Hello, I maintain a journal at
If you stumbled on this page after reading accusations that I am part of some multi-year ongoing harassment campaign...well, rest assured I am not. Said accusations are a great puzzle to me, I have no idea where in the world they came from.
If there is a need to email me, consider 'YAHOO' then the phrase 'joshburbank'. I know that sounds odd. But I'm sure you can figure it out.
Please feel free to let me know if I have completely screwed something up, made a rookie mistake or done something awesomely dorktastical. I'll try and fix it/deal/accept the edits and move on as soon as possible.
Something I wish all Wikipedia editors would know: You cannot compare real, innocent people to fictional bad guys.
Don't go to comic cons on Saturday if you can help it. They are crowded as hell.