Position: Managing Director, Company & Club Chairman, Chairman BG South East and National Technical Committee Chair, Director BTF, Director Kent Institute of Sport, secretary of European trampoline technical committee, chair of the Kent Olympic strategic Sports sector group, Chair Kent Forum for Sport.
Coach level: International Performance Coach & Coach Tutor & Examiner, DMT International Performance Coach, Tutor & Examiner, GMPD Trampoline Coach & Fundamentals Gymnastics Coach.
Judge Grade: International Brevet Judge - Trampoline, DMT & National Tumbling
Trampolined from: 1967 - 1972, 1977 - 1992. Began coaching in 1977
Best achievements: As a competitor: U15 Southern County Schools Champion, 5 Times Kent Men's Champion As a Coach: Coached Olympic finalist Gary Smith, 11 WAG Medallists including 3 times WAG gold medallist - Ben Colgate, Coached Downs Syndrome performer Tony Woolvern to Kent Bronze medallist! (considered by Martin to be his best coaching achievement) As a Judge: Getting through International Judge Course in DMT & Tumbling...In Spanish!
Hobbies / other interests: Dip Sports Psychology, Dip Sport Massage Therapy, Dip Management, Dip marketing, computers (built his own computer in 1978 with a massive 12k memory) and DIY (when his wife Liz lets him)
Favourite competitions: 1986 World Championships in Paris "It was like being in a football stadium, and a great time at the WAGs that year too!"
Most memorable moments from trampolining: At 11 years old watching Paul Luxon do a triffis on a 1/2 inch 77a! Seeing son Steven leap from the trampoline into the arms of a terrified superior Judge after a successful routine...aged 4. National Championships a Link label - Watching Brian Phelps (and fellow loonies) diving at the pool party, and explaining to the lifeguards that he does know what he is doing!