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Antisemitism in Canada

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Antisemitism in Canada is the manifestation of hatred, hostility, harm, prejudice or discrimination against the Canadian Jewish people or Judaism as a religious, ethnic or racial group. Some of the first Jewish settlers in Canada arrived in Montreal in the 1760s, among them was Aaron Hart who is considered the father of Canadian Jewry.[1] His son Ezekiel Hart experience one of the first well documented cases of antisemitism in Canada.[2] Hart was repeatedly stopped from taking his seat in the Quebec legislature due to his Jewish faith, as members claimed he could not take the oath of office, which included the phrase "on the true faith of a Christian".[3]

Influential figures of the age, such as Goldwin Smith, promoted antisemitic ideas in the 19th century, describing Jews in derogatory terms.[4] Political leaders such as Henri Bourassa, publicly argued in the early 20th century against Jewish immigration.[5] Quebec saw a strong anti-Jewish movement, particularly from the Catholic Church, which associated Jews with modernism and liberalism from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century.[6] Various Catholic publications and activists played a significant role in spreading anti-Jewish sentiment.[6] One of the most severe incidents occurred in 1910 in Quebec City, where a violent attack against Jewish storekeepers was incited by an antisemite speaker.[7]

During the interwar period, figures like Abbé Lionel Groulx further fueled anti-Semitic views,[8] influencing Quebec’s intellectual elite and leading to movements that boycotted Jewish businesses and employment, most notably the Days of Shame.[9] Across Canada, antisemitism thrived in English-speaking regions as well, with various organizations promoting these negative attitudes. Significant events included the Christie Pits riot in Toronto in 1933 a violent confrontation arising from swastika displays.[10] In the 1920s and 1930s, Jewish people still faced numerous restrictions across many areas of life, including employment and housing.[11] Many were excluded from hospitals, universities, and professional sectors.[12] During the Nazi Holocaust, Canada's federal government adopted restrictive policies against Jewish immigration.[13] Despite desperate requests from Jewish refugees, many were turned away, most infamously exemplified by the MS St. Louis incident.[14] Discriminatory practices and legislation were common, reflecting societal attitudes in Canada and internationally.[6] [15]

Since the end of World War II, antisemitism in Canada has been in decline as a result of the passage of human rights legislation as well as a result of the increasing acceptance of multicultural ideology in Canada.[16] Beginning in the 1960s legal barriers were removed, and Jews began to hold high-powered and high-profile positions in Canadian society.[17] Despite Canada's progressive attitudes towards diversity in the 21st century, antisemitism persists as a small component of Canadian society, evident in random hate crimes and extremist groups.[18] [19] Notably, anti-Jewish incidents surged in response to the outbreak of the Israel–Hamas war and the geopolitical relevance of accusations that Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza.[20] [21]


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Further information: History of the Jews in Canada

On April 11, 1807, Jewish politician Ezekiel Hart was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada over three other candidates, obtaining 59 out of the 116 votes cast. Hart refused to take the Christian based oath of allegiance and the legislature dismissed him. Hart petitioned the legislature, saying that, while he believed that he was justified in the law in taking a seat by means of the oath used by Jews in the courts, he was willing to swear the oaths used for those elected to the assembly. After some deliberation, on February 20, 1808, the assembly resolved by a vote of 35 to 5 that "Ezekiel Hart, Esquire, professing the Jewish religion cannot take a seat, nor sit, nor vote, in this House."[22] The events of 1807–1809 are known to many as the Hart Affair (French: L'Affaire Hart).[23]

On March 16, 1831, a bill was introduced in the Legislative Assembly extending the same political rights to Jews as to Christians. The bill rapidly passed both the Assembly and the council and received the royal assent June 5, 1832.[24]

Early 1900s

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In 1910, Jacques-Édouard Plamondon encouraged the public to attack Jewish storekeepers and businesses in Quebec City. The shopkeepers took legal action against Plamondon, but were awarded minimal costs four years later.[25]


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Between 1930 and 1939, Canada rejected almost all Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe, taking in only 4,000 of the 800,000 Jews looking for refuge, as documented in the book None Is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe 1933–1948 , co-authored by the Canadian historians Irving Abella and Harold Troper and published in 1983.[26] The MS St. Louis sailed from Hamburg in May 1939, carrying 937 Jewish refugees seeking asylum from Nazi persecution.[27] The destination was Cuba, but officials in Havana cancelled Jewish passengers' visas. Immigration was strictly limited in Canada and the United States due to the Great Depression, so the passengers were denied entrance to Canada and the United States.[26] [27]

Outbreaks of violence against Jews and Jewish property culminated in August 1933 with the Christie Pits riots; six hours of violent conflict between Jewish and Christian youth in Toronto, Ontario. Swastikas and Nazi slogans began to crop up on Toronto's eastern beaches, and Jewish swimmers were attacked.[28] [29]

In Ontario, many restaurants, shops, golf clubs, and resorts would only serve non-Jewish clientele and signs like "No Jews Allowed" or "Gentiles Only" were found on many beaches as well. Many Jewish people faced discrimination in employment or in buying a house or a property.[30]

In 1934, Adrien Arcand started a Parti national social chrétien in Montreal patterned after the Nazi party. His party's actions resulted in antisemitic rallies, boycotts, propaganda and literature, and the inception of several other Nazi-like organizations throughout Canada.

Also in 1934, all interns at Hôpital Notre-Dame in Montréal walked off the job to protest the hiring of a Jewish senior intern, Dr Samuel Rabinovitch, who had graduated from the Université de Montréal. The four day strike, nicknamed the "Days of Shame", was resolved after several days when the new intern resigned his position after he realised that the other interns refused to "provide care to anyone, including emergency patients".[31] The hospital administration did arrange another internship post for Dr. Rabinovitch in St. Louis, Missouri, where he remained until 1940, after which he returned to Montréal and a medical practice.[31] [32] [33] [34]

In 1938, a National Fascism Convention was held in Toronto's Massey Hall.[35]

Antisemitic residential segregation was also prevalent during the 1930s and 1940s, and was accomplished through restrictive covenants. These were agreements among owners of properties to not sell or rent to members of certain races, including Jews, or were clauses registered against deeds by land developers that restricted ownership based on racial origin. At the time, restrictive covenants could be enforced by the courts.[35] This changed in 1951, when the Supreme Court invalidated such restrictive covenants in its ruling in Noble v Alley.

A 1943 Gallup poll put Jews in third place, behind the Japanese and Germans, as the least desirable immigrants to Canada.[35]

A 1948 article on antisemitism in Canada written for Maclean's magazine by Pierre Berton illustrates this racism: Berton hired two young women to apply for the same jobs, one under the name Greenberg, and the other under the name Grimes. While Grimes received interviews for nearly every application, positions available for Grimes were "already filled" when Greenberg applied, or Greenberg's applications were ignored. When Berton contacted several of these companies, he was told, "Jews did not have the right temperament", that "they don't know their place" or that "we don't employ Jews".[35]

Berton, during his research on Canadian antisemitism, sent two different letters to 29 summer resorts, one signed Marshall, the other signed Rosenberg. "Marshall" was able to book twice as many reservations as "Rosenberg". Some resorts did not reply to "Rosenberg", and some told "Rosenberg" they were fully booked.[35]


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Ontarian university programs discriminated against Jewish students well into the 1960s.[30]

In 1989, Alberta public school teacher James Keegstra was convicted under the Criminal Code for "wilful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group". Keegstra had taught in his classes that the Holocaust was a hoax and that Jewish people were plotting to take over the world, and would fail students who did not reproduce his beliefs in class or in examinations.[36] Keegstra appealed his conviction, claiming that the law infringed on his freedom of expression under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, with the Supreme Court of Canada eventually ruling in R v Keegstra that the infringement was justified and upheld the law.


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Antisemitism is still a concern in contemporary Canada.[37] The non-profit B'nai Brith Canada monitors incidents and issues an annual audit of these events.

On May 18, 2010, a Jewish public servant won "a major human rights victory"[38] against the federal government after complaining that her workplace at the Ottawa headquarters of Passport Canada was poisoned by antisemitism. The federal adjudicator ruled[39] that some of the public servant's fellow employees discriminated against her because of adherence to Jewish Law (Halakha) - notably leaving early each Friday to observe the Jewish Sabbath (Shabbat) and taking Jewish holidays - and that her bosses did little or nothing to help her. The situation escalated from antisemitic bullying at her workplace to traumatizing threats when she was accused in an anonymous antisemitic message to her superiors to be a Mossad agent. Another message that followed two weeks later read: "The Jew sucks your blood. Don't fall into her trap. You will make her go swiftly or we will make her go slowly and painfully."[40] The public servant launched first an internal grievance against her department in January 2007 alleging breaches of the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) and the no discrimination clause of the collective agreement with her employer. The grievance was rejected the following October by the federal government. She subsequently took her case to adjudication to the Federal Public Service Labour Relations Board (FPSLREB) seeking among others damages for pain and suffering, and an admission by the government that her rights were violated. She was supported by the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) which stated on January 18, 2011, on its website that the decision of the FPSLREB "was a significant win on behalf of the federal government employee."[41] This case received some attention in national and international media (such as the National Post, LeDroit, McLeans, USA Today, Mekor Rishon, Hamodia).

In November 2011 an antisemitic attack took place at the south Winnipeg high school when a teen approached a 15-year-old girl as they crossed paths near his locker and began talking to her. He pulled out a lighter and started flicking it near her head, saying, "let's burn the Jew".[42]

On April 12, 2012, several Jewish-owned summer homes in Val-Morin, Quebec were broken into and defaced with swastikas and antisemitic messages.[43] [44] [45]

According to the "2013 Audit of Antisemitic Incidents" written by the B'nai B'rith Canada, there was a decrease of 5.3% in the number of antisemitic incidents during 2013. Despite that, cases of vandalism rose by 21.8% while violence increased by one incident and harassment cases dropped by 13.9%.[46] These incidents include antisemitic graffiti, paintings of swastikas in Jewish neighborhood, firebomb attacks, antisemitic statements, etc.[47] Antisemitic graffiti and swastika inscriptions has been also found during 2014.[48] [49]

In March 2015, a Toronto police published the 2014 Annual Hate/Bias Crime Statistical Report. According to the report, the victim group most targeted in 2014 was the Jewish community, with occurrence of 30% of all the hate crimes in Toronto. The total number of reported incidents that occurred on an antisemitic basis was 52, which makes the Jewish community the most targeted population with regard to assaults.[50] [51]

In June 2015, B'nai B'rith Canada published the "2014 Audit of Antisemitic Incidents". Contrasted with 2014 results, there was an increase of almost 30% in antisemitic incidents. The audit showed a peak of acts during July with the onset of operation Protective Edge in Gaza. According to the report, most of the incidents (1013) were defined as "harassment", when the fewest (19) were under the category of "violence". As in previous years audits, Ontario leads the number of incidents reported at 961, or 59% of the total.[52] (See section on the "New antisemitism" in Canada below.)

Annual incidents figures by category 2012–2014 [52]
Category 2012 2013 2014
1. Vandalism 319 388 238
2. Violence 13 14 19
3. Harassment 1013 872 1370
Total 1345 1274 1627

According to a phone survey of 510 Canadians conducted by the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) in 2013–2014, an estimated 14% (+/− 4.4%) of the adult population in Canada harbor substantial antisemitic opinions.[53]

In March 2016 the Toronto Police published its annual report of hate-crimes during 2015. According to it, the Jewish population is the group most targeted to hate-crimes, especially when it comes to mischief to property occurrences.[54] Moreover, in occurrences involve religion, most of the victims are part of the Jewish community (in 31 out of 58 cases). The report found that the Jewish community makes up only 3.8% of the religious population in the City of Toronto but was victimized in approximately 23% of the total hate/bias crimes in 2015.[54]

In November 2019, the leaders of Israel's seven universities expressed their outrage over the University of Toronto's Graduate Student Union in Canada conflating a kosher food program with support for Israel.[55]

In July 2019, a Jewish man wearing a kippah was assaulted by a taxi driver in Montreal.[56]

In 2009, R v Zundel blocked the conviction of Ernst Zündel, who had been accused of fake news by promoting Holocaust denial.[57] However, in 2022 Canada banned Holocaust denial and condoning of the Holocaust to combat rising levels of antisemitism.[58] [59]

"New antisemitism"

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Main article: New antisemitism

In 2009, the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism was established by major federal political parties to investigate and combat antisemitism - particularly what is referred to as the new antisemitism.[60] It is argued that this form of hate targets Israel, consisting of and fed by allegations of Israeli "war crimes" and similar claims. Anti-Israel actions that led to the formation of a Parliamentary Coalition included boycott campaigns on university campuses and in some churches, spilling over into attacks on synagogues, Jewish institutions and individuals. Activities such as "Israel Apartheid Week" at Concordia (Montreal), York University and the University of Toronto, and boycott campaigns targeting Israel (BDS) included what some considered as "forms of antisemitism".[61] [62]

At York University in 2009, pro-Palestinian activists attacked Jewish students, shouting "Zionism equals racism!" and "Racists off campus!" One witness stated that the attackers started banging the door and windows, intimidating Jewish students and screaming antisemitic slurs such as "Die Jew", "Get the hell off campus", "Go back to Israel", and "Fucking Jew".[63] The students barricaded themselves inside the Hillel offices, where protesters reportedly banged on the windows and attempted to force their way in. Police were called to escort Jewish students through the protesters.[64] [65] [66] [67] [68]

In 2009 antisemitic graffiti was scrawled on a Jewish memorial in Ottawa, and attributed to a pro-Palestinian group.[69]

Leading Canadian Jewish groups such as CIJA and B'nai Brith Canada took the lead in responding, while other organisations such as the Canadian branch of the New Israel Fund chose not to play a role. In August 2012, CIJA opposed the United Church of Canada (UCC) boycott and divestment campaign, and CIJA's CEO Shimon Fogel distinguished between criticism of Israeli policies and initiatives that single out Israel for economic coercion.[14]

In 2021 a group of 517 Canadian journalists signed an open letter to Canadian newsrooms on covering Israel-Palestine[70] [71] The letter was criticized as having lobbied for an anti-Israel bias and for fuelling antisemitism in Canada while implying the antisemitic canard that Jewish people control the media on behalf of Israel.[72] [73]

During the October 7 war

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The October 7 war includes the Gaza war and the Israel–Hezbollah conflict (2023–present), exchanges of fire between the Houthis and Israel documented in Red Sea crisis and exchanges of fire between Iran and Israel documented in Iran-Israel proxy conflict. This section documents incidents of antisemitism in Canada since the 7 October Hamas-led attack on Israel.

On the morning of November 9, 2023, two Jewish schools in Montreal were found to have been targeted by gunfire over night. Bullet holes were identified at United Talmud Torah and Yeshivah Gedolah.[74]

In November 2023, an Israeli Jewish student encountered harassment at school when three peers engaged in physical aggression, verbally expressing intentions to "do to him what Hamas did to Israel".[75]

In April 2024, another incident occurred in the Canadian province of New Brunswick where an Israeli Jewish teenage girl was assaulted by a fellow student, resulting in her being thrown to the ground and subjected to physical violence.[76] In May 2024, Jewish pupils in Toronto reported receiving death threats from their schoolmates.[75]

On May 25, six shots were fired at Bais Chaya Mushka Girls Elementary School, in North York, Toronto. No injuries were reported.[77] A solidarity rally was held outside the school on May 27. [78] On October 12, 2024, multiple shots were fired at the school. [79] A 17-year-old boy and 20-year-old man were arrested and charged with multiple firearms offences in connection to the shooting.[80] On December 20, 2024, six shots were fired at the school with no injuries reported.[81]

On May 31, 2024, an arson attack targeted the Schara Tzedeck synagogue in Vancouver, with fire set to its doorway. Police launched criminal investigation.[82] [83]

On June 16, 2024, the Beth Tefila synagogue in Ontario was attacked.[84] Local police reported that a window was smashed.[84]

In July 2024, Mount Royal Member of Parliament Anthony Housefather, who is Jewish, was labeled a neo-Nazi in flyers with a swastika photoshopped into where the Star of David should be on an Israeli flag. The flyers, which were posted in Montreal, also stated that he should "get out of town." Canada's Special Envoy for Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism Deborah Lyons wrote on social media that "the sign was not only targeting Housefather but all Jewish Canadians, most of whom identified as Zionists."[85] Lyons has stated that antisemitism in Canada is at a high, could potentially get worse, and needs to be addressed on many levels.[86]

Also in July 2024, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appointed MP Anthony Housefather as his adviser on Canadian Jewish community and antisemitism.[87] [88]

On August 2, Toronto police were investigating two incidents in which signs were set on fire, one in front of a Jewish day school and one in front of a synagogue. [89]

In August 2024, over 100 Jewish institutions received the same mass bomb threat.[90]

In September 2024, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) formally requested of the Canadian government to adopt four new policies to help ensure the safety of Canadian Jews.[91] In October 2024, CIJA reported that 82% of Canadian Jews feel less safe after October 7.[92]

On Yom Kippur, October 12th, the Bais Chaya Mushka girls school in Toronto was hit by gunfire for the second time in a few months; police believe that the incidents are connected.[93] [94]

On October 14th, the government of Israel issued a report on Canada being the most antisemitic country in the Western Hemisphere.[95]

On 16 December, 2024, the Canadian Jewish News reported on a survey conducted by the Jewish Medical Association of Ontario. The survey found that a third of Jewish doctors in Canada were considering leaving the country due to antisemitism.[96]

Yves Engler, writing in the Palestine Chronicle, argues that the Canadian media focuses too much on antisemitism at the expense of anti-Palestinian racism.[97] He also added that Jews are only overrepresented as victims of hate crime, adding that "in general, Jewish Canadians are overrepresented in positions of wealth and influence" and do not face real threats to their safety in the same way as Palestinians.[97]

See also

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  1. ^ "Hart, Aaron". Exposition Shalom Québec. Archived from the original on July 27, 2010. Retrieved March 25, 2009.
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  22. ^ Journals of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada. February 20, 1808. p. 144.
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  24. ^ Jewish Encyclopedia
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  75. ^ a b "Toronto community escorts Jewish kids after they receive death threats from fellow schoolmates". The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com. 2024年05月18日. Retrieved 2024年05月19日.
  76. ^ "Israeli Jewish teen beaten on ground, then blamed at Canadian high school". The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com. 2024年05月17日. Retrieved 2024年05月19日.
  77. ^ "Reports of a shooting at Jewish girls elementary school in Toronto, no injuries, police say". The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com. 2024年05月25日. Retrieved 2024年05月26日.
  78. ^ Carter, Adam (2024年05月12日). "Rally held outside Toronto Jewish school after shooting". CBC News . Retrieved 2024年12月25日.
  79. ^ "Shots fired at Toronto Jewish girls school, police investigating". CBC News. 2024年10月12日. Retrieved 2024年12月25日.
  80. ^ "Man, teen charged after shots fired at Toronto Jewish girls school". CBC News. 2024年10月12日. Retrieved 2024年12月25日.
  81. ^ "Gunshots fired at Toronto Jewish girls school for 3rd time this year". CBC News. 2024年12月20日. Retrieved 2024年12月25日.
  82. ^ "Congregation Schara Tzedeck in Vancouver had an accelerant used to light a fire at its front doors". The Canadian Jewish News. 2024年05月31日. Retrieved 2024年06月01日.
  83. ^ "Police investigate suspected arson at Vancouver synagogue". CBC News. 2024年05月31日.
  84. ^ a b "Ontario synagogue window smashed as attacks on Canadian Jewish sites continue". The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com. 2024年06月16日. Retrieved 2024年06月16日.
  85. ^ Starr, Michael (4 July 2024). "Jewish Canadian MP called Neo-Nazi, 'get out of Canada' in flyers". The Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 8 July 2024.
  86. ^ Sarner, Robert (9 May 2024). "Canada's antisemitism envoy says Jew-hatred is at a high — and may get even worse". Times of Israel. Retrieved 24 July 2024.
  87. ^ Kampeas, Ron (9 July 2024). "Trudeau appoints new adviser on Canadian Jewish community and antisemitism". Times of Israel. Retrieved 30 September 2024.
  88. ^ "Prime Minister announces new Special Advisor on Jewish Community Relations and Antisemitism". Prime Minister of Canada. 5 July 2024. Retrieved 30 September 2024.
  89. ^ Dawson, Tyler (2 Aug 2024). "Antisemitic incidents have Jewish community on edge: 'Jews in Canada have felt under attack'". National Post. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  90. ^ Starr, Michael (23 August 2024). "Canadian Jews, synagogues threatened with bombs". Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 28 August 2024.
  91. ^ "CIJA calls on Canadian parliament to take immediate action on antisemitic threats". Jerusalem Post. 17 September 2024. Retrieved 19 September 2024.
  92. ^ Lewinsky, Gil (7 October 2024). "Shadows of hate: The alarming rise of antisemitism in Canada". Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 10 October 2024.
  93. ^ "Canada: Jewish school hit by gunfire amid shocking rise in antisemitism". i24. 13 October 2024. Retrieved 15 October 2024.
  94. ^ "Toronto Jewish school targeted by gunfire during Yom Kippur, in 2nd attack in months". Times of Israel. 13 October 2024. Retrieved 15 October 2024.
  95. ^ "Wayback Machine" (PDF). www.gov.il. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2025年01月27日. Retrieved 2025年03月20日.
  96. ^ "Nearly one third of Ontario's Jewish doctors are considering leaving Canada due to antisemitism, new survey finds". Canadian Jewish News. 16 October 2024. Retrieved 20 October 2024.
  97. ^ a b Engler, Yves (30 December 2024). "Canadian Media Prioritizes 'Antisemitism' over Freezing Gaza Babies". Palestine Chronicle. Retrieved 6 January 2025.

Further reading

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  • Bercuson, David. Canada and the Birth of Israel: A Study in Canadian Foreign Policy (University of Toronto Press, 1985). online
  • Bialystok, Franklin. Delayed Impact: The Holocaust and the Canadian Jewish Community (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2000).
  • Brown, Michael. Jew or Juif? Jews, French Canadians and Anglo– Canadians, 1759–1914 (Jewish Publication Society, 1987). online
  • Davies, Alan, ed. Antisemitism in Canada: History and interpretation (Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 1992) online.
  • Delisle, Esther. The Traitor and the Jew: Anti–Semitism and the Delrium of Extremist Right-wing Nationalism in French Canada from 1929–1939. (Toronto: Robert Davies, 1993).
  • Robinson, Ira. A History of Antisemitism in Canada (Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press, 2015) online.
  • Weinfeld, Morton. Antisemitism in Canada (University of Toronto Press, 2023) online.


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