User:Ruftas/Books/Measuring instruments
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Measuring instruments
[edit ]- Absorption wavemeter
- Accelerograph
- Acoustic location
- Acoustic rheometer
- Actigraphy
- Actinometer
- Air core gauge
- Air track
- Airspeed indicator
- Alcoholometer
- Alidade
- Almucantar
- Altimeter
- Ampere balance
- Analyser
- Anemometer
- Annubar
- Auncel
- Autocollimator
- Automated analyser
- Automated mineralogy
- Automatic Pressure Tracking Adiabatic Calorimeter
- Auxanometer
- Aviation transponder interrogation modes
- Backstaff
- Balancing machine
- Barkometer
- Battery indicator
- Beauty micrometer
- Beta attenuation monitoring
- Bettsometer
- Bevameter
- Bolometer
- Bone exercise monitor
- Butyrometer
- Calo tester
- Calorimeter
- Cam plastometer
- Cap torque tester
- Capacitance meter
- Capacitance probe
- Capacitive displacement sensor
- Carey Foster bridge
- Cathetometer
- Chemical field-effect transistor
- Cheugugi
- Chip log
- CHN analyzer
- Chorobates
- Chronograph
- Cinetheodolite
- Clap-o-meter
- Clarity meter
- Class of accuracy in electrical measurements
- Clifton nanolitre osmometer
- Cobas Mira
- Cold-cranking simulator
- Cole's quadrant
- Constant fraction discriminator
- Continuous scan laser Doppler vibrometry
- Coordinate-measuring machine
- Coulombmeter
- Cover meter
- Creep-testing machine
- Creepmeter
- Cross bow quadrant
- Cryogenic particle detectors
- Current clamp
- Cyanometer
- Daly detector
- DART ion source
- Dasymeter
- Data logger
- Davis quadrant
- Deadweight tester
- Demi-cross
- Densitometer
- Density Cup
- Dial (measurement)
- Differential refractometer
- Diffractometer
- Dilatometer
- Dioptra
- Dipstick
- Diptych
- Disappearing-filament pyrometer
- Disdrometer
- Distortion meter
- Distortionmeter
- Distributed temperature sensing
- Dividing engine
- DM3 Density Meter
- DP cell
- Drawdown card
- Drosometer
- Du Noüy ring method
- Dynameter
- Dynamometer
- E-meter
- Electrical conductivity meter
- Electricity meter
- Electrochemical gas sensor
- Electromagnetic oscillograph
- Electrometer
- Electron capture detector
- Electron multiplier
- Electronic autocollimators
- Electroscope
- Electrostatic fieldmeter
- Electrostatic separator
- Electrostatic voltmeter
- Elton's quadrant
- Energy analyser
- Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
- Eudiometer
- Expansion tube
- Explosimeter
- Fahrenheit hydrometer
- Faraday cup
- Farinograph
- Field strength meter
- Filar micrometer
- Filter fluorometer
- Flexible cable
- Flight instrument
- Force gauge
- Ford viscosity cup
- Formazine
- Foucault knife-edge test
- Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance
- Frequency domain sensor
- Full body scanner
- Furrow profilometer
- Gardon gauge
- Gas collecting tube
- Geiger–Müller tube
- General Antiparticle Spectrometer
- Gonioreflectometer
- Gouy balance
- Gradiometer
- Graduation (instrument)
- Graph paper
- Grid dip oscillator
- Grind gage
- Grindometer
- Hand compass
- Hedonometer
- Hegman gauge
- Heliometer
- Home energy monitor
- Hood's cross-staff
- Hook gauge evaporimeter
- Hubometer
- Hydrometer
- Hydroxyl tagging velocimetry
- Hypsometer
- Impedance cardiography
- Impulse facility
- Inertial balance
- Infrared gas analyzer
- Infrared multiphoton dissociation
- Inkometer
- Instrument error
- Instrumentation
- Instrumentation and control engineering
- Integrating ADC
- Ion drift meter
- ISFET electrode
- ISFET pH electrode
- Kamal (navigation)
- Karatmeter
- Kelvin bridge
- Kelvin–Varley divider
- Koenig's manometric flame apparatus
- Kofler bench
- Lactometer
- Langendorff heart
- Langmuir probe
- Laser beam profiler
- Laser Doppler vibrometer
- Laser scanning vibrometry
- Laser surface velocimeter
- Laser-based angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
- LCR meter
- Leddar
- Lensmeter
- Level staff
- Levelling rod
- Lippmann electrometer
- Liquid color measurement
- List of electrical and electronic measuring equipment
- List of length, distance, or range measuring devices
- List of measuring devices
- Logic probe
- Lysimeter
- Machmeter
- Macrometer
- Magnetic level gauge
- Magnetic tweezers
- Magnetometer
- Marine sandglass
- Mass flow controller
- Mass interconnect
- Mass spectrometry
- Maxwell bridge
- Measuring instrument
- Medipix
- Megohmmeter
- Membrane osmometer
- Methanometer
- Microdensitometer
- Microprobe
- Microwave imaging
- Microwave power meter
- Millimeter wave scanner
- Miniflex
- Multimeter
- Mural instrument
- Murray loop bridge
- Near-field scanner
- Nephelometer
- Network analyzer (electrical)
- Nilometer
- Nonintrusive load monitoring
- Octant (instrument)
- Odometer
- Ohmer fare register
- Open Metering System
- Operational instruments of the Royal Observer Corps
- Opisometer
- Optical attenuator
- Optical spectrometer
- Optometer (ophthalmic instrument)
- Oscillating U-tube
- Oscillograph
- Oscilloscope
- Osmometer
- Overflow can
- Ozone monitor
- Particle mass analyser
- Peak meter
- Pedometer
- Pelorus (instrument)
- Penetrometer
- Penning trap
- Pensky–Martens closed-cup test
- Permanent Downhole Gauge
- Permeameter
- PH meter
- Phoropter
- Phosphoroscope
- Photoionization detector
- Photoplethysmograph
- Piezometer
- Pilot direction indicator
- Pit sword
- Pitot tube
- Plane table
- Planimeter
- Plasma diagnostics
- Plastometer
- Plethysmograph
- Plough (instrument)
- Plumb bob
- Plurimeter
- Portable emissions measurement system
- Position sensor
- Potentiometer (measuring instrument)
- Potometer
- Pressure Equipment Directive
- Profilograph
- Programmable scale
- Proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry
- Psophometer
- Pulse-Doppler radar
- Pyranometer
- Pyranoscope
- Pyrheliometer
- Pyrometer
- Q meter
- Quadrant (instrument)
- Quadrupole ion trap
- Quantum compass
- Radar
- Radar altimeter
- Radar gun
- RadBall
- Radio latino
- Radio-frequency sweep
- Radiosonde
- Reactimeter
- Reflecting instrument
- Reflection high-energy electron diffraction
- Refractometer
- Relative density
- RFQ beam cooler
- Rheochord
- Rheometer
- Robel pole
- Romer arm
- Rotameter (railway)
- Ruling engine
- Saccharimeter
- Salinometer
- Salt spray test
- Scale test car
- Scanning mobility particle sizer
- Scanning SQUID microscope
- Scanning SQUID microscopy
- Scleroscope
- Sector mass spectrometer
- Seismometer
- Sensor
- Sensorization
- Sextant (astronomical)
- ShapeAccelArray
- Sherborne Sensors
- Ship log
- Shock and vibration data logger
- Shock detector
- Shock tube
- Sight glass
- Signal analyzer
- Skin conductance
- Sky Quality Meter
- Slotted line
- Sonometer
- Sound level meter
- Spectrohelioscope
- Speedometer
- Stadia mark
- Stadiametric rangefinding
- Stalagmometric method
- Stereoautograph
- Stevenson screen
- Strainmeter
- String potentiometer
- Stroboscope
- SWR meter
- Sysmex XE-2100
- Tablet hardness testing
- Tachograph
- Tachometer
- Tachymeter (survey)
- Taffrail log
- Tallstick
- Talyrond
- Taximeter
- TDS meter
- Tell-tale
- Tensometer
- Test probe
- Thermal conductivity detector
- Thermometer
- Thermosalinograph
- Thin-film thickness monitor
- Time stretch analog-to-digital converter
- Time-to-digital converter
- Torque tester
- Transversal (instrument making)
- Tribometer
- Trip computer
- Truck scale
- True RMS converter
- Trundle wheel
- Turndown ratio
- Turner-sclerometer
- Twin inverted pulse radar
- Twine (device)
- Twist compression tester
- Ubbelohde viscometer
- Universal testing machine
- USB-6008
- Variable area meter
- Variometer
- Vector signal analyzer
- Vectorscope
- Versatile Laboratory Aid
- Versorium
- Vibrating sample magnetometer
- Vibrating wire
- Vibroscope
- Virtual instrumentation
- Virtual sensing
- Viscometer
- Voltameter
- Voltmeter
- Volume corrector
- VU meter
- Water detector
- Watercut meter
- Watt balance
- Wattmeter
- Wheatstone bridge
- White light scanner
- Zahn cup
- Zymoscope