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local engvar_template_patterns = { --British, EngvarB, and American are listed first because they are the most commonly used ['{{ *[Uu]se [Bb]i?ri?tish [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', ['{{ *[Ee][Nn]gvar ?-? ?[Bb] *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Aa]merican [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-US', -- Remaining countries in alphabetical order ['{{ *[Uu]se [Aa]ustralian [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-AU', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Cc]anadian [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-CA', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Hh]iberno ?-? ?[Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-EI', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Hh]ong [Kkong] [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-HK', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Ii]ndian [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-IN', ['{{ *[Uu]se IUPAC [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-IUPAC', -- redirects to {{Use Oxford Spelling}}, but en-IUPAC is used here because it's supported by {{Engvar}} ['{{ *[Uu]se [Jj]amacan [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-JM', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Nn]ew [Zz]ealand [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-NZ', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Nn]igerian [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-NG', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Oo]xford [Ss]pelling *[|}]'] = 'en-OED', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Pp]akistani? [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-PK', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Pp]hilippine [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-PH', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Ss]cottish [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-SCO', -- redirects to {{Use British English}}, but en-SCO is used here because it's supported by {{Engvar}} ['{{ *[Uu]se [Ss]ingapore [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-SG', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Ss]outh [Aa]frican? [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-ZA', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Tt]rinidad [Aa]nd [Tt]obago [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-TT', -- Redirects to the above templates ['{{ *[Ee][Bb] *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', ['{{ *[Ee]n-?[Gg][Bb] *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Bb]ritish *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', ['{{ *[Uu][Bb][Ee] *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Bb][Rr][Ee] *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Ww]elsh [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Bb]ritish [Ee]nglish spelling *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', ['{{ *[Uu][Kk]-?[Ee][Nn] *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Ee]uropean [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', -- redirects to {{EngvarB}} ['{{ *[Uu]se [Ii]nternational [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', -- redirects to {{EngvarB}} ['{{ *[Ii]nternational [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-GB', -- redirects to {{EngvarB}} ['{{ *[Uu]se [Uu]%.?[Ss]%.? [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-US', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Uu]nited [Ss]tates [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-US', ['{{ *[Ee]ngvar[Aa] *[|}]'] = 'en-US', ['{{ *[Ee]n-?[Uu][Ss] *[|}]'] = 'en-US', ['{{ *[Uu][Ss]-?[Ee]n *[|}]'] = 'en-US', ['{{ *[Ee]ngvar[Aa][Uu] *[|}]'] = 'en-AU', ['{{ *[Ee]ngvar[Cc] *[|}]'] = 'en-CA', ['{{ *[Ee]n-?[Cc][Aa]] *[|}]'] = 'en-CA', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Hh]iberno ?-? ?[Ee]nglish [Ss]pelling *[|}]'] = 'en-EI', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Ii]rish [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-EI', ['{{ *[Ee]n-?[Hh][Kk]] *[|}]'] = 'en-HK', ['{{ *[Hh][Kk]-?[Ee]n *[|}]'] = 'en-HK', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Bb]ritish %(?IUPAC%)? [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-IUPAC', -- redirects to {{Use Oxford Spelling}}, but en-IUPAC is used here because it's supported by {{Engvar}} ['{{ *[Ee]n-?[Nn][Zz]] *[|}]'] = 'en-NZ', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Nn][Zz] [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-NZ', ['{{ *[Ee]ngvar[Oo]x? *[|}]'] = 'en-OED', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Bb]ritish %(?[Oo]xford%)? [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-OED', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Oo]xford [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-OED', ['{{ *[Ee]n-[Gg][Bb]-oxendict *[|}]'] = 'en-OED', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Bb]ritish [Ee]nglish %(?[Oo]xford%)? [Ss]pelling *[|}]'] = 'en-OED', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Ff]ilipino [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-PH', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Ss]ingaporean [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-SG', ['{{ *[Uu][Zz][Aa][Ee] *[|}]'] = 'en-ZA', ['{{ *[Uu]se [Tt]rinidadian [Ee]nglish *[|}]'] = 'en-TT', }; local function get_lang_var(pagename) local title_object = pagename and or mw.title.getCurrentTitle(); local content; if 10 ~= title_object.namespace and 828 ~= title_object.namespace then -- all namespaces except Template and Module content = title_object:getContent() or ''; -- get the content of the article or ''; new pages edited w/ve do not have 'content' until saved; ve does not preview; phab:T221625 end if (not content or content == '') then return nil; end for pattern, var in pairs (engvar_template_patterns) do -- loop through the patterns looking for {{Use American English}}, {{Use British English}}, etc., or any of their redirects if content:find(pattern) then return var; end end return nil; end return {detect = get_lang_var}