Roberto Bolaño bibliography
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The following bibliography of Roberto Bolaño provides a chronological list of the published works of Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño (1953–2003). It includes his fiction (novels, short stories, poems) and non-fiction (essays, speeches, interviews), both published during his lifetime and posthumously.
[edit ]Note: Titles appearing in brackets have not yet been translated into English and are only literal indications of the original Spanish titles.
[edit ]English title | Original Spanish title | Translator |
The Skating Rink | La pista de hielo (1993) | Chris Andrews, August 2009 |
Nazi Literature in the Americas | La literatura nazi en América (1996) | Chris Andrews, February 2008 |
Distant Star | Estrella distante (1996) | Chris Andrews, December 2004 |
The Savage Detectives | Los detectives salvajes (1998) | Natasha Wimmer, April 2007 |
Amulet | Amuleto (1999) | Chris Andrews, January 2007 |
Monsieur Pain | Monsieur Pain (1999) retitled reprint of small-press La senda de los elefantes (1984, written 1981-1982) |
Chris Andrews, January 2010 |
By Night in Chile | Nocturno de Chile (2000) | Chris Andrews, December 2003 |
Antwerp | Amberes (2002, written 1980) | Natasha Wimmer, April 2010 |
A Little Lumpen Novelita | Una novelita lumpen (2002, written 2001) | Natasha Wimmer, September 2014 |
2666 | 2666 (2004, written 1999-2003) | Natasha Wimmer, November 2008 |
The Third Reich | El Tercer Reich (2010, written 1989) | Natasha Wimmer, November 2011 |
Woes of the True Policeman | Los sinsabores del verdadero policía (2011, written 198x-2003) | Natasha Wimmer, November 2012 |
The Spirit of Science Fiction | El espíritu de la ciencia-ficción (2016, written 1984) | Natasha Wimmer, February 2019 |
[Diorama] | Diorama | (not yet published or translated) |
Short story collections
[edit ]English title | Original Spanish publication | Translator |
Last Evenings on Earth | Selection of stories from Putas Asesinas (2001) and Llamadas Telefónicas (1997) |
Chris Andrews, April 2007 |
The Return | Stories from Putas Asesinas and Llamadas Telefónicas not collected in Last Evenings on Earth |
Chris Andrews, June 2010 |
The Insufferable Gaucho | El Gaucho Insufrible (2003) | Chris Andrews, August 2010 |
The Secret of Evil | El Secreto del Mal (2007) | Chris Andrews, April 2012 |
Cowboy Graves | Sepulcros de vaqueros (2017) | Natasha Wimmer, February 2021 |
Poetry collections
[edit ]English title | Original Spanish title | Translator | Notes |
[Reinventing Love] | Reinventar el amor (1976) | 20-page booklet in México (first publication) | |
[Fragments from the Unknown University] | Fragmentos de la Universidad Desconocida (1992) | Poems (1978–1992), reprinted in La Universidad Desconocida | |
The Romantic Dogs | Los Perros Románticos: Poemas 1980-1998 (2000) (revised from Los Perros Románticos: Poemas 1977-1990, 1993) |
Laura Healy, 2008 | 43 poems written from 1980 to 1998 |
[The Last Savage] | El último salvaje (1995) | Poems (1990-1993), reprinted in La Universidad Desconocida | |
Tres | Tres (2000) | Laura Healy, September 2011 | Three poem sequences written in 1981, 1993, and 1994 |
The Unknown University | La Universidad Desconocida (2007) | Laura Healy, July 2013 | Includes selection from the previous collections, uncollected poetry and the novella Antwerp (under the title "People Walking Away") |
Other books
[edit ]Title | Original Spanish title | Translation | Contents |
[Advice from a Morrison Disciple to a Joyce Fanatic] | Consejos de un discípulo de Morrison a un fanático de Joyce (1984) |
Untranslated | Novel written in 1983 in collaboration with A. G. Porta |
Between Parentheses | Entre paréntesis (2004) | Natasha Wimmer, May 2011 | Collection of essays, articles, and speeches (1998–2003) |
Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations | - | Sybil Perez, November 2009 | Collection of four interviews with Bolaño (1999–2003) |
[Bolaño By Himself] | Bolaño por sí mismo (2011) | Untranslated | Collection of interviews with Bolaño (1998–2003) |
[edit ]Short stories
[edit ]Note: Four essays collected within short-story books are listed here tagged with "[essay]".
English title | Original Spanish title | Original Spanish collection | English collection |
Sensini | Sensini | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Henri Simon Leprince | Henri Simon Leprince | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Enrique Martín | Enrique Martín | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
A Literary Adventure | Una Aventura Literaria | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Phone Calls | Llamadas Telefónicas | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
The Grub | El Gusano | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Snow | La Nieve | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | The Return, 2010 |
Another Russian Tale | Otro Cuento Ruso | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | The Return, 2010 |
William Burns | William Burns | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | The Return, 2010 |
Detectives | Detectives | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | The Return, 2010 |
Cell Mates | Compañeros de Celda | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | The Return, 2010 |
Clara | Clara | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | The Return, 2010 |
Joanna Silvestri | Joanna Silvestri | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | The Return, 2010 |
Anne Moore's Life | Vida de Anne Moore | Llamadas Telefónicas, 1997 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Mauricio ("The Eye") Silva | El Ojo Silva | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Gómez Palacio | Gómez Palacio | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Last Evenings on Earth | Últimos Atardeceres en la Tierra | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Days of 1978 | Días de 1978 | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Vagabond in France and Belgium | Vagabundo en Francia y Bélgica | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Prefiguration of Lalo Cura | Prefiguración de Lalo Cura | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | The Return, 2010 |
Murdering Whores | Putas Asesinas | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | The Return, 2010 |
The Return | El Retorno | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | The Return, 2010 |
Buba | Buba | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | The Return, 2010 |
Dentist | Dentista | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Photos | Fotos | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | The Return, 2010 |
Dance Card | Carnet de Baile | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | Last Evenings on Earth, 2006 |
Meeting with Enrique Lihn | Encuentro con Enrique Lihn | Putas Asesinas, 2001 | The Return, 2010 |
Jim | Jim | El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 | The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010; Between Parentheses, 2011 |
The Insufferable Gaucho | El Gaucho Insufrible | El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 | The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010 |
Police Rat | El Policía de las Ratas | El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 | The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010 |
Alvaro Rousselot’s Journey | El Viaje de Álvaro Rousselot | El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 | The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010 |
Two Catholic Tales | Dos Cuentos Católicos | El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 | The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010 |
Literature + Illness = Illness [essay] |
Literatura + Enfermedad = Enfermedad | El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 | The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010 |
The Myths of Cthulhu [essay] |
Los Mitos de Cthulhu | El Gaucho Insufrible, 2003 | The Insufferable Gaucho, 2010 |
Colonia Lindavista | La Colonia Lindavista | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
The Secret of Evil | El Secreto del Mal | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
The Old Man of the Mountain | El Viejo de la Montaña | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
The Colonel's Son | El Hijo del Coronel | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
Scholars of Sodom | Sabios de Sodoma | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
The Room Next Door | La Habitación de al Lado | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
Labyrinth | Laberinto | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
Vagaries of the Literature of Doom [essay] |
Derivas de la Pesada | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012; Between Parentheses, 2011 |
Crimes | Crímenes | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
I Can't Read | No Sé Leer | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
Beach [short story, originally considered an essay] |
Playa | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012; Between Parentheses, 2011 |
Muscles | Músculos | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
The Tour | La Gira | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
Daniela | Daniela | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
Suntan | Bronceado | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
Death of Ulises | Muerte de Ulises | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
The Trouble-maker | El Provocador | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
Sevilla Kills Me [essay] |
Sevilla me Mata | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012; Between Parentheses, 2011 |
The Days of Chaos | Las Jornadas del Caos | El Secreto del Mal, 2007 | The Secret of Evil, 2012 |
Mexican manifesto[1] | Manifesto Mexicano | El espíritu de la ciencia-ficción, 2016 | postscript to The Spirit of Science Fiction , 2018 |
Cowboy Graves | Sepulcros de vaqueros | Sepulcros de vaqueros, 2017 | Cowboy Graves, 2021 |
Fatherland | Patria | Sepulcros de vaqueros, 2017 | Cowboy Graves, 2021 |
French Comedy of Horrors | Comedia del horror de Francia | Sepulcros de vaqueros, 2017 | Cowboy Graves, 2021 |
[edit ]English title | Original Spanish title | Collection | Notes |
The Romantic Dogs | Los Perros Románticos | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
Self Portrait at Twenty Years | Autorretrato a los viente años | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
Resurrection | Resurrección | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
In the Reading Room of Hell | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
Soni | Soni | The Romantic Dogs | |
Ernesto Cardenal and I | Ernesto Cardenal y yo | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
Day Bleeding Rain | The Romantic Dogs | ||
The Worm | El Gusano | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
Lupe | Lupe | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
The Front Line | Los Artilleros | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
La Francesa | La francesa | The Romantic Dogs | |
The Outsider Ape | El mono exterior | The Romantic Dogs | |
Dirty, Poorly Dressed | The Romantic Dogs | ||
I Dreamt of Frozen Detectives | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
The Detectives | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
The Lost Detectives | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
The Frozen Detectives | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
Fragments | Fragmentos | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
The Ghost of Edna Lieberman | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
Visit to the Convalescent | The Romantic Dogs | ||
Godzilla in Mexico | The Romantic Dogs | ||
Verses by Juan Ramón | Versos de Juan Ramón | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
Dino Campana Revises His Biography in Castel Pulci Psychiatric Hospital |
The Romantic Dogs | ||
Palingenesis | Palingenesia | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
The Nurses | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
Twilight in Barcelona | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
The Greek | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
Mr. Wiltshire | El senor Wiltshire | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
Rain | Lluvia | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
Luck | Lasuerte | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
X-Rays | Rayos X | The Romantic Dogs | |
The Last Love Song of Pedro J. Lastarria, Alias "El Chorito" |
The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
My Life in the Tubes of Survival | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
On the Edge of the Cliff | The Romantic Dogs | ||
Roadster | The Romantic Dogs | ||
The Last Savage | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | ||
Half-Baked | The Romantic Dogs | ||
Atole | Atole | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
The Donkey | El burro | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
Parra's Footsteps | The Romantic Dogs | ||
I'll Try to Forget | The Romantic Dogs | ||
Muse | Musa | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
With the Flies | Entre las moscas | The Romantic Dogs; The Unknown University | |
Prose from Autumn in Gerona | Prosa del otono en Gerona | Tres; The Unknown University | 35 prose poems |
The Neochileans | Los neochilenos | Tres; The Unknown University | |
A Stroll Through Literature | Un paseo por la literatura | Tres | sequence of 57 poems |
People Walking Away | The Unknown University | a slightly different version of Antwerp | |
Roberto Bolaño’s Devotion | The Unknown University | ||
Trees | Arboles | The Unknown University | |
The Monk | El monje | The Unknown University | |
The Snow-Novel | La novela-nieve | The Unknown University | |
Daybreak | Amanecer | The Unknown University | |
This is the honest Truth | Esta es la pura verdad | The Unknown University | |
Work | El Trabajo | The Unknown University | |
The Wigs of Barcelona | Las pelucas de Barcelona | The Unknown University | |
My Castles | Mis Castillos | The Unknown University | |
Chinese Poet in Barcelona | Poeta Chino en Barcelona | The Unknown University | |
My Poetry | Mi poesia | The Unknown University | |
Fucking Whistler | Pendejo Whistler | The Unknown University | |
Dickensian Children | Niños de Dickens | The Unknown University |
Interviews with Bolaño
[edit ]Name | Interviewer | Original publication | Collected in |
Literature Is Not Made from Words Alone | Héctor Soto and Matias Bravo | Capital Santiago, December 1999 | Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations |
Reading Is Always More Important than Writing | Carmen Boullosa | Bomb Magazine #78, Winter 2002 | Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations |
Positions Are Positions and Sex Is Sex | Eliseo Álvarez | Revista Cultural Turia 75, June 2005 (as "Roberto Bolaño: Todo escritor que escribe en español deberia tener influencia cervantina" |
Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations |
The Last Interview / The End: Distant Star | Monica Maristain | Playboy Mexico, July 2003 | Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations; Between Parentheses |
Works about Bolaño
[edit ]Articles
[edit ]Name | Writer | Original publication | Collected in | Available online |
Roberto Bolaño: Portrait of the Writer as Noble Savage | Will H. Corral | World Literature Today , November - December 2006 | - | - |
Vagabonds - Roberto Bolaño and his fractured masterpiece | Daniel Zalewski | The New Yorker , 26 March 2007 | - | The New Yorker |
Precarious Crossing: Immigration, Neoliberalism, and the Atlantic | Alexandra Perisic | Ohio State University Press, 2019. 89-120. Print. | "How to Get Away with Murder: Multinational Corporations and Atlantic Crimes". Chapter 3 on Roberto Bolaño's novel 2666)" | |
The Great Bolaño | Francisco Goldman | The New York Review of Books , 19 July 2007 | - | - |
In the Sonora | Benjamin Kunkel | London Review of Books , 6 September 2007 | - | London Review of Books |
Alone Among the Ghosts | Marcela Valdes | The Nation , 8 December 2008 | Introduction to Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations |
The Nation |
Roberto Bolaño’s Flower War: Memory, Melancholy, and Pierre Menard. | Ignacio López-Calvo | Roberto Bolaño, a Less Distant Star: Critical Essays. , Ed. Ignacio López-Calvo. Palgrave Macmillan Publishing, 2015. 35-64. Print | - | - |
[edit ]Title | Author | Publisher |
Roberto Bolaño's Fiction: An Expanding Universe | Chris Andrews | Columbia University Press (July 29, 2014) |
Bolaño: A Biography | Monica Maristain | Melville House (August 26, 2014) |
Roberto Bolaño, a Less Distant Star: Critical Essays. | Ignacio López-Calvo | Palgrave Macmillan Publishing (March 25, 2015) |
Framing Roberto Bolaño: Poetry, Fiction, Literary History, Politics | Jonathan Beck Monroe | Cambridge University Press (November 7, 2019) |
[edit ]- ^ Bolaño, Roberto (April 22, 2013). "Mexican manifesto". The New Yorker . Vol. 89, no. 10. Translated from the Spanish by Laura Healy. pp. 96–101.