Hi. I'm kind of a hippy, I like crafts, hand-made fashions, and peace, but I also value daily showers, and money...go figure. I make a lot of hemp/ macrame stuff and I sew too.Sometimes I buy plain white wool and dye it with Kool-Aid, then I knit pencil bags, purses and belts, which I put in the washing machine and felt. I also like to make funky scarves, right now I have 31 of them hanging on my wall, Maybe I should sell them Hmmm... I love horses, I have been riding since I was eight. I have an 18 year old TB, named Brownie. This one time, I got thrown and he stood on my face. I wanted to get a dueling scare, but instead I got some roadrash and a lop-sidded Dick Cheney smile that lasted about a week. I am a really liberal person which can be a real problem in Wyoming, which is almost as red as the White House. I figure it's better to be a bleeding heart than to have no heart at all I and I am not the kind of person to abandon my beliefs in order to avoid trouble ( Igot that from my parents who are real hippies my mother got tear-gassed at the Chicago DNC riot and my father organized labor unions for immigant workers) so when I am not being insulted for my values, listening to people talk about how brilliant Smirk is or hearing words like gay and jewish be used as insults I manage to do okay! Someday I want to be a powerful Super hero. Mostly because I want to have an arch nemesis. Think about it, how many people get to say, "Yeah I've had a arch nemesis for about 8 years now" or "Mom, Dad I want you to meet Morfan he's my enemy and we're a great pair."I am Chicago native living in rural Wyoming.
two This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two.
you're This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, then you're in need of help.
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