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General Punctuation

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Unicode character block
General Punctuation
(112 code points)
ScriptsCommon (109 char.)
Inherited (2 char.)
Symbol setsPunctuation
Format controls
Assigned111 code points
Unused1 reserved code points
6 deprecated
Unicode version history
1.0.0 (1991)67 (+67)
1.1 (1993)76 (+9)
3.0 (1999)83 (+7)
3.2 (2002)95 (+12)
4.0 (2003)97 (+2)
4.1 (2005)106 (+9)
5.1 (2008)107 (+1)
6.3 (2013)111 (+4)
Unicode documentation
Code chartWeb page
Note: [1] [2]

General Punctuation is a Unicode block containing punctuation, spacing, and formatting characters for use with all scripts and writing systems. Included are the defined-width spaces, joining formats, directional formats, smart quotes, archaic and novel punctuation such as the interrobang, and invisible mathematical operators.

Additional punctuation characters are in the Supplemental Punctuation block and sprinkled in dozens of other Unicode blocks.


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  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
1.^ As of Unicode version 16.0
2.^ Grey area indicates non-assigned code point
3.^ Unicode code points U+206A - U+206F are deprecated as of Unicode version 3.0

Several characters in this block are usually not rendered with a directly visible glyph. Ten whitespace characters U+2002 through U+200B (fixed en or 1⁄2 em, em, 1⁄3 em, 1⁄4 em, 1⁄6 em, figure and punctuation space, variable thin or 1⁄5 em and hair space, fixed zero-width space) and U+205F (math medium or 2⁄9 em space) differ by horizontal width, while U+2000 and U+2001 (en and em quad) are effectively aliases of U+2002 and U+2003, respectively; another two, U+202F and U+2060 (ill-termed word joiner) are variants of U+2009 or U+2004 and U+200B that prohibit line-breaks. Three zero-width characters U+200B through U+200D (space, non-joiner and joiner) differ in how they affect ligation and shaping of adjacent letters such as contextual forms in Arabic. Eleven invisible characters U+200E, U+200F (left-to-right and right-to-left mark), U+202A through U+202E (embeds, pops and overrides) and U+2066 through U+2069 (isolates) control the directionality of text unless higher-level markup overrides them. There are explicit line and paragraph separators at U+2028 and U+2029.

Variation selectors

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Starting with Unicode 16 (2024), the block has variation sequences defined for East Asian punctuation positional variants of the curly quotation marks ‘...’ and "...". They use U+FE00 VARIATION SELECTOR-1 (VS01) and U+FE01 VARIATION SELECTOR-2 (VS02):[3]

Variation sequences for fullwidth quotation marks
U+ 2018 2019 201C 201D Description
base code point ‘ ’ " "
base + VS01 ‘︀ ’︀ "︀ "︀ non-fullwidth form
base + VS02 ‘︁ ’︁ "︁ "︁ justified fullwidth form

The non-fullwidth forms are expected to be separated with a space on one side, the fullwidth forms are not:

The red registration corners mark the glyph metrics and show how the glyph aligns within the space allotted to the character. For variable-width display (left), an adjacent space is expected; for full-width CJK display (right), a space is not necessary.

In vertical text, the fullwidth forms should display somewhat differently, and even as regular CJK quotation marks 「...」 and 『...』 if the vertical orientation property is set to "Hans":

CJK behaviour of generic quotation marks in horizontal and vertical text when variation selector VS02 is appended. The 'horizontal' column at left is the 'VS2' column of the preceding table.


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This section contains Unicode emoticons or emojis. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of the intended characters.

The General Punctuation block contains two emoji: U+203C and U+2049.[4] [5]

The block has four standardized variants defined to specify emoji-style (U+FE0F VS16) or text presentation (U+FE0E VS15) for the two emoji, both of which default to a text presentation.[6]

Emoji variation sequences
U+ 203C 2049
base code point !! !?
base+VS15 (text) !!︎ !?︎
base+VS16 (emoji) !!️ !?️


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The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the General Punctuation block:

Version Final code points[a] Count UTC ID L2 ID WG2 ID Document
1.0.0 U+2000..202E, 2030..203E, 2040..2044 67 (to be determined)
L2/11-438 [b] [c] N4182 Edberg, Peter (2011年12月22日), Emoji Variation Sequences (Revision of L2/11-429)
L2/17-086 Burge, Jeremy; et al. (2017年03月27日), Add ZWJ, VS-16, Keycaps & Tags to Emoji_Component
L2/17-103 Moore, Lisa (2017年05月18日), "E.1.7 Add ZWJ, VS-16, Keycaps & Tags to Emoji_Component", UTC #151 Minutes
L2/23-212R Lunde, Ken (2023年10月14日), Proposal to add standardized variation sequences for four quotation marks [Affects U+2018, 2019, 201C, and 201D]
L2/23-238R Anderson, Deborah; Kučera, Jan; Whistler, Ken; Pournader, Roozbeh; Constable, Peter (2023年11月01日), "15 Symbols (Punctuation): Quotation Marks [Affects U+2018, 2019, 201C, and 201D]", Recommendations to UTC #177 November 2023 on Script Proposals
L2/23-231 Constable, Peter (2023年12月08日), "Consensus 177-C36", UTC #177 Minutes, Add ... eight standardized variation sequences, based on L2/23-212R [Affects U+2018, 2019, 201C, and 201D]
1.1 U+203F, 2045..2046 3 (to be determined)
U+206A..206F 6 (to be determined)
UTC/1992-xxx Freytag, Asmus (1992年05月12日), "C. Bidi", Unconfirmed minutes for UTC Meeting #52, May 8, 1992 at Xerox
L2/01-275 Davis, Mark (2001年07月16日), New Properties (ReservedForCf, Deprecated, Discouraged)
L2/01-301 Whistler, Ken (2001年08月01日), "Alternate format controls inherited from 10646", Analysis of Character Deprecation in the Unicode Standard
L2/01-326 Davis, Mark (2001年08月15日), New Properties: Reserved_Cf_Code_Point & Deprecated
L2/01-295R Moore, Lisa (2001年11月06日), "Motion 88-M13", Minutes from the UTC/L2 meeting #88
3.0 U+202F, 2048..2049 3 L2/97-288 N1603 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (1997年10月24日), "8.18", Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes, WG 2 Meeting # 33, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 20 June – 4 July 1997
L2/98-088 N1711 The Working Meeting on Mongolian Encoding Attended by Representatives of China and Mongolia, 1998年02月15日
L2/98-104 N1734 Whistler, Ken (1998年03月20日), Comments on the Mongolian Encoding Proposal, WG2 N1711
L2/98-252 (pdf, txt) N1833RM (pdf, doc) Moore, Richard (1998年05月04日), Feedback on Ken Whistler's Comments on Mongolian Encoding: N 1734
L2/98-251 (pdf, html, txt) N1808 (pdf, doc) Reply to "Proposal WG2 N1734" Raised at the Seattle Meeting Regarding "Proposal WG 2 N1711", 1998年07月09日
L2/98-281R (pdf, html) Aliprand, Joan (1998年07月31日), "Mongolian (IV.A)", Unconfirmed Minutes – UTC #77 & NCITS Subgroup L2 # 174 JOINT MEETING, Redmond, WA -- July 29-31, 1998
N1862 Revision of N1711 - Mongolian, 1998年09月17日
N1865 US Position - Mongolian (N1711, N1734 and N1808), 1998年09月18日
N1918 Paterson, Bruce (1998年10月28日), Text for Combined PDAM registration and consideration ballot - SC2 N 3208
L2/99-010 N1903 (pdf, html, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (1998年12月30日), "8.1.3", Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35, London, U.K.; 1998年09月21日--25
L2/99-075.1 N1973 Irish Comments on SC 2 N 3208, 1999年01月19日
L2/99-075 N1972 (pdf, html, doc) Summary of Voting on SC 2 N 3208, PDAM ballot on WD for ISO/IEC 10646-1/Amd. 29: Mongolian, 1999年02月12日
N2020 Paterson, Bruce (1999年04月05日), FPDAM 29 Text - Mongolian
L2/99-113 Text for FPDAM ballot of ISO/IEC 10646, Amd. 29 - Mongolian, 1999年04月06日
L2/99-232 N2003 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (1999年08月03日), "6.1.3 PDAM29 – Mongolian script", Minutes of WG 2 meeting 36, Fukuoka, Japan, 1999年03月09日--15
L2/99-304 N2126 Paterson, Bruce (1999年10月01日), Revised Text for FDAM ballot of ISO/IEC 10646-1/FDAM 29, AMENDMENT 29: Mongolian
L2/99-381 Final text for ISO/IEC 10646-1, FDAM 29 -- Mongolian, 1999年12月07日
L2/00-010 N2103 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2000年01月05日), "6.4.4", Minutes of WG 2 meeting 37, Copenhagen, Denmark: 1999年09月13日—16
L2/07-209 Whistler, Ken (2007年07月05日), UTR 14 and U+202F NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
L2/11-438 [b] [c] N4182 Edberg, Peter (2011年12月22日), Emoji Variation Sequences (Revision of L2/11-429)
L2/15-187 Moore, Lisa (2015年08月11日), "B.14.5", UTC #144 Minutes
L2/16-258 N4752R2 Eck, Greg (2016年09月19日), Mongolian Base Forms, Positional Forms, & Variant Forms
L2/16-259 N4753 Eck, Greg; Rileke, Orlog Ou (2016年09月20日), WG2 #65 Mongolian Discussion Points
L2/16-266 N4763 Anderson, Deborah; Whistler, Ken; McGowan, Rick; Pournader, Roozbeh; Glass, Andrew; Iancu, Laurențiu; Moore, Lisa (2016年09月26日), "1. Mongolian", Comments on Mongolian, Small Khitan, and other WG2 #65 documents
L2/16-297 N4769 Anderson, Deborah (2016年10月27日), Mongolian ad hoc report
U+204A 1 L2/98-214 N1747 Everson, Michael (1998年05月25日), Contraction characters for the UCS
L2/98-281R (pdf, html) Aliprand, Joan (1998年07月31日), "Characters from ISO 5426-2 (IV.C.5-6)", Unconfirmed Minutes – UTC #77 & NCITS Subgroup L2 # 174 JOINT MEETING, Redmond, WA -- July 29-31, 1998
L2/98-292R (pdf, html, Figure 1) "2.6", Comments on proposals to add characters from ISO standards developed by ISO/TC 46/SC 4, 1998年08月19日
L2/98-292 N1840 "2.6", Comments on proposals to add characters from ISO standards developed by ISO/TC 46/SC 4, 1998年08月25日
L2/98-301 N1847 Everson, Michael (1998年09月12日), Responses to NCITS/L2 and Unicode Consortium comments on numerous proposals
L2/98-372 N1884R2 (pdf, doc) Whistler, Ken; et al. (1998年09月22日), Additional Characters for the UCS
L2/98-329 N1920 Combined PDAM registration and consideration ballot on WD for ISO/IEC 10646-1/Amd. 30, AMENDMENT 30: Additional Latin and other characters, 1998年10月28日
L2/99-010 N1903 (pdf, html, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (1998年12月30日), "", Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35, London, U.K.; 1998年09月21日--25
U+204B..204D 3 L2/98-215 N1748 Everson, Michael (1998年05月25日), Additional signature mark characters for the UCS
L2/98-281R (pdf, html) Aliprand, Joan (1998年07月31日), "Signature Marks (IV.C.7)", Unconfirmed Minutes – UTC #77 & NCITS Subgroup L2 # 174 JOINT MEETING, Redmond, WA -- July 29-31, 1998
L2/98-292R (pdf, html, Figure 1) "2.7", Comments on proposals to add characters from ISO standards developed by ISO/TC 46/SC 4, 1998年08月19日
L2/98-292 N1840 "2.7", Comments on proposals to add characters from ISO standards developed by ISO/TC 46/SC 4, 1998年08月25日
L2/98-301 N1847 Everson, Michael (1998年09月12日), Responses to NCITS/L2 and Unicode Consortium comments on numerous proposals
L2/98-372 N1884R2 (pdf, doc) Whistler, Ken; et al. (1998年09月22日), Additional Characters for the UCS
L2/98-329 N1920 Combined PDAM registration and consideration ballot on WD for ISO/IEC 10646-1/Amd. 30, AMENDMENT 30: Additional Latin and other characters, 1998年10月28日
L2/99-010 N1903 (pdf, html, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (1998年12月30日), "", Minutes of WG 2 meeting 35, London, U.K.; 1998年09月21日--25
3.2 U+2047, 2051 2 L2/99-238 Consolidated document containing 6 Japanese proposals, 1999年07月15日
N2092 Addition of forty eight characters, 1999年09月13日
L2/99-365 Moore, Lisa (1999年11月23日), Comments on JCS Proposals
L2/00-024 Shibano, Kohji (2000年01月31日), JCS proposal revised
L2/99-260R Moore, Lisa (2000年02月07日), "JCS Proposals", Minutes of the UTC/L2 meeting in Mission Viejo, October 26-28, 1999
L2/00-098, L2/00-098-page5 N2195 Rationale for non-Kanji characters proposed by JCS committee, 2000年03月15日
L2/00-119 [d] N2191R Whistler, Ken; Freytag, Asmus (2000年04月19日), Encoding Additional Mathematical Symbols in Unicode
L2/00-234 N2203 (rtf, txt) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2000年07月21日), "8.18, 8.20", Minutes from the SC2/WG2 meeting in Beijing, 2000年03月21日 -- 24
L2/00-115R2 Moore, Lisa (2000年08月08日), "Motion 83-M11", Minutes Of UTC Meeting #83
L2/00-297 N2257 Sato, T. K. (2000年09月04日), JIS X 0213 symbols part-1
L2/00-342 N2278 Sato, T. K.; Everson, Michael; Whistler, Ken; Freytag, Asmus (2000年09月20日), Ad hoc Report on Japan feedback N2257 and N2258
L2/01-050 N2253 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2001年01月21日), "7.16 JIS X0213 Symbols", Minutes of the SC2/WG2 meeting in Athens, September 2000
U+204E..2050, 2057, 205F, 2061..2062 7 L2/00-005R2 Moore, Lisa (2000年02月14日), "Motion 82-M11", Minutes of UTC #82 in San Jose
L2/00-119 [d] N2191R Whistler, Ken; Freytag, Asmus (2000年04月19日), Encoding Additional Mathematical Symbols in Unicode
L2/00-234 N2203 (rtf, txt) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2000年07月21日), "8.18", Minutes from the SC2/WG2 meeting in Beijing, 2000年03月21日 -- 24
L2/00-115R2 Moore, Lisa (2000年08月08日), "Motion 83-M11", Minutes Of UTC Meeting #83
U+2052, 2063 2 L2/01-142 [d] N2336 Beeton, Barbara; Freytag, Asmus; Ion, Patrick (2001年04月02日), Additional Mathematical Symbols
L2/01-156 N2356 Freytag, Asmus (2001年04月03日), Additional Mathematical Characters (Draft 10)
L2/01-344 N2353 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2001年09月09日), "7.7 Mathematical Symbols", Minutes from SC2/WG2 meeting #40 -- Mountain View, April 2001
U+2060 1 L2/99-260R Moore, Lisa (2000年02月07日), "Unicode in Markup Languages", Minutes of the UTC/L2 meeting in Mission Viejo, October 26-28, 1999
L2/00-005R2 Moore, Lisa (2000年02月14日), "Zero Width Grapheme Break/Join", Minutes of UTC #82 in San Jose, Action Item for Arnold Winkler: As the zero width grapheme break/join proposal was withdrawn, re-open Action Item 81-12 (for Mark Davis to prepare a proposal for WG2 for the Zero Width Word Joiner.)
L2/00-258 N2235 Davis, Mark (2000年08月09日), Proposal for addition of ZERO WIDTH WORD JOINER
L2/00-369 Whistler, Ken (2000年10月06日), "e. (ZERO WIDTH) WORD JOINER", WG2 in Vouliagmeni (Athens)
L2/01-050 N2253 Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2001年01月21日), "7.7 Proposal for addition of ZERO WIDTH WORDJOINER", Minutes of the SC2/WG2 meeting in Athens, September 2000
4.0 U+2053..2054 2 L2/02-141 N2419 Everson, Michael; et al. (2002年03月20日), Uralic Phonetic Alphabet characters for the UCS
L2/02-192 Everson, Michael (2002年05月02日), Everson's Reply on UPA
N2442 Everson, Michael; Kolehmainen, Erkki I.; Ruppel, Klaas; Trosterud, Trond (2002年05月21日), Justification for placing the Uralic Phonetic Alphabet in the BMP
L2/02-291 Whistler, Ken (2002年05月31日), WG2 report from Dublin
L2/02-292 Whistler, Ken (2002年06月03日), Early look at WG2 consent docket
L2/02-166R2 Moore, Lisa (2002年08月09日), "Scripts and New Characters - UPA", UTC #91 Minutes
L2/02-253 Moore, Lisa (2002年10月21日), "Consensus 92-C2", UTC #92 Minutes
4.1 U+2055 1 L2/03-151R Constable, Peter; Lloyd-Williams, James; Lloyd-Williams, Sue; Chowdhury, Shamsul Islam; Ali, Asaddar; Sadique, Mohammed; Chowdhury, Matiar Rahman (2003年05月10日), Revised Proposal for Encoding Syloti Nagri Script in the BMP
L2/03-136 Moore, Lisa (2003年08月18日), "Scripts and New Characters - Syloti Nagri Script", UTC #95 Minutes
U+2056, 2058..2059 3 L2/03-282R N2610R Everson, Michael; Cleminson, Ralph (2003年09月04日), Final proposal for encoding the Glagolitic script in the UCS
L2/03-324 N2642 Pantelia, Maria (2003年10月06日), Proposal to encode additional Greek editorial and punctuation characters in the UCS
U+205A..205C 3 L2/03-157 Pantelia, Maria (2003年05月19日), Additional Beta Code Characters not in Unicode (WIP)
L2/03-193R N2612-7 Pantelia, Maria (2003年06月11日), Proposal to encode additional Punctuation Characters in the UCS
U+205D 1 L2/02-312R Pantelia, Maria (2002年11月07日), Proposal to encode additional Greek editorial and punctuation characters in the UCS
L2/03-324 N2642 Pantelia, Maria (2003年10月06日), Proposal to encode additional Greek editorial and punctuation characters in the UCS
U+205E 1 L2/03-354 N2655 Freytag, Asmus (2003年10月10日), Proposal -- Symbols used in Dictionaries
L2/03-356R2 Moore, Lisa (2003年10月22日), "Consensus 97-C15", UTC #97 Minutes
5.1 U+2064 1 L2/07-011R N3198R Freytag, Asmus; Beeton, Barbara; Ion, Patrick; Sargent, Murray; Carlisle, David; Pournader, Roozbeh (2007年01月15日), 29 Additional Mathematical and Symbol Characters
L2/07-015 Moore, Lisa (2007年02月08日), "Mathematical Characters and Symbols (C.4)", UTC #110 Minutes
L2/07-268 N3253 (pdf, doc) Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2007年07月26日), "M50.16", Unconfirmed minutes of WG 2 meeting 50, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany; 2007年04月24日/27
6.3 U+2066..2069 4 L2/12-186R Lanin, Aharon; Davis, Mark; Pournader, Roozbeh (2012年07月24日), A Proposal for Bidi Isolates in Unicode
L2/12-290 N4310 Lanin, Aharon; Davis, Mark; Pournader, Roozbeh (2012年07月31日), Proposal for Four Characters for Bidi
L2/12-239 Moore, Lisa (2012年08月14日), "Consensus 132-C12", UTC #132 Minutes
L2/13-040 Pournader, Roozbeh; Lanin, Aharon (2013年01月29日), Fasttracking Arabic Letter Mark (ALM)
L2/13-125 N4447 Constable, Peter (2013年06月10日), Unicode Liaison Report to WG2
  1. ^ Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names
  2. ^ a b See also L2/10-458, L2/11-414, L2/11-415, and L2/11-429
  3. ^ a b Refer to the history section of the Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs block for additional emoji-related documents
  4. ^ a b c Refer to the history section of the Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B block for additional math-related documents


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  1. ^ "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023年07月26日.
  2. ^ "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2023年07月26日.
  3. ^ Lunde, Ken (2023年10月14日). "L2/23-212R: Proposal to add standardized variation sequences for four quotation marks" (PDF).
  4. ^ "UTR #51: Unicode Emoji". Unicode Consortium. 2023年09月05日.
  5. ^ "UCD: Emoji Data for UTR #51". Unicode Consortium. 2023年02月01日.
  6. ^ "UTS #51 Emoji Variation Sequences". The Unicode Consortium.

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