Arrondissement |
Name |
1st |
Jean-François Legaret |
Union for a Popular Movement
2nd |
Jacques Boutault |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Véronique Levieux |
Socialist Party
3rd |
Pierre Aidenbaum |
Socialist Party
Laurence Goldgrab |
Radical Party of the Left
Marie-Laure Harel |
Union for a Popular Movement
4th |
Christophe Girard |
Socialist Party
Karen Taieb Attias |
Socialist Party
5th |
Florence Berthout |
Union for a Popular Movement
Dominique Tiberi |
Miscellaneous right
Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet |
Union for a Popular Movement
Marie-Christine Lemardeley |
Socialist Party
6th |
Jean-Pierre Lecoq |
Union for a Popular Movement
Marielle de Sarnez |
Democratic Movement
Alexandre Vesperini |
Union for a Popular Movement
7th |
Rachida Dati |
Union for a Popular Movement
Yves Pozzo di Borgo |
Union of Democrats and Independents
Emmanuelle Dauvergne |
Union for a Popular Movement
Thierry Hodent |
Union for a Popular Movement
8th |
Jeanne d'Hauteserre |
Union for a Popular Movement
Pierre Lellouche |
Union for a Popular Movement
Catherine Lecuyer |
Union for a Popular Movement
9th |
Delphine Bürkli |
Union for a Popular Movement
Jean-Baptiste de Froment |
Union for a Popular Movement
Gypsie Bloch |
Union for a Popular Movement
Pauline Véron |
Socialist Party
10th |
Rémi Féraud |
Socialist Party
Alexandra Cordebard |
Socialist Party
Didier Le Reste |
French Communist Party
Anne Souyris |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Bernard Gaudillère |
Socialist Party
Yamina Benguigui |
Socialist Party
Déborah Pawlik |
Union for a Popular Movement
11th |
François Vauglin |
Socialist Party
Nawel Oumer |
Socialist Party
Patrick Bloche |
Socialist Party
Joëlle Morel |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Philippe Ducloux |
Socialist Party
Hélène Bidard |
French Communist Party
Jean-François Martins |
Miscellaneous left
Mercedes Zuniga |
Socialist Party
David Belliard |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Christian Saint-Étienne |
Union of Democrats and Independents
Leïla Diri |
Union of Democrats and Independents
12th |
Catherine Baratti-Elbaz |
Socialist Party
Jean-Louis Missika |
Miscellaneous left
Sandrine Charnoz |
Socialist Party
Christophe Najdovski |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Catherine Vieu-Charier |
French Communist Party
Emmanuel Grégoire |
Socialist Party
Pénélope Komitès |
Socialist Party
Nicolas Bonnet-Oulaldj |
French Communist Party
Valérie Montandon |
Union for a Popular Movement
François Haab |
Democratic Movement
13th |
Jérôme Coumet |
Socialist Party
Anne-Christine Lang |
Socialist Party
Jean-Marie Le Guen |
Socialist Party
Emmanuelle Becker |
French Communist Party
Yves Contassot |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Marie-Pierre de La Gontrie |
Socialist Party
Bruno Julliard |
Socialist Party
Annick Olivier |
Socialist Party
Jean-Noël Aqua |
French Communist Party
Marie Atallah |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Buon Tan |
Miscellaneous left
Édith Gallois |
Union of Democrats and Independents
Patrick Trémège |
Union for a Popular Movement
14th |
Carine Petit |
Socialist Party
Pascal Cherki |
Socialist Party
Olivia Polski |
Socialist Party
Hervé Begué |
French Communist Party
Célia Blauel |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Hermano Sanches Ruivo |
Socialist Party
Caroline Mécary |
Miscellaneous left
Étienne Mercier |
Socialist Party
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet |
Union for a Popular Movement
Éric Azière |
Union of Democrats and Independents
15th |
Philippe Goujon |
Union for a Popular Movement
Claire de Clermont-Tonnerre |
Union for a Popular Movement
Jean-François Lamour |
Union for a Popular Movement
Anne Tachene |
Union of Democrats and Independents
Yann Wehrling |
Democratic Movement
Sylvie Ceyrac |
Union for a Popular Movement
Pierre Charon |
Union for a Popular Movement
Pascale Bladier |
Union for a Popular Movement
Daniel-Georges Courtois |
Union for a Popular Movement
Maud Gatel |
Democratic Movement
Jean-Baptiste Menguy |
Union for a Popular Movement
Agnès Evren |
Union for a Popular Movement
François-David Cravenne |
Union for a Popular Movement
Anne-Charlotte Buffeteau |
Union for a Popular Movement
Franck Lefèvre |
Union for a Popular Movement
Anne Hidalgo |
Socialist Party
Claude Dargent |
Socialist Party
Dominique Versini |
Miscellaneous left
16th |
Danièle Giazzi |
Union for a Popular Movement
Claude Goasguen |
Union for a Popular Movement
Pierre Gaboriau |
Union for a Popular Movement
Céline Boulay-Esperonnier |
Union for a Popular Movement
Éric Hélard |
Union of Democrats and Independents
Michèle Assouline |
Miscellaneous right
Pierre Auriacombe |
Union for a Popular Movement
Béatrice Lecouturier |
Democratic Movement
Grégoire Chertok |
Union for a Popular Movement
Julie Boillot |
Union for a Popular Movement
Stéphane Capliez |
Union for a Popular Movement
Ann-Katrin Jego |
Union of Democrats and Independents
Thomas Lauret |
Socialist Party
17th |
Geoffroy Boulard |
Union for a Popular Movement
Brigitte Kuster |
Union for a Popular Movement
Bernard Debré |
Union for a Popular Movement
Catherine Dumas |
Union for a Popular Movement
Frédéric Péchenard |
Miscellaneous right
Valérie Nahmias |
Union of Democrats and Independents
Jean-Didier Berthault |
Union for a Popular Movement
Alix Bougeret |
Union for a Popular Movement
Jérôme Dubus |
Union for a Popular Movement
Olga Johnson |
Union of Democrats and Independents
Annick Lepetit |
Socialist Party
Patrick Klugman |
Socialist Party
18th |
Éric Lejoindre |
Socialist Party
Myriam El Khomri |
Socialist Party
Daniel Vaillant |
Socialist Party
Afaf Gabelotaud |
Socialist Party
Pascal Julien |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Claudine Bouygues |
Socialist Party
Ian Brossat |
French Communist Party
Sandrine Mées |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Jean-Bernard Bros |
Radical Party of the Left
Danièle Premel |
French Communist Party
Didier Guillot |
Socialist Party
Galla Bridier |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Pierre-Yves Bournazel |
Union for a Popular Movement
Fadila Mehal |
Democratic Movement
Christian Honoré |
Miscellaneous right
19th |
François Dagnaud |
Socialist Party
Halima Jemni |
Socialist Party
Roger Madec |
Socialist Party
Colombe Brossel |
Socialist Party
Bernard Jomier |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Léa Filoche |
Socialist Party
Sergio Tinti |
French Communist Party
Aurélie Solans |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Nicolas Nordman |
Socialist Party
Fanny Gaillanne |
French Communist Party
Mao Peninou |
Socialist Party
Fatoumata Koné |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Jean-Jacques Giannesini |
Union for a Popular Movement
Anne-Constance Onghena |
Union for a Popular Movement
20th |
Frédérique Calandra |
Socialist Party
Julien Bargeton |
Socialist Party
Antoinette Guhl |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Jacques Baudrier |
French Communist Party
Virginie Daspet |
Socialist Party
David Assouline |
Socialist Party
Marinette Bache |
Socialist Party
Jérôme Gleizes |
Europe Ecology – The Greens
Raphaëlle Primet |
French Communist Party
Frédéric Hocquard |
Socialist Party
Nathalie Maquoi |
Socialist Party
Atanase Périfan |
Union for a Popular Movement
Nathalie Fanfant |
Union for a Popular Movement
Danielle Simonnet |
Left Party