State Anthem of Kalmykia
English: State Anthem of the Kalmyk Republic | |
Sheet music | |
Regional anthem of Kalmykia, Russia | |
Lyrics | Vera Shugrayeva |
Music | Arkady Mandzhiev |
Adopted | 30 October 1992 |
Audio sample | |
Official orchestral vocal rendition in E major | |
The State Anthem of the Republic of Kalmykia[a] was officially adopted on 30 October 1992. The music was composed by Arkady Mandzhiyev, and the lyrics were written by Vera Shugrayeva.[1] [2] [3]
[edit ]Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a competition was announced in the republic to create new state symbols of the Kalmyk Republic. On 30 October 1992, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kalmykia approved the anthem, along with its flag and coat of arms. The anthem was also approved by the separate Law of the Republic of Kalmykia of 4 November 1992 "On the Supplement of the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Kalmyk SSR Article 158-1".[1]
[edit ]Kalmyk Oirat original
[edit ]Cyrillic script [2] [3] | Latin script | IPA transcription [b] |
Сарул сәәхн Хальмг Таңһч |
Sarul sääkhn Khalmg Tanghch |
[sɐ.ɾʊ́ɫ sɛː.xə́ɰ̃ xɐʎ.mə́k thɐɰ̃ɣ(ə).t͡ɕhə́ |] |
ᠰᠠᠷᡇᡇᠯ ᠰᠠᡅ᠋ᡍᠠᠨ ᡍᠠᠯᡅᡏᠠᡎ ᡐᠠᡊᡎᠠᡒᡅ
ᠰᠠᠨ ᠰᠠᠨ ᡐᡆᡃᡐᠠᠨ ᡍᡉᡔᡄᠨᡄᡅ᠂
ᠠᡋᡇ ᡐᠠᡅ ᡓᡅᠷᡎᠠᠯ ᡅᠨ ᡋᠠᡐᡇ ᡓᡆᠯᡆᡃᡎᡅ
ᠠᠯᡑᠠᠷ ᡎᠠᠷᡐᠠᡃᠨ ᠠᡐᠠᡍᠠ ᠨᠠ᠃
ᡇᠯᠠᠠᡃ ᠴᠠᠯᠠᡃ ᡐᠠᡅ ᡍᠠᠯᡅᡏᠠᡎ ᡇᠯᡇᠰ ᡋᡄᡃᠨ᠂
ᡇᠯᠠᡐᠠᡅ ᡐᡄᡅ ᡋᡄᡃᠨ ᡍᡄᠷᡉᡉᠯ ᡅᡎᡅ ᡕᡄᡃᠨ!
(𝄆) ᡐᡈᠷᡈᠰᡍᡈᠨ ᠨᡇᡐᡇᡎᡐᠠᡃᠨ ᡍᡉᡒᡄᡃᠠ ᠨᡄᠷᡄᡐᡄᡅ ᡑᡉ᠂
ᡐᡆᠯᡆᡎᠠᡅ ᡏᡄᠨᡑᡄ ᡓᡅᠷᡎᠠᠠ ᡅᡎᡅ ᡕᡄᡃᠨ! (𝄇)
ᡆᠯᠠᠨ ᡍᡄᠯᡄᠨ-ᡄᡏᡐᡉ ᡋᡄᡃᠨ ᠯᡉᡎᡄᡃ ᡍᠠᡏᡐᡇ ᡋᡄᡃᠨ
ᡇᠷᠠᠯᠠᠨ ᡐᠠᡊᡎᠠᡒᡅ ᡅᠨ ᠴᡉᡐᡄᡍᡄᡅ ᠨᡄ
ᡅᠨᠠᡎᠯᠠᠯ ᡐᡇ ᡅᠨ ᠴᠠᠯᠠ ᡅᠨ ᡈᠨᡑᡈᠷ ᡎᡄᠷᡄᠯ ᡐᡉ
ᡅᠷᡄᡎᡒᡅ ᡏᠠᠨᠠᡅ ᡋᠠᡃ᠊ᡐᡇᠷ ᠨᠠ᠃
ᡋᠠᡃ᠊ᡐᡇᠷ-ᡒᡅᠷᠠᡅ ᡎᡅ ᡉᡉᠷᡄᡃᡑ ᡋᡄᡃᠷ ᡐᡇᡇᠷᠠᡅ ᡑᡇ᠂
ᡋᡇᡇ᠋ᠷᠠᠯ ᡐᡄᡏᡄᡅ ᡎᡅ ᡈᠰᡉᠨ ᡕᡄᡃᠨ᠃
ᠰᡇᠷᡎᡇᡇᠯᡅ-ᠨᡆᡏᡑᠠᡃᠨ ᡍᡅᠯᠠᡏᡓᡅ ᡋᡄᡃᠨ ᡈᡑᡄᡎ᠂
ᠰᡇᠯᠠ ᠨᡄᠷᡄᡃᠨ ᡑᡇᡇ᠋ᡑᡇᡇ᠋ᠯᡇᠨ ᡋᡄᡃᠨ᠃
Unofficial translations
[edit ]Russian translation | English translation |
Светла красива Республика Калмыкия |
Kalmyk Republic blazing and dazzling |
[edit ]The order, place and time of execution of the anthem are defined by the Law of the Republic of Kalmykia of 11 June 1996 No. 44-I-3 "On State Symbols of the Republic of Kalmykia". According to Art. 16 of said Law, the anthem is performed during solemn ceremonies and other events held by state bodies when raising the national flag. After a newly appointed Head takes oath, the anthem is played right after. The anthem can also be played during openings of ceremonial meetings of the Parliament (e.g. People's Khural of Kalmykia) and during openings of memorials and monuments. It can be played during visits by highest officials of Russia (or its federal subjects), the CIS, and other countries (after their anthems have been played). "Khalmg Tanghchin chastr" is also played while state awards are being presented, and played during the openings and closings of solemn rallies, meetings, in honour of sports teams, and official celebrations. Additionally, the anthem can be played while laying wreaths to the graves of victims of political repression and those killed in the defense of their ethnic homeland.[4]
See also
[edit ]External links
[edit ]Notes
[edit ]- ^ Kalmyk: Хальмг Таңһчин частр, romanized: Khalmg Tanghchin chastr, IPA: [xɐʎmə́kthɐɰ̃ɣə̆t͡ɕhɪ́ɰ̃t͡ɕhɐsthə́ɾ]
- ^ See File:Anthem of Kalmykia vocal.ogg, Help:IPA, Kalmyk language § Phonology and Kalmyk language § Alphabet matching table.
[edit ]- ^ a b "Калмыцкий институт гуманитарных исследований РАН". Kigiran. Archived from the original on 2014年04月07日. Retrieved 2018年04月30日.
- ^ a b "Гимн Калмыкии". Калмыкия Online. 2010年07月25日.
- ^ "About the state symbols of the Republic of Kalmykia (in Russian)". Archived from the original on 2011年08月21日. Retrieved 2018年04月30日.