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[edit ]Vkk
[edit ]- Root
- Rhizoid
- Shoot
- Herbaceous plant
- Plant stem
- UG Stem
- Underground stem
- Bulb
- Rhizome
- Corm
- Stolon
- Tuber
- Reproduction
- Seed
- Bud
- Asexual reproduction
- Plant Morphology
- Plant morphology
- Glossary of botanical terms
- Glossary of plant morphology
- ABC model of flower development
- Abscission
- Acarodomatia
- Acotyledon
- Aestivation (botany)
- Anemophily
- Arachnoid (botany)
- Areole
- Aril
- Auricle (botany)
- Awn (botany)
- Axillary bud
- Bark
- Beltian body
- Bine (botany)
- Biosequestration
- Bract
- Branch
- Branch collar
- Ornamental bulbous plant
- Bur
- Calyptra
- Canopy seed bank
- Cataphyll
- Catkin
- Caudex
- Cauliflory
- Certation
- Chaff
- Chalaza
- Cladoptosis
- Clonal colony
- Colleter (botany)
- Column (botany)
- Conifer cone
- Convolute (botany)
- Cotyledon
- Crown (botany)
- Crown sprouting
- Culm (plant)
- Cushion plant
- Cuticle
- Cyathium
- Cyclic flower
- Cyme (botany)
- Decurrent
- Dehiscence (botany)
- Diaspore (botany)
- Alexander Dickson (botanist)
- Dicotyledon
- Divaricate
- Double-flowered
- Drift seed
- Ear (botany)
- Emergent plant
- Enation
- Endodermis
- Endosperm
- Epicotyl
- Epigeal
- Epiphyte
- Exfoliation (botany)
- Exodermis
- Fasciation
- Fascicle (botany)
- Fern sports
- Floral diagram
- Floral formula
- Floral symmetry
- Flower
- Forb
- Foxtail (diaspore)
- Frond
- Fructification
- Galbulus
- Gametophore
- Gametophyte
- Gemma (botany)
- Glaucous
- Groundcover
- Gynoecium
- Gynophore
- Habit (biology)
- Haustorium
- Helical growth
- Helophyte
- Hemiepiphyte
- Herkogamy
- Heteroblasty (botany)
- Heterostyly
- Hibernaculum (botany)
- Holdfast
- Husk
- Hydrophily
- Hygrochasy
- Hypanthium
- Hypocotyl
- Hypogeal
- Incubous
- Indeterminate growth
- Inflorescence
- Involucre
- Labellum (botany)
- Lammas growth
- Lateral shoot
- Leaf
- Leaf angle distribution
- Leaf scar
- Leaf shape
- Leaf window
- Leaflet
- Lemma (botany)
- Lenticel
- Liana
- Lignotuber
- Ligule
- List of trifoliate plants
- List of world's largest seeds
- Lithophyte
- Locule
- Macrophyte
- Mallee (habit)
- Mallet (habit)
- Marlock
- Merosity
- Mesophyte
- Minni ritchi
- Monandrous
- Monoicous
- Monopodial
- Obconic
- Ochrea
- Offshoot (plant)
- Orbicule
- Ovary (botany)
- Ovule
- Pachycaul
- Palea (botany)
- Panicle
- Papilionaceous
- Pappus (flower structure)
- Parastichy
- Parthenocarpy
- Pearl body
- Pedate
- Pedicel (botany)
- Peduncle (botany)
- Pericycle
- Petal
- Petiole (botany)
- Phreatophyte
- Phyllochron
- Phylloclade
- Phyllotaxis
- Phytolith
- Picotee
- Pinnation
- Pith
- Plant reproductive morphology
- Plasmodiocarp
- Platyclade
- Pollen
- Pollination syndrome
- Polycarpic
- Primordium
- Prostrate shrub
- Pruinescence
- Pseudanthium
- Pseudopedate
- Raceme
- Rachis
- Radicle
- Ramification (botany)
- Receptacle (botany)
- Repulsion theory
- Resprouter
- Rhizodermis
- Rosette (botany)
- Saccate
- Scape (botany)
- Scutellum (botany)
- Seedling
- Sepal
- Serotiny
- Sessility (botany)
- Shrub
- Sinus (botany)
- Spadix (botany)
- Sporeling
- Sporocarp (ferns)
- Sporophyll
- Sporophyte
- Sport (botany)
- Spur (botany)
- Stamen
- Stele (biology)
- Stem succulent
- Sterigma
- Stigma (botany)
- Stipe (botany)
- Stipule
- Storage organ
- Strobilus
- Style (botany)
- Submergent plant
- Subshrub
- Succubous
- Succulent plant
- Sympodial
- Sympodium
- Synsepal
- Tendril
- Tentacle (botany)
- Tepal
- Terete
- Thallus
- Thorns, spines, and prickles
- Thyrse
- Tiller (botany)
- Tree
- Tree hollow
- Trichome
- Trunk (botany)
- Tubercle
- Tumbleweed
- Turion (botany)
- Twig
- Umbel
- Urceolate
- Velamen
- Vernation
- Vine
- Water sprout
- Woody plant
- Xerochasy
- Xerophyte
- Zoophily