [plural], baby's [possessive], babys [French and German plural])
- bacame (became)
- backpeddle (backpedal)
- backruptcy (bankruptcy)
- backround (background)
- bacome (became, become)
- badmiton (badminton)
- badmitton (badminton)
- baised (based, biased)
- bakc (back)
- balence (balance)
- baleout (bailout)
- ballest (ballast)
- bandwith (bandwidth)
- bankrupcy (bankruptcy)
- bannana (banana)
- baord (board)
- baout (about, bout)
- baptise (variant of baptize)
- barbituate (barbiturate)
- Barnsely (Barnsley)
- barron (baron; huge number of false positives)
- basicaly (basically)
- basicly (basically)
- basist (bassist)
- batallion (battalion)
- batchs (batch's [possessive], batches [plural])
- bauk (balk)
- bcak (back)
- beacame (became)
- beacause (because)
- beachs (beach's [possessive], beaches [plural])
- beacuse (because)
- beared (bared, bearded, bore, borne)
- bearly (barely)
- beastial (bestial)
- beastiality (bestiality)
- beated (beat, beaten)
- beatiful (beautiful)
- beaurocracy (bureaucracy)
- beaurocrat (bureaucrat)
- beautifull (beautiful)
- beautifuly (beautifully)
- beautyfull (beautiful)
- becamae (became)
- becamed (became)
- becase (because)
- becasue (because)
- becomed (became)
- becomeing (becoming)
- becomming (becoming)
- becouse (because)
- becuase (because)
- beeen (been)
- beeing (being)
- beetween (between)
- beetwen (between)
- befoer (before)
- befor (before)
- beggin (begging, begin)
- begginer (beginner)
- beggining (beginning)
- begginning (beginning)
- begining (beginning)
- beginnig (beginning)
- behavior (variant of behaviour)
- behaviour (variant of behavior)
- behavour (behavior, behaviour)
- behove (variant of behoove)
- beign (begin, being)
- beigns (begins, beings)
- Bejing (Beijing)
- belabour (variant of belabor)
- beleagured (beleaguered)
- beleave (believe)
- beleif (belief)
- beleive (believe)
- beleives (beliefs [plural], believes)
- Belguim (Belgium)
- believeable (believable)
- belive (believe)
- beliver (believer)
- belives (beliefs [plural], believes)
- beliving (believing)
- bellweather (bellwether)
- benchs (benches [plural])
- benefical (beneficial)
- beneficary (beneficiary)
- Bengahzi (Benghazi)
- benificial (beneficial)
- benifit (benefit)
- benifits (benefits)
- bennefit (benefit)
- beofer (before)
- beofre (before)
- bereau (bureau)
- bergamont (bergamot)
- Bernouilli (Bernoulli)
- beseige (besiege)
- beserk (berserk)
- besetted (beset)
- beteen (between)
- bettween (between)
- betweeen (between)
- betwen (between)
- bianual (biannual, biennial)
- biassed (variant of biased)
- bieng (being)
- bilateraly (bilaterally)
- bilbliography (bibliography)
- binded (bound)
- binominal (binomial, binominal)
- bited (bit)
- biten (bitten)
- biulding (building)
- blaim (blame)
- blaimed (blamed)
- blatent (blatant)
- bleeded (bled)
- blest (variant of blessed)
- Blitzkreig (Blitzkrieg)
- bloosom (blossom)
- blossem (blossom)
- blowed (blew, blown)
- boaut (bout, boat, about)
- bodly (bodily)
- bodys (bodies [plural], body's [possessive])
- bonafied (bona fide)
- bondary (boundary)
- bonified (bona fide)
- Bonnano (Bonanno)
- boo's (boos)
- borded (boarded, bordered)
- borther (bother, brother)
- boths (booths, both)
- boundries (boundaries)
- boundry (boundary)
- bouyancy (buoyancy)
- bouyant (buoyant)
- boyant (buoyant)
- boyfreind (boyfriend)
- boys's (boys' [possessive])
- brakedown (breakdown)
- brakeup (break-up, breakup)
- brakish (brackish)
- branchs (branch's [possessive], branches [plural])
- brang (brought)
- Brasillian (Brazilian)
- Brazillian (Brazilian)
- breaked (beaked, broke, broken)
- breakthough (breakthrough)
- breeded (bred)
- breif (brief)
- breifcase (briefcase)
- breifly (briefly)
- brethrens (brethren [plural])
- bribary (bribery)
- Brigandier (Brigadier)
- briliant (brilliant)
- brillance (brilliance)
- brillant (brilliant [English]; false positives for brillant [French] and Brillant [proper name])
- bringed (brought)
- Britan (Britain)
- Britian (Britain)
- Brittain (Britain)
- Brittish (British)
- broadcasted (broadcast should be used per WP:COMMONALITY)
- broady (broadly)
- brodcast (broadcast)
- broght (brought)
- broked (broke, broken)
- brung (brought)
- Brussells (Brussels)
- Buddah (Buddha; but see Buddah Records)
- Buenos Aries (Buenos Aires)
- buffalos (acceptable variant of buffaloes)
- buget (budget)
- buiding (building)
- buidling (building)
- build-in (built-in)
- builded (built)
- buildng (building)
- builiding (building)
- buisness (business)
- bulding (building)
- buliding (building)
- bulliten (bulletin)
- buriel (burial)
- buring (burin, burning, burying, during)
- burrial (burial)
- burried (buried)
- burry (bury [consign to grave], burry [with burs, a burry voice])
- burrying (burying)
- busines (business)
- busineses (business, businesses [plural])
- busness (business)
- bussines (business)
- bussiness (business)
- buyed (bought)
- byepass (bypass)