Direct method in the calculus of variations
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In mathematics, the direct method in the calculus of variations is a general method for constructing a proof of the existence of a minimizer for a given functional,[1] introduced by Stanisław Zaremba and David Hilbert around 1900. The method relies on methods of functional analysis and topology. As well as being used to prove the existence of a solution, direct methods may be used to compute the solution to desired accuracy.[2]
The method
[edit ]The calculus of variations deals with functionals {\displaystyle J:V\to {\bar {\mathbb {R} }}}, where {\displaystyle V} is some function space and {\displaystyle {\bar {\mathbb {R} }}=\mathbb {R} \cup \{\infty \}}. The main interest of the subject is to find minimizers for such functionals, that is, functions {\displaystyle v\in V} such that {\displaystyle J(v)\leq J(u)} for all {\displaystyle u\in V}.
The standard tool for obtaining necessary conditions for a function to be a minimizer is the Euler–Lagrange equation. But seeking a minimizer amongst functions satisfying these may lead to false conclusions if the existence of a minimizer is not established beforehand.
The functional {\displaystyle J} must be bounded from below to have a minimizer. This means
- {\displaystyle \inf\{J(u)|u\in V\}>-\infty .,円}
This condition is not enough to know that a minimizer exists, but it shows the existence of a minimizing sequence, that is, a sequence {\displaystyle (u_{n})} in {\displaystyle V} such that {\displaystyle J(u_{n})\to \inf\{J(u)|u\in V\}.}
The direct method may be broken into the following steps
- Take a minimizing sequence {\displaystyle (u_{n})} for {\displaystyle J}.
- Show that {\displaystyle (u_{n})} admits some subsequence {\displaystyle (u_{n_{k}})}, that converges to a {\displaystyle u_{0}\in V} with respect to a topology {\displaystyle \tau } on {\displaystyle V}.
- Show that {\displaystyle J} is sequentially lower semi-continuous with respect to the topology {\displaystyle \tau }.
To see that this shows the existence of a minimizer, consider the following characterization of sequentially lower-semicontinuous functions.
- The function {\displaystyle J} is sequentially lower-semicontinuous if
- {\displaystyle \liminf _{n\to \infty }J(u_{n})\geq J(u_{0})} for any convergent sequence {\displaystyle u_{n}\to u_{0}} in {\displaystyle V}.
The conclusions follows from
- {\displaystyle \inf\{J(u)|u\in V\}=\lim _{n\to \infty }J(u_{n})=\lim _{k\to \infty }J(u_{n_{k}})\geq J(u_{0})\geq \inf\{J(u)|u\in V\}},
in other words
- {\displaystyle J(u_{0})=\inf\{J(u)|u\in V\}}.
[edit ]Banach spaces
[edit ]The direct method may often be applied with success when the space {\displaystyle V} is a subset of a separable reflexive Banach space {\displaystyle W}. In this case the sequential Banach–Alaoglu theorem implies that any bounded sequence {\displaystyle (u_{n})} in {\displaystyle V} has a subsequence that converges to some {\displaystyle u_{0}} in {\displaystyle W} with respect to the weak topology. If {\displaystyle V} is sequentially closed in {\displaystyle W}, so that {\displaystyle u_{0}} is in {\displaystyle V}, the direct method may be applied to a functional {\displaystyle J:V\to {\bar {\mathbb {R} }}} by showing
- {\displaystyle J} is bounded from below,
- any minimizing sequence for {\displaystyle J} is bounded, and
- {\displaystyle J} is weakly sequentially lower semi-continuous, i.e., for any weakly convergent sequence {\displaystyle u_{n}\to u_{0}} it holds that {\displaystyle \liminf _{n\to \infty }J(u_{n})\geq J(u_{0})}.
The second part is usually accomplished by showing that {\displaystyle J} admits some growth condition. An example is
- {\displaystyle J(x)\geq \alpha \lVert x\rVert ^{q}-\beta } for some {\displaystyle \alpha >0}, {\displaystyle q\geq 1} and {\displaystyle \beta \geq 0}.
A functional with this property is sometimes called coercive. Showing sequential lower semi-continuity is usually the most difficult part when applying the direct method. See below for some theorems for a general class of functionals.
Sobolev spaces
[edit ]The typical functional in the calculus of variations is an integral of the form
- {\displaystyle J(u)=\int _{\Omega }F(x,u(x),\nabla u(x))dx}
where {\displaystyle \Omega } is a subset of {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} and {\displaystyle F} is a real-valued function on {\displaystyle \Omega \times \mathbb {R} ^{m}\times \mathbb {R} ^{mn}}. The argument of {\displaystyle J} is a differentiable function {\displaystyle u:\Omega \to \mathbb {R} ^{m}}, and its Jacobian {\displaystyle \nabla u(x)} is identified with a {\displaystyle mn}-vector.
When deriving the Euler–Lagrange equation, the common approach is to assume {\displaystyle \Omega } has a {\displaystyle C^{2}} boundary and let the domain of definition for {\displaystyle J} be {\displaystyle C^{2}(\Omega ,\mathbb {R} ^{m})}. This space is a Banach space when endowed with the supremum norm, but it is not reflexive. When applying the direct method, the functional is usually defined on a Sobolev space {\displaystyle W^{1,p}(\Omega ,\mathbb {R} ^{m})} with {\displaystyle p>1}, which is a reflexive Banach space. The derivatives of {\displaystyle u} in the formula for {\displaystyle J} must then be taken as weak derivatives.
Another common function space is {\displaystyle W_{g}^{1,p}(\Omega ,\mathbb {R} ^{m})} which is the affine sub space of {\displaystyle W^{1,p}(\Omega ,\mathbb {R} ^{m})} of functions whose trace is some fixed function {\displaystyle g} in the image of the trace operator. This restriction allows finding minimizers of the functional {\displaystyle J} that satisfy some desired boundary conditions. This is similar to solving the Euler–Lagrange equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Additionally there are settings in which there are minimizers in {\displaystyle W_{g}^{1,p}(\Omega ,\mathbb {R} ^{m})} but not in {\displaystyle W^{1,p}(\Omega ,\mathbb {R} ^{m})}. The idea of solving minimization problems while restricting the values on the boundary can be further generalized by looking on function spaces where the trace is fixed only on a part of the boundary, and can be arbitrary on the rest.
The next section presents theorems regarding weak sequential lower semi-continuity of functionals of the above type.
Sequential lower semi-continuity of integrals
[edit ]As many functionals in the calculus of variations are of the form
- {\displaystyle J(u)=\int _{\Omega }F(x,u(x),\nabla u(x))dx},
where {\displaystyle \Omega \subseteq \mathbb {R} ^{n}} is open, theorems characterizing functions {\displaystyle F} for which {\displaystyle J} is weakly sequentially lower-semicontinuous in {\displaystyle W^{1,p}(\Omega ,\mathbb {R} ^{m})} with {\displaystyle p\geq 1} is of great importance.
In general one has the following:[3]
- Assume that {\displaystyle F} is a function that has the following properties:
- The function {\displaystyle F} is a Carathéodory function.
- There exist {\displaystyle a\in L^{q}(\Omega ,\mathbb {R} ^{mn})} with Hölder conjugate {\displaystyle q={\tfrac {p}{p-1}}} and {\displaystyle b\in L^{1}(\Omega )} such that the following inequality holds true for almost every {\displaystyle x\in \Omega } and every {\displaystyle (y,A)\in \mathbb {R} ^{m}\times \mathbb {R} ^{mn}}: {\displaystyle F(x,y,A)\geq \langle a(x),A\rangle +b(x)}. Here, {\displaystyle \langle a(x),A\rangle } denotes the Frobenius inner product of {\displaystyle a(x)} and {\displaystyle A} in {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{mn}}).
- If the function {\displaystyle A\mapsto F(x,y,A)} is convex for almost every {\displaystyle x\in \Omega } and every {\displaystyle y\in \mathbb {R} ^{m}},
- then {\displaystyle J} is sequentially weakly lower semi-continuous.
When {\displaystyle n=1} or {\displaystyle m=1} the following converse-like theorem holds[4]
- Assume that {\displaystyle F} is continuous and satisfies
- {\displaystyle |F(x,y,A)|\leq a(x,|y|,|A|)}
- for every {\displaystyle (x,y,A)}, and a fixed function {\displaystyle a(x,|y|,|A|)} increasing in {\displaystyle |y|} and {\displaystyle |A|}, and locally integrable in {\displaystyle x}. If {\displaystyle J} is sequentially weakly lower semi-continuous, then for any given {\displaystyle (x,y)\in \Omega \times \mathbb {R} ^{m}} the function {\displaystyle A\mapsto F(x,y,A)} is convex.
In conclusion, when {\displaystyle m=1} or {\displaystyle n=1}, the functional {\displaystyle J}, assuming reasonable growth and boundedness on {\displaystyle F}, is weakly sequentially lower semi-continuous if, and only if the function {\displaystyle A\mapsto F(x,y,A)} is convex.
However, there are many interesting cases where one cannot assume that {\displaystyle F} is convex. The following theorem[5] proves sequential lower semi-continuity using a weaker notion of convexity:
- Assume that {\displaystyle F:\Omega \times \mathbb {R} ^{m}\times \mathbb {R} ^{mn}\to [0,\infty )} is a function that has the following properties:
- The function {\displaystyle F} is a Carathéodory function.
- The function {\displaystyle F} has {\displaystyle p}-growth for some {\displaystyle p>1}: There exists a constant {\displaystyle C} such that for every {\displaystyle y\in \mathbb {R} ^{m}} and for almost every {\displaystyle x\in \Omega } {\displaystyle |F(x,y,A)|\leq C(1+|y|^{p}+|A|^{p})}.
- For every {\displaystyle y\in \mathbb {R} ^{m}} and for almost every {\displaystyle x\in \Omega }, the function {\displaystyle A\mapsto F(x,y,A)} is quasiconvex: there exists a cube {\displaystyle D\subseteq \mathbb {R} ^{n}} such that for every {\displaystyle A\in \mathbb {R} ^{mn},\varphi \in W_{0}^{1,\infty }(\Omega ,\mathbb {R} ^{m})} it holds:
{\displaystyle F(x,y,A)\leq |D|^{-1}\int _{D}F(x,y,A+\nabla \varphi (z))dz}
- where {\displaystyle |D|} is the volume of {\displaystyle D}.
- Then {\displaystyle J} is sequentially weakly lower semi-continuous in {\displaystyle W^{1,p}(\Omega ,\mathbb {R} ^{m})}.
A converse like theorem in this case is the following: [6]
- Assume that {\displaystyle F} is continuous and satisfies
- {\displaystyle |F(x,y,A)|\leq a(x,|y|,|A|)}
- for every {\displaystyle (x,y,A)}, and a fixed function {\displaystyle a(x,|y|,|A|)} increasing in {\displaystyle |y|} and {\displaystyle |A|}, and locally integrable in {\displaystyle x}. If {\displaystyle J} is sequentially weakly lower semi-continuous, then for any given {\displaystyle (x,y)\in \Omega \times \mathbb {R} ^{m}} the function {\displaystyle A\mapsto F(x,y,A)} is quasiconvex. The claim is true even when both {\displaystyle m,n} are bigger than {\displaystyle 1} and coincides with the previous claim when {\displaystyle m=1} or {\displaystyle n=1}, since then quasiconvexity is equivalent to convexity.
[edit ]References and further reading
[edit ]- Dacorogna, Bernard (1989). Direct Methods in the Calculus of Variations. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 0-387-50491-5.
- Fonseca, Irene; Giovanni Leoni (2007). Modern Methods in the Calculus of Variations: {\displaystyle L^{p}} Spaces. Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-35784-3.
- Morrey, C. B., Jr.: Multiple Integrals in the Calculus of Variations. Springer, 1966 (reprinted 2008), Berlin ISBN 978-3-540-69915-6.
- Jindřich Nečas: Direct Methods in the Theory of Elliptic Equations. (Transl. from French original 1967 by A.Kufner and G.Tronel), Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-10455-8.
- T. Roubíček (2000). "Direct method for parabolic problems". Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. Vol. 10. pp. 57–65. MR 1769181.
- Acerbi Emilio, Fusco Nicola. "Semicontinuity problems in the calculus of variations." Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 86.2 (1984): 125-145