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Module:Episode table

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Module documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]
Warning This Lua module is used on approximately 22,000 pages and changes may be widely noticed. Test changes in the module's /sandbox or /testcases subpages, or in your own module sandbox. Consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them.
[画像:Protected] This module is subject to page protection. It is a highly visible module in use by a very large number of pages, or is substituted very frequently. Because vandalism or mistakes would affect many pages, and even trivial editing might cause substantial load on the servers, it is protected from editing.


Creates one of three usages related to {{Episode table }} with the parameters defined in the documentation of the template:

A standard episode table with

A row for a parted season with

A white background for references used in the header row of episode tables with

Tracking categories

The above documentation is transcluded from Module:Episode table/doc. (edit | history)
Editors can experiment in this module's sandbox (edit | diff) and testcases (create) pages.
Subpages of this module.

 -- This module implements {{Episode table}} and {{Episode table/part}}.

 local HTMLcolor = mw.loadData( 'Module:Color contrast/colors' )

 -- EpisodeTable class
 -- The main class.

 local contrast_ratio = require('Module:Color contrast')._ratio
 local EpisodeTable = {}

 function EpisodeTable.cell(background, width, text, reference, textColor)
	local cell = mw.html.create('th')
	-- Width
	local cell_width
	if width == 'auto' then
		cell_width = 'auto'
	elseif tonumber(width) ~= nil then
		cell_width = width .. '%'
		cell_width = nil
	-- Cell
		:css('background',background or '#CCCCFF')
	-- Reference
	if reference and reference ~= '' then
		cell:wikitext(" " .. EpisodeTable.reference(reference, background))
	return cell

 function EpisodeTable.reference(reference, background)
	local link1_cr = contrast_ratio{'#0645AD', background or '#CCCCFF', ['error'] = 0}
	local link2_cr = contrast_ratio{'#0B0080', background or '#CCCCFF', ['error'] = 0}
	local refspan = mw.html.create('span')
	if link1_cr < 7 or link2_cr < 7 then
	return tostring(refspan)

 function EpisodeTable.abbr(text,title)
	local abbr = mw.html.create('abbr')
	return tostring(abbr)

 function EpisodeTable.part(frame,args)
	local row = mw.html.create('tr')
	if (args.c == nil or args.c == '') then args.c = '#CCCCFF' end
	local black_cr = contrast_ratio{args.c or '#CCCCFF', 'black', ['error'] = 0}
	local white_cr = contrast_ratio{'white', args.c or '#CCCCFF', ['error'] = 0}
	local partTypes = {
	local displaytext = ''
	local isAnyPartSet = false
	for k,v in pairs(partTypes) do
		if args[v[1]] then
			isAnyPartSet = true
			displaytext = v[2] .. ' ' .. args[v[1]]
	if args.subtitle then
		displaytext = displaytext .. ((isAnyPartSet and ': ' or '') .. args.subtitle)

	local plainText = require('Module:Plain text')._main
	local displayTextAnchor = plainText(displaytext)
		:attr('colspan', 13)
		:attr('id', args.id or displayTextAnchor)
		:css('text-align', 'center')
		:css('background-color', args.c or '#CCCCFF')
		:css('color', black_cr > white_cr and 'black' or 'white')
		:wikitext((args.nobold and displaytext or "'''" .. displaytext .. "'''") .. (args.r and "&#8202;" .. EpisodeTable.reference(args.r, args.c) or ''))
	return tostring(row)

 function EpisodeTable.new(frame,args)
	args = args or {}
	local categories = ''
	local background = (args.background and args.background ~= '' and args.background ~= '#') and args.background or nil
	-- Add # to background if necessary
	if background ~= nil and HTMLcolor[background] == nil then
		background = '#'..(mw.ustring.match(background, '^[%s#]*([a-fA-F0-9]*)[%s]*$') or '')
	-- Default widths noted by local consensus
	local defaultwidths = {};
	defaultwidths.overall = 5;
	defaultwidths.overall2 = 5;
	defaultwidths.season = 5;
	defaultwidths.series = 5;
	defaultwidths.prodcode = 7;
	defaultwidths.viewers = 10;
	-- Create episode table
	local root = mw.html.create('table')
	-- Table width
	local table_width = string.gsub(args.total_width or '','%%','')
	if args.total_width == 'auto' or args.total_width == '' then
		table_width = 'auto'
	elseif tonumber(table_width) ~= nil then
		table_width = table_width .. '%'
		table_width = '100%'
		:css('width', table_width)
	-- Caption
	if args.show_caption then
		-- Visible caption option, with a tracking category
		categories = categories .. '[[Category:Articles using Template:Episode table with a visible caption]]'
	elseif args.caption then
		-- If a visible caption isn't defined, then default to the screenreader-only caption
		root:tag('caption'):wikitext(frame:expandTemplate{title='Screen reader-only',args={args.caption}})
	-- Colour contrast; add to category only if it's in the mainspace
	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	local black_cr = contrast_ratio{background, 'black', ['error'] = 0}
	local white_cr = contrast_ratio{'white', background, ['error'] = 0}
	if title.namespace == 0 and (args.background and args.background ~= '' and args.background ~= '#') and black_cr < 7 and white_cr < 7 then
		categories = categories .. '[[Category:Articles using Template:Episode table with invalid colour combination]]' 
	-- Main row
	local textColor = background and (black_cr > white_cr and 'black' or 'white') or 'black'
	local mainRow = root:tag('tr')
		:css('color', textColor)
		:css('text-align', 'center')
	-- Cells
		local used_season = false
		local country = args.country ~= '' and args.country ~= nil
		local viewers = (country and args.country or '') .. ' ' .. (country and 'v' or 'V') .. 'iewers' ..
			((not args.viewers_type or args.viewers_type ~= '') and '<br />(' .. (args.viewers_type or 'millions') .. ')' or '')
		local cellNames = {
			{'overall','EpisodeNumber',EpisodeTable.abbr('No.','Number') ..
				((args.season or args.series or args.EpisodeNumber2 or args.EpisodeNumber2Series or args.forceoverall) and '<br />'..(args.overall_type or 'overall') or '')},
			{'season','EpisodeNumber2',EpisodeTable.abbr('No.','Number') .. ' in<br />'..(args.season_type or 'season')},
			{'series','EpisodeNumber2Series',EpisodeTable.abbr('No.','Number') .. ' in<br />'..(args.series_type or 'series')},
			{'director','DirectedBy','Directed by'},
			{'writer','WrittenBy','Written by'},
			{'airdate','OriginalAirDate','Original release date'},
			{'musicalguests','MusicalGuests','Musical/entertainment guest(s)'},
			{'prodcode','ProdCode',EpisodeTable.abbr('Prod.','Production') .. '<br />code'},
		for k,v in pairs(cellNames) do
			local thisCell = args[v[1]] or args[v[2]]
			if thisCell and (v[1] ~= 'series' or (v[1] == 'series' and used_season == false)) then
				if v[1] == 'season' then used_season = true end
				if (k <= 3 and thisCell == '') then thisCell = '5' end
				if (thisCell == '' and defaultwidths[v[1]]) then thisCell = defaultwidths[v[1]] end
				local thisCellT = args[v[1] .. 'T'] or args[v[2] .. 'T']
				local thisCellR = args[v[1] .. 'R'] or args[v[2] .. 'R']
				mainRow:node(EpisodeTable.cell(background, thisCell, thisCellT or v[3], thisCellR, textColor))
		-- Episodes
		if args.episodes then
			if args.anchor then 
				args.episodes = string.gsub(args.episodes, "(id=\")(ep%w+\")", "%1" .. args.anchor .. "%2")

 local templateStyles = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{
		name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = 'Module:Episode table/styles.css' }
	return (((args.dontclose or '') ~= '') and mw.ustring.gsub(tostring(root), "</table>", "") or tostring(root)) .. categories .. templateStyles

 -- Exports

 local p = {}

 function p.main(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {
		removeBlanks = false,
		wrappers = 'Template:Episode table'
	local check = require('Module:Check for unknown parameters')._check
	local tracking = ''
	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	if title.namespace == 0 then
		tracking = check({
			['unknown']='[[Category:Pages using episode table with unknown parameters|_VALUE_'..title.text..']]',
			['preview']='Page using [[Template:Episode table]] with unknown parameter "_VALUE_"',
			'airdate', 'airdateR', 'airdateT', 'altdate', 'AltDate', 'altdateR', 'AltDateR',
			'altdateT', 'AltDateT', 'anchor', 'aux1', 'Aux1', 'aux1R', 'Aux1R', 'aux1T',
			'Aux1T', 'aux2', 'Aux2', 'aux2R', 'Aux2R', 'aux2T', 'Aux2T', 'aux3', 'Aux3',
			'aux3R', 'Aux3R', 'aux3T', 'Aux3T', 'aux4', 'Aux4', 'aux4R', 'Aux4R', 'aux4T',
			'Aux4T', 'b', 'background', 'c', 'caption', 'country', 'DirectedBy', 'DirectedByR',
			'DirectedByT', 'director', 'directorR', 'directorT', 'dontclose', 'EpisodeNumber',
			'EpisodeNumber2', 'EpisodeNumber2R', 'EpisodeNumber2Series', 'EpisodeNumber2SeriesR',
			'EpisodeNumber2SeriesT', 'EpisodeNumber2T', 'EpisodeNumberR', 'EpisodeNumberT',
			'episodes', 'forceoverall', 'guests', 'Guests', 'guestsR', 'GuestsR', 'guestsT',
			'GuestsT', 'id', 'musicalguests', 'MusicalGuests', 'musicalguestsR', 'MusicalGuestsR',
			'musicalguestsT', 'MusicalGuestsT', 'OriginalAirDate', 'OriginalAirDateR',
			'OriginalAirDateT', 'overall', 'overall_type', 'overall2', 'overall2R',
			'overall2T', 'overallR', 'overallT', 'prodcode', 'ProdCode', 'prodcodeR',
			'ProdCodeR', 'prodcodeT', 'ProdCodeT', 'r', 'season', 'season_type', 'seasonR',
			'seasonT', 'series', 'series_type', 'seriesR', 'seriesT', 'show_caption',
			'subtitle', 'title', 'Title', 'titleR', 'TitleR', 'titleT', 'TitleT', 'total_width',
			'viewers', 'Viewers', 'viewers_type', 'viewersR', 'ViewersR', 'viewersT',
			'ViewersT', 'writer', 'writerR', 'writerT', 'WrittenBy', 'WrittenByR', 'WrittenByT'
		}, args)
	return EpisodeTable.new(frame,args) .. tracking

 function p.part(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {
		removeBlanks = false,
		wrappers = 'Template:Episode table/part'
	return EpisodeTable.part(frame,args)

 function p.ref(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {
		removeBlanks = false,
	return EpisodeTable.reference(args.r,args.b)

 return p

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