{{Music }} renders Western music notation of various types into Wikipedia and improves cross-browser support for music symbols. Per Wikipedia:Manual of Style (music)#Accidentals, this template (or the terms for the accidentals) should be used in preference to the lowercase letter "b" and the number sign (#).
The images used here are categorized at commons:Category:Template:Music, so if you change an image used please try to remember to update the categorization.
The template correctly renders Unicode accidentals, sharps (♯), flats (♭), and natural signs (♮) in Internet Explorer which would otherwise display empty squares unless a full Unicode font is chosen in its Preferences. The choice of fonts also improves the rendering in other browsers on Microsoft Windows such as Mozilla Firefox. See the tables below to compare the results in your current browser. The template makes use of SVG to display double flat (double flat ), double sharp (double sharp ), and microtonal signs since the corresponding Unicode characters are not widely supported.
Symbol | Unicode entity |
Unicode result |
Template text |
Template result |
Flat | ♭ |
♭ | {{music|flat}} or {{music|b}} or {{music|♭}} or {{flat}} |
♭ |
Natural | ♮ |
♮ | {{music|natural}} or {{music|n}} or {{music|♮}} |
♮ |
Sharp | ♯ |
♯ | {{music|sharp}} or {{music|#}} or {{music|♯}} or {{sharp}} |
♯ |
Double flat |
𝄫 |
𝄫 | {{music|doubleflat}} or {{music|bb}} or {{music|𝄫}} |
double flat |
Double sharp | 𝄪 |
𝄪 | {{music|doublesharp}} or {{music|##}} or {{music|x}} or {{music|𝄪}} |
double sharp |
Triple flat |
{{music|tripleflat}} or {{music|bbb}} |
triple flat | ||
Triple sharp | ♯𝄪 |
♯𝄪 | {{music|triplesharp}} or {{music|###}} or {{music|#x}} |
triple sharp |
Half flat |
𝄳 |
𝄳 | {{music|halfflat}} or {{music|d}} |
half flat |
Half sharp |
𝄲 |
𝄲 | {{music|halfsharp}} or {{music|t}} |
half sharp |
Flat stroke |
𝄳 |
𝄳 | {{music|flatstroke}} |
flat stroke |
Double flat stroke |
{{music|doubleflatstroke}} |
double flat stroke | ||
Three quarter flat | {{music|threequarterflat}} or {{music|db}} |
three quarter flat | ||
Three quarter sharp | {{music|threequartersharp}} or {{music|#t}} |
three quarter sharp | ||
Septimal quarter tone (-) | {{music|7}} or{{music|septimal}} |
7 | ||
Septimal quarter tone (+) | {{music|L}} or{{music|septimal plus}} |
7 upside-down | ||
11th partial [53 cents] (-) | {{music|down}} or {{music|11U}} |
↓ | ||
11th partial [difference between 11:8 & 4:3] (+) | {{music|up}} or {{music|11}} |
↑ | ||
13th partial [26.8 cents] (-) | {{music|E1}} or{{music|13U}} |
13 upside down | ||
13th partial [difference between 13:8 & 8:5] (+) | {{music|13}} or{{music|thirteen}} |
13 | ||
17th partial [34.28 cents] (-) | {{music|17 upside down}} or {{music|L1}} or {{music|17U}} |
17 upside down | ||
17th partial [difference between 17:16 & 25:24] (+) | {{music|17}} |
17 | ||
19th partial [18.13 cents] (-) | {{music|19}} |
19 | ||
19th partial [difference between 19:16 & 6:5] (+) | {{music|19U}} |
19U | ||
23rd partial [38.05 cents] (+) | {{music|23}} |
23 | ||
29th partial [11.98 cents] (+) | {{music|29}} |
29 | ||
31st partial [-56.77 cents] (-) | {{music|1E}} or{{music|31U}} |
31U | ||
31st partial [56.77 cents] (+) | {{music|31}} |
31 | ||
37th partial [Difference between 37/32 and 75/64] (-) | {{music|37}} |
37 | ||
37th partial [23.24 cents] (+) | {{music|37U}} |
37U | ||
Syntonic comma [+21.51 cents] (+) | {{music|plus}} |
+ | ||
Syntonic comma [-21.51 cents] (-) | {{music|minus}} |
- | ||
Septimal quarter tone [-48.7 cents] (-) | {{music|check up}} |
Septimal quarter tone [+48.7 cents] (+) | {{music|check}} |
Sixth tone [+33.33 cents] (+) | {{music|half check up}} |
Sixth tone [-33.33 cents] (-) | {{music|half check}} |
- Sample text
- The C♯ appears very early in Beethoven's Symphony No. 3 in E♭.
Symbol | Unicode entity |
Unicode result |
Template text |
Template result |
Double whole note | 𝅜 |
𝅜 | {{music|doublewholenote}} or {{music|doublenote}} or {{music|breve}} |
double whole note |
Whole note |
𝅝 |
𝅝 | {{music|wholenote}} or {{music|whole}} or {{music|semibreve}} |
whole note |
Half note |
𝅗𝅥 |
𝅗𝅥 | {{music|halfnote}} or {{music|half}} or {{music|minim}} |
half note |
Quarter note |
𝅘𝅥 |
𝅘𝅥 | {{music|quarternote}} or {{music|quarter}} or {{music|crotchet}} |
quarter note |
Eighth note |
𝅘𝅥𝅮 |
𝅘𝅥𝅮 | {{music|eighthnote}} or {{music|eighth}} or {{music|quaver}} |
eighth note |
Beamed eighth notes |
{{music|eighthnotebeam}} or {{music|eighthbeam}} or {{music|quaverbeam}} |
beamed eighth notes | ||
Sixteenth note |
𝅘𝅥𝅯 |
𝅘𝅥𝅯 | {{music|sixteenthnote}} or {{music|sixteenth}} or {{music|semiquaver}} |
sixteenth note |
Beamed sixteenth notes |
{{music|sixteenthnotebeam}} or {{music|sixteenthbeam}} or {{music|semiquaverbeam}} |
beamed sixteenth notes | ||
Thirty- second note |
𝅘𝅥𝅰 |
𝅘𝅥𝅰 | {{music|thirty-secondnote}} or {{music|thirty-second}} or {{music|demisemiquaver}} |
thirty-second note |
Sixty- fourth note |
𝅘𝅥𝅱 |
𝅘𝅥𝅱 | {{music|sixty-fourthnote}} or {{music|sixty-fourth}} or {{music|hemidemisemiquaver}} |
sixty-fourth note |
Hundred twenty- eighth note |
𝅘𝅥𝅲 |
𝅘𝅥𝅲 | ||
Dot | 𝅭 |
𝅭 | {{music|dot}} |
. |
Dotted quarter note |
𝅘𝅥𝅭 |
𝅘𝅥𝅭 | {{music|dottedquarter}} or {{music|dottedcrotchet}} |
dotted quarter note . |
Dotted half note |
𝅗𝅥𝅭 |
𝅗𝅥𝅭 | {{music|dottedhalf}} or {{music|dottedminim}} |
dotted half note . |
Double whole rest | 𝄺 |
𝄺 | ||
Whole rest |
𝄻 |
𝄻 | {{music|wholerest}} or {{music|semibreverest}} |
whole rest |
Half rest |
𝄼 |
𝄼 | {{music|halfrest}} or {{music|minimrest}} |
half rest |
Quarter rest |
𝄽 |
𝄽 | {{music|quarterrest}} or {{music|crotchetrest}} |
quarter rest |
Eighth rest |
𝄾 |
𝄾 | {{music|eighthrest}} or {{music|quaverrest}} |
eighth rest |
Sixteenth rest |
𝄿 |
𝄿 | {{music|sixteenthrest}} or {{music|semiquaverrest}} |
sixteenth rest |
Thirty- second rest |
𝅀 |
𝅀 | {{music|thirtysecondrest}} or {{music|demisemiquaverrest}} |
thirty-second rest |
Sixty- fourth rest |
𝅁 |
𝅁 | {{music|sixtyfourthrest}} or {{music|hemidemisemiquaverrest}} |
thirty-second rest |
Hundred twenty- eighth rest |
𝅂 |
𝅂 |
Some browsers and typefaces support ♩
(♩) and ♪
(♪) for quarter and eighth notes, as well as ♫
(♫) and ♬
(♬) for beamed eighth-note and sixteenth-note pairs respectively, but since the display of these characters does not match any of the other (non-supported) notes and rests, this template does not use these characters.
- Sample text
- One half note and two quarter note quarter note are equivalent.
Symbol | Unicode entity | Unicode result | Template text |
Template result |
Treble clef or G-clef |
𝄞 |
𝄞 | {{music|treble}} or {{music|trebleclef}} or {{music|gclef}} |
treble clef |
Alto clef |
{{music|alto}} or {{music|altoclef}} |
alto clef | ||
Tenor clef |
{{music|tenor}} or {{music|tenorclef}} |
tenor clef | ||
C-clef | 𝄡 |
𝄡 | {{music|cclef}} |
C clef |
Bass clef or F-clef |
𝄢 |
𝄢 | {{music|bass}} or {{music|bassclef}} or {{music|fclef}} |
bass clef |
Neutral clef | 𝄥 |
𝄥 | {{music|neutral}} or {{music|neutralclef}} |
|| |
Note that there is no graphical distinction between treble clef and G-clef; alto clef, tenor clef and C-clef; bass clef and F-clef. The names preserve a difference in meaning and make the caption text (for screen readers) different.
Symbol | Unicode entity | Unicode result | Template text |
Template result |
common-time | 𝄴 |
𝄴 | {{music|common-time}} |
common time |
cut-time | 𝄵 |
𝄵 | {{music|cut-time}} or {{music|alla-breve}} |
cut time |
2/4 | {{music|time|2|4}} |
2 4 | ||
3/4 | {{music|time|3|4}} |
3 4 | ||
3/8 | {{music|time|3|8}} |
3 8 | ||
6/8 | {{music|time|6|8}} |
6 8 | ||
9/8 | {{music|time|9|8}} |
9 8 | ||
12/8 | {{music|time|12|8}} |
12 8 |
For a general time signature, use {{music|time|top number|bottom number}}
. This makes use of {{Time signature }}; if an article uses many invocations of {{Music}} it can lead to excessive post-expand include size; calling {{Time signature}} will reduce that.
Scale degrees
Scale degrees are often represented as Arabic numerals with a hat on them and thus the submediant of a scale is scale degree 6 .
Scale degree | Template text |
Template result |
1 | {{music|scale|1}} |
scale degree 1 |
2 | {{music|scale|2}} |
scale degree 2 |
3 | {{music|scale|3}} |
scale degree 3 |
4 | {{music|scale|4}} |
scale degree 4 |
5 | {{music|scale|5}} |
scale degree 5 |
6 | {{music|scale|6}} |
scale degree 6 |
7 | {{music|scale|7}} |
scale degree 7 |
8 | {{music|scale|8}} |
scale degree 8 |
9 | {{music|scale|9}} |
scale degree 9 |
- Sample text
- The chord built on scale degree 4 of the major scale is a major chord.
Chord | Template text |
Template result |
Diminished | {{music|dim}} or {{music|dimdeg}} |
o or ° |
Half-diminished | {{music|halfdim}} or {{music|dimslash}} |
ø |
Augmented | {{music|+}} or {{music|aug}} |
+ |
Major | {{music|Δ}} or {{music|delta}} or {{music|major}} or {{music|maj}} |
Δ |
Root position | {{music|53}} or {{music|53 chord}} |
5 3 |
First inversion | {{music|63}} or {{music|63 chord}} or {{music|6 chord}} |
6 or 6 3 |
Second inversion | {{music|64}} or {{music|64 chord}} |
6 4 |
Seventh chord root position | {{music|7 chord}} |
7 |
Seventh chord first inversion | {{music|65}} or {{music|65 chord}} |
6 5 |
Seventh chord second inversion | {{music|43 chord}} |
4 3 |
Seventh chord third inversion | {{music|2}} or {{music|2 chord}} or {{music|42}} |
2 or 4 2 |
Walter Piston's notation of viio | {{music|07 chord}} |
0 7 |
Ninth chord first inversion | {{music|75}} or {{music|75 chord}} |
7 5 |
Ninth chord second inversion | {{music|65}} or {{music|65 chord}} |
6 5 |
Ninth chord third inversion | {{music|643}} or {{music|643 chord}} |
6 4 3 |
Ninth chord fourth inversion | {{music|642}} or {{music|642 chord}} |
6 4 2 |
- Sample text
- DΔ7 consists of the notes D-F♯-A-C♯.
Key signatures
Key signatures must be typed in using the names of the articles themselves on keys. Note that there is no visual difference between the major and minor key signatures, but the alt text is different.
Sharps/Flats | Key signature (major) | Template text |
Template result |
Key signature (minor) | Template text |
Template result |
7♯ | C♯ major | {{music|c-sharp major}} |
C-sharp major | A♯ minor | {{music|a-sharp minor}} |
A-sharp minor |
6♯ | F♯ major | {{music|f-sharp major}} |
F-sharp major | D♯ minor | {{music|d-sharp minor}} |
D-sharp minor |
5♯ | B major | {{music|b major}} |
B major | G♯ minor | {{music|g-sharp minor}} |
G-sharp minor |
4♯ | E major | {{music|e major}} |
E major | C♯ minor | {{music|c-sharp minor}} |
C-sharp minor |
3♯ | A major | {{music|a major}} |
A major | F♯ minor | {{music|f-sharp minor}} |
F-sharp minor |
2♯ | D major | {{music|d major}} |
D major | B minor | {{music|b minor}} |
B minor |
1♯ | G major | {{music|g major}} |
G major | E minor | {{music|e minor}} |
E minor |
0 | C major | {{music|c major}} |
C major | A minor | {{music|a minor}} |
A minor |
1♭ | F major | {{music|f major}} |
F major | D minor | {{music|d minor}} |
D minor |
2♭ | B♭ major | {{music|b-flat major}} |
B-flat major | G minor | {{music|g minor}} |
G minor |
3♭ | E♭ major | {{music|e-flat major}} |
E-flat major | C minor | {{music|c minor}} |
C minor |
4♭ | A♭ major | {{music|a-flat major}} |
A-flat major | F minor | {{music|f minor}} |
F minor |
5♭ | D♭ major | {{music|d-flat major}} |
D-flat major | B♭ minor | {{music|b-flat minor}} |
B-flat minor |
6♭ | G♭ major | {{music|g-flat major}} |
G-flat major | E♭ minor | {{music|e-flat minor}} |
E-flat minor |
7♭ | C♭ major | {{music|c-flat major}} |
C-flat major | A♭ minor | {{music|a-flat minor}} |
A-flat minor |
Symbol | Unicode entity |
Unicode result |
Template text |
Template result |
Left repeat | 𝄆 | 𝄆 | {{Music|left repeat}}
left repeat |
Right repeat | 𝄇 | 𝄇 | {{Music|right repeat}}
right repeat |
Changing the size
Most symbols generated by this template, including double flats and sharps, notes, rests and key signatures, use images, as corresponding Unicode characters either don't exist or are not supported by all browsers. Unlike characters, images don't scale along with the surrounding text. To change the size of an image, to match the font size of the text in which it is placed, use the |size=
parameter. Example:
<span style="font-size:80%">G{{music|bb|size=x8px}}</span>
→ Gdouble flat
See also
Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (create | mirror) and testcases (create) pages.
Subpages of this template.