Module:Ordnance Survey coordinates
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[画像:Ready for use] This module is rated as ready for general use. It has reached a mature form and is thought to be relatively bug-free and ready for use wherever appropriate. It is ready to mention on help pages and other Wikipedia resources as an option for new users to learn. To reduce server load and bad output, it should be improved by sandbox testing rather than repeated trial-and-error editing.
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This module depends on the following other modules:
Converts a OS grid ref to a lat/long hyperlink to geohack.
{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates|main|SK135733}}
← Two-letter code interpreted as OS grid ref in Great Britain{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates|main|O169318}}
← One-letter code interpreted as Irish OS grid ref{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates|main|439668_1175316}}
← Two digit strings interpreted as easting/northing in meters in Great Britain{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates|main|i88888_99999}}
← String starting with i is easting/northing in meters in Ireland{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates|main|SK135733|Miller's Dale}}
← Second argument is used as link text{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates|main|SK135733_scale:25000_region:GB-DBY}}
← extra underscored parameters passed to geohack
- The
function returns the link wrapped in a span. - The
returns the simple URL, not a link. - Template that wraps main is available at {{Ordnance Survey url }}.
- For other template wrapping, see Template:Gbmapping/doc
Also converts from lat/long back to OS grid ref:
{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates|WGS2OSGB|53.256538|-1.799102}}
→ SK1350073300{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates|LL2OS|53.256538|-1.799102}}
→ SK1350073300{{#invoke:Ordnance Survey coordinates|LL2OS|53.256538|-1.799102|scale:25000}}
→ SK1350073300
GPL This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA General Public LicensetruetrueTracking categories
The above documentation is transcluded from Module:Ordnance Survey coordinates/doc. (edit | history)
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Editors can experiment in this module's sandbox (edit | diff) and testcases (edit | run) pages.
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--[[ Ordnance Survey / Lat Long functions in Lua ****** ORDNANCE SURVEY TO LAT LONG FUNCTIONS ****** Ported to Lua from PHP by Wikipedia User Hike395, 18 Aug 2019 found by RWH at With thanks to Andy, G4JNT for inspiration in GEOG, and to the OSGB for their white paper on coordinate transformation describing the iterative method used thanks to the Ordnance survey of Ireland for details of the true and false origins of the Irish grid You may use and redistribute this code under the terms of the GPL see Written by Richard v0.something 27/2/2000 v 1.01 28 June 2004 v 1.02 6 Aug 2004 line 89 add "0" to chars in ngr=stripcharsnotinbag Thx Andy v 1.03 9 Mar 2005 Jan (Klingon) added conversion to WGS84 map datum and removed limitation of digits of the grid ref v 1.04 10 Aug 2005 Richard correct error trapping (only manifest on malformed ngrs This code is predicated on the assumption that your are ONLY feeding it Irish or UK Grid references. It uses the single char prefix of Irish grid refs to tell the difference, UK grid refs have a two letter prefix. We would like an even number of digits for the rest of the grid ref. Anything in the NGR other than 0-9, A-Z, a-z is eliminated. WARNING this assumes there are no decimal points in your NGR components. The transformation from OSGB36/Ireland 1965 to WGS84 is more precise than 5 m. The function is case insensitive Lat/Long to Ordnance Survey conversion is at bottom of file, see further authorship there ]] local oscoord = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace local pow = math.pow local sqrt = math.sqrt local abs = math.abs local floor = math.floor local ceil = math.ceil local sin = math.sin local cos = math.cos local tan = math.tan local atan = math.atan local deg2rad = math.rad local rad2deg = math.deg --[[ DATUM SHIFT USING HELMERT TRANSFORMATION * * height above the ellipsoid is ignored * latitude and longitude must be given in decimal degrees * * no transformation if abs(latitude)>89 or abs(longitude)>89 * (lifting this restriction requires some more lines of code) * * Written in 2009 by user Telford at de.wikipedia * Based on math described in "A Guide to Coordinate Systems in Great Britain" * by the UK Ordnance Survey * URL: ]] -- Datum parameters local data = mw.loadData('Module:Ordnance Survey coordinates/data') local OSGBglobe = data.OSGBglobe local IEglobe = data.IEglobe local WGSglobe = data.WGSglobe local WGS2OSGBparam = data.WGS2OSGBparam local OSGB2WGSparam = data.OSGB2WGSparam local IE2WGSparam = data.IE2WGSparam local function HelmertDatumShift ( latitude , longitude, param ) -- latitude and longitude are in degrees -- return if latitude or longitude out of range if abs(latitude) > 89. or abs(longitude) > 89. then return {lat=latitude, lon=longitude} end param = param or WGS2OSGBparam -- parameters for ellipsoids -- Annex A.1, Ordnance Survey document -- local a1 = param.semimajor_src local b1 = param.semiminor_src local e1 = param.ecc_src local a2 = param.semimajor_dst local b2 = param.semiminor_dst local e2 = param.ecc_dst -- convert latitude and longitude to cartesian coordinates -- math in Annex B.1, Ordnance Survey document local phi = deg2rad ( latitude ) local lambda = deg2rad ( longitude ) local cosphi = cos ( phi ) local sinphi = sin ( phi ) local coslambda = cos ( lambda ) local sinlambda = sin ( lambda ) local ny = a1 / sqrt ( 1. - e1*sinphi*sinphi ) local x1 = ny * cosphi * coslambda local y1 = ny * cosphi * sinlambda local z1 = ny * ( 1. - e1 ) * sinphi -- the helmert transformation proper -- Equation 3, Section 6.2, Ordnance Survey document local x2 = x1 + param.tx + ( param.s0 * x1 - param.rz * y1 + param.ry * z1 ) local y2 = y1 + param.ty + ( param.rz * x1 + param.s0 * y1 - param.rx * z1 ) local z2 = z1 + + ( -param.ry *x1 + param.rx * y1 + param.s0 * z1 ) -- convert cartesian coordinates to latitude and longitude -- math in Annex B.2, of Ordnance Survey document lambda = atan ( y2 / x2 ) local p2 = sqrt ( x2*x2 + y2*y2 ) phi = atan ( z2 / p2*(1.-e2) ) local n0 = 101 local phi_alt repeat phi_alt = phi ny = a2 / sqrt ( 1. - e2 * sin(phi) * sin(phi) ) phi = atan ( (z2 + e2 * ny * sin(phi)) / p2 ) n0 = n0 - 1 until abs ( phi - phi_alt ) <= 0.000000000001 or n0 <= 0 return {lat=rad2deg(phi),lon=rad2deg(lambda)} end -- LAT LONG TO OS GRID LIBRARY RESUMES HERE local function northeast(lett,num,shift) -- split into northings and eastings local le=mw.ustring.len(num) if le%2 == 1 then return {err="Malformed numerical part of NGR"} end local pr=le/2 local n = mw.ustring.sub(num,pr+1) local e = mw.ustring.sub(num,1,pr) -- Hack to move to center of square: append a 5 to northings and eastings shift = yesno(shift) if shift then n = n.."5" e = e.."5" pr = pr+1 end -- end hack n = n == '' and 0 or n e = e == '' and 0 or e pr = pow(10.0,(5.0-pr)) local T1 = mw.ustring.byte(mw.ustring.sub(lett,1,1))-65 if T1>8 then T1 = T1-1 end local T2 = nil if mw.ustring.len(lett)>1 then T2 = mw.ustring.byte(mw.ustring.sub(lett,2))-65 if T2>8 then T2 = T2-1 end end return {n=n,e=e,pr=pr,T1=T1,T2=T2} end local function EN2LL(e,n,datum) local a = datum.semimajor*datum.scale local b = datum.semiminor*datum.scale local lat0rad = deg2rad(datum.lat0) local n1 = datum.n1 local n12 = n1*n1 local n13 = n12*n1 local k=(n-datum.n0)/a+lat0rad local nextcounter=0 local j3, j4, j5, j6, m repeat nextcounter=nextcounter+1 local k3=k-lat0rad local k4=k+lat0rad j3=(1.0+n1+1.25*n12+1.25*n13)*k3 j4=(3.0*n1+3.0*n12+2.625*n13)*sin(k3)*cos(k4) j5=(1.875*n12+1.875*n13)*sin(2.0*k3)*cos(2.0*k4) j6=35.0/24.0*n13*sin(3.0*k3)*cos(3.0*k4) m=b*(j3-j4+j5-j6) k=k+(n-datum.n0-m)/a until abs(n-datum.n0-m)<=0.000000001 or nextcounter>=100 local x = 1.0-datum.ecc*pow(sin(k),2.0) local v=a/sqrt(x) local r=v*(1.0-datum.ecc)/x local h2=v/r-1.0 local y1=e-datum.e0 local tank = tan(k) local tank2 = tank*tank local tank4 = tank2*tank2 local tank6 = tank2*tank4 local cosk = cos(k) local yv = y1/v -- dimensionless quantity in series expansion local yv2 = yv*yv local yv3 = yv*yv2 local yv5 = yv3*yv2 local yv7 = yv5*yv2 j3=tank/(2.0*r) j4=tank/(24.0*r)*(5.0+3.0*tank2+h2-9.0*tank2*h2) j5=tank/(720.0*r)*(61.0+90.0*tank2+45.0*tank4) local k9=k-y1*(yv*j3+yv3*j4-yv5*j5) j6=1.0/(cosk) local j7=1.0/(cosk*6.0)*(v/r+2.0*tank2) local j8=1.0/(cosk*120.0)*(5.0+28.0*tank2+24.0*tank4) local j9=1.0/(cosk*5040.0) j9=j9*(61.0+662.0*tank2+1320.0*tank4+720.0*tank6) local long=datum.lon0+rad2deg(yv*j6-yv3*j7+yv5*j8-yv7*j9) local lat=rad2deg(k9) return {lat=lat,lon=long} end local function GBEN2LL(e,n) local latlong = EN2LL(e,n,OSGBglobe) local helmert = HelmertDatumShift (, latlong.lon, OSGB2WGSparam) return {region="GB",,long=helmert.lon} end local function GB2LL(lett,num) -- British OS to Lat+Long -- first caclulate e,n -- computing e and n exactly, to get SW corner of box local ne = northeast(lett,num) if ne.err then return {region="GB",err=ne.err} end -- use British definition of e and n local e=500000.0*(ne.T1%5)+100000.0*(ne.T2%5)-1000000.0+ne.e* local n=1900000.0-500000.0*floor(ne.T1/5)-100000.0*floor(ne.T2/5)+ne.n* local result = GBEN2LL(e,n) result.prec = 0.8165* return result end local function IrishEN2LL(e,n) local latlong = EN2LL(e,n,IEglobe) local helmert = HelmertDatumShift (, latlong.lon, IE2WGSparam) return {region="IE",,long=helmert.lon} end local function Irish2LL(lett,num) -- Irish OS to Lat+Long -- first caclulate e,n -- computing e and n exactly, to get SW corner of box local ne = northeast(lett,num) if ne.err then return {region="IE", err=ne.err} end -- use Irish definition of northing and easting local e=100000.0*(ne.T1%5.0)+ne.e* local n=ne.n**(4.0-floor(ne.T1/5.0)) local result = IrishEN2LL(e,n) result.prec = 0.8165* -- useful @ Commons return result end local function empty(s) return not s or s == '' end local function NGR2LL(ngr) local result = {} local _ = 0 ngr, _ = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.upper(ngr),"[%s%p]","") local first, last, lett, num = mw.ustring.find(ngr,"^([A-Z]+)(%d+)$") if not first or empty(lett) or empty(num) or mw.ustring.len(lett) > 2 then return {err="Malformed NGR"} end if mw.ustring.len(lett) == 1 then return Irish2LL(lett,num) end return GB2LL(lett, num) end local function split(s,sep) -- split a string s into chunks, separated by sep sep = sep or "%s" local t = {} for chunk in mw.ustring.gmatch(s,"([^"..sep.."]+)") do table.insert(t,chunk) end return t end local function trim(s) local _ = 0 s, _ = mw.ustring.gsub(s,"^%s+","") s, _ = mw.ustring.gsub(s,"%s+$","") return s end local function alldigits(s) return not mw.ustring.find(s,"%D") end local function warning(errmsg) local preview = require('Module:If preview') local msg = errmsg or 'Empty OS grid ref' local html = preview._warning({ msg }) if namespace == 0 and errmsg then html = html..'[[Category:Pages with malformed OS coordinates]]' end return html end -- generate URL of geohack map local function geohack(main_args, other_args, LL) -- create geohack link. Example: --¶ms=36.578580925_N_118.29199495_W_type:mountain_region:US-CA_scale:100000_source:NGS local url = '' local input = main_args[1] local namearg = main_args["name"] local current_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local pagename = mw.uri.encode( current_page.prefixedText, 'WIKI' ) if not empty(pagename) then url = url..'pagename='..pagename..'&' end url = url..'params=''%.6f','_N_' if LL.long < 0 then url ='%.6f',-LL.long)..'_W' else url ='%.6f',LL.long)..'_E' end for _, a in ipairs(other_args) do url = url..'_'..a end if not mw.ustring.find(input,"region") and LL.region then url = url..'_region:'..LL.region end if not mw.ustring.find(input,"scale") and not mw.ustring.find(input,"type") and not mw.ustring.find(input,"dim") and LL.prec then url = url..'_dim:'..floor(50*LL.prec+0.5)..'m' end if not empty(namearg) then url = url .. "&title=" .. mw.uri.encode(namearg) end return url end -- function to generate direct link to OS map local function directLink(main_args, other_args, LL) -- create link to Bing server for OS maps. Example: -- local current_page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local namearg = mw.uri.encode( main_args["name"] or current_page.prefixedText, 'QUERY' ) local args = {} for _, a in ipairs(other_args) do local splitOut = mw.text.split(a, ':', true) args[splitOut[1]] = splitOut[2] end if not args.scale and not args.type and not args.dim then args.dim = LL.prec and tostring(floor(50*LL.prec+0.5))..'m' end args.viewport_cm = 10 local zoom = require('Module:Infobox dim')._zoom local lvl = zoom(args) or 12 local url = mw.ustring.format('',,LL.long,lvl,,LL.long) if not empty(namearg) then url = url..'_'..namearg end url = url..'&sty=s&style=s' return url end function oscoord._main(main_args) local input = main_args[1] if empty(input) then return warning(nil) end local linktitle = main_args[2] local rawurl = yesno(main_args["rawurl"]) local direct = yesno(main_args["direct"]) local args = split(input,'_') local LL local restargs = 1 if #args >= 2 and alldigits(args[2]) then if mw.ustring.sub(args[1],1,1) == 'i' then local firstArg = mw.ustring.sub(args[1],2) if alldigits(firstArg) then LL = IrishEN2LL(firstArg,args[2]) restargs = 3 if empty(linktitle) then linktitle=args[1]..'_'..args[2] end end elseif alldigits(args[1]) then LL = GBEN2LL(args[1],args[2]) restargs = 3 if empty(linktitle) then linktitle=args[1]..'_'..args[2] end end else LL = NGR2LL(args[1]) restargs = 2 if empty(linktitle) then linktitle=args[1] end end linktitle = trim(linktitle) if not empty(LL.err) then return linktitle ..warning(LL.err) end = or 0 LL.long = LL.long or 0 = ceil(*1000000)/1000000 LL.long = ceil(LL.long*1000000)/1000000 local other_args = {} for i = restargs, #args do table.insert(other_args, args[i]) end local url if not direct then url = geohack(main_args, other_args, LL) else url = directLink(main_args, other_args, LL) end if not rawurl then url = '['..url..' '..linktitle..']' end return url end function oscoord._oscoord(args) local output = '<span class="plainlinks nourlexpansion" style="white-space: nowrap">' .. oscoord._main(args) .. '</span>' if namespace == 0 then output = output .. '[[Category:Articles with OS grid coordinates]]' end return output end function oscoord.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return oscoord._main(args) end function oscoord.oscoord(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return oscoord._oscoord(args) end --[[ ****** LAT/LONG CONVERSION TO OS GRID REF FUNCTIONS ***** * Uses the WGS-84 ellipsoid and only works for GB grid ref * * See also: * * * * * * UK Ordnance Survey grid (OSBG36): * Swiss CH1903: * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2005, Egil Kvaleberg <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Converted to Lua by User:Hike395 on 2023年12月15日 ]] local function find_M ( lat_rad ) local e = OSGBglobe.ecc local e2 = e*e local e3 = e*e*e return OSGBglobe.semimajor * ( ( 1 - e/4 - 3 * e2/64 - 5 * e3/256 ) * lat_rad - ( 3 * e/8 + 3 * e2/32 + 45 * e3/1024 ) * sin(2 * lat_rad) + ( 15 * e2/256 + 45 * e3/1024 ) * sin(4 * lat_rad) - ( 35 * e3/3072 ) * sin(6 * lat_rad) ) end --[[ * Convert latitude, longitude in decimal degrees to * Transverse Mercator Easting and Northing based on a GB origin * * return nil if problems ]] local function LatLonOrigin2TM( latitude, longitude ) if longitude < -180 or longitude > 180 or latitude < -80 or latitude > 84 then return nil end local longitude2 = longitude - floor((longitude + 180)/360) * 360 local lat_rad = deg2rad( latitude ) local e = OSGBglobe.ecc local e_prime_sq = e / (1-e) local v = OSGBglobe.semimajor / sqrt(1 - e * sin(lat_rad)*sin(lat_rad)) local tank = tan(lat_rad) local T = tank*tank local T2 = T*T local C = e_prime_sq * pow( cos(lat_rad), 2) local A = deg2rad( longitude2 -OSGBglobe.lon0 ) * cos(lat_rad) local A2 = A*A local A3 = A2*A local A4 = A2*A2 local A5 = A3*A2 local A6 = A3*A3 local M = find_M( lat_rad ) local M0 = 0.0 if latitude_origin ~= 0 then M0 = find_M(deg2rad( OSGBglobe.lat0 )) end local northing = OSGBglobe.n0 + OSGBglobe.scale * ( (M - M0) + v*tan(lat_rad) * ( A2/2 + (5 - T + 9*C + 4*C*C) * A4/24 + (61 - 58*T + T2 + 600*C - 330*e_prime_sq) * A6/720 )) local easting = OSGBglobe.e0 + OSGBglobe.scale * v * ( A + (1-T+C)*A3/6 + (5 - 18*T + T2 + 72*C - 58 * e_prime_sq)*A5/120 ) return {northing=northing,easting=easting} end --[[ * Convert latitude, longitude in decimal degrees to * OSBG36 Easting and Northing ]] local function LatLon2OSGB36( latlon, prec ) local tm = LatLonOrigin2TM(, latlon.lon) if not tm then return '' end if not tonumber(prec) then prec = 5 end prec = floor(prec+0.5) if prec > 5 then prec = 5 end if prec < 1 then prec = 1 end -- fix by Roger W Haworth local grid_x = floor( tm.easting / 100000 ) local grid_y = floor( tm.northing / 100000 ) if grid_x < 0 or grid_x > 6 or grid_y < 0 or grid_y > 12 then return '' end -- 0000000001111111111222222 -- 1234567890123456789012345 local letters = "ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" local indx1 = 18-floor(grid_y/5)*5+floor(grid_x/5) local indx2 = 21-(grid_y%5)*5+grid_x%5 local c1 = mw.ustring.sub(letters,indx1,indx1) local c2 = mw.ustring.sub(letters,indx2,indx2) local easting = tm.easting%100000 local northing = tm.northing%100000 local grid = pow(10.0,5.0-prec) easting = floor(easting/grid) northing = floor(northing/grid) local fmt = '%0'..prec..'d' local e = mw.ustring.format(fmt, easting) local n = mw.ustring.format(fmt, northing) return c1..c2..e..n end function oscoord._WGS2OSGB(lat,lon,prec) return LatLon2OSGB36(HelmertDatumShift(lat,lon,WGS2OSGBparam),prec) end function oscoord.WGS2OSGB(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) return args[1] and args[2] and oscoord._WGS2OSGB(args[1],args[2],args[3]) or '' end function oscoord.LL2OS(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) if not args[1] or not args[2] then return '' end local gridRef = oscoord._WGS2OSGB(args[1],args[2],args.prec) if not gridRef or #gridRef == 0 then return '' end if args[3] then gridRef = gridRef..'_'..args[3] end return oscoord._oscoord({gridRef,args.linktitle,}) end return oscoord