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- List of algorithms
- Cycle detection
- Stable marriage problem
- Pseudorandom number generator
- Blum Blum Shub
- Lagged Fibonacci generator
- Linear congruential generator
- Mersenne twister
- Graph coloring
- Hopcroft–Karp algorithm
- Hungarian algorithm
- Prüfer sequence
- Tarjan's off-line lowest common ancestors algorithm
- Topological sorting
- Force-directed graph drawing
- Spectral layout
- Girvan–Newman algorithm
- HITS algorithm
- PageRank
- TrustRank
- Dinic's algorithm
- Edmonds–Karp algorithm
- Ford–Fulkerson algorithm
- Karger's algorithm
- Push–relabel maximum flow algorithm
- Edmonds' algorithm
- Euclidean minimum spanning tree
- Longest path problem
- Minimum spanning tree
- Borůvka's algorithm
- Kruskal's algorithm
- Reverse-delete algorithm
- Nonblocking minimal spanning switch
- Shortest path problem
- Bellman–Ford algorithm
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- Floyd–Warshall algorithm
- Johnson's algorithm
- Transitive closure
- Travelling salesman problem
- Christofides algorithm
- Nearest neighbour algorithm
- Knight's tour
- Prim's algorithm
- A* search algorithm
- B*
- Backtracking
- Beam search
- Beam stack search
- Best-first search
- Bidirectional search
- Bloom filter
- Breadth-first search
- D*
- Depth-first search
- General Problem Solver
- Iterative deepening depth-first search
- Lexicographic breadth-first search
- Uniform-cost search
- SSS*
- Bron–Kerbosch algorithm
- Strongly connected component
- Path-based strong component algorithm
- Kosaraju's algorithm
- Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm
- Bitap algorithm
- Phonetic algorithm
- Daitch–Mokotoff Soundex
- Metaphone
- Match rating approach
- New York State Identification and Intelligence System
- Soundex
- String metric
- Damerau–Levenshtein distance
- Sørensen–Dice coefficient
- Hamming distance
- Jaro–Winkler distance
- Levenshtein distance
- Trigram search
- Merge algorithm
- Fisher–Yates shuffle
- Robinson–Schensted correspondence
- Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter algorithm
- Dynamic time warping
- Hirschberg's algorithm
- Needleman–Wunsch algorithm
- Smith–Waterman algorithm
- Bubble sort
- Cocktail sort
- Comb sort
- Gnome sort
- Odd–even sort
- Quicksort
- Bogosort
- Stooge sort
- Flashsort
- Introsort
- Timsort
- Insertion sort
- Library sort
- Patience sorting
- Shellsort
- Tree sort
- Cycle sort
- Merge sort
- Strand sort
- Bead sort
- Bucket sort
- Burstsort
- Counting sort
- Pigeonhole sort
- Radix sort
- Heapsort
- Selection sort
- Smoothsort
- Bitonic sorter
- Pancake sorting
- Samplesort
- Longest common subsequence problem
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Shortest common supersequence
- Maximum subarray problem
- Longest common substring problem
- String searching algorithm
- Boyer–Moore string search algorithm
- Boyer–Moore–Horspool algorithm
- Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm
- Rabin–Karp algorithm
- Zhu–Takaoka string matching algorithm
- Ukkonen's algorithm
- Chien search
- Schreier–Sims algorithm
- Todd–Coxeter algorithm
- Buchberger's algorithm
- Cantor–Zassenhaus algorithm
- Faugère's F4 and F5 algorithms
- Gosper's algorithm
- Knuth–Bendix completion algorithm
- Gröbner basis
- Pollard's kangaroo algorithm
- Polynomial long division
- Risch algorithm
- Closest pair of points problem
- Collision detection
- Cone algorithm
- Convex hull algorithms
- Graham scan
- QuickHull
- Gift wrapping algorithm
- Chan's algorithm
- Kirkpatrick–Seidel algorithm
- Distance transform
- Geometric hashing
- Gilbert–Johnson–Keerthi distance algorithm
- Jump-and-Walk algorithm
- Laplacian smoothing
- Line segment intersection
- Bentley–Ottmann algorithm
- Minimum bounding box algorithms
- Point in polygon
- Point set registration
- Rotating calipers
- Shoelace formula
- Triangulation (geometry)
- Delaunay triangulation
- Ruppert's algorithm
- Chew's second algorithm
- Marching triangles
- Polygon triangulation
- Voronoi diagram
- Bowyer–Watson algorithm
- Fortune's algorithm
- Quasi-triangulation
- Binary GCD algorithm
- Booth's multiplication algorithm
- Chakravala method
- Discrete logarithm
- Baby-step giant-step
- Index calculus algorithm
- Pollard's rho algorithm for logarithms
- Pohlig–Hellman algorithm
- Euclidean algorithm
- Extended Euclidean algorithm
- Integer factorization
- Congruence of squares
- Dixon's factorization method
- General number field sieve
- Lenstra elliptic curve factorization
- Pollard's p − 1 algorithm
- Pollard's rho algorithm
- Quadratic sieve
- Shor's algorithm
- Special number field sieve
- Trial division
- Multiplication algorithm
- Karatsuba algorithm
- Schönhage–Strassen algorithm
- Toom–Cook multiplication
- Odlyzko–Schönhage algorithm
- Primality test
- AKS primality test
- Baillie–PSW primality test
- Fermat primality test
- Lucas primality test
- Miller–Rabin primality test
- Sieve of Atkin
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Sieve of Sundaram
- Differential equation
- Euler method
- Backward Euler method
- Trapezoidal rule (differential equations)
- Linear multistep method
- Runge–Kutta methods
- Multigrid method
- Partial differential equation
- Finite difference method
- Crank–Nicolson method
- Lax–Wendroff method
- Verlet integration
- Special functions
- Approximations of π
- Borwein's algorithm
- Gauss–Legendre algorithm
- Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula
- Addition-chain exponentiation
- Exponentiation by squaring
- Montgomery reduction
- Fürer's algorithm
- Rounding
- Spigot algorithm
- Alpha max plus beta min algorithm
- Methods of computing square roots
- Nth root algorithm
- Shifting nth root algorithm
- Binary splitting
- Kahan summation algorithm
- Radon transform
- Level set method
- Interpolation
- Extrapolation
- Birkhoff interpolation
- Cubic Hermite spline
- Hermite interpolation
- Linear interpolation
- Monotone cubic interpolation
- Multivariate interpolation
- Bicubic interpolation
- Bilinear interpolation
- Lanczos resampling
- Nearest-neighbor interpolation
- Tricubic interpolation
- Pareto interpolation
- Polynomial interpolation
- Neville's algorithm
- Spline interpolation
- De Boor's algorithm
- De Casteljau's algorithm
- Trigonometric interpolation
- B-spline
- Bézier spline
- Gibbs sampling
- Metropolis–Hastings algorithm
- Wang and Landau algorithm
- Monte Carlo integration
- Bisection method
- False position method
- Newton's method
- Halley's method
- Secant method
- Muller's method
- Alpha–beta pruning
- Matrix chain multiplication
- Combinatorial optimization
- Constraint satisfaction
- AC-3 algorithm
- Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure
- Difference-map algorithm
- Min-conflicts algorithm
- Chaff algorithm
- Davis–Putnam algorithm
- DPLL algorithm
- Exact cover
- Knuth's Algorithm X
- Dancing Links
- Dynamic programming
- Gene expression programming
- Cross-entropy method
- Differential evolution
- Ellipsoid method
- Evolution strategy
- Genetic algorithm
- Stochastic universal sampling
- Truncation selection
- Memetic algorithm
- Swarm intelligence
- Ant colony optimization algorithms
- Bees algorithm
- Particle swarm optimization
- Gradient descent
- Harmony search
- Interior point method
- Linear programming
- Benson's algorithm
- Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition
- Column generation
- Integer programming
- Branch and cut
- Cutting-plane method
- Karmarkar's algorithm
- Line search
- Local search (optimization)
- Hill climbing
- Tabu search
- Minimax
- Nearest neighbor search
- Best bin first
- Newton's method in optimization
- Nonlinear programming
- Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm
- Gauss–Newton algorithm
- Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm
- Nelder–Mead method
- Odds algorithm
- Simulated annealing
- Stochastic tunneling
- Subset sum problem
- Tomasulo algorithm
- Clipping (computer graphics)
- Line clipping
- Cohen–Sutherland algorithm
- Cyrus–Beck algorithm
- Nicholl–Lee–Nicholl
- Vatti clipping algorithm
- Sutherland–Hodgman algorithm
- Weiler–Atherton clipping algorithm
- Contour line
- Marching cubes
- Marching squares
- Marching tetrahedra
- Beam tracing
- Cone tracing
- Metropolis light transport
- Flood fill
- Global illumination
- Ambient occlusion
- Image-based lighting
- Path tracing
- Photon mapping
- Ray tracing (graphics)
- Hidden surface determination
- Newell's algorithm
- Painter's algorithm
- Warnock algorithm
- Radiosity (computer graphics)