From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hello, fellow Wikipedian! My name is AjwaAjwa (in real life my initials are AJW) and welcome to my userpage. I am relatively new to Wikipedia so far and prefer the behind-the-scenes work such as policy and guidelines, and resolving disputes. I am much less the type to directly alter an article as to assist others in doing so. I also enjoy copyediting and grammar work, and my knowledge of English grammar is essentially complete in all respects. Therefore I am the type of editor to be seen and not heard.
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Interests GAME This user plays "the Game". | |||||||||||
This user is (well, practically one anyway) a Chess grandmaster | ||||||||||||
This user is a shogi player. | ||||||||||||
This user purchased his Wii on November 19, 2006. | ||||||||||||
This user is interested in the Supreme Court of the United States . | ||||||||||||
This user prefers the metric system. | ||||||||||||
This user knows 15 digits of pi . | ||||||||||||
This user knows the Ultimate Answer. | ||||||||||||
incl This user is an inclusionist .
…in. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something that this user is okay with.
lib This user is a liberal.
This user is pro-choice .
This user prefers that the death penalty be used far more often.
This user is not a Wikipedia administrator , but might like to be one someday.
This user believes that process is important on Wikipedia and is opposed to its circumvention.