The Crispmuncher is known to eat a lot of crisps. He also scores a lot of Coke, smokes like a chimney and drinks Strongbow like it is going out of fashion.
In addition to following this highly health-conscious lifestyle, he works as an embedded engineer undertaking everything from hardware design and assembly through to application level programming using various languages.
The Crispmuncher is a great fan of SPARCs, NetBSD and PostgreSQL. His programming languages of choice are C and SML.
His other interests include astronomy and fishkeeping.
Pages where the Crispmuncher has made notable contributions
[edit ]AARD code, Address bus, Fdisk, Fretsaw, Hard link, Nominet UK, Process identifier, Software flow control, RS-232, DuPont v. Kolon Industries, Eyepiece.
Things that I am meaning to get around to
[edit ]To-do list for User:Crispmuncher: edit · history · watch · refresh · Updated 2012年07月23日