User:Red Star
Red Star
[edit ]Red Star is a male wikipedia user registered in march 2005. He speaks French, English, as well as a bit of Spanish.
[edit ]Red Star lives in the beautiful city of Hull, in the province of Quebec, Canada. He was born in Ottawa, federal capital, across the Ottawa River, but lived in Hull all of his life, except for short span of time in Kitchener, [Ontario], when he 3 or 4.
He was born on November 1 1987, which is exactly the same day René Lévesque, a popular Quebec independantist, died. There seems to be no link between these two events.
He has graduated from Collège Saint-Alexandre, and is now attending Collège de l'Outaouais in Hull, where he studies human sciences.
He is also very much interested in history, geography, astronomy, soccer and enjoys reading books and playing Real-time Strategy PC games.
[edit ]Notable articles I started and contributed largely to.
- Garolou - September 2006
- La Volée d'Castors - March 2006
- La Musgaña - March 2006
- Milladoiro - March 2006
- Ad Vielle Que Pourra - March 2006
- Dhol Foundation - March 2006
- Outback (group) - January 2006
- 3 Mustaphas 3 - January 2006
- Juluka - November 2005
- Marc Bureau - November 2005
- Yves Ducharme - November 2005
- Safy Boutella - September 2005
- Cégep de l'Outaouais - August 2005
- The black book of colonialism - August 2005
- Marc Ferro - August 2005
- Dan Mitrione - August 2005
- Caesar III - April 2005
- Collège Saint-Alexandre - March 2005
- La Bottine Souriante: Jusqu'aux p'tites heures, La Mistrine, Xième, Cordial
- Johnny Clegg & Savuka: Third World Child, Shadow Man, Cruel, Crazy Beautiful World, Heat, Dust and Dreams, Best of Live
- Juluka: Musa Ukungilandela, African Litany
- Rachid Taha: Carte Blanche, Dîwan, Made in Medina, Rachid Taha Live
- Renaud: Laisse béton, Morgane de toi, Mistral gagnant, Putain de camion, Marchand de cailloux, À la belle de mai, Boucan d'enfer
- Geoffrey Oryema: Exile, Beat the Border
- Salif Keita: Ko-Yan, Amen, Folon
- Tri Yann: Portraits
- Zebda: Essence ordinaire, Utopie d'occase, La Tawa
- Taha, Khaled, Faudel: 1,2,3 Soleils
- Khaled: Kutché, N'ssi N'ssi, Sahra
- Dhol Foundation: Big Drum Small World
- Fermin Muguruza: FM 99.00 Dub Manifest, Brigadistak Sound System
- Harmonium: Si on avait besoin d'une cinquième saison