sco-N This user is a native speaker of Scottish English .
I'm a linguistics student, who was born in 1986 in Dundee but is now studying at the University of Edinburgh.
I am, in varying quantities, a humanist, socialist of the Scottish variety, supporter of Scottish independence, Esperantist, and many other similarly dull things.
I am very supportive of the Scots and Scottish Gaelic languages, although not to the extent of actually being able to speak them fluently, or indeed much at all. (I do have a Scots-speaking mother, and I took some night classes in Gaelic, but unfortunately neither language sank in much.) Having said that, I am an admin on sco:, which I personally ascribe to having the luck to be around when it was starting up. I'm now in the position of being more active on sco: than on en:.
My edits on (the English) Wikipedia are mainly limited to things Scottish (various items of Scots food seem to get my particular attention), things political, things political and Scottish, other sundry minor edits when I see something needing corrected, and the occasional reversion of vandalism. I am one of life's natural pedants.