Nenad Trbović
Nenad Trbović (Serbian Cyrillic: Ненад Трбовић; born 1967) is a politician in Serbia. He served in the Assembly of Vojvodina from 2016 to 2020 and is now a member of the Kula municipal assembly. Formerly with the Serbian Renewal Movement (Srpski pokret obnove, SPO), Trbović is now a member of the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia (Pokret obnove Kraljevine Srbije, POKS).
Private career
[edit ]Trbović is a mechanical technician. He lives in Crvenka in the Kula municipality.[1]
[edit ]The SPO contested the 2012 Vojvodina provincial election in an alliance with the Liberal Democratic Party (Liberalno demokratska partija, LDP) and other parties, known as Preokret (English: U-Turn). Trbović received the fifty-first position on the alliance's electoral list, which failed to cross the threshold to win any mandates in the assembly.[2] He also appeared on the alliance's list for the Kula municipal assembly in the concurrent 2012 Serbian local elections and was elected when the list won two mandates.[3] [4]
The Preokret alliance dissolved after the elections, SPO subsequently joined the electoral alliance around the Serbian Progressive Party (Srpska napredna stranka, SNS). Trbović was given the fifty-eighth position on the Progressive Party's list in the 2016 provincial election and was elected when the list won a majority victory with sixty-three out of 120 mandates.[5] He was appointed to the assembly committee for co-operation with the national assembly in exercising the competencies of the province.[6] He also received the fifth position on the Progressive Party's list in Kula in the 2016 local elections and was re-elected when the list won a narrow majority with nineteen out of thirty-seven seats.[7] [8]
There was a serious split in the SPO in 2017, and several party dissidents founded the POKS as a new organization. All three SPO delegates in the provincial assembly, including Trbović, joined the new party.[9]
The following year, a period of political upheaval in Kula led to the dissolution of the municipal assembly and the calling of new local elections. The POKS fielded its own list; Trbović appeared in the first position and was re-elected when the list won two mandates.[10] [11] [12]
Trbović did not seek re-election at the provincial level in 2020.[13] He continues to serve in the Kula municipal assembly.
[edit ]- ^ Изборне листе за изборе за посланике у Скупштину Аутономне покрајине Војводине (Изборна листа 1 - АЛЕКСАНДАР ВУЧИЋ – СРБИЈА ПОБЕЂУЈЕ Изборна листа), Избори 2016, Provincial Election Commission, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, accessed 7 July 2020.
- ^ Изборне листе за изборе за посланике у Скупштину Аутономне Покрајине Војводине (Изборна листа 7 - ЧЕДОМИР ЈОВАНОВИЋ-ВОЈВОЂАНСКИ ПРЕОКРЕТ (ЛДП-СПО-ВП-СДУ-БОГАТА СРБИЈА) - кандидати за посланике), Избори 2012, Provincial Election Commission, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, accessed 2 September 2020.
- ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kula), Volume 47 Number 16 (8 May 2012), p. 3.
- ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kula), Volume 47 Number 21 (28 May 2012), p. 1.
- ^ Изборне листе за изборе за посланике у Скупштину Аутономне покрајине Војводине (Изборна листа 1 - АЛЕКСАНДАР ВУЧИЋ – СРБИЈА ПОБЕЂУЈЕ Изборна листа), Избори 2016, Provincial Election Commission, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, accessed 7 July 2020.
- ^ Službeni List (Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine), Volume 72 Number 38 (20 June 2016), p. 895.
- ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kula), Volume 51 Number 11 (13 April 2016), p. 1.
- ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kula), Volume 51 Number 19 (6 May 2016), p. 1.
- ^ "ŽELE OBNOVU KRALJEVINE SRBIJE: Otcepljeni nose mandate SPO", Novosti, 13 June 2017, accessed 19 March 2021.
- ^ "У НЕДЕЉУ ИЗБОРИ У КУЛИ За 37 места пријављено 178 кандидата", Dnevnik, 14 December 2018, accessed 24 April 2021.
- ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kula), Volume 53 Number 38 (5 December 2018), p. 4.
- ^ Službeni List (Opštine Kula), Volume 53 Number 40 (17 December 2018), p. 3.
- ^ "Pokrajinski izbori 2020: Na listama ukupno 875 kandidata, najviše iz Novog Sada", Voice, 20 June 2020, accessed 24 April 2021.