User:Charles Matthews/New - other3
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[edit ]- Edmund Catherick - Ralph Corbie - Ralph Crockett - Cotenna - Catholic Knights of America - Roger Cadwallador - Citharizum - Collectarium - Charlemagne and church music - Cestra
- Theological definition (Catholicism) - Dansara - William Davies (priest) - Irish College in Paris - Andrew Donlevy - Diocletianopolis - Drusipara - Henry Charles Englefield - Sampson Erdeswicke - Charles Eyston
- Extravagantes - Eucarpia - Edward Powell - Euroea in Epiro (titular see) - Eudoxias - Mathew Flathers - William Freeman - John Finch (martyr) - John Finglow - Gindarus
- Miles Gerard - Prudentius Maran - Marcellino da Civezza - Margaret of the Blessed Sacrament - Charles Mahoney - Mary de Cervellione - Christian monasticism before 451 - Maximianopolis - Jean-Martin Moye - Parochial mission (Catholicism)
- Edward Morgan (priest) - Ralph Milner - Feast of the Most Precious Blood - Marciane - Marcopolis - Xantes Mariales - Thomas Maxfield - Maximopolis - Myriophytum - Ursmar
[edit ]- Tropological reading - Wells in the Bible - Interpretation (canon law) - George Dering Wolff - Feast of the Holy Winding Sheet of Christ - Konrad Wimpina - Johannes Mensing - Ambrosius Pelargus - William Hart (priest) - Catholic periodical literature of the nineteenth century
- Periodical publication - William Denman - George J. Wigley - Thomas Whittaker - Thomas Welbourne - Christopher Wharton - William Ward (priest) - Votive Mass - Altar of Our Lady - Administrator (of ecclesiastical property)
- Ausculta Fili - Thomas Atkinson (priest) - Attuda - Apostolicum Pascendi Minis - Apostolici Regiminis - William Andleby - Andreas of Caesarea - Joseph Anthelmi - Arca in Phoenicia - Maurice MacKenraghty
- Ignatius Knoblecher - Archelais - Ariassus - Ralph Ashley - Richard Thirkeld - William Harrington (priest) - Sydney Hodgson - Robert Dymoke - Richard Gerard of Hilderstone - Candida Maria de Jesus
- Thomas Palasor - John Percy - Benedict Pereira - Henri Perreyve - Henry Pendleton - Thomas Pilchard - Robert Phillip - Peter Snow (priest) - Anthony Page (priest) - François Pagi
[edit ]- Commemoration of the Passion of Christ - List of Thomist writers (13C. to 18C.) - Serafino Porrecta - Louis Bancel - Pogla - Pax (liturgy) - Joseph Maria Pernter - Giovanni Battista Audiffredi - Augustopolis in Palaestina - Aureliopolis in Lydia
- Arindela - Marco Battaglini - Johann Baptist Weiss - Mathias Chardon - Chariopolis - Cidyessus - Feast of the Crown of Thorns - Montford Scott - George Haydock - Edward Stransham
- John Sandys - William Hartley - William Spenser - Nicholas Horner - Edward Oldcorne - Thomas Tunstall - John Thulis - Circesium - Cisamus - Hauara
- Hephaestus (titular see) - George Napper - Giacomo Nacchiante - Numerology and the Church Fathers - Andrew Bisset (barrister) - Francis Nugent - Jean Nicolaï - Bernard of Trilia - Dietrich of Apolda - Gerard of Bologna
- Flavius Latinus of Brescia - Hugh Taylor (priest) - Robert Thorpe (priest) - Antoine-Augustin Touttée - Denis-Nicolas Le Nourry - Jean Garet - Thomas Scott Preston - Tubunae in Mauretania - Tricomia - Tius
[edit ]- Thomas Tichborne - Nicholas Tichborne - William Jewett Tenney - Terenuthis - Sozusa - John Speed (martyr) - John Sugar - Edmund Sykes - Thomas Slythurst - Martin Sherson
- John Hewitt (priest) - Thomas Holland (Jesuit) - Joseph Lambton - Teresa Lalor - John Lockwood (priest) - Richard Sergeant - William Southerne - Robert Sutton (priest) - Christopher Robinson (priest) - Francis Wichmans
- Nicholas Riccardi - Luke Rivington - Rhythmical office - List of Jesuit theologians - Rex gloriose martyrum - Henry Rutter - Rusaddir - Diego Ruiz de Montoya - Romanos Pontifices - Hermann Rolfus
- Rhodiopolis - Benjamin Elbel - Patritius Sporer - Luis de Lossada - Lawrence Arthur Faunt - Laurenz Forer - Henry Formby - Hermann Thyräus - Tricca - Tadama
- Rhaphanaea - Rhesaena - Tamassus - Adolf Pfister - Lorenz Kellner - Ignaz Kögler - Jakob Twinger von Königshofen - Franz Quirin von Kober - Jan Koźmian - Ivan Gagarin
[edit ]- Jean Gamans - Stanisław Egbert Koźmian - Henry Holden - Temnus - Edward Meredith - John Marshall (priest) - Peter Marchant - John Brande Morris - Raynerius of Spalatro - Frédéric-Louis Colin
- Henri-Joseph Crelier - Glanfeuil Abbey - Enrique Henríquez - Fernando Castro Palao - Agostino Bernal - Juan de Dicastillo - Pierre Doré - Théophile Raynaud - George Gobat - Juan Cardenas
- Tobias Lohner - Pietro Maria Gazzaniga - Robert Somercotes - John of Toledo - William of Macclesfield - Jean Crasset - Jérôme de Gonnelieu - William Darrell - Henry Robert Stephens - Joseph Deharbe
- Pius Melia - Wilhelm Wilmers - Edward Génicot - Jean-Baptiste Terrien - List of Franciscan theologians - Melchior Hittorp - Viatora Coccaleo - Hugh of Digne - Jean Benedicti - François Feuardent
- Vicente Ferre - Juan Bautista - José de Carabantes - Fortunatus Hueber - Martin of Cochem - José Arlegui - Archange de Lyon - Hilarius of Sexten - Petinessus - Phacusa
[edit ]- Polybotus - List of Benedictine theologians - Sancho Dávila Toledo - Francisco Sarmiento Mendoza - Edward Maginn - James Dowdall of Drogheda - Giovani Devoti - Thomas Aloysius Dornin - Bernard Dornin - Jacques Le Bossu
- Sarah Brownson - Chronological list of canon lawyers - Paroecopolis - Pharbaetus - Polystylum - François Delfau - Robert Guérard - Antoine-Joseph Mège - Mattheus Pinna da Encarnaçao - Marian Dobmayer
- Maurus von Schenkl - Bonifazio Vitalini - Hyacinthe de Valroger - Philibert Vrau - James MacGeoghegan - Weld-Blundell family - Peter Gallwey - Karl von Haimhausen - Louis Jouin - Andrea Spagni
- William Seton - John Gibbons (Jesuit) - Richard Gibbons - Cornelius Hazart - Arthur O'Leary - Nicolas Deschamps - Anne Hanson Dorsey - Sebastian Redford - Jacques-Melchior Villefranche - John Krämer
- Bernhard Pez - Hieronymus Pez - Oliver Legipont - Ludovicus a S. Carolo - Franz Neumayr - Peter Joseph Arnoudt - Brother Azarias - Reyer Anslo - Franciscus Toletus - Peter Paul Maria Alberdingk Thijm
[edit ]- Balthasar Cordier - Mary Jean Stone - Francis Mezger - Joseph Mezger - Paul Mezger - William Henry Coombes - Richard Wilton - Claude Estiennot de la Serre - Jean Martianay - Edward Mayhew
- Henri and Jules Desclée - Louis-Charles Couturier - Jean Druys - Fintan Mundwiler - List of abbots of St Albans Abbey - Priests' Eucharistic League - Geoffrey de Gorham - Thomas Nicholas Burke - Leopold Kaufmann - Juan de Córdova
- Edward Anthony Hatton - Thomas Lewis Brittain - Giordano Ansaloni - Diego Carranza - Francisco Cepeda - Juan Bautista Morales - Dionigi da Palacenza Carli - Giuseppe Maria Bernini - Pedro de Betanzos - Raymond Caron
- Juan Coronel - Johannes Pauli - Zenobius Membre - Lettice Mary Tredway - Juliana Morell - Marie Lataste - Mary Howard, of the Holy Cross - Mary Juliana Hardman - Eugénie de Gramont - Anne of Saint Bartholomew
- Marie Josephine Goetz - Confraternities of priests - Stephen Doutreleau - Joseph Denis - Peter Henry Lemke - John Furniss - Angelo Paoli - Sir Thomas Dingley - Ralph Ashton - Priests' Communion League
[edit ]- Giacomo Rho - Jacques-François le Sueur - Antônio de Araújo - Francesco degli Angeli - Balthasar Seña - Anselm Eckart - Edward Coffin - Philippe Pierson - Elisha John Durbin - Charles Cordell
- Richard Shelley - Thomas Somerset - Wilhelm Lamormaini - Jacinto Barrasa - Isaac-Joseph Berruyer - Maurice Le Sage d'Hauteroche d'Hulst - Edward Hawarden - Friedrich Heinrich Vering - Thomas Vavasour - André Terrasson
- Gaspard Terrasson - Conrad Tanner - Fortunato of Brescia - Bartolommeo Fumo - Kasper Franck - Anthony Rey - William Callyhan Robinson - Henry Ignatius Dudley Ryder - Henry Ryder - Jacques-Denis Cochin
- Giovanni Battista Casali - Giovanni Clericato - Joseph Carrière - Jan Van Cleef - Gobban Saer - Jean-Baptiste Girard (pedagogue) - Franz Georg Benkert - Thomas Dorman - Thomas Harding (1516-1572) - Antoine de Mouchy
- Johann Caspar Barthel - Francesco Antonio Begnudelli-Basso - Carbo Sebastiano Berardi - Placidus Böcken - Pietro Delfino - Ludwig Engel - Wilhelm Molitor - Nicolaus van Esch - Richard McSherry - Johann Hermann Janssens
[edit ]- Lefèvre family - Jean Lejeune - Louis Legrand (theologian) - Richard Langley (martyr) - Joseph König - Jean-Pierre Gibert - Isaac Henderson - Gentian Hervetus - Vitus Miletus - Edward Michelis
- Juan de Medina - Ange de Saint Joseph - Athelney Abbey - Stephen Brinkley - John Delavau Bryant - Justus Baronius Calvinus - Hans Decker - William Dean (priest) - Maurice Eustace - George Elder
- Thomas of Otterbourne - Rudolph Feilding, 8th Earl of Denbigh - John Fenn (priest) - Thomas Copley - Frigolet Abbey - Vicariate Apostolic of the Congo - Prefecture Apostolic of Kwango - Prefecture Apostolic of Upper Kassai - Vicariate Apostolic of Loango - Fort Augustus Abbey
- Robert Briçonnet - Guillaume Briçonnet (Cardinal) - Alfonso Capecelatro - Gabriel Gifford - Hincmar of Laon - Sylvester Maurus - Chartreuse Notre-Dame des Prés - Newhouse Abbey - Gaston Jean Baptiste de Renty - Sainte-Geneviève Abbey
- Savigny Abbey - Tallaght Monastery - Sanctuary of St. Jadwiga in Trzebnica - Talarican - Virgilius of Arles - Visitation Convent, Georgetown - Vicariate Apostolic of Southern Victoria Nyanza - Ancient Diocese of Viborg - St. Kilian's Abbey, Würzburg - St. James's Abbey, Würzburg
[edit ]- St. Stephen's Abbey, Würzburg - St. Burchard's Abbey, Würzburg - William Weston (Jesuit) - Ancient Diocese of Västerås - John Mush - archdiocese of Nidaros - Olav Engelbrektsson - John Talbot of Grafton - diocese of Knin - Samson of Tottington
- Edward Sheldon (translator) - Legendary material in Christian hagiography - Diocese of Sant'Agata de' Goti - Diocese of Caiazzo - Priscus (saint) - Diocese of Città della Pieve - Diocese of Chiusi-Pienza - Castoria (titular see) - Diocese of Alatri
- Diocese of Bisignano - Diocese of Marsico Nuovo - Diocese of Nusco - Diocese of Nicotera-Tropea - Diocese of Poggio Mirteto - Archdiocese of Santa Severina - Leopold Ernst von Firmian - Ancient Diocese of Laureacum - James Chadwick (bishop) - Thomas Codrington (priest)
- John Constable (Jesuit) - William Clifford (priest) - James Clayton (priest) - John Curry (historian) - Catena (Biblical commentary) - John Clement (physician) - James Cavanagh (soldier) - Henry Cole (priest) - Cistercian nuns - John Daniel (priest)
- Robert Drury (priest) - Joseph Dixon (archbishop) - William Errington (priest) - Rafael Ferrer (Jesuit) - Juan Fernández (missionary) - Andrew Gordon (Benedictine) - John Thomas Gilbert - Apostolic Vicariate of Galla - Thomas Griffiths (bishop) - Genesius of Lyon
[edit ]- Genesius, Count of Clermont - James Harrison (priest) - Francisco Herrera the Younger - Peter Hutton (priest) - Thomas Lister (Jesuit) - Master of Liesborn - Melleray Abbey - Mount Melleray Abbey - Juan Perez (friar) - Sarah Peter
- George Phillips (canon lawyer) - Frederick George Holweck - Francis Plowden (barrister) - Pontefract Priory - Regular clergy - William Reynolds (theologian) - Diocese of Sant' Angelo de' Lombardi-Bisaccia - Diocese of Urbania-Sant'Angelo in Vado - Diocese of San Severino - Ancient Diocese of Stavanger
- Ancient Diocese of Bergen - Ancient Diocese of the Faroe Islands - Franz Josef Ritter von Buß - Berthold of Hanover - James Burns (publisher) - Guillaume Duprat - Claude de Longwy de Givry - Gauzelin of Toul - Rolf Gardiner - Ashley Dukes
- Henry William Massingham - Philip of Dreux - Ottaviano di Paoli - Regnaud de la Porte - Bertrand du Pouget - Andouin Aubert - Hélias de Saint-Yrieix - Jakob Beurlin - Pierpaolo Parisio - Diocese of Bitonto
- Lewis Samuel Feuer - Bourgueil Abbey - Celio Calcagnini - Herbert Weld Blundell - Richard Herst - Ancient Diocese of Hamar - Sabinus of Heraclea - Thomas Bilson - Henry Parker (writer) - Virgilio Malvezzi
[edit ]- Richard Nykke - William Rugg - Moderata Fonte - Thomas Francis Knox - John Hungerford Pollen (senior) - John Morris (Jesuit) - John Hungerford Pollen (Jesuit) - Thompson Cooper - Bede Camm - Henry Scobell
- John Rowe (minister) - Henry Robinson (writer) - Nicholas Felton - William Gager - Richard Vines - Thomas Young (1587-1655) - William Spurstowe - John Worthington - James Crossley (author) - Francis Robert Raines
- Francis Gastrell - Hezekiah Woodward - Sidrach Simpson - Richard Byrne (brevet brigadier general) - William Barrow (Jesuit) - Eusebius of Laodicea - Ezzo (poet) - Carl Marstrander - John Sampson (linguist) - Ralph Bathurst
- Jonathan Goddard - Robert Brady (writer) - William Petyt - William Atwood - Edward Bagshaw (theologian) - Walter Cradock - Paul Baynes - William Gouge - Anthony Gilby - Arthur Hildersham
- John Dod - William Chappell (bishop) - Valentine Cary - Andreas Hyperius - Johannes Wolleb - Ramism - Johannes Piscator - List of Landor's Imaginary Conversations - Richard Stock - Eikonoklastes
[edit ]- Of Reformation - Defensio Secunda - André Rivet - Dirk Graswinckel - Patrick Young - De jure belli ac pacis - William Mew - Richard Salwey - John Streater - Job Throckmorton
- Bernat Metge - De vetula - Johannes Murmellius - Hermann von dem Busche - Honius - List of Renaissance commentators on Aristotle - Felice Figliucci - George Lloyd (bishop) - Codex Baroccianus - Hugh Bellot
- William Downham - George Hall (bishop) - Thomas Cartwright (bishop) - Richard Burthogge - Valentinus Smalcius - Martinus Smiglecius - Lewis Du Moulin - Simon of Vermandois - Paulus Vallius - Jonas Proast
- Thomas Long (writer) - Robert Skinner - Ernst Kapp - Topical logic - Élie Diodati - Rowland Searchfield - De Corpore - Sir Charles Cavendish - Sir George Wharton, 1st Baronet - Gilbert Jack
- Thomas Jackson (theologian) - Richard Cosin - Diego de Zuñiga - Erasmus Oswald Schreckenfuchs - Thomas Blundeville - Angelo Canini - Robert Clavering - Matthias Vehe - Robert Sheringham - Robert Wakefield
[edit ]- William Guise - John Fortescue Aland, 1st Baron Fortescue of Credan - Jocelyn of Furness - Walter Blandford - Henry Parry (bishop) - John Hough (bishop) - Johann Boemus - Edward Brerewood - Edmund Bohun - Academy of Saumur
- Adam Steuart - Jacobus Trigland - Jacobus Revius - Juan de Villagarcía - James Montague (bishop) - William Day (bishop) - William Wickham (bishop) - John White (bishop) - Benjamin Laney (bishop) - Charles Trimnell
- Richard Willis (bishop) - Martin Fotherby - Martin Heton - Thomas Green (bishop) - John Jegon - Edmund Scambler - Edmund Freke - Richard Pate (bishop) - Brownlow North - William Overton (bishop)
- John Young (bishop) - Anthony Watson (bishop) - Henry Cotton (bishop) - John Coldwell - John Thomas (bishop of Winchester) - William Cotton (bishop) - Giles Thomson - Robert Bennet - John Bridges (bishop) - Robert Snoden
- Richard Milbourne - Francis Marbury - Treaty of Uxbridge - Erasmus Earle - Roger Maynwaring - Anthony Rudd - Laurence Womock - Falkner Allison - William Celling - Nicholas Clagett
[edit ]- Stephen Weston - Thomas Lever - George Bullock (professor) - Nicholas Metcalfe - Leonard Pilkington - Richard Curteys - Nathaniel Brent - John Man - Thomas Bainbrigg - Samuel Bolton
- William Barlow (bishop of Chichester) - Sebastian Basso - Nicholas Hill (scientist) - Samuel Lisle - Edmund Chishull - Sir Thomas Gooch, 2nd Baronet - Thomas Hall (minister) - Robert Crosse - Nathaniel Ingelo - Robert Pugh (Jesuit)
- Walter Montagu - Edward Walsingham - John Webster (minister) - John Everard (preacher) - Matthew Wren (writer) - Thomas Astle - Stephen Nye - Lambert Daneau - Thomas Lupset - Antonio Bonvisi
- Nicoletto Vernia - James Heath (historian) - Joseph Beaumont - Robert Some - Henry Power - Samuel Bold - Sir Justinian Isham, 2nd Baronet - Robert Wallace (Unitarian) - Daniel Zwicker - Henry Swinburne
- Samuel Henley - Conon (mythographer) - Philosophical Inquiries into the Essence of Human Freedom - Copernican Revolution (metaphor) - James Millingen - Clayton Mordaunt Cracherode - Simeon Ashe - Jeremiah Whitaker - Thomas Paske - Mervyn Archdall
[edit ]- Lazarus Seaman - Thomas Coleman - Tobias Crisp - Edmund Elys - Robert Harris (President of Trinity) - Hannibal Potter - Ralph Kettell - Arthur Yeldard - Clement Corbet - Thomas Eden
- Robert King (jurist) - John Bond (jurist) - Thomas Exton - Henry Harvey (lawyer) - William Mowse - Walter Haddon - Herbert Palmer (Puritan) - Thomas Horton (Gresham College) - Edward Martin (Queens') - John Spenser (Jesuit)
- Thomas Brightman - Samuel Hoard - Arthur Bury - John Barkham - Richard Crakanthorpe - Stephen Lobb - Theodore Goulston - Goulstonian Lectures - John Micklethwaite - Assuerus Regimorter
- Patrick Galloway - Stephen Egerton (clergyman) - John Lamphire - William Coward - Ephraim Pagit - Anthony Wotton - William Temple (logician) - Everard Digby (scholar) - James Martin (philosopher) - Clement Walker
- George Walker (Puritan) - John Craig (physician) - William Stewart of Houston - Richard Symonds (diarist) - Perceval Wiburn - John Burges - Peter du Moulin - Robert Pink - William Fulman - Richard Mayo (minister)
[edit ]- Edmund Staunton - John Harris (Warden) - Robert Parfew - John Harley (bishop) - Augustine Lindsell - Peter Smart - Matthew Kellison - Matthew Sutcliffe - Edmund Dickinson - John Tillinghast
- Christopher Feake - John Canne - Hanserd Knollys - Christian Ravis - Thomas Case - Roger Drake (physician) - William Jenkyn - John Elphinstone, 2nd Lord Balmerino - Ralph Robinson (clergyman) - Thomas Smith (scholar)
- Sir Henry Finch - John Brinsley the elder - John Brinsley the younger - Giles Firmin - Daniel Cawdry - Daniel Rogers (Puritan) - John Wilde (jurist) - Richard Capel - Nathaniel Stephens (clergyman) - Robert Everard
- John Tombes - Robert Parker (minister) - Thomas Parker (minister) - Edmund Chillenden - Francis Johnson (Brownist) - John Paget - John Downame - Nicholas Byfield - Thomas Baylie - William Maxwell Hetherington
- James Gardiner (bishop) - Richard Reynolds (bishop) - John Hume (bishop) - Timothy Hall (bishop) - William Paul (bishop) - John Underhill (bishop) - John Butler (bishop) - List of Church of Ireland archbishops and bishops of Cashel - Zachary Crofton - Alexander Gill the elder
[edit ]- William Boswell - John Forbes (preacher) - John Forbes (theologian) - Henry Danvers, 1st Earl of Danby - Edward Dering (clergyman) - Stephen Vaughan (merchant) - John Nalson - William Howard, 3rd Baron Howard of Escrick - Stephen College - Stephen Dugdale
- Edward Turberville - Edward Fitzharris - Henry Cornish - John Fenwick (Jesuit) - William Jones (law-officer) - Richard Strange (Jesuit) - John Warner (Jesuit) - Antoine Le Grand - Thomas Warton the elder - Joseph Trapp
- Octavians - James Elphinstone, 1st Lord Balmerino - Connor Maguire, 2nd Baron of Enniskillen - Francis Bacon (judge) - Robert Sackville, 2nd Earl of Dorset - Edward Knott - Samuel Fell - Christopher Potter - Gerard Langbaine the elder - John Rouse
- Thomas Greaves (orientalist) - Thomas Greaves (musician) - John Knewstub - Walter Balcanquhall - George Berkeley, 1st Earl of Berkeley - Sir William Talbot, 1st Baronet - Richard Bolton - Joseph Webbe - John Booker - William Barlow (archdeacon)
- William Somner - Nicholas Bernard - Benjamin Carier - Robert Creighton - Samuel Collins (theologian) - Robert Metcalfe (scholar) - Thomas Cawton - Obadiah Sedgwick - William Sedgwick (clergyman) - John Warner (bishop)
[edit ]- John Hilsey - Samuel Bradford - John May (bishop) - Gilbert Berkeley - John Harington (treasurer) - John Studley - Nicholas Carr (professor) - Alexander Neville (scholar) - Nathaniel Baxter - Meredith Hanmer
- Leonard Dacre - Robert Maxwell, 5th Baron Maxwell - Miles Pinkney - John Betham - John Astley (courtier) - Lancelot Browne - Gelli Meyrick - Christopher Cartwright - Hamon L'Estrange - Nicholas Bownde
- John More (Puritan) - Roger Goad - Durham College (17th-century) - William Sprigg (pamphleteer) - John Peachell - John Entick - Joseph Hill (lexicographer) - William Vaughan (royalist) - Henry Morgan (bishop) - Thomas Beard
- Samuel Ward (minister) - William Thorne (orientalist) - Thomas Goad - John Mordaunt, 1st Earl of Peterborough - Samuel Przypkowski - Elizabeth Jocelin - George Musket - Thomas Taylor (clergyman) - Josias Shute
- Robert Hill (clergyman) - Richard Tillesley - William Sclater - Stephen Nettles - Thomas Darnell - John Doddridge - Thomas Westfield - Thomas White (benefactor) - John Ley - Richard Byfield
[edit ]- John Kersey the elder - Obadiah Grew - Hugh Gray (theologian) - William Dakins - Ralph Button - Daniel Whistler - Edward Emily - Vincent Wing - John Bathurst - Thomas Good
- William Bates (minister) - William Baxter (scholar) - John Sprint - Samuel Clarke (minister) - Lumleian Lectures - Richard Forster - Thomas Blake (minister) - Edward Fisher (theologian) - John Collinges - Benjamin Woodbridge
- William Cooper (Puritan) - William Strong (minister) - Robert Bowes (lawyer) - Robert Bowes (ambassador) - Jerome Bowes - Elizabeth Bowes - Roger Brereley - Thomas Tully - William Jane - William Creed