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Today is 28 March 2025
In Memoriam: 9/11
Lest we forget...

Name This user's name is Eisen.

This user is a Boy Scout .
This user is an Aquarian .
This user was born in the year of the Monkey .
Mr. T This user pities the fool!
subst: This user substitutes their userboxes .
ubx-5 This user uses entirely too many userboxes.
This user is a judoka .
Pi ≈ 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679 82148 08651 32823 06647 09384 46095 50582 23172 53594 08128 48111 74502 84102 70193 85211 05559 64462 29489 54930 38196 44288 10975 66593 34461 28475 64823 37867 83165 27120 19091 45648 56692 34603 86104 54326 64821 33936 07260 24914 12737 24587 00660 63155 81748 81520 92096 28292 54091 71536 43678 92590 36001 13305 30548 82046 65213 84146 95194 15116 09...
This user loves food in moderation.
SI This user uses the metric system and loves it.
eπi+1=0 This user is a mathie .
teen This user is a teenager , not a stereotype.
(削除) Siblings (削除ここまで) This user is an only child.
This user is a professional webmaster .
This user is a student aircraft pilot.

5 This user has visited 5 of the 205 countries in the world.
This user loves deadlines. They love the whooshing sound they make as they go by.
This user observes local mean solar time .
This user sleeps, but not for predictable amounts of time.
This user observes Daylight Saving Time .

Political, yes I have believes
lib This user is a liberal .
This user is a peace loving
Hippie .
This user is interested in recycling issues.
This user supports the use of green energy .
This user supports public transit .

This user is a
Citizen of the Galaxy
and nothing else matters.
This user is from the planet Earth.
This user grew up in the suburbs .
This user lives in Highlands Ranch, Colorado .
This user once lived in Denver, Colorado .
This user's time zone is MST .
This user's time zone is UTC-7 .

Coke This user believes Pepsi is no match for Coca-Cola . Not even close. (削除) Pepsi (削除ここまで)
YM This user is your mom.
This user is a proud cyclist.
This user is an orienteer ,
and very seldom gets lost.
This user enjoys riding horses .
This user is a swimmer .
This user loves to bowl , but would love to get more strikes.
This user plays cricket .
This user plays eight-ball .
This user plays nine-ball .
This user enjoys playing darts .

This user enjoys shooting with muzzleloaders.
This user enjoys
pistol shooting .
This user enjoys rifle shooting.

TV and Junk
This user lost his hand in a bowling accendent. Kingpin (1996)
Dr. Stangelove Mein Führer, this user drinks only pure grain alcohol and rain water to protect his preserve his bodily fluids.
Bowling.jpg This user once dabbled in pacifism. Not in 'Nam, of course.
This user is a fan of the Austin Powers film series . Yeah, baby, yeah!
ND This user voted for Pedro.
A person is smart; people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it!
This user is a fan of Blackadder .
Frasier This user doesn't know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs... they're calling again!
This user enjoys comics .
This user watches Deadwood .
DJ This user wishes they had a Dirty Job.
LS This user watches the Late Show with David Letterman
This user is a fan of
The Sopranos .
d'oh! This user thinks The Simpsons is simply... excellent .
FG This user thinks Family Guy is freakin' sweet .
This user demands you
respect my authoritah!
¡ This user knows the Chewbacca Defense and is not afraid to use it!
DT This user lives in a house that is Drawn Together with love.
Clerks This user believes nothing can kill the Grimace.
SG This user activates the Stargate to explore other planets.
Trek This user is a Trekkie or Trekker.
"Surely this user can't be serious?"
BB This user is on a mission from God.
Clue This user killed Yvette. This user hated her... so... much... It- It... the f-- It... Flame... Flames. Flames... On the side of my face... Breathing... Breathle-- Heaving breaths... Heaving...
This user is a man-eating talking plant.
This user's got a case of the Mondays.
PULP This user does not think Marsellus Wallace looks like a bitch.
This user listens to NPR.
FM This user has an FM radio .
SW This user has a shortwave radio .

Monty Python, Yes I am a big fan

Reading and Writing
This user enjoys writing.
This user enjoys reading non-fiction .
This user reads between the lines.

This user enjoys the works of
Isaac Asimov .
This user enjoys the works of George Orwell .
"I'm not a Marxist." Karl Marx (dying words)
22 This user's favourite novel is Catch-22 .
This user likes their Martinis shaken, not stirred .
G This user is a Gryffindor .
D This user reads Dilbert .
G This user does not like Mondays.
This user enjoys reading the newspaper.
This user enjoys reading magazines .
E This user reads The Economist .

band This user plays in a band .
This user plays the clarinet .
This user enjoys Classical rock .
This user likes most types of music.
This user enjoys jazz music .
This user enjoys polka music.
This user knows that there is no dark side of the moon really — matter of fact it's all dark.
This user has an iPod .
This user is a member of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band .
This user is a music Arranger.

talk This user's Google Talk screenname is Eiceman.
This user has a website, which is owned by his Boy Scout Troop.
This user loves using Google Earth .
This user buys and sells on eBay  as wiki .
LEO This user contributes at Link Everything Online.
This user's news source is The Onion .
This user maintains a blog .
This user has a profile on MySpace .
This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference.
This user uses Gmail as a primary email service.
This user's internet service provider is Comcastic (Comcast ).
This user contributes using Adobe Photoshop .
Fx This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox .
This user contributes using
Mac OS X G5 desktop computer dual 2.5ghz processor, Liquid cooled.
This user thinks different .
W This user contributes using Microsoft Word .
This user could use a dual monitor configuration.
This user contributes using a PDA .
This user thinks Apple Inc. products are cool.
This user contributes using a wireless connection .
BB This user contributes using a broadband connection.

This user enjoys chess .
This user is a Jenga master.
This user passed GO!
(...so where is my 200ドル?)
This user plays Risk.
S1 This user is a Scrabble player.
cvg-3 This user is an advanced gamer .
This user plays games on a graphing calculator .
This user prefers to play games on a PC .
This user enjoys PlayStation 2 games.
This user still uses a
Sega Genesis / Mega Drive .
This user once loved Grand Theft Auto.
MN-2 This user is an expert minesweeper .
This user plays Pac-Man.
RCT This user plays RollerCoaster Tycoon .
SC3K This user enjoys playing SimCity 3000 or SimCity 3000 Unlimited.
This user plays the Sonic the Hedgehog series.

Ford This user surpports FoMoCo also known as Ford Motor Company
This user surpports Ford Racing of all types! NASCAR and NARA.
This user loves the Volkswagen Beetle.
This user can drive now!
This User owns a BMW Motorader(motorcycle).

🇩🇪 This user is of German ancestry.
This user is of Italian ancestry.
This user is of Hungarian ancestry.

This user's favorite subject is physics.
This user's favorite subject is Music .
MATH This user's favorite subject is Mathematics .
DE This user's favourite subject is German .
This user's favourite subject is Chemistry .
Ring Nebula This user enjoys the subject of astronomy .
ART This user's favourite subject is Art .

HTML-4 This user is an expert HTML user.
js-2 This user is an intermediate JavaScript programmer.
Ascript-N This user is a native AppleScript programmer.
en This user is a native speaker of the English language .
de-3 Dieser Benutzer hat sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse .
it-1 Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano .
Search user languages

-4 This user has a near-native understanding of American English .
-2 This user has an intermediate understanding of British English .
-3 This person is awesome at speaking California English .
-1 This user has a basic understanding of Canadian English .
CRS This geezer rabbits proper Chitty-Chitty sweet as a nut, bein' a bit ov a Bow-Beller an' all...
SoE-4 This here user's got a near-native understandin' of Southern American English and I reckon' surely spent lots of time in the finest parts of Dixie.
1337-3 +|-|15 |_|53|2 <4/\/ (0/\/+|2!|3|_|+3 \/\/1+|-| 4/\/ 4|)\/4/\/(3|) 13\/31 0|= 1337 .
pig-3 Isthay userway ancay ontributecay ithway anway advancedway evellay ofway Igpay Atinlay.
Ω This user has an advanced understanding of the Greek alphabet .
ipa -5
ə This user has a complete understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet .
tlh-1 loQ tlhIngan Hol jatlh lo'wI'vam.
BS-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of Bullshit .


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Eisen, as most know him as, is a German, Italian, and Hungarian and of course his home county American. He's a woodwindist, knowing how to play Clarinet primarily, sax, flute, and oboe as well. He also knows Guitar and piano too. Know's more about music theory then most others. He's big into the ways of Science and believe that all the answers are held somewhere within it. He's a strong believer in Geomety and Trig. He is a webmaster for his boy scout troop in Denver Colorado. He knows HTML and JavaScript. He can make Flash animations and is learning basic programing. He's a PC/Mac kind of guy, not caring what he's on just that he is on a computer, but he dose own a Macintosh (A Macintosh G5 Dual 2.5 Ghz PowerPC processors liquid cooled, running 2.5 gb of ram with a max of 8 gb., with a possible multi-screen configuration). Eisen is big in technology and is slightly wired on the count that his mom is a licensed clown of the name of Ogee. Eisen has more friends then you. He is also the director of "Czar Wars" and is the founder of Cresthill Lane Pictures. He knows a bit about cars and is a Ford fan (Chevys SUCK!) He spends his time riding his bike, camping, and hangin' out. He also loves to make models especially model rockets. At the current time he his working on a V-2. He loves living in Colorado, and must say GO ROCKIES!!!


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Eisen owns two main pets. First of all he owns a Yellow Nape Amazon (parrot) named Shera who is now 22 years old and will live to 75 years. Shera is Eisen's closes companon and they have a close relationship due to the fact that she believes that she was the one to lay the egg that Eisen came out of. Eisen also owns a Beta fish (chiness fighting fish) named Hornblower.


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Eisen was born in Englewood, CO at Swedish hospitable. He grew up 1 block south of the University of Denver. He went to University Park Elem until 4 grade when he moved to Highlands Ranch, CO. He enroled at Fox Creek and later Cresthill Middle School and is now at Highlands Ranch High School. While in Cresthill he and a few friends placed 4th place at the St. Marys Academy math competition. Also during this time, as a result of a movie assigned to him and a few friends that had to do with the Russian Revolution Cresthill Lane Pictures Inc. became, with there first film Czar Wars I. He's now enroled in Highlands Ranch High School, home of the Falcons (Chaw). Where he proudly displays his colors of Black, Blue, and Silver.


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Eisen has to many hobbies. He like listing to his short wave radio. As well as making movies with his friends. He works on models of rockets and planes. Hanging with his dad is a major thing in his life. The computer is another thing that is important, being that he knows many things in the computer world. And saved best for last, he is a scout. He also knows Clarinet and Saxophone. He's been playing Clarinet since 3rd grade and Sax since 5th. He was o Eisen also enjoys art and draws and paints to pass time.


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Eisen is Macintosh and Windows ordinated. He knows Adobe (Macromedia) Flash MX 2004 and photoshop. He has an adverage knowledge of HTML and JavaScript. And has his certification in Office 2003. Eisen is teaching himself Applescript. He is a mentor for many people on the computer. He is prode of his computer skills and enjoys to challenge himself daily. He's on his Tech-Support team at school, and teaches the two junior class men how to use a Mac. He is the website for BSA troop 199.


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Eisen has been playing Clarinet since 3rd grade. He taught himself sax and other woodwinds. Because of his friends he play piano and guitar. When he was in 5th grade he joined Colorado Honor Band Association. He learned theory and other musical know how. He's always been enrolled in his school band no matter what. He joined jazz band in 8th grade and has been in it through Middle and High school so far. He loves playing Clarinet. And teaching others about theory. He knows how to direct music and is now working on writing a theory pocket book. He helps the wind section in the jazz band play and understand the lessons that their teacher teaches them.


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Eisen loves art in every way possible. He loves drawing, writing, modeling, sculpting, cartooning, and much more. The Denver Art Museum is the funnest museum to go to next to the Denver Nature and Science Museum. He cartoons a cartoon named School Days and as a signature drawing of his Cajun Band, "Mixed Cajun".


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Eisen is a Life Scout of Denver's 60 year old High Adventure Troop 199. He has been Senior Patrol Leader for his troop twice now. Assistant Senior Patrol Leader once. He has served as Cobra Patrol Leader 3 times. And Order of the Arrow Representative 3 times. He is also the founder of his troops website and updates it weekly. Eisen shows a lot of scout spirt and expects to get Eagle. Resently he worked at Tahosa High Adventure Base of Denver Area Council as a CIT (Counciler in Training) and hopes to return next year.

Order of the Arrow

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He is also a Brotherhood member in the Order of the Arrow, the honor society of campers. Eisen got into the OA early in the beginning of his second year of scouting, or when he was a first class scout. He joined Tahosa Lodge 383, Denver Area Council's OA Lodge. He started to do things in the background in his chapter. Once asked to go to National Leadership Seminar, Eisen meet saw the opportunities that laid before him. He asked to be Service Chairmen for Tahosa Lodge 383. Mid way though his term, the Vice Chief of Actives, having known Eisen's enthusiasm in Boy Scouts, asked Eisen to replace him once his family moved to Illinois. Eisen took the job as a honor. The following year came by and it was time to vote again. Eisen became Lodge chief. And that is where he stands today.


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Eisen is a highly trained individual in scouting. He has attended National Leader Seminar (NLS), National Advance Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE). National Conservation and Leadership Sumit (NCLS 2007). Big Horn National Youth Leadership Training (Denver Area Council). He teaches at Lodge Leadership Development (Tahosa Lodge). He's also in charge of putting on the Frontier District Junior Leadership Training, and his Troop Junior Leadership Training.


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Eisen is hoping for a future in Aeronautics or Austronautics.

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