This user is in grad school.
This user may be away or inactive for varying periods of time, especially if they have exams.
Although they may occasionally be able to do some editing, talk page messages might not receive a timely response.
This user thinks userboxes are kind of annoying.
Hi, Wikipedia! I've been around for a while, but still have a lot to learn. Advice, chiding, trout whacks, and vegan pastry recipes are always welcome.
I'm interested in dance, math, classical music, philosophy, biology, languages, and climbing trees. I chose my username because I was writing a quartet for four violas when I signed up. I'm currently in grad school, studying organoids and organs-on-chips as alternatives to animal research.
I believe that singular "they" has long been, is increasingly, and should be officially accepted as an epicene pronoun.
Articles written mostly by me (pageviews):
- Somatics
- Graham technique (DYK)
- Giordano Dance Chicago
- Mary Cannon (DYK)
- Psychology of eating meat (DYK)
- Dolipore septum
- Hedareb people
- Bruce Lisman
- Vermont Woods Studios
- Black Strap Molasses (song) (DYK)
- Herman Cornejo (DYK)
- Floorwork
- Impact litigation
- A Sea–Spell
- Brachymeiosis
- Protect the Harvest
- Gavin Buckley (DYK)
- 2016 Massachusetts Question 3
Why I like Wikipedia
I'm comforted to know that an open platform like Wikipedia can become a public good, rather than the kind of vitriol-spattered shambles that is so much of the user-generated Internet. And I'm endlessly impressed by how well the policies have been hashed out.
Evaluations of me and my work
When I'm first interacting with another Wikipedia editor, I sometimes find it's useful to get a sense of what others think of them as a colleague. To help you do the same, I've collected a sample of such evaluations for myself. Feel free to add your own, but please refrain from making threats. If you don't like the way I quoted you, you're welcome to edit or remove your evaluation.
The Teenly pledge
In honor of Teenly , I will strive to show every Wikipedia user the kindness and assumption of good faith I would show a terminally ill 6-year-old. Please let me know on my talk page if I've slipped up.