Category:1999 non-fiction books
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See also: Category:1999 in literature
Pages in category "1999 non-fiction books"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 296 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- The Abolition of Britain
- The Africa House
- The Age of Spiritual Machines
- Agequake
- All About Love: New Visions
- All Crews: Journeys Through Jungle Drum & Bass Culture
- All in the Family: Absolutism, Revolution, and Democracy in the Middle Eastern Monarchies
- All the Best (book)
- Almost Like a Whale
- American National Biography
- Ancient Wisdom, Modern World
- Another Life: A Memoir of Other People
- Anxious Nation
- Apostles of Rock
- The Archaeology of Death and Burial
- Architecture and Modernity: A Critique
- Atlas of the Prehistoric World
- The Ayn Rand Cult
- Betrayal (Gertz book)
- Beyond Carnival
- Beyond Civilization
- The Bible in History
- The Big Test
- The Billboard Guide to Tejano and Regional Mexican Music
- Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America
- Biohazard (book)
- Birds of the West Indies
- Black Hawk Down (book)
- Black Holes, Wormholes and Time Machines
- A Briefer History of Time (Schulman book)
- Burnet: A Life
- Business @ the Speed of Thought
- The Cambridge Guide to Women's Writing in English
- The Carbon War
- The Cathedral and the Bazaar
- A Charge to Keep
- Citizen Jane (book)
- A Clearing in the Distance
- Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace
- The Code Book
- Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
- Collins Bird Guide
- Colorado Springs Notes, 1899–1900
- The Coming Global Superstorm
- Coming of Age (book)
- Common Sense on Mutual Funds
- A Community of Witches
- Confucius Lives Next Door
- Congress from the Inside
- Conquest of Abundance
- The Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices
- Contemporary Philosophy of Thought
- Convergence of Probability Measures
- Courage Is Contagious
- Crimes of War
- Cults: Faith, Healing and Coercion
- Curry in the Crown: The Story of Britain's Favourite Dish
- Dancing in Cambodia and at Large in Burma
- A Darwinian Left
- Daughters of Light
- Day of Deceit
- De l'un au multiple
- Deal With It!
- The Death of Ben Linder
- The Death of Britain?
- Decolonizing Methodologies
- The Demands of Liberal Education
- Descriptive Complexity
- Destined to Witness
- Development as Freedom
- Diana in Search of Herself
- Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible
- The Dictionary of Imaginary Places
- Disco Bloodbath
- DK Atlas of World History
- Dr. Seuss Goes to War
- Dow 36,000
- Dragonfly: NASA and the Crisis Aboard Mir
- Dread Jesus
- Educating Esmé
- Educating the Disfranchised and Disinherited
- Einstein and Religion
- The Elegant Universe
- Elegy for Iris
- The Elements of Moral Philosophy
- Embracing Defeat
- Encarta Webster's Dictionary
- The Encyclopaedia of Korea
- Encyclopedia Africana
- Encyclopedia of Australian Rock and Pop
- The End of Time (book)
- English Phonetics and Phonology: An Introduction
- Essence of Decision
- Eurekha!
- Every Man a Tiger
- Everyday Stalinism
- Exotica (book)
- The Eyes of the Heart (book)
- Eyes of the Tailless Animals
- Faith of My Fathers
- Far Horizons
- Finding Darwin's God
- Fire on the Mountain (Maclean book)
- First, Break All the Rules
- The Five Ages of the Universe
- Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana
- For the Time Being (Annie Dillard)
- Fortunate Son (Hatfield book)
- Freedom from Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929–1945
- The Freedom Writers Diary
- The French Laundry Cookbook
- The Future of American Progressivism
- I Am Jackie Chan
- The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam
- If Only (book)
- Imperial China: 900–1800
- In the Beginning... Was the Command Line
- In the Shadow of the Dreamchild
- In the Wings: A Memoir
- Infinite Loop (book)
- Information Rules
- Intellectual Sacrifice and Other Mimetic Paradoxes
- Intelligent Design (book)
- Internet and Technology Law Desk Reference
- Introduction to Comparative Politics
- The Isles: A History
- Last Night a DJ Saved My Life (book)
- The Last Victim (book)
- The Law of Peoples
- The Lexus and the Olive Tree
- Lies Across America
- Like Shaking Hands with God
- Lindbergh (book)
- Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English
- The Los Angeles River: Its Life, Death, and Possible Rebirth
- Lost Lives
- Lucky (memoir)
- Lucky's Collectors Guide to 20th Century Yo-Yos
- Magnificent Corpses
- Make Haste Slowly
- Making a Real Killing
- The Man Who Invented the Twentieth Century
- Mandela: The Authorised Biography
- Maps of Meaning
- Market Education
- Mental Hygiene
- Mind of the Raven
- The Miracle of Castel di Sangro
- Monica's Story
- Multidimensional Measurement of Religiousness/Spirituality for Use in Health Research
- The Myth of the First Three Years
- Natural Capitalism
- The Nazi Officer's Wife
- Neanderthals, Bandits and Farmers
- The New New Thing
- Models as Mediators
- The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage
- No Logo
- No One Left to Lie To
- Nonviolent Soldier of Islam
- Nonzero: The Logic of Human Destiny
- Norsk biografisk leksikon
- Norsk historie (Samlaget)
- Notes from a Big Country
- The Nudist on the Late Shift