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The Psychobible
[edit ]The A-Z Compendium of Psychology
[edit ]- Psychology
- Outline of psychology
- History of psychology
- Subfields of psychology
- Abnormal psychology
- Behavioral neuroscience
- Cognitive psychology
- Comparative psychology
- Cross-cultural psychology
- Cultural psychology
- Differential psychology
- Developmental psychology
- Evolutionary psychology
- Experimental psychology
- Mathematical psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Personality psychology
- Positive psychology
- Quantitative psychology
- Social psychology
- Applied behavior analysis
- Clinical psychology
- Consumer behaviour
- Counseling psychology
- Critical psychology
- Educational psychology
- Environmental psychology
- Human factors and ergonomics
- Health psychology
- Forensic psychology
- Humanistic psychology
- Industrial and organizational psychology
- Ontological hermeneutics
- Legal psychology
- Medical psychology
- Military psychology
- Music psychology
- Occupational health psychology
- Political psychology
- Psychology of religion
- School psychology
- Sport psychology
- Traffic psychology
- Activity theory
- Analytical psychology
- Anomalistic psychology
- Applied psychology
- Asian psychology
- Filipino psychology
- Behaviorism
- Behavioral medicine
- Black psychology
- Cognitive neuropsychology
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Community psychology
- Clinical behavior analysis
- Criminal psychology
- Cultural neuroscience
- Discursive psychology
- Distributed cognition
- Ecological psychology
- Behavioral economics
- Engineering psychology
- Experimental analysis of behavior
- Archetypal psychology
- Indigenous psychology
- International psychology
- Investigative psychology
- Parapsychology
- Peace psychology
- Performance science
- Physiological psychology
- Police psychology
- Popular psychology
- Self-help
- Alternative medicine
- Prenatal and perinatal psychology
- Problem solving
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychohistory
- Psycholinguistics
- Psychology of art
- Psychometrics
- Psychonomics
- Psycho-oncology
- Psychopathology
- Psychophysics
- Psychophysiology
- Psychotherapy
- Sensation (psychology)
- Perception
- Situated cognition
- Social neuroscience
- Systems psychology
- Theoretical psychology
- Transpersonal psychology
- William James
- Ivan Pavlov
- Sigmund Freud
- Edward Thorndike
- Carl Jung
- John B. Watson
- Clark L. Hull
- Kurt Lewin
- Jean Piaget
- Gordon Allport
- J. P. Guilford
- Carl Rogers
- Erik Erikson
- B. F. Skinner
- Donald O. Hebb
- Ernest Hilgard
- Harry Harlow
- Raymond Cattell
- Abraham Maslow
- Neal E. Miller
- Jerome Bruner
- Donald T. Campbell
- Hans Eysenck
- Richard Lazarus
- George Armitage Miller
- Leon Festinger
- David McClelland
- Herbert A. Simon
- Stanley Schachter
- Robert Zajonc
- Albert Bandura
- Roger Brown (psychologist)
- Endel Tulving
- Lawrence Kohlberg
- Daniel Kahneman
- Elliot Aronson
- Walter Mischel
- Jerome Kagan
- Ulric Neisser
- Noam Chomsky
- Paul Ekman
- Michael Posner (psychologist)
- Amos Tversky
- Bruce McEwen
- Larry Squire
- Richard E. Nisbett
- Joseph E. LeDoux
- Ronald C. Kessler
- John Robert Anderson (psychologist)
- Shelley E. Taylor
- Ed Diener
- Martin Seligman
- Richard Davidson
- Susan Fiske
- Roy Baumeister
- Suicidology
- Animal testing
- Archival research
- Behavioral epigenetics
- Case study
- Content analysis
- Human subject research
- Interview (research)
- Neuroimaging
- Observation
- Survey methodology
- Self-report inventory
- Quantitative psychological research
- Qualitative psychological research
- Academic advising
- Nouthetic counseling
- Brief psychotherapy
- Drama therapy
- Music therapy
- Dance therapy
- Art therapy
- Career counseling
- Christian counseling
- Co-counselling
- Connectionism
- Consultant (medicine)
- Credit counseling
- Crisis hotline
- Disciplinary counseling
- Online counseling
- Ecological counseling
- Emotionally focused therapy
- Existential counselling
- Deprogramming
- Genetic counseling
- Grief counseling
- Intervention (counseling)
- Lay community counsellor
- Licensed professional counselor
- Relationship counseling
- Mental health care navigator
- Mental health counselor
- Narrative therapy
- Navy counselor
- Pastoral counseling
- Person-centered therapy
- Postvention
- Pre-conception counseling
- Pregnancy options counseling
- Professional practice of behavior analysis
- Psychiatrist
- Psychiatric and mental health nursing
- Mental health nurse
- Re-evaluation Counseling
- Rehabilitation counseling
- Relationship education
- School counselor
- Senior peer counseling
- Social work
- Solution focused brief therapy
- Suicide intervention
- Telephone counseling
- Conflict resolution
- Conflict resolution research
- Creative problem-solving
- Dialogue
- Dispute resolution
- Emotional conflict
- Experiential education
- Family therapy
- Human Potential Movement
- Interpersonal communication
- Intrapersonal communication
- Mediation
- Multitheoretical psychotherapy
- Nonverbal communication
- Nonviolent Communication
- Responsibility assumption
- Social psychology (sociology)
- Stress management
- Transtheoretical model
- Outline of self
- Mind
- Behavior
- Consciousness
- Unconsciousness
- Thought
- Discipline (academia)
- Social science
- Mental process
- Social behavior
- Behavioural sciences
- Cognitive science
- Physiology
- Neuroscience
- Cognition
- Attention
- Emotion
- Affect (psychology)
- Intelligence
- Phenomenology (psychology)
- Motivation
- Conation
- Human brain
- Interpersonal relationship
- Psychological resilience
- Family resilience
- Empirical research
- Albert Ellis
- Psychiatry
- Mental disorder
- Abnormality (behavior)
- Mental status examination
- Neurophysiology
- Medical history
- Psychological testing
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- American Psychiatric Association
- International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
- World Health Organization
- DSM-5
- Psychiatric medication
- Assertive community treatment
- Patient
- Supported employment
- Community reinforcement approach and family training
- Epidemiology
- Psychologist
- Johann Christian Reil
- Timeline of psychiatry
- Mental health professional
- Physician
- Biology
- Personality disorder
- Medicine
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Neurology
- Doctor–patient relationship
- Medical laboratory
- Physical examination
- Professional ethics
- World Psychiatric Association
- Ethical code
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Harry Bailey
- Donald Ewen Cameron
- Samuel A. Cartwright
- Henry Cotton (doctor)
- Andrei Snezhnevsky
- Biomedical model
- Agnosia
- Color blindness
- Akathisia
- Alexithymia
- Alice in Wonderland syndrome
- Portal:Psychology
- Solomon Asch
- Mental health
- Walter Bowart
- Richard C. McCarty
- Theodora Mead Abel
- Jonathan Abramowitz
- Lyn Yvonne Abramson
- Autism
- Major depressive disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Asperger syndrome
- Milgram experiment
- Confirmation bias
- Neurolinguistics
- Attachment theory
- Tourette syndrome
- Suicide
- Philosophy of mind
- Self-harm
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Brain
- Mammal
- Cerebral cortex
- Encephalization quotient
- Bottlenose dolphin
- Chimpanzee
- Frontal lobe
- Executive functions
- Limbic lobe
- Insular cortex
- Spatial–temporal reasoning
- Lateralization of brain function
- Gender dysphoria
- APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology
- APA Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Applied Research
- APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology
- APA Award for Lifetime Contributions to Psychology
- APA Distinguished Scientific Award for the Applications of Psychology
- APA International Humanitarian Award
- Bruno Klopfer Award
- James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award
- Frank Prize
- Grawemeyer Award
- William James Fellow Award
- Joseph Zubin Award
- E. L. Thorndike Award
- Troland Research Awards
- Covey Award
- Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Prize
- Mind & Brain Prize
- Jean Nicod Prize
- Rumelhart Prize
- Oskar Pfister Award
- Donald T. Campbell Award
- Goethe Award for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Scholarship
- Otto Weininger Memorial Award
- Spearman Medal
- Affective science
- Affective neuroscience
- Gestalt psychology
- Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act
- Christopher Smart's asylum confinement
- I Never Liked You
- Mathew Charles Lamb
- Getting It: The Psychology of est
- Autostereogram
- Down syndrome
- Michel Foucault
- Gender role
- Søren Kierkegaard
- Name-letter effect
- Nominative determinism
- Parkinson's disease
- Reactive attachment disorder
- William S. Sadler
- Military brat (U.S. subculture)
- Project MKUltra
- Psychosis
- Stuttering
- List of Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine
- List of stutterers
- Attachment disorder
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- BabyFirst
- Beck Depression Inventory
- Before the Dawn (book)
- The Book of est
- Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control
- Elizabeth Casson
- Seung-Hui Cho
- Tory Christman
- Cognitive flexibility
- Delayed gratification
- Depression Quest
- Dyslexia
- Bloeme Evers-Emden
- The finger
- Free Expression Policy Project
- Genes, Brain and Behavior
- Erving Goffman
- Hedonic hunger
- Help at Any Cost
- IQ classification
- Insanity in English law
- Joint attention
- Eugene Landy
- Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development
- Maternal deprivation
- Munchausen by Internet
- Ney v. Landmark Education Corp.
- Not in Front of the Children
- Object permanence
- Outrageous Betrayal
- Steven Pinker
- Psychodrama
- The Psychology of The Simpsons
- Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union
- Wilhelm Reich
- Retrieval-induced forgetting
- The Road to Total Freedom
- Seductive details
- Sex, Sin, and Blasphemy
- Skeptic's Toolbox
- Estate of Jack Slee v. Werner Erhard
- Sleep hygiene
- Social identity theory
- Elmer Ernest Southard
- Stereotype threat
- George M. Stratton
- TM and Cult Mania
- Team effectiveness
- Think of the children
- Vocabulary development
- Werner Erhard (book)
- Anger
- Appeal to consequences
- Attachment therapy
- A Beautiful Mind (film)
- Borderline personality disorder
- Conversion therapy
- Emergency psychiatry
- Female hysteria
- Idit Harel
- Homosexuality
- Large-group awareness training
- Lucid dream
- Pyromania
- Social anxiety disorder
- Stanford prison experiment
- Ablative brain surgery
- Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Amafufunyana
- Anosognosia
- Archuleta v. Hedrick
- Art and emotion
- Aspergirls
- Norma Cox Astwood
- Group polarization
- Autism Cymru
- Autism Is a World
- Autism: The Musical
- Awe
- Susan Bailey
- Robert A. Baker
- Bambi effect
- Bankes's Horse
- Helen Bee
- Donald N. Bersoff
- Sidney W. Bijou
- Claudia Blum
- Body schema
- Lisa Bortolotti
- Helen Boyle
- Breaching experiment
- A Bright Red Scream
- Broadmoor Hospital
- William A. F. Browne
- Brian Butterworth
- Candle problem
- Alexander Cannon (psychiatrist)
- Mary Cannon
- James Cantor
- Capital Jury Project
- Harvey A. Carr
- Cats and the Internet
- Central Mental Hospital
- Cognitive specialization
- Cognitive vulnerability
- Gene D. Cohen
- Collective unconscious
- Competency evaluation (law)
- The Complex: An Insider Exposes the Covert World of the Church of Scientology
- Contemplative Practices in Action
- Conflict (process)
- Context effect
- Continuous flash suppression
- Coping (psychology)
- Culture in music cognition
- Curse of 39
- Liane Davey
- Deadly Cults
- Decision fatigue
- Decisional balance sheet
- The Design of Everyday Things
- Disappointment
- Disconfirmed expectancy
- Dishabituation
- Disinformation (book)
- Domestic violence in Pakistan
- Doomsday cult
- Dopamine dysregulation syndrome
- The dress
- David Eder
- Beatrice Edgell
- Effect of psychoactive drugs on animals
- Steve Eichel
- Element (criminal law)
- Emotional lability
- Empty nest syndrome
- Equus (film)
- Est: Playing the Game
- Evaluating a Large Group Awareness Training
- Facet (psychology)
- Faith and Health: Psychological Perspectives
- Fan loyalty
- Frank Farley
- Fear of bees
- First impression (psychology)
- Forensic developmental psychology
- Foucha v. Louisiana
- Frendak v. United States
- Herbert Freudenberger
- Frown
- Hans G. Furth
- Gender dysphoria in children
- Gender roles in non-heterosexual communities
- Genetic Studies of Genius
- Genopolitics
- Lydia Giberson
- Thomas Gilovich
- Jean Berko Gleason
- Global precedence
- Gloom
- Grandiose delusions
- William T. Greenough
- Gudjonsson suggestibility scale
- Gullibility
- Tsuruko Haraguchi
- Chris Hatcher (psychologist)
- Health effects from noise
- Here's the Deal: Don't Touch Me
- Herman's Head
- Antonín Heveroch
- History of psychosurgery in the United Kingdom
- Harriet Holter
- Homework in psychotherapy
- Homosexuals Anonymous
- Humor styles
- Hypoalgesic effect of swearing
- I'm Dysfunctional, You're Dysfunctional
- Illusion of transparency
- Implicit learning
- Implicit personality theory
- Institutional syndrome
- Intelligent disobedience
- Jackson v. Indiana
- Job attitude
- Just-world hypothesis
- Kerplunk experiment
- Kings Row
- Knowle Hospital
- Language deprivation experiments
- Jean Laplanche
- Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center
- Lateralized readiness potential
- Leadership Dynamics
- Left brain interpreter
- LifeRing Secular Recovery
- Limbic resonance
- List of UFO religions
- Lisztomania
- Mad in America
- Madhouses Act 1774
- Marriage and health
- The Mask of Sanity
- The Mass Psychology of Fascism
- Maternal sensitivity
- Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry
- McGurk effect
- Andrew N. Meltzoff
- Memory and trauma
- Alexander Mitscherlich (psychologist)
- Margarete Mitscherlich-Nielsen
- Motor theory of speech perception
- Muhamed (horse)
- Namus
- National Survivors of Suicide Day
- Negativity bias
- John Neulinger
- Neurobiological origins of language
- New England Institute of Religious Research
- Nice guy
- Normal People Scare Me
- Nudge (book)
- Numerosity adaptation effect
- Karolina Olsson
- Ophidiophobia
- Orality
- John Ordronaux (doctor)
- Maressa Orzack
- Overchoice
- PAD emotional state model
- Pandemonium architecture
- Sergei Pankejeff
- The Paradox of Choice
- Paraphrenia
- Parasocial interaction
- Parent management training
- Parental brain
- Parten's stages of play
- Pavlovian-instrumental transfer
- Pediatric Symptom Checklist
- Perry v. Louisiana
- Prairie madness
- Praise
- Preparation (principle)
- Principles of learning
- Processing fluency
- Processing fluency theory of aesthetic pleasure
- The Program (novel)
- Proxemics
- Pseudodementia
- Psychology in medieval Islam
- Psychology of eating meat
- Psychology of music preference
- Psychopathic Personality Inventory
- Puppy pregnancy syndrome
- Mihai Ralea
- Rape in Belgium
- Rape in Pakistan
- Rapid automatized naming
- Rating scales for depression
- Raven (book)
- Rennie v. Klein
- Representational momentum
- Reward dependence
- Jennifer Richeson
- Riggins v. Nevada
- Mark Rosenzweig
- Julian Rotter
- Mirror test
- Safety behaviors (anxiety)
- Satanic panic (South Africa)
- Scattershot (book)
- Irlen syndrome
- Second Chance Program
- Self-Efficacy (book)
- Self-embedding
- Self-fulfillment
- Sell v. United States
- Settled insanity
- Sexual anhedonia
- Eldar Shafir
- Simmelian tie
- Sleep state misperception
- Sleep in non-human animals
- Smile mask syndrome
- May Smith (psychologist)
- Social Foundations of Thought and Action
- Social Interaction Anxiety Scale
- Social inertia
- Sociology of the Internet
- Stephen Soldz
- Esther Somerfeld-Ziskind
- Elizabeth Spelke
- Spring Grove Experiment
- St David's Hospital (Carmarthen)
- Staircase model
- Stanford marshmallow experiment
- The Stanford Prison Experiment (film)
- State-dependent memory
- Florian Ștefănescu-Goangă
- Sterling Institute of Relationship
- Student development theories
- Student engagement
- Stuttering therapy
- Subpersonality
- Taphophobia
- Telescoping effect
- Texas Psychological Association
- Time to Change (mental health campaign)
- Timothy's Law
- Tone variator
- Management of schizophrenia
- Trier social stress test
- Twisted Scriptures
- Two-streams hypothesis
- Ultimate issue (law)
- Unitary psychosis
- United States v. Binion
- Indre Viskontas
- Vladimír Vondráček
- Nic Waal
- Tor Wager
- Werner Erhard & Associates v. Christopher Cox for Congress
- Wiggins v. Smith
- Women For Sobriety
- Benjamin D. Wood
- Woodworth Personal Data Sheet
- World Suicide Prevention Day
- Logan Wright
- Zero stroke
- Akihabara massacre
- Anders Behring Breivik
- Nidal Hasan
- Oliver Sacks
- Decade of Behavior
- Brainwashing
- Student-centred learning
- American Psychological Association
- John Dewey
- Cyberpsychology
- Empathy in online communities
- Adam Joinson
- Online disinhibition effect
- Online participation
- Password psychology
- Psychological effects of Internet use
- Social computing
- Virtual collective consciousness
- Air-defense experiments
- Analog observation
- Asch conformity experiments
- Behavioural despair test
- Blacky pictures test
- Bobo doll experiment
- The Button (Reddit)
- A Clinical Lesson at the Salpêtrière
- Mental chronometry
- Concord Prison Experiment
- Conflict procedure
- Cyranoid
- Echoborg
- Emmert experiment
- Eriksen flanker task
- The Experiment (2010 film)
- Das Experiment
- Séance
- Fordham Experiment
- Ganzfeld experiment
- Hofling hospital experiment
- Independent measures
- Le Jeu de la Mort
- Laboratory experimentation in psychology
- Learned helplessness
- Lexical decision task
- Light-dark box test
- Little Albert experiment
- Mackworth Clock
- Marble burying
- Marsh Chapel Experiment
- Research on the effects of violence in mass media
- Metallic Metals Act
- MIDAS Trial
- Monster Study
- Naturalistic observation
- Nun Study
- Oddball paradigm
- Oklahoma City sonic boom tests
- Open field (animal test)
- PEBL (software)
- Philip experiment
- Pit of despair
- Project Pigeon
- Pseudoword
- Psychedelics in problem-solving experiment
- Psychological statistics
- Psychomotor vigilance task
- PsychoPy
- PsyScope
- Rat Park
- Rosenhan experiment
- Rotarod performance test
- Small-world experiment
- Speech shadowing
- Tail suspension test
- The Third Wave (experiment)
- The Three Christs of Ypsilanti
- Ulcers in Executive Monkeys
- Vignette (psychology)
- Virtual reality cue reactivity
- Vogel Conflict Test
- Water-level task
- Web Experimental Psychology Lab
- Web-based experiments
- Wike's law of low odd primes
- Wizards Project
- California State University, Fullerton massacre
- Marcelo Costa de Andrade
- Jeffrey Arenburg
- 2001 Isla Vista killings
- Utah prisoner of war massacre
- Michael Bethke
- John and Lorena Bobbitt
- Murder of Christie Marceau
- Rachel Capra Craig
- Izola Curry
- Richard Dadd
- Gregory Davis
- Christian Dornier
- Nikolai Dzhumagaliev
- Kenneth Erskine
- Francisco García Escalero
- Laura Fair
- Mickey Featherstone
- John Frith (assailant)
- Ed Gein
- June and Jennifer Gibbons
- Bertha Gifford
- James Hadfield
- I. Kathleen Hagen
- Thornton Jenkins Hains
- Old Salisbury Road shooting
- Luke Helder
- John Hinckley Jr.
- Shell Lake murders
- Francine Hughes
- Japan Airlines Flight 350
- Lizzie Lloyd King
- Tony Kiritsis
- Filip Konowal
- Deanna Laney murders
- Donald Lang
- Richard Lawrence (failed assassin)
- Thomas Ley
- Killing of Tim McLean
- William Marrufo
- Jonathan Martin (arsonist)
- Robert Maudsley
- Roderick Maclean
- Charles L. Meach
- George Metesky
- Billy Milligan
- William Chester Minor
- Alice Mitchell
- Daniel M'Naghten
- Robert Mone
- Robert Napper
- Margaret Nicholson
- Shūmei Ōkawa
- Edward Oxford
- 2006 San Francisco SUV rampage
- Andrea Yates
- Monash University shooting
- 1998 United States Capitol shooting incident
- Jeanne Weber
- Ernst August Wagner
- Howard Unruh
- Dimitri Tsafendas
- Jane Toppan
- Albert Tirrell
- Harry Kendall Thaw
- Michael Taylor (demoniac)
- James Swann
- Adolph B. Spreckels
- Sanna Sillanpää
- Daniel Sickles
- Romanshorn shooting
- John Flammang Schrank
- Bremen school shooting
- Dena Schlosser
- Monkseaton shootings
- Ezra Pound
- Jabukovac killings
- Daniel Rakowitz
- Henry Rathbone
- George Roden
- Otto Rothstock
- Mark Rowntree
- Lie detection
- Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling
- Brain fingerprinting
- No Lie MRI
- Othello error
- Silent Talker Lie Detector
- Statement analysis
- Voice stress analysis
- Malingering
- Lees-Haley Fake Bad Scale
- SIMS (Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology)
- Acting out
- Actus reus
- Adjudicative competence
- American Psychology–Law Society
- Antisocial personality disorder
- Wilford Berry Jr.
- Competence (law)
- Copycat crime
- Crime Classification Manual
- List of criminal competencies
- Criminal Shadows: Inside the Mind of the Serial Killer
- Criminology
- Diminished responsibility
- Diminished responsibility in English law
- Mens rea
- M'Naghten rules
- Knowledge (legal construct)
- Intention (criminal law)
- Incarceration prevention in the United States
- Genetics of aggression
- Ganser syndrome
- Future Attribute Screening Technology
- Forensic psychotherapy
- Florida Mental Health Act
- Disorganized offender
- Mentally ill people in United States jails and prisons
- Munchausen syndrome
- Offender profiling
- Ottho Gerhard Heldringstichting
- Project Hostile Intent
- Psychological injury
- Psychopathy
- R v Prince
- Race, Evolution, and Behavior
- Risk Management Authority (Scotland)
- Sadistic personality disorder
- Social control theory
- Solitary confinement
- Solitary confinement of women
- Statistical correlations of criminal behaviour
- Archives of the History of American Psychology
- Associationism
- Henri-Étienne Beaunis
- The Behavior of Organisms
- Henri Bergson
- Berlin School of experimental psychology
- Beyond the Pleasure Principle
- Civil Resettlement Units
- Civilization and Its Discontents
- Classical conditioning
- Cognitive revolution
- Bertram Cohler
- Degeneration theory
- History of dyslexia research
- Eastern philosophy in clinical psychology
- Edinburgh Phrenological Society
- Empirical psychology
- Evaluative conditioning
- The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals
- Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
- Freud's seduction theory
- The Freudian Coverup
- Functional psychology
- Genetic epistemology
- Graz School
- Wilhelm Wundt
- History of clinical psychological services in Singapore
- History of Psychology (journal)
- History of the race and intelligence controversy
- Hysteria
- Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War
- The Interpretation of Dreams
- Law of effect
- Gustave Le Bon
- Cäcilie M.
- Neutral stimulus
- Max Nordau
- Anna O.
- William James Lectures
- War Office Selection Boards
- Vygotsky Circle
- Virtual Laboratory
- Verbal Behavior
- The Varieties of Religious Experience
- Variability hypothesis
- Timeline of psychotherapy
- Timeline of psychology
- Tabula rasa
- Stoelting
- School of Brentano
- Riverview Psychiatric Center
- Radical behaviorism
- The Pursuit of the Millennium
- History of psychotherapy
- Psychopathia Sexualis (Heinrich Kaan)
- The Principles of Psychology
- Phrenology
- Philosophische Studien
- Operant conditioning
- Oneirocritica
- Human behavior
- Accismus
- Action assembly theory
- Alloplastic adaptation
- Animal spirits (Keynes)
- Assertiveness
- Attention seeking
- Attitude change
- Autoplastic adaptation
- Avoidance coping
- Bad habit
- Behavior change (individual)
- Behavior change (public health)
- Behavioral confirmation
- Behavioral contagion
- Behavioral modernity
- Behavioral urbanism
- Boreout
- Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding and HIV
- Breastfeeding contraindications
- Breastfeeding and medications
- Bullying
- Calculus of concepts
- Chinese fire drill
- Civil inattention
- Cold feet
- Communication theory
- Courtesy
- Critical positivity ratio
- Critical-Creative Thinking and Behavioral Research Laboratory
- Cultural divide
- Cultural mediation
- Cultural universal
- Cutting in line
- Deception
- Demonstration effect
- Denunciation
- Description error
- Philosophy of desire
- Digital Intelligence Quotient (DQ)
- Dishonesty
- Disinhibition
- Distraction
- Dual loyalty
- Eccentricity (behavior)
- Endemic warfare
- Environmental enrichment
- Evasion (ethics)
- History of evolutionary psychology
- Expressions of dominance
- The Family of Man
- Female intrasexual competition
- Feminine psychology
- Flâneur
- Obfuscation
- Obedience (human behavior)
- Normative social influence
- Normality (behavior)
- Neophobia
- Negative capability
- Neanderthal behavior
- Nature versus nurture
- National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior
- National Procrastination Week
- Narcissistic parent
- Narcissistic leadership
- Narcissism
- Nagging
- Models of communication
- Misanthropy
- Mind games
- Meaningful life
- McGuire's Motivations
- Maturity (psychological)
- Masculine psychology
- The Lucifer Principle
- Loner
- Leisure satisfaction
- Laziness
- Lawn dart effect
- Kindness
- John Henryism
- Jeitinho
- Irrationality
- Intrusiveness
- Internet troll
- Institute for the Study of Human Knowledge
- The Institute for Cultural Research
- Infomania
- Inclusive fitness in humans
- Impulsivity
- Impulse (psychology)
- Hypoactivity
- Human vestigiality
- Human Universals
- Human nature
- High school dropouts
- Herd mentality
- Health action process approach
- Hawthorne effect
- Hamiltonian spite
- Habit
- Guiltive
- Good Behavior Game
- Gold digging
- Gender psychology
- Gender differences in social network service use
- Functional Ensemble of Temperament
- SuEllen Fried
- Food fight
- Obstructionism
- Opportunism
- Panic buying
- Passive-aggressive behavior
- Pedant
- Pet peeve
- Phi complex
- Popularity
- Preferred walking speed
- Premastication
- Procrastination
- Psychological contract
- Psychological manipulation
- Queen bee syndrome
- Reasoned action approach
- Relational disorder
- Religious behaviour
- Repetition priming
- Respect
- Ritualization
- Role-playing
- School dropouts in Latin America
- Self-actualization
- Sexual attraction
- Human sexual activity
- Sexual selection
- Human sexuality
- Rape fantasy
- Social Bonding and Nurture Kinship
- Social constructionism
- Social influences on fitness behavior
- Social proof
- Spoiled child
- Sportsmanship
- Spotlight effect
- Staring
- Stonewalling
- Superficial charm
- Sycophancy
- Taunting
- Teasing
- Tend and befriend
- Theories of political behavior
- Token resistance
- Turncoat
- Two-factor theory of intelligence
- Ultracrepidarianism
- Uncle Tom syndrome
- User behavior analytics
- Value (ethics)
- Venality
- Victim blaming
- Victim playing
- Violence
- Viveza criolla
- Widowhood effect
- Work behavior
- Working memory
- Workplace deviance
- 16PF Questionnaire
- A-not-B error
- Abreaction
- Carol Queen
- Abuse
- Acceptance and commitment therapy
- Acrophobia
- Action research
- Active intellect
- Active learning
- Actor–observer asymmetry
- Adaptation
- Adaptive behavior
- Adjustment disorder
- Affectional bond
- Affect display
- AP Psychology
- Adolescence
- Romantic orientation
- Affective forecasting
- Affirming the consequent
- Afterburn (psychotherapy)
- Age regression in therapy
- Allophilia
- Algophobia
- Hypokinesia
- HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder
- Agraphia
- Agoraphobia
- Aggression
- Ageing
- Alogia
- Alter ego
- Altered state of consciousness
- Altruism
- Alzheimer's disease
- Ambivalence
- American Psychologist
- Amnesia
- Anal retentiveness
- Anal stage
- Anamnesis (philosophy)
- Anorgasmia
- Anorexia nervosa
- Anomie
- Anomic aphasia
- Animal hoarding
- Anima and animus
- Anhedonia
- Anchoring
- Anterograde amnesia
- Anticathexis
- Anticipation
- Antidepressant
- Antilocution
- Antipathy
- Antipsychotic
- Anti-social behaviour
- Anxiety
- Anxiety disorder
- Anxiogenic
- Apathy
- Aphanisis
- Aphasia
- Apoplexy
- Apperception
- Approach-avoidance conflict
- Aquaphobia
- Archetype
- Arousal
- Artificial demand
- Artisan temperament
- Association (psychology)
- Astraphobia
- Attention span
- Attitude (psychology)
- Attribution (psychology)
- Attribution bias
- Atypical depression
- Auditory processing disorder
- Australian Psychological Society
- Australasian Society for Experimental Psychology
- Aura (symptom)
- Social facilitation
- Autassassinophilia
- Authoritarian personality
- Authority
- Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
- Autism spectrum
- Avoidant personality disorder
- Aversives
- Aversion therapy
- Availability heuristic
- Automatic behavior
- Autodidacticism
- Awareness
- Avolition
- Autoassociative memory
- Backward inhibition
- Abarognosis
- Barnes Akathisia Scale
- Barnes maze
- Beck's cognitive triad
- Behavior modification
- Behavior modification facility
- Behavioral communication
- Behavioral engineering
- Behavioral neurology
- Behavioral theories of depression
- Behaviour therapy
- Behavioural genetics
- Belief
- Belongingness
- Biofeedback
- Bioenergetic analysis
- Biodata
- Binge eating
- Binge drinking
- Bidirectional associative memory
- Bicameral mentality
- Bibliomania
- Bipolar disorder
- Bipolar I disorder
- Bipolar II disorder
- Blame
- Block design test
- Blood-injection-injury type phobia
- Reduced affect display
- Boanthropy
- Body dysmorphic disorder
- Bouma
- Borromean clinic
- Borderline intellectual functioning
- Boldness
- Body psychotherapy
- Body language
- Body image
- Brainstorming
- Breathwork
- Brief reactive psychosis
- British Journal of Social Psychology
- British Psychological Society
- Bulimia nervosa
- Paranoia
- Occupational burnout
- Bystander effect
- California Psychological Inventory
- California School of Professional Psychology
- Canadian Psychological Association
- Cannon–Bard theory
- Care perspective
- Cassandra (metaphor)
- Centration
- Center for Evolutionary Psychology
- Cathexis
- Catharsis
- Catatonia
- Exaggeration
- Catalepsy
- Castration anxiety
- Chaining
- Character orientation
- Character structure
- Charisma
- Cheating
- Biology of depression
- Child (archetype)
- Child abuse
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- Chunking (psychology)
- Chronophilia
- Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders
- Childhood disintegrative disorder
- Child sexual abuse
- Baby talk
- Child development
- Classical Adlerian psychology
- Clanging
- Circumstantial speech
- Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
- Circadian rhythm
- Cinderella effect
- Cinderella complex
- Classical Adlerian psychotherapy
- Claustrophobia
- Clique
- Closure (psychology)
- Cognitive dissonance
- Cognitive disorder
- Cognitive dimensions of notations
- Cognitive development
- Cognitive bias
- Codependency
- Cognitive distortion
- Cognitive elite
- Cognitive intervention
- Cognitive load
- Cognitive map
- Cognitive restructuring
- Cognitive therapy
- Cognitive test
- Cognitive style
- Cognitive model
- Cognitive slippage
- Cognitive shift
- Cognitivism (psychology)
- Cohort effect
- Collective consciousness
- Collective identity
- Collective intelligence
- Cerebral achromatopsia
- Color psychology
- Combat stress reaction
- Comorbidity
- Community mental health service
- Communication studies
- Communication disorder
- Compensation (psychology)
- Polyamory
- Complex (psychology)
- Complex post-traumatic stress disorder
- Compliance (psychology)
- Compulsive behavior
- Computational theory of mind
- Confidence
- Confabulation
- Conduct disorder
- Concurrent validity
- Piaget's theory of cognitive development
- Conceptual blending
- Conformity
- Congenital disorder
- Conscientiousness
- Conservation (psychology)
- Contact hypothesis
- Content validity
- Reinforcement
- Developmental coordination disorder
- Conversion disorder
- Convergent thinking
- Control theory
- Control freak
- Coprophilia
- Cotard delusion
- Coulrophobia
- Countersignaling
- Creativity
- Cue-dependent forgetting
- Cryptomnesia
- Crowd psychology
- Crowd manipulation
- Cross-sectional study
- Criticism
- Critical thinking
- Critical period
- Cultivation theory
- Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory
- Cultural identity
- Culture shock
- Curiosity
- Cyclopean image
- Cyclothymia
- Da Costa's syndrome
- Daydream
- Death drive
- Decay theory
- Decision theory
- Declarative learning
- Explicit memory
- Deep trance identification
- Defence mechanisms
- Deindividuation
- Deinstitutionalisation
- Déjà vu
- Psychology
- Outline of psychology
- History of psychology
- Subfields of psychology
- Abnormal psychology
- Behavioral neuroscience
- Cognitive psychology
- Comparative psychology
- Cross-cultural psychology
- Cultural psychology
- Differential psychology
- Developmental psychology
- Evolutionary psychology
- Experimental psychology
- Mathematical psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Personality psychology
- Positive psychology
- Quantitative psychology
- Social psychology
- Applied behavior analysis
- Clinical psychology
- Consumer behaviour
- Counseling psychology
- Critical psychology
- Educational psychology
- Environmental psychology
- Human factors and ergonomics
- Health psychology
- Forensic psychology
- Humanistic psychology
- Industrial and organizational psychology
- Ontological hermeneutics
- Legal psychology
- Medical psychology
- Military psychology
- Music psychology
- Occupational health psychology
- Political psychology
- Psychology of religion
- School psychology
- Sport psychology
- Traffic psychology
- Activity theory
- Analytical psychology
- Anomalistic psychology
- Applied psychology
- Asian psychology
- Filipino psychology
- Behaviorism
- Behavioral medicine
- Black psychology
- Cognitive neuropsychology
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Community psychology
- Clinical behavior analysis
- Criminal psychology
- Cultural neuroscience
- Discursive psychology
- Distributed cognition
- Ecological psychology
- Behavioral economics
- Engineering psychology
- Experimental analysis of behavior
- Archetypal psychology
- Indigenous psychology
- International psychology
- Investigative psychology
- Parapsychology
- Peace psychology
- Performance science
- Physiological psychology
- Police psychology
- Popular psychology
- Self-help
- Alternative medicine
- Prenatal and perinatal psychology
- Problem solving
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychohistory
- Psycholinguistics
- Psychology of art
- Psychometrics
- Psychonomics
- Psycho-oncology
- Psychopathology
- Psychophysics
- Psychophysiology
- Psychotherapy
- Sensation (psychology)
- Perception
- Situated cognition
- Social neuroscience
- Systems psychology
- Theoretical psychology
- Transpersonal psychology
- William James
- Ivan Pavlov
- Sigmund Freud
- Edward Thorndike
- Carl Jung
- John B. Watson
- Clark L. Hull
- Kurt Lewin
- Jean Piaget
- Gordon Allport
- J. P. Guilford
- Carl Rogers
- Erik Erikson
- B. F. Skinner
- Donald O. Hebb
- Ernest Hilgard
- Harry Harlow
- Raymond Cattell
- Abraham Maslow
- Neal E. Miller
- Jerome Bruner
- Donald T. Campbell
- Hans Eysenck
- Richard Lazarus
- George Armitage Miller
- Leon Festinger
- David McClelland
- Herbert A. Simon
- Stanley Schachter
- Robert Zajonc
- Albert Bandura
- Roger Brown (psychologist)
- Endel Tulving
- Lawrence Kohlberg
- Daniel Kahneman
- Elliot Aronson
- Walter Mischel
- Jerome Kagan
- Ulric Neisser
- Noam Chomsky
- Paul Ekman
- Michael Posner (psychologist)
- Amos Tversky
- Bruce McEwen
- Larry Squire
- Richard E. Nisbett
- Joseph E. LeDoux
- Ronald C. Kessler
- John Robert Anderson (psychologist)
- Shelley E. Taylor
- Ed Diener
- Martin Seligman
- Richard Davidson
- Susan Fiske
- Roy Baumeister
- Suicidology
- Animal testing
- Archival research
- Behavioral epigenetics
- Case study
- Content analysis
- Human subject research
- Interview (research)
- Neuroimaging
- Observation
- Survey methodology
- Self-report inventory
- Quantitative psychological research
- Qualitative psychological research
- Academic advising
- Nouthetic counseling
- Brief psychotherapy
- Drama therapy
- Music therapy
- Dance therapy
- Art therapy
- Career counseling
- Christian counseling
- Co-counselling
- Connectionism
- Consultant (medicine)
- Credit counseling
- Crisis hotline
- Disciplinary counseling
- Online counseling
- Ecological counseling
- Emotionally focused therapy
- Existential counselling
- Deprogramming
- Genetic counseling
- Grief counseling
- Intervention (counseling)
- Lay community counsellor
- Licensed professional counselor
- Relationship counseling
- Mental health care navigator
- Mental health counselor
- Narrative therapy
- Navy counselor
- Pastoral counseling
- Person-centered therapy
- Postvention
- Pre-conception counseling
- Pregnancy options counseling
- Professional practice of behavior analysis
- Psychiatrist
- Psychiatric and mental health nursing
- Mental health nurse
- Re-evaluation Counseling
- Rehabilitation counseling
- Relationship education
- School counselor
- Senior peer counseling
- Social work
- Solution focused brief therapy
- Suicide intervention
- Telephone counseling
- Conflict resolution
- Conflict resolution research
- Creative problem-solving
- Dialogue
- Dispute resolution
- Emotional conflict
- Experiential education
- Family therapy
- Human Potential Movement
- Interpersonal communication
- Intrapersonal communication
- Mediation
- Multitheoretical psychotherapy
- Nonverbal communication
- Nonviolent Communication
- Responsibility assumption
- Social psychology (sociology)
- Stress management
- Transtheoretical model
- Outline of self
- Mind
- Behavior
- Consciousness
- Unconsciousness
- Thought
- Discipline (academia)
- Social science
- Mental process
- Social behavior
- Behavioural sciences
- Cognitive science
- Physiology
- Neuroscience
- Cognition
- Attention
- Emotion
- Affect (psychology)
- Intelligence
- Phenomenology (psychology)
- Motivation
- Conation
- Human brain
- Interpersonal relationship
- Psychological resilience
- Family resilience
- Empirical research
- Albert Ellis
- Psychiatry
- Mental disorder
- Abnormality (behavior)
- Mental status examination
- Neurophysiology
- Medical history
- Psychological testing
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- American Psychiatric Association
- International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
- World Health Organization
- DSM-5
- Psychiatric medication
- Assertive community treatment
- Patient
- Supported employment
- Community reinforcement approach and family training
- Epidemiology
- Psychologist
- Johann Christian Reil
- Timeline of psychiatry
- Mental health professional
- Physician
- Biology
- Personality disorder
- Medicine
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Neurology
- Doctor–patient relationship
- Medical laboratory
- Physical examination
- Professional ethics
- World Psychiatric Association
- Ethical code
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Harry Bailey
- Donald Ewen Cameron
- Samuel A. Cartwright
- Henry Cotton (doctor)
- Andrei Snezhnevsky
- Biomedical model
- Agnosia
- Color blindness
- Akathisia
- Alexithymia
- Alice in Wonderland syndrome
- Portal:Psychology
- Solomon Asch
- Mental health
- Walter Bowart
- Richard C. McCarty
- Theodora Mead Abel
- Jonathan Abramowitz
- Lyn Yvonne Abramson
- Autism
- Major depressive disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Asperger syndrome
- Milgram experiment
- Confirmation bias
- Neurolinguistics
- Attachment theory
- Tourette syndrome
- Suicide
- Philosophy of mind
- Self-harm
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Brain
- Mammal
- Cerebral cortex
- Encephalization quotient
- Bottlenose dolphin
- Chimpanzee
- Frontal lobe
- Executive functions
- Limbic lobe
- Insular cortex
- Spatial–temporal reasoning
- Lateralization of brain function
- Gender dysphoria
- APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology
- APA Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Applied Research
- APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology
- APA Award for Lifetime Contributions to Psychology
- APA Distinguished Scientific Award for the Applications of Psychology
- APA International Humanitarian Award
- Bruno Klopfer Award
- James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award
- Frank Prize
- Grawemeyer Award
- William James Fellow Award
- Joseph Zubin Award
- E. L. Thorndike Award
- Troland Research Awards
- Covey Award
- Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Prize
- Mind & Brain Prize
- Jean Nicod Prize
- Rumelhart Prize
- Oskar Pfister Award
- Donald T. Campbell Award
- Goethe Award for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Scholarship
- Otto Weininger Memorial Award
- Spearman Medal
- Affective science
- Affective neuroscience
- Gestalt psychology
- Alaska Mental Health Enabling Act
- Christopher Smart's asylum confinement
- I Never Liked You
- Mathew Charles Lamb
- Getting It: The Psychology of est
- Autostereogram
- Down syndrome
- Michel Foucault
- Gender role
- Søren Kierkegaard
- Name-letter effect
- Nominative determinism
- Parkinson's disease
- Reactive attachment disorder
- William S. Sadler
- Military brat (U.S. subculture)
- Project MKUltra
- Psychosis
- Stuttering
- List of Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine
- List of stutterers
- Attachment disorder
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- BabyFirst
- Beck Depression Inventory
- Before the Dawn (book)
- The Book of est
- Brainwashing: The Science of Thought Control
- Elizabeth Casson
- Seung-Hui Cho
- Tory Christman
- Cognitive flexibility
- Delayed gratification
- Depression Quest
- Dyslexia
- Bloeme Evers-Emden
- The finger
- Free Expression Policy Project
- Genes, Brain and Behavior
- Erving Goffman
- Hedonic hunger
- Help at Any Cost
- IQ classification
- Insanity in English law
- Joint attention
- Eugene Landy
- Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development
- Maternal deprivation
- Munchausen by Internet
- Ney v. Landmark Education Corp.
- Not in Front of the Children
- Object permanence
- Outrageous Betrayal
- Steven Pinker
- Psychodrama
- The Psychology of The Simpsons
- Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union
- Wilhelm Reich
- Retrieval-induced forgetting
- The Road to Total Freedom
- Seductive details
- Sex, Sin, and Blasphemy
- Skeptic's Toolbox
- Estate of Jack Slee v. Werner Erhard
- Sleep hygiene
- Social identity theory
- Elmer Ernest Southard
- Stereotype threat
- George M. Stratton
- TM and Cult Mania
- Team effectiveness
- Think of the children
- Vocabulary development
- Werner Erhard (book)
- Anger
- Appeal to consequences
- Attachment therapy
- A Beautiful Mind (film)
- Borderline personality disorder
- Conversion therapy
- Emergency psychiatry
- Female hysteria
- Idit Harel
- Homosexuality
- Large-group awareness training
- Lucid dream
- Pyromania
- Social anxiety disorder
- Stanford prison experiment
- Ablative brain surgery
- Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Amafufunyana
- Anosognosia
- Archuleta v. Hedrick
- Art and emotion
- Aspergirls
- Norma Cox Astwood
- Group polarization
- Autism Cymru
- Autism Is a World
- Autism: The Musical
- Awe
- Susan Bailey
- Robert A. Baker
- Bambi effect
- Bankes's Horse
- Helen Bee
- Donald N. Bersoff
- Sidney W. Bijou
- Claudia Blum
- Body schema
- Lisa Bortolotti
- Helen Boyle
- Breaching experiment
- A Bright Red Scream
- Broadmoor Hospital
- William A. F. Browne
- Brian Butterworth
- Candle problem
- Alexander Cannon (psychiatrist)
- Mary Cannon
- James Cantor
- Capital Jury Project
- Harvey A. Carr
- Cats and the Internet
- Central Mental Hospital
- Cognitive specialization
- Cognitive vulnerability
- Gene D. Cohen
- Collective unconscious
- Competency evaluation (law)
- The Complex: An Insider Exposes the Covert World of the Church of Scientology
- Contemplative Practices in Action
- Conflict (process)
- Context effect
- Continuous flash suppression
- Coping (psychology)
- Culture in music cognition
- Curse of 39
- Liane Davey
- Deadly Cults
- Decision fatigue
- Decisional balance sheet
- The Design of Everyday Things
- Disappointment
- Disconfirmed expectancy
- Dishabituation
- Disinformation (book)
- Domestic violence in Pakistan
- Doomsday cult
- Dopamine dysregulation syndrome
- The dress
- David Eder
- Beatrice Edgell
- Effect of psychoactive drugs on animals
- Steve Eichel
- Element (criminal law)
- Emotional lability
- Empty nest syndrome
- Equus (film)
- Est: Playing the Game
- Evaluating a Large Group Awareness Training
- Facet (psychology)
- Faith and Health: Psychological Perspectives
- Fan loyalty
- Frank Farley
- Fear of bees
- First impression (psychology)
- Forensic developmental psychology
- Foucha v. Louisiana
- Frendak v. United States
- Herbert Freudenberger
- Frown
- Hans G. Furth
- Gender dysphoria in children
- Gender roles in non-heterosexual communities
- Genetic Studies of Genius
- Genopolitics
- Lydia Giberson
- Thomas Gilovich
- Jean Berko Gleason
- Global precedence
- Gloom
- Grandiose delusions
- William T. Greenough
- Gudjonsson suggestibility scale
- Gullibility
- Tsuruko Haraguchi
- Chris Hatcher (psychologist)
- Health effects from noise
- Here's the Deal: Don't Touch Me
- Herman's Head
- Antonín Heveroch
- History of psychosurgery in the United Kingdom
- Harriet Holter
- Homework in psychotherapy
- Homosexuals Anonymous
- Humor styles
- Hypoalgesic effect of swearing
- I'm Dysfunctional, You're Dysfunctional
- Illusion of transparency
- Implicit learning
- Implicit personality theory
- Institutional syndrome
- Intelligent disobedience
- Jackson v. Indiana
- Job attitude
- Just-world hypothesis
- Kerplunk experiment
- Kings Row
- Knowle Hospital
- Language deprivation experiments
- Jean Laplanche
- Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center
- Lateralized readiness potential
- Leadership Dynamics
- Left brain interpreter
- LifeRing Secular Recovery
- Limbic resonance
- List of UFO religions
- Lisztomania
- Mad in America
- Madhouses Act 1774
- Marriage and health
- The Mask of Sanity
- The Mass Psychology of Fascism
- Maternal sensitivity
- Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry
- McGurk effect
- Andrew N. Meltzoff
- Memory and trauma
- Alexander Mitscherlich (psychologist)
- Margarete Mitscherlich-Nielsen
- Motor theory of speech perception
- Muhamed (horse)
- Namus
- National Survivors of Suicide Day
- Negativity bias
- John Neulinger
- Neurobiological origins of language
- New England Institute of Religious Research
- Nice guy
- Normal People Scare Me
- Nudge (book)
- Numerosity adaptation effect
- Karolina Olsson
- Ophidiophobia
- Orality
- John Ordronaux (doctor)
- Maressa Orzack
- Overchoice
- PAD emotional state model
- Pandemonium architecture
- Sergei Pankejeff
- The Paradox of Choice
- Paraphrenia
- Parasocial interaction
- Parent management training
- Parental brain
- Parten's stages of play
- Pavlovian-instrumental transfer
- Pediatric Symptom Checklist
- Perry v. Louisiana
- Prairie madness
- Praise
- Preparation (principle)
- Principles of learning
- Processing fluency
- Processing fluency theory of aesthetic pleasure
- The Program (novel)
- Proxemics
- Pseudodementia
- Psychology in medieval Islam
- Psychology of eating meat
- Psychology of music preference
- Psychopathic Personality Inventory
- Puppy pregnancy syndrome
- Mihai Ralea
- Rape in Belgium
- Rape in Pakistan
- Rapid automatized naming
- Rating scales for depression
- Raven (book)
- Rennie v. Klein
- Representational momentum
- Reward dependence
- Jennifer Richeson
- Riggins v. Nevada
- Mark Rosenzweig
- Julian Rotter
- Mirror test
- Safety behaviors (anxiety)
- Satanic panic (South Africa)
- Scattershot (book)
- Irlen syndrome
- Second Chance Program
- Self-Efficacy (book)
- Self-embedding
- Self-fulfillment
- Sell v. United States
- Settled insanity
- Sexual anhedonia
- Eldar Shafir
- Simmelian tie
- Sleep state misperception
- Sleep in non-human animals
- Smile mask syndrome
- May Smith (psychologist)
- Social Foundations of Thought and Action
- Social Interaction Anxiety Scale
- Social inertia
- Sociology of the Internet
- Stephen Soldz
- Esther Somerfeld-Ziskind
- Elizabeth Spelke
- Spring Grove Experiment
- St David's Hospital (Carmarthen)
- Staircase model
- Stanford marshmallow experiment
- The Stanford Prison Experiment (film)
- State-dependent memory
- Florian Ștefănescu-Goangă
- Sterling Institute of Relationship
- Student development theories
- Student engagement
- Stuttering therapy
- Subpersonality
- Taphophobia
- Telescoping effect
- Texas Psychological Association
- Time to Change (mental health campaign)
- Timothy's Law
- Tone variator
- Management of schizophrenia
- Trier social stress test
- Twisted Scriptures
- Two-streams hypothesis
- Ultimate issue (law)
- Unitary psychosis
- United States v. Binion
- Indre Viskontas
- Vladimír Vondráček
- Nic Waal
- Tor Wager
- Werner Erhard & Associates v. Christopher Cox for Congress
- Wiggins v. Smith
- Women For Sobriety
- Benjamin D. Wood
- Woodworth Personal Data Sheet
- World Suicide Prevention Day
- Logan Wright
- Zero stroke
- Akihabara massacre
- Anders Behring Breivik
- Nidal Hasan
- Oliver Sacks
- Decade of Behavior
- Brainwashing
- Student-centred learning
- American Psychological Association
- John Dewey
- Cyberpsychology
- Empathy in online communities
- Adam Joinson
- Online disinhibition effect
- Online participation
- Password psychology
- Psychological effects of Internet use
- Social computing
- Virtual collective consciousness
- Air-defense experiments
- Analog observation
- Asch conformity experiments
- Behavioural despair test
- Blacky pictures test
- Bobo doll experiment
- The Button (Reddit)
- A Clinical Lesson at the Salpêtrière
- Mental chronometry
- Concord Prison Experiment
- Conflict procedure
- Cyranoid
- Echoborg
- Emmert experiment
- Eriksen flanker task
- The Experiment (2010 film)
- Das Experiment
- Séance
- Fordham Experiment
- Ganzfeld experiment
- Hofling hospital experiment
- Independent measures
- Le Jeu de la Mort
- Laboratory experimentation in psychology
- Learned helplessness
- Lexical decision task
- Light-dark box test
- Little Albert experiment
- Mackworth Clock
- Marble burying
- Marsh Chapel Experiment
- Research on the effects of violence in mass media
- Metallic Metals Act
- MIDAS Trial
- Monster Study
- Naturalistic observation
- Nun Study
- Oddball paradigm
- Oklahoma City sonic boom tests
- Open field (animal test)
- PEBL (software)
- Philip experiment
- Pit of despair
- Project Pigeon
- Pseudoword
- Psychedelics in problem-solving experiment
- Psychological statistics
- Psychomotor vigilance task
- PsychoPy
- PsyScope
- Rat Park
- Rosenhan experiment
- Rotarod performance test
- Small-world experiment
- Speech shadowing
- Tail suspension test
- The Third Wave (experiment)
- The Three Christs of Ypsilanti
- Ulcers in Executive Monkeys
- Vignette (psychology)
- Virtual reality cue reactivity
- Vogel Conflict Test
- Water-level task
- Web Experimental Psychology Lab
- Web-based experiments
- Wike's law of low odd primes
- Wizards Project
- California State University, Fullerton massacre
- Marcelo Costa de Andrade
- Jeffrey Arenburg
- 2001 Isla Vista killings
- Utah prisoner of war massacre
- Michael Bethke
- John and Lorena Bobbitt
- Murder of Christie Marceau
- Rachel Capra Craig
- Izola Curry
- Richard Dadd
- Gregory Davis
- Christian Dornier
- Nikolai Dzhumagaliev
- Kenneth Erskine
- Francisco García Escalero
- Laura Fair
- Mickey Featherstone
- John Frith (assailant)
- Ed Gein
- June and Jennifer Gibbons
- Bertha Gifford
- James Hadfield
- I. Kathleen Hagen
- Thornton Jenkins Hains
- Old Salisbury Road shooting
- Luke Helder
- John Hinckley Jr.
- Shell Lake murders
- Francine Hughes
- Japan Airlines Flight 350
- Lizzie Lloyd King
- Tony Kiritsis
- Filip Konowal
- Deanna Laney murders
- Donald Lang
- Richard Lawrence (failed assassin)
- Thomas Ley
- Killing of Tim McLean
- William Marrufo
- Jonathan Martin (arsonist)
- Robert Maudsley
- Roderick Maclean
- Charles L. Meach
- George Metesky
- Billy Milligan
- William Chester Minor
- Alice Mitchell
- Daniel M'Naghten
- Robert Mone
- Robert Napper
- Margaret Nicholson
- Shūmei Ōkawa
- Edward Oxford
- 2006 San Francisco SUV rampage
- Andrea Yates
- Monash University shooting
- 1998 United States Capitol shooting incident
- Jeanne Weber
- Ernst August Wagner
- Howard Unruh
- Dimitri Tsafendas
- Jane Toppan
- Albert Tirrell
- Harry Kendall Thaw
- Michael Taylor (demoniac)
- James Swann
- Adolph B. Spreckels
- Sanna Sillanpää
- Daniel Sickles
- Romanshorn shooting
- John Flammang Schrank
- Bremen school shooting
- Dena Schlosser
- Monkseaton shootings
- Ezra Pound
- Jabukovac killings
- Daniel Rakowitz
- Henry Rathbone
- George Roden
- Otto Rothstock
- Mark Rowntree
- Lie detection
- Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature Profiling
- Brain fingerprinting
- No Lie MRI
- Othello error
- Silent Talker Lie Detector
- Statement analysis
- Voice stress analysis
- Malingering
- Lees-Haley Fake Bad Scale
- SIMS (Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology)
- Acting out
- Actus reus
- Adjudicative competence
- American Psychology–Law Society
- Antisocial personality disorder
- Wilford Berry Jr.
- Competence (law)
- Copycat crime
- Crime Classification Manual
- List of criminal competencies
- Criminal Shadows: Inside the Mind of the Serial Killer
- Criminology
- Diminished responsibility
- Diminished responsibility in English law
- Mens rea
- M'Naghten rules
- Knowledge (legal construct)
- Intention (criminal law)
- Incarceration prevention in the United States
- Genetics of aggression
- Ganser syndrome
- Future Attribute Screening Technology
- Forensic psychotherapy
- Florida Mental Health Act
- Disorganized offender
- Mentally ill people in United States jails and prisons
- Munchausen syndrome
- Offender profiling
- Ottho Gerhard Heldringstichting
- Project Hostile Intent
- Psychological injury
- Psychopathy
- R v Prince
- Race, Evolution, and Behavior
- Risk Management Authority (Scotland)
- Sadistic personality disorder
- Social control theory
- Solitary confinement
- Solitary confinement of women
- Statistical correlations of criminal behaviour
- Archives of the History of American Psychology
- Associationism
- Henri-Étienne Beaunis
- The Behavior of Organisms
- Henri Bergson
- Berlin School of experimental psychology
- Beyond the Pleasure Principle
- Civil Resettlement Units
- Civilization and Its Discontents
- Classical conditioning
- Cognitive revolution
- Bertram Cohler
- Degeneration theory
- History of dyslexia research
- Eastern philosophy in clinical psychology
- Edinburgh Phrenological Society
- Empirical psychology
- Evaluative conditioning
- The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals
- Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
- Freud's seduction theory
- The Freudian Coverup
- Functional psychology
- Genetic epistemology
- Graz School
- Wilhelm Wundt
- History of clinical psychological services in Singapore
- History of Psychology (journal)
- History of the race and intelligence controversy
- Hysteria
- Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War
- The Interpretation of Dreams
- Law of effect
- Gustave Le Bon
- Cäcilie M.
- Neutral stimulus
- Max Nordau
- Anna O.
- William James Lectures
- War Office Selection Boards
- Vygotsky Circle
- Virtual Laboratory
- Verbal Behavior
- The Varieties of Religious Experience
- Variability hypothesis
- Timeline of psychotherapy
- Timeline of psychology
- Tabula rasa
- Stoelting
- School of Brentano
- Riverview Psychiatric Center
- Radical behaviorism
- The Pursuit of the Millennium
- History of psychotherapy
- Psychopathia Sexualis (Heinrich Kaan)
- The Principles of Psychology
- Phrenology
- Philosophische Studien
- Operant conditioning
- Oneirocritica
- Human behavior
- Accismus
- Action assembly theory
- Alloplastic adaptation
- Animal spirits (Keynes)
- Assertiveness
- Attention seeking
- Attitude change
- Autoplastic adaptation
- Avoidance coping
- Bad habit
- Behavior change (individual)
- Behavior change (public health)
- Behavioral confirmation
- Behavioral contagion
- Behavioral modernity
- Behavioral urbanism
- Boreout
- Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding and HIV
- Breastfeeding contraindications
- Breastfeeding and medications
- Bullying
- Calculus of concepts
- Chinese fire drill
- Civil inattention
- Cold feet
- Communication theory
- Courtesy
- Critical positivity ratio
- Critical-Creative Thinking and Behavioral Research Laboratory
- Cultural divide
- Cultural mediation
- Cultural universal
- Cutting in line
- Deception
- Demonstration effect
- Denunciation
- Description error
- Philosophy of desire
- Digital Intelligence Quotient (DQ)
- Dishonesty
- Disinhibition
- Distraction
- Dual loyalty
- Eccentricity (behavior)
- Endemic warfare
- Environmental enrichment
- Evasion (ethics)
- History of evolutionary psychology
- Expressions of dominance
- The Family of Man
- Female intrasexual competition
- Feminine psychology
- Flâneur
- Obfuscation
- Obedience (human behavior)
- Normative social influence
- Normality (behavior)
- Neophobia
- Negative capability
- Neanderthal behavior
- Nature versus nurture
- National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior
- National Procrastination Week
- Narcissistic parent
- Narcissistic leadership
- Narcissism
- Nagging
- Models of communication
- Misanthropy
- Mind games
- Meaningful life
- McGuire's Motivations
- Maturity (psychological)
- Masculine psychology
- The Lucifer Principle
- Loner
- Leisure satisfaction
- Laziness
- Lawn dart effect
- Kindness
- John Henryism
- Jeitinho
- Irrationality
- Intrusiveness
- Internet troll
- Institute for the Study of Human Knowledge
- The Institute for Cultural Research
- Infomania
- Inclusive fitness in humans
- Impulsivity
- Impulse (psychology)
- Hypoactivity
- Human vestigiality
- Human Universals
- Human nature
- High school dropouts
- Herd mentality
- Health action process approach
- Hawthorne effect
- Hamiltonian spite
- Habit
- Guiltive
- Good Behavior Game
- Gold digging
- Gender psychology
- Gender differences in social network service use
- Functional Ensemble of Temperament
- SuEllen Fried
- Food fight
- Obstructionism
- Opportunism
- Panic buying
- Passive-aggressive behavior
- Pedant
- Pet peeve
- Phi complex
- Popularity
- Preferred walking speed
- Premastication
- Procrastination
- Psychological contract
- Psychological manipulation
- Queen bee syndrome
- Reasoned action approach
- Relational disorder
- Religious behaviour
- Repetition priming
- Respect
- Ritualization
- Role-playing
- School dropouts in Latin America
- Self-actualization
- Sexual attraction
- Human sexual activity
- Sexual selection
- Human sexuality
- Rape fantasy
- Social Bonding and Nurture Kinship
- Social constructionism
- Social influences on fitness behavior
- Social proof
- Spoiled child
- Sportsmanship
- Spotlight effect
- Staring
- Stonewalling
- Superficial charm
- Sycophancy
- Taunting
- Teasing
- Tend and befriend
- Theories of political behavior
- Token resistance
- Turncoat
- Two-factor theory of intelligence
- Ultracrepidarianism
- Uncle Tom syndrome
- User behavior analytics
- Value (ethics)
- Venality
- Victim blaming
- Victim playing
- Violence
- Viveza criolla
- Widowhood effect
- Work behavior
- Working memory
- Workplace deviance
- 16PF Questionnaire
- A-not-B error
- Abreaction
- Carol Queen
- Abuse
- Acceptance and commitment therapy
- Acrophobia
- Action research
- Active intellect
- Active learning
- Actor–observer asymmetry
- Adaptation
- Adaptive behavior
- Adjustment disorder
- Affectional bond
- Affect display
- AP Psychology
- Adolescence
- Romantic orientation
- Affective forecasting
- Affirming the consequent
- Afterburn (psychotherapy)
- Age regression in therapy
- Allophilia
- Algophobia
- Hypokinesia
- HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder
- Agraphia
- Agoraphobia
- Aggression
- Ageing
- Alogia
- Alter ego
- Altered state of consciousness
- Altruism
- Alzheimer's disease
- Ambivalence
- American Psychologist
- Amnesia
- Anal retentiveness
- Anal stage
- Anamnesis (philosophy)
- Anorgasmia
- Anorexia nervosa
- Anomie
- Anomic aphasia
- Animal hoarding
- Anima and animus
- Anhedonia
- Anchoring
- Anterograde amnesia
- Anticathexis
- Anticipation
- Antidepressant
- Antilocution
- Antipathy
- Antipsychotic
- Anti-social behaviour
- Anxiety
- Anxiety disorder
- Anxiogenic
- Apathy
- Aphanisis
- Aphasia
- Apoplexy
- Apperception
- Approach-avoidance conflict
- Aquaphobia
- Archetype
- Arousal
- Artificial demand
- Artisan temperament
- Association (psychology)
- Astraphobia
- Attention span
- Attitude (psychology)
- Attribution (psychology)
- Attribution bias
- Atypical depression
- Auditory processing disorder
- Australian Psychological Society
- Australasian Society for Experimental Psychology
- Aura (symptom)
- Social facilitation
- Autassassinophilia
- Authoritarian personality
- Authority
- Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
- Autism spectrum
- Avoidant personality disorder
- Aversives
- Aversion therapy
- Availability heuristic
- Automatic behavior
- Autodidacticism
- Awareness
- Avolition
- Autoassociative memory
- Backward inhibition
- Abarognosis
- Barnes Akathisia Scale
- Barnes maze
- Beck's cognitive triad
- Behavior modification
- Behavior modification facility
- Behavioral communication
- Behavioral engineering
- Behavioral neurology
- Behavioral theories of depression
- Behaviour therapy
- Behavioural genetics
- Belief
- Belongingness
- Biofeedback
- Bioenergetic analysis
- Biodata
- Binge eating
- Binge drinking
- Bidirectional associative memory
- Bicameral mentality
- Bibliomania
- Bipolar disorder
- Bipolar I disorder
- Bipolar II disorder
- Blame
- Block design test
- Blood-injection-injury type phobia
- Reduced affect display
- Boanthropy
- Body dysmorphic disorder
- Bouma
- Borromean clinic
- Borderline intellectual functioning
- Boldness
- Body psychotherapy
- Body language
- Body image
- Brainstorming
- Breathwork
- Brief reactive psychosis
- British Journal of Social Psychology
- British Psychological Society
- Bulimia nervosa
- Paranoia
- Occupational burnout
- Bystander effect
- California Psychological Inventory
- California School of Professional Psychology
- Canadian Psychological Association
- Cannon–Bard theory
- Care perspective
- Cassandra (metaphor)
- Centration
- Center for Evolutionary Psychology
- Cathexis
- Catharsis
- Catatonia
- Exaggeration
- Catalepsy
- Castration anxiety
- Chaining
- Character orientation
- Character structure
- Charisma
- Cheating
- Biology of depression
- Child (archetype)
- Child abuse
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- Chunking (psychology)
- Chronophilia
- Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders
- Childhood disintegrative disorder
- Child sexual abuse
- Baby talk
- Child development
- Classical Adlerian psychology
- Clanging
- Circumstantial speech
- Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
- Circadian rhythm
- Cinderella effect
- Cinderella complex
- Classical Adlerian psychotherapy
- Claustrophobia
- Clique
- Closure (psychology)
- Cognitive dissonance
- Cognitive disorder
- Cognitive dimensions of notations
- Cognitive development
- Cognitive bias
- Codependency
- Cognitive distortion
- Cognitive elite
- Cognitive intervention
- Cognitive load
- Cognitive map
- Cognitive restructuring
- Cognitive therapy
- Cognitive test
- Cognitive style
- Cognitive model
- Cognitive slippage
- Cognitive shift
- Cognitivism (psychology)
- Cohort effect
- Collective consciousness
- Collective identity
- Collective intelligence
- Cerebral achromatopsia
- Color psychology
- Combat stress reaction
- Comorbidity
- Community mental health service
- Communication studies
- Communication disorder
- Compensation (psychology)
- Polyamory
- Complex (psychology)
- Complex post-traumatic stress disorder
- Compliance (psychology)
- Compulsive behavior
- Computational theory of mind
- Confidence
- Confabulation
- Conduct disorder
- Concurrent validity
- Piaget's theory of cognitive development
- Conceptual blending
- Conformity
- Congenital disorder
- Conscientiousness
- Conservation (psychology)
- Contact hypothesis
- Content validity
- Reinforcement
- Developmental coordination disorder
- Conversion disorder
- Convergent thinking
- Control theory
- Control freak
- Coprophilia
- Cotard delusion
- Coulrophobia
- Countersignaling
- Creativity
- Cue-dependent forgetting
- Cryptomnesia
- Crowd psychology
- Crowd manipulation
- Cross-sectional study
- Criticism
- Critical thinking
- Critical period
- Cultivation theory
- Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory
- Cultural identity
- Culture shock
- Curiosity
- Cyclopean image
- Cyclothymia
- Delayed sleep phase disorder
- Delay reduction hypothesis
- Delusional disorder
- Delusion and Dream in Jensen's Gradiva
- Delusion
- Delirium
- Demand (psychoanalysis)
- Demand characteristics
- Dementia
- Dementia praecox
- Denial
- Depressive personality disorder
- Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
- Depersonalization disorder
- Depersonalization
- Dependency need
- Dental fear
- Paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions
- Depressive realism
- Depth psychology
- Derealization
- Glossary of psychiatry
- Excoriation disorder
- Desensitization (psychology)
- Design thinking
- Devaluation
- Deterrence (psychology)
- Detection theory
- Detachment (philosophy)
- Destrudo
- Identified patient
- Developmental disorder
- Developmental lines
- Developmental profile
- Developmental stage theories
- Dipsomania
- Diogenes syndrome
- Dichotic listening
- Diathesis–stress model
- Dialogical self
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Discrimination
- Disinhibited attachment disorder
- Disorder of written expression
- Disorganized schizophrenia
- Fugue state
- Dissociative disorder
- Psychogenic amnesia
- Dissociation (psychology)
- Dispositionist
- Displacement (psychology)
- Dissociative identity disorder
- Distancing language
- Distressed personality type
- Distrust
- Divergent thinking
- Doctor of Psychology
- Dominance and submission
- Drive theory
- Dream telepathy
- Dream diary
- Dream interpretation
- Dream dictionary
- Dream
- Dysthymia
- Double bind
- Door-in-the-face technique
- Dual-coding theory
- Dual diagnosis
- Dump job
- Dualism
- Dynamicism
- Dysarthria
- Dyscalculia
- Dysfunctional family
- Dysgraphia
- Dyskinesia
- Dyssomnia
- Dysphoria
- Hoarse voice
- Dyspareunia
- Early childhood education
- Early intervention in psychosis
- Eating disorder
- Echolalia
- Echopraxia
- Ecopsychology
- Educational organization
- Ego-dystonic sexual orientation
- Egosyntonic and egodystonic
- Egocentrism
- Egocentric predicament
- Ego reduction
- Ego psychology
- Ego ideal
- Id, ego and super-ego
- Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
- Egomania
- Elective mutism
- Electra complex
- Electroencephalography
- Francine Shapiro
- Emetophobia
- Emotion and memory
- Emotional intelligence
- Emotional security
- Emotional expression
- Emotional dysregulation
- Emotional contagion
- Emotional blackmail
- Emotional isolation
- Emotional labor
- Emotional reasoning
- Empathy
- Empathy gap
- Emptiness
- Gestalt therapy
- Encoding (memory)
- Enuresis
- Entomophobia
- Entitlement
- Engram (neuropsychology)
- Erikson's stages of psychosocial development
- Energy (esotericism)
- Endogeny (biology)
- Endogenous depression
- T-groups
- Encopresis
- Envy
- Epiphany (feeling)
- Equity theory
- Ergophobia
- Erotomania
- Erotophobia
- Blushing
- Evolutionary developmental psychology
- Evaluation
- European Association for Psychotherapy
- Euphoria
- Evolutionary ethics
- Evolutionary educational psychology
- Evolutionary Principle
- Exclusivism
- Exhibitionism
- Existential therapy
- Observer-expectancy effect
- Experimental Psychology Society
- Experiment
- Exorcism
- Exogeny
- Explanation
- Exposure and response prevention
- Expressed emotion
- Expressive language disorder
- External validity
- Extraversion and introversion
- Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
- Fundamental interpersonal relations orientation
- Fundamental attribution error
- Functional symptom
- Functional disorder
- Fugue
- Frustration
- Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
- Free-running sleep
- Generalized anxiety disorder
- Free association (psychology)
- Fragile X syndrome
- Four stages of competence
- Four discourses
- Foundations of Cyclopean Perception
- Formicophilia
- Formication
- Forgiveness
- Foot-in-the-door technique
- Foolishness
- Fooled by Randomness
- Folk psychology
- Folie à deux
- Fluid and crystallized intelligence
- Flowerpot technique
- Flow (psychology)
- Flooding (psychology)
- Flattery
- Flashbulb memory
- Flashback (psychology)
- Fixation (psychology)
- Fight-or-flight response
- The Fifth Discipline
- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
- Feral child
- Femininity
- Female sexual arousal disorder
- Feeling
- Feedback
- Feeble-minded
- Feature integration theory
- Fear of flying
- Fear
- Fast mapping
- Fantasy (psychology)
- False awakening
- Faculty psychology
- Analysis of variance
- Factitious disorder
- Facial expression
- Face validity
- Face perception
- Face-ism
- F-scale (personality test)
- Knowledge management
- Kübler-Ross model
- Klüver–Bucy syndrome
- Klismaphilia
- Klinefelter syndrome
- Kleptomania
- Kleine–Levin syndrome
- Proprioception
- Kinesics
- Kharkov school of psychology
- Keirsey Temperament Sorter
- Judgement
- Journal of Psychohistory
- Journal of Health Psychology
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
- Joint Commission
- Johari window
- Jenkins activity survey
- Jealousy