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List of barracks of the Austrian army
This is a list of current and former barracks of the Austrian Army.
[edit ]- Martinkaserne [de], Eisenstadt.
- Benedek barracks with training area Bruckneudorf.
- Montecuccoli barracks, Güssing.
- Uchatius barracks, Kaisersteinbruch [de]. Home to the Militärhundezentrum Kaisersteinbruch [de]
Former barracks
[edit ]- Turba-Kaserne [de], Pinkafeld.
- Sporck barracks, Oberwart.
- See barracks, Oggau am Neusiedler See.
- Schloss Neusiedl [de], Neusiedl am See
[edit ]- Kommandogebäude Feldmarschall Hülgerth, Klagenfurt.
- KZ-Nebenlager Klagenfurt-Lendorf [de], Klagenfurt.
- Windisch barracks, Klagenfurt.
- Laudon barracks, Klagenfurt.
- Hensel-Kaserne [de], Villach.
- Lutschounig barracks, Villach.
- Pipe Barracks, Villach.
- Tuerk barracks, Spittal an der Drau.
- Goiginger barracks, Bleiburg.
- Training area Glainach (Ferlach), military training area Marwiesen (Paternion), military training area Obere Fellach (Villach), water training place Villach.
Former barracks
[edit ]- Aichelburg barracks, Wolfsberg.
- Waisenhaus barracks, Klagenfurt.
Lower Austria
[edit ]Upper Austria
[edit ]
Coast Guard comparative
[edit ]Officers
[edit ]Rank group | General / flag officers | Senior officers | Junior officers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Argentine Naval Prefecture |
Prefecto General (Prefecto Nacional Naval) |
Prefecto General (Subprefecto Nacional Naval) |
Prefecto General | Prefecto Mayor | Prefecto Principal | Prefecto | Subprefecto | Oficial Principal | Oficial Auxiliar | Oficial Ayudante
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bangladesh Coast Guard |
Rear Admiral | Commodore | Captain | Commander | Lieutenant Commander | Lieutenant | Sub-lieutenant | Acting Sub-lieutenant | Midshipman | Officer Cadet
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Barbados Coast Guard [1] |
Commodore | Commander | Lieutenant commander | Lieutenant | Sub lieutenant | Midshipman | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Belize Coast Guard |
Rear admiral | Rear admiral (lower half) |
Captain | Commander | Lieutenant commander | Lieutenant | Lieutenant (junior grade) |
Ensign | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Canadian Coast Guard [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] |
Commissioner | Deputy commissioner | Assistant commissioner | Captain | Superintendent | Deputy superintendent | Officer Grade 04 | Officer Grades 02-03 | 4th year Cadet | 1st to 3rd year Cadet | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Commissaire | Commissaire-adjoint | Commissaire-assistant | Capitaine | Surintendant | Surintendant adjoint | Officier Grade 04 | Grades d'officier 02-03 | Cadet de 4e année | Cadet de 1re à 3e année
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary [8] [9] [10] |
National President | President | Vice President | Director | Alternate Director | Unit Leader | Alternate Unit Leader | Unit Training Officer/Unit Prevention Officer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Président national | Président | Vice-président | Directeur | Directeur suppléant | Chef d'unité | Chef d'unité suppléant | Agent de formation d'unité/Agent de prévention d'unité
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Croatian Navy [11] |
Admiral flote | Admiral | Viceadmiral | Kontraadmiral | Komodor | Kapetan bojnog broda | Kapetan fregate | Kapetan korvete | Poručnik bojnog broda | Poručnik fregate | Poručnik korvete | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Maritime Gendarmerie |
Général d'armée | Général de corps d'armée | Général de division | Général de brigade | Colonel | Lieutenant-Colonel | Chef d'Escadron | Capitaine | Lieutenant
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Georgian Coast Guard |
ადმირალი Admirali |
ვიცე-ადმირალი Vitse-adimirali |
კონტრადმირალი K’ont’radmirali |
კონტრადმირალი (ქვედა ნახევარი) K’ont’radmirali (kveda nakhevari) |
კაპიტანი პირველი წოდება K’ap’it’ani p’irveli ts’odeba |
კაპიტანი მეორე წოდება K’ap’it’ani meore ts’odeba[note 1] |
კაპიტანი მესამე წოდება K’ap’it’ani mesame ts’odeba |
კაპიტანი ლეიტენანტი K’ap’it’ani leit’enant’i |
პირველი ლეიტენანტი P’irveli leit’enant’i |
ლეიტენანტი Leit’enant’i |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hellenic Coast Guard [12] |
None | Admiral Ναύαρχος Navarchos |
Vice Admiral Αντιναύαρχος Antinavarchos |
Rear Admiral Υποναύαρχος Yponavarchos |
Commodore Αρχιπλοίαρχος Archiploiarchos |
Captain Πλοίαρχος Ploiarchos |
Commander Αντιπλοίαρχος Antiploiarchos |
Lieutenant Commander Πλωτάρχης Plotarchis |
Lieutenant Υποπλοίαρχος Ypoploiarchos |
Sub-Lieutenant Ανθυποπλοίαρχος Anthypoploiarchos |
Ensign Σημαιοφόρος Simaioforos |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Guyana Coast Guard |
Rear admiral | Commodore | Captain | Commander | Lieutenant commander | Lieutenant | Lieutenant junior grade | Sub-lieutenant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Icelandic Coast Guard [13] |
Forstjóri Landhelgisgæslunnar | Framkvæmdastjóri aðgerðasviðs | Framkvæmdastjóri siglingasviðs / Framkvæmdastjóri varnarmálasviðs | Flugrekstrarstjóri / Flaggskipherra / Yfirflugstjóri / Tæknistjóri | Skipherrar / Flugstjórar / Deildarstjórar | Næstráðandi / Yfirstýrimaður / Flugmaður / Yfirvélstjóri | Yfirmaður eftir 6 ár / Stýrimaður / Vélstjóri / Flugmaður | Yfirmaður eftir 2 ár / Stýrimaður / Vélstjóri / Flugmaður | Byrjandi í yfirmannastöðu | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indian Coast Guard [14] |
Director general | Additional director general | Inspector general | Deputy inspector general (3-year seniority) |
Deputy inspector general | Commandant | Commandant (Junior Grade) |
Deputy commandant | Assistant commandant | Assistant commandant (under probation) |
Assistant commandant (after phase II) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rank group | General / flag officers | Senior officers | Junior officers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indonesian Maritime Security Agency |
Laksamana madya bakamla | Laksamana muda bakamla | Laksamana pertama bakamla | Kolonel bakamla | Letnan kolonel bakamla | Mayor bakamla | Kapten bakamla | Letnan satu bakamla | Letnan dua bakamla
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Isle of Man Coastguard [15] [16] [17] |
Operations Manager | Senior Watch Officer | Station/Watch Officer | Deputy Station Officer |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Corps of the Port Captaincies – Coast Guard |
Ammiraglio di Squadra | Ammiraglio di Divisione | Contrammiraglio | Capitano di Vascello (CP) | Capitano di Fregata (CP) | Capitano di Corvetta (CP) | Primo Tenente di Vascello (CP) | Tenente di Vascello (CP) | Sottotenente di Vascello (CP) | Guardiamarina (CP) | Aspirante Guardiamarina (CP)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Japan Coast Guard | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
長官 Chōkan |
次長 & 海上保安監 Jichō & Kaijō hoankan |
一等海上保安監・甲 Ittō kaijō hoan kan・Kō |
一等海上保安監・乙 Ittō kaijō hoan kan・Otsu |
二等海上保安監 Ni-tō kaijō hoan kan |
三等海上保安監 San-tō kaijō hoan kan |
一等海上保安正 Ittō kaijō hoan sei |
二等海上保安正 Ni-tō kaijō hoan sei |
三等海上保安正 San-tō kaijō hoan sei
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Liberian National Coast Guard [18] |
Captain | Commander | Lieutenant commander | Lieutenant | Lieutenant (junior grade) | Ensign | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency |
Laksamana Maritim | Laksamana madya Maritim | Laksamana muda Maritim | Laksamana pertama Maritim | Kepten Maritim | Komander Maritim | Leftenan komander Maritim | Leftenan Maritim | Leftenan madya Maritim | Leftenan muda Maritim |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Maldivian Coast Guard [19] |
ބްރިގޭޑިއަރ ޖެނެރަލް Brigeydiar jeneral |
ކާނަލް Kaanal |
ލެފްޓިނަންޓް ކާނަލް Leftinant kaanal |
މޭޖަރ Meyjar |
ކެޕްޓަން Keptan |
ފަސްޓް ލެފްޓިނަންޓް Fast leftinant |
ލެފްޓިނަންޓް Leftinant | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Norwegian Coast Guard |
Flaggkommandør | Kommandør | Kommandørkaptein | Orlogskaptein | Kapteinløytnant | Løytnant | Fenrik | Kadett
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Panama National Aeronaval Service [20] |
Director General | Subdirector General | Comisionado | Subcomisionado | Mayor | Capitán | Teniente | Subteniente |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pakistan Coast Guards |
Major general میجر جنرل |
Brigadier بریگیڈیئر |
Colonel کرنل |
Lieutenant colonel لیفٹیننٹ کرنل |
Major میجر |
Captain کیپٹن |
Lieutenant لیفٹنینٹ |
Second lieutenant سیکنڈ لیفٹیننٹ |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pakistan Maritime Security Agency [21] |
Rear admiral بحریہ کا امیر |
Commodore کموڈور |
Captain کپتان |
Commander کمانڈر |
Lieutenant commander لیفٹیننٹ کمانڈر |
Lieutenant لیفٹیننٹ |
Sub-lieutenant سب لیفٹیننٹ۔ |
Midshipman مڈ شپ مین |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rank group | General / flag officers | Senior officers | Junior officers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Philippine Coast Guard [22] |
Admiral | Vice admiral | Rear admiral | Commodore | Captain | Commander | Lieutenant commander | Lieutenant | Lieutenant (junior grade) | Ensign | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Polish Border Guard Naval units |
Various | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wiceadmirał | Kontradmirał | Komandor | Komandor porucznik | Komandor podporucznik | Kapitan marynarki | Porucznik marynarki | Podporucznik marynarki | Podchorąży
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Russian Coast Guard |
Адмирал Admiral |
Вице-адмирал Vitse-admiral |
Контр-адмирал Kontr-admiral |
Капитан 1-го ранга Kapitan 1-go ranga |
Капитан 2-го ранга Kapitan 2-go ranga |
Капитан 3-го ранга Kapitan 3-go ranga |
Капитан-лейтенант Kapitan-leytenant |
Старший лейтенант Starshiy leytenant |
Лейтенант Leytenant |
Младший лейтенант Mladshiy leytenant |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Coast Guard of São Tomé and Príncipe |
Capitão de mar e guerra | Capitão de fragata | Capitão-tenente | Primeiro-tenente | Segundo-tenente | Guarda-marinha/ Subtenente | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Seychelles Coast Guard [23] |
Brigadier | Colonel | Lieutenant colonel | Major | Captain | Lieutenant | Second lieutenant | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sri Lanka Coast Guard [24] |
Rear admiral | Commodore | Captain | Commander | Lieutenant commander | Lieutenant | Sub-lieutenant | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Turkish Coast Guard Command [25] |
Various [a] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tümamiral | Tuğamiral | Albay | Yarbay | Binbaşı | Yüzbaşı | Üsteğmen | Teğmen | Asteğmen | Bahriyeli
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
His Majesty's Coastguard |
Maritime Operations | Honorary Commodore | Chief Coastguard | Assistant Chief Coastguard | Strategic Commander / Divisional Commander | Network Commander / Rescue Coordination Centre Manager (RCCM) | Maritime / Aeronautical Team Leader | Senior Maritime Operations Officer / Senior Aeronautical Operations Officer | Maritime Operations Officer | Maritime Operations Officer (Trainee) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Coastal Operations | Coastal Operations Divisional Commander | Coastal Operations Area Commander | Senior Coastal Operations Officer |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United States Coast Guard [26] |
Admiral | Vice admiral | Rear admiral | Rear admiral (lower half) |
Captain | Commander | Lieutenant commander | Lieutenant | Lieutenant (junior grade) |
Ensign | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary [27] |
Elected positions | National Commodore (NACO) | Vice National Commodore (VNACO) Deputy National Commodore (DNACO) |
District Commodore (DCO) | District Chief of Staff (DCOS) District Captain (DCAPT) |
Division Commander (DCDR) | Division Vice Commander (VCDR) | Flotilla Commander (FC) | Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Appointed positions | Deputy National Commodore (DNACO) | Assistant National Commodore (ANACO) | Deputy Assistant National Commodore (ANACOd) Director (DIR) NACO Admin Assistant (N-A) |
District Directorate Chief (DDC) Auxiliary Sector Coordinator (ASC) Deputy Director (DIRd) Division Chief (DVC) NACO Aide (N-D) |
District Staff Officer (DSO) DCO Admin Assistant (D-AA) Branch Chief (BC) |
Assistant District Staff Officer (ADSO) DCO Aide (D-AD) Branch Assistant (BA) Academy Admissions Partner |
Division Staff Officer (SO) | Flotilla Staff Officer (FSO) Detachment Leader (DL)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Vietnam Coast Guard [28] |
Trung tướng | Thiếu tướng | Đại tá | Thượng tá | Trung tá | Thiếu tá | Đại úy | Thượng úy | Trung úy | Thiếu úy | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rank group | General / flag officers | Senior officers | Junior officers |
Warrant officer ranks
[edit ]Equivalent NATO rank |
WO-5 | WO-4 | WO-3 | WO-2 | WO-1
| |||||
Maldivian Coast Guard |
Chief Warrant Officer | Warrant Officer Grade 4 | Warrant Officer Grade 3 | Warrant Officer Grade 2 | Warrant Officer Grade 1
| ||||||
U.S. Coast Guard |
Chief warrant officer 4 | Chief warrant officer 3 | Chief warrant officer 2 | ||||||||
Vietnam Coast Guard |
Thượng tá Quân nhân Chuyên nghiệp | Trung tá Quân nhân Chuyên nghiệp | Thiếu tá Quân nhân Chuyên nghiệp | Đại úy Quân nhân Chuyên nghiệp | Thượng úy Quân nhân Chuyên nghiệp | Trung úy Quân nhân Chuyên nghiệp | Thiếu úy Quân nhân Chuyên nghiệp | ||||
Equivalent NATO rank |
WO-5 | WO-4 | WO-3 | WO-2 | WO-1 |
Enlisted ranks
[edit ]India
[edit ]- Officers
- Enlisted ranks
Rank group | Junior commissioned officers | Non commissioned officer | Enlisted | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indian Army [30] |
No insignia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subedar-major सूबेदार मेजर |
Subedar सूबेदार |
Naib subedar नायब सूबेदार |
Havildar हवलदार |
Naik नायक |
Lance naik लांस नायक |
Sepoy सिपाही | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indian Navy [31] [41] |
No insignia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Master chief petty officer I मास्टर चीफ पेटी ऑफिसर फर्स्ट क्लास |
Master chief petty officer II मास्टर चीफ पेटी ऑफिसर सेकेंड क्लास |
Chief petty officer चीफ पेटी ऑफिसर |
Petty officer पेटी ऑफिसर |
Leading Seaman लीडिंग सीमैन |
Seaman Ist class सीमैन फर्स्ट क्लास |
Seaman IInd class सीमैन सेकंड क्लास | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indian Air Force [42] |
No insignia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Master warrant officer मास्टर वारंट अफसर |
Warrant officer वारंट अफसर |
Junior warrant officer जूनियर वारंट अफसर |
Sergeant सार्जेंट |
Corporal कॉरपोरल |
Leading aircraftsman लीडिंग एयरक्राफ्ट्समैन |
Aircraftsman एयरक्राफ्ट्समैन | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Indian Coast Guard [14] |
No insignia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pradhan Adhikari Pradhan Sahayak Engineer |
Uttam Adhikari Uttam Sahayak Engineer |
Adhikari Sahayak Engineer |
Pradhan Navik Pradhan Yantrik |
Uttam Navik Uttam Yantrik |
Navik Yantrik | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Assam Rifles [43] [failed verification ] |
No insignia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subedar major सूबेदार मेजर |
Subedar सूबेदार |
Naib subedar नायब सूबेदार |
Warrant officer - |
Havildar [note 11] हवलदार |
Rifleman [note 12] -
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Central Industrial Security Force [35] [36] [44] |
No insignia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Inspector निरीक्षक |
Sub inspector उप निरीक्षक |
Assistant sub-inspector सहायक उप निरीक्षक |
Head constable हवलदार |
Constable -
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Central Reserve Police Force [37] [38] |
No insignia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subedar major सूबेदार मेजर |
Inspector निरीक्षक |
Sub-inspector उप निरीक्षक |
Assistant sub-inspector सहायक उप निरीक्षक |
Head constable हवलदार |
Constable -
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National Security Guard [39] |
No insignia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subedar major सूबेदार मेजर |
Assistant commander-1 - |
Assistant commander-2 - |
Assistant commander-3 - |
Ranger grade I - |
Ranger grade II - |
Combatised tradesmen -
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sashastra Seema Bal [40] |
No insignia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subedar major सूबेदार मेजर |
Inspector निरीक्षक |
Sub inspector उप निरीक्षक |
Assistant sub-inspector सहायक उप निरीक्षक |
Head constable हवलदार |
Naik नायक |
Lance naik लांस नायक |
Constable -
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Special Frontier Force |
No insignia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subedar Major | Subedar | Naib Subedar | Havildar | Naik | Lance Naik | Sepoy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rank group | Junior commissioned officers | Non commissioned officer | Enlisted |
- ^ a b "Barbados Defence Force Medal Ceremony". YouTube . Barbados Defence Force. 18 Jul 2019. Retrieved 29 October 2022.
- ^ "Canadian Coast Guard Ensign and Levels of Responsibility". Canadian Coast Guard. Retrieved 17 May 2021.
- ^ "Canadian Coast Guard (CCG)". Retrieved 17 May 2021.
- ^ "Saltwater in the Veins – The Coast Guard: A Family of Families". Navigator Magazine. 1 September 2015. Retrieved 17 May 2021.
- ^ Eric Haun (24 March 2016). "US, Canadian Coast Guards Leaders Discuss Partnership". Marine Link. Retrieved 17 May 2021.
- ^ "U.S., Canadian Coast Guards meet for annual ice conference in Cleveland". Defense Visual Information Distribution Service. 2 November 2017. Retrieved 17 May 2021.
- ^ Chelsea Nash (4 April 2016). "Meet Jody Thomas, first woman to head the Canadian Coast Guard". The Hill Times. Retrieved 17 May 2021.
- ^ "Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary 2001 Uniform Policy" (PDF). Retrieved 17 May 2021.
- ^ "Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary (CCGA)". Retrieved 17 May 2021.
- ^ Melanie Irwin (16 August 2017). "Sarnia-Lambton First Responders Condemn Float Down". Retrieved 17 May 2021.
- ^ a b "Oznake činova". (in Croatian). Republic of Croatia Armed Forces. 1 April 2019. Retrieved 26 May 2021.
- ^ a b "Grade/rank insignia of the Hellenic CG (Ministry of Merchant Marine)". Archived from the original on 3 October 2008. Retrieved 4 July 2017.
- ^ a b "LANDHELGISGÆSLA ÍSLANDS STÖÐUEINKENNI" (in Icelandic). Retrieved 11 June 2021.
- ^ a b c d Commodore Stephen Saunders, ed. (2004). "Ranks and insignia of the world's navies". Jane's Fighting Ships 2004–2005 (107th ed.). Coulsdon: Jane's Information Group. p. 50. ISBN 978-0710626233.
- ^ "Isle of Man Coastguard receives Best Turned Out awards for Tynwald Day 2015". 1 September 2015. Retrieved 10 October 2020.
- ^ "Five Isle of Man coastguard volunteers commended for long service". 9 May 2017. Retrieved 10 October 2020.
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- ^ a b "DECRETO EJECUTIVO No 104" (PDF). Ministerio de Gobierno y Justicia de la República de Panamá. 13 May 2009. p. 20.
- ^ a b Anwar, Muhammad (1999). Role of smaller navies: a focus on Pakistan's maritime interests (snippet view) (1st ed.). Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan: Directorate of Naval Educational Services, Naval Headquarters. p. 131. ISBN 9789698318017 . Retrieved 17 December 2018.
- ^ a b "Philippine Coast Guard Basic Training Manual". Annex D-E: Philippine Coast Guard Education Training and Doctrine Command. 2019. Retrieved 15 February 2021.
- ^ a b "Rank structure". Seychelles People's Defence Forces. Archived from the original on 18 July 2019. Retrieved 4 June 2021.
- ^ a b "Ranks and rates". Sri Lanka Coast Guard . Retrieved 2 November 2022.
- ^ "Turkey - Coast Guard Command - Rank Insignia" . Retrieved 17 September 2021.
- ^ a b "U.S. Military Rank Insignia". Department of Defense. Retrieved 13 January 2022.
- ^ USCG AUX Rank
- ^ a b "Quy định quân hiệu, cấp hiệu, phù hiệu và lễ phục của Quân đội nhân dân Việt Nam". (in Vietnamese). Ministry of Defence (Vietnam). 26 August 2009. Archived from the original on 2 December 2021. Retrieved 30 May 2021.
- ^ "Turkey - Coast Guard Command - Rank Insignia" . Retrieved 17 September 2021.
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- ^ "For Officers". Indian Air Force. Archived from the original on 25 February 2012. Retrieved 23 September 2021.
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- ^ "Two Hundred Thirteenth Report - Security Situation in the North Eastern States of India" (PDF). Department-Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs. 19 July 2018. pp. 6–8. Retrieved 21 August 2022.
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Trail of tears
[edit ]- ^ Student officer insignia designates school grade rather than military seniority.
- ^
- Political scientist Michael Rogin – "To face responsibility for specific killings might have led to efforts to stop it; to avoid individual deaths turned Indian removal into a theory of genocide."[1]
- Indigenous studies scholar Nickey Michael and historian Beverly Jean Smith – "Over one-fourth died on the forced death marches of the 1830s. By any United Nations standard, these actions can be equated with genocide and ethnic cleansing."[2]
- Political scientist Andrew R. Basso – "The Cherokee Trail of Tears should be understood within the context of colonial genocide in the Americas. This is yet another chapter of colonial forces acting against an indigenous group in order to secure rich and fertile lands, resources, and living spaces."[3]
- Political scientist Barbara Harff – "One of the most enduring and abhorrent problems of the world is genocide, which is neither particular to a specific race, class, or nation, nor rooted in any one ethnocentric view of the world. [...] Often democratic institutions are cited as safeguards against mass excesses. In view of the treatment of Amerindians by agents of the U.S. government, this view is unwarranted. For example, the thousands of Cherokees who died during the Trail of Tears (Cherokee Indians were forced to march in 1838-1839 from Appalachia to Oklahoma) testify that even a democratic system may tum against its people."[4]
- Legal scholar Rennard Strickland – "There were, of course, great and tragic Indian massacres and bitter exoduses, illegal even under the laws of war. We know these acts of genocide by place names - Sand Creek, the Battle of Washita, Wounded Knee - and by their tragic poetic codes - the Trail of Tears, the Long Walk, the Cheyenne Autumn. But ... genocidal objectives have been carried out under color of law - in de Tocqueville's phrase, "legally, philanthropically, without shedding blood, and without violating a single great principle of morality in the eyes of the word." These were legally enacted policies whereby a way of life, a culture, was deliberately obliterated. As the great Indian orator Dragging Canoe concluded, "Whole Indian Nations have melted away like balls of snow in the sun leaving scarcely a name except as imperfectly recorded by their destroyers"."[5]
- Attorney Maria Conversa – "The theft of ancestral tribal lands, the genocide of tribal members, public hostility towards Native peoples, and irreversible oppression--these are the realities that every indigenous person has had to face because of colonization. By recognizing and respecting the Muscogee Creek Nation's authority to criminally sentence its own members, the United States Supreme Court could have taken a small step towards righting these wrongs."[6]
- Genocide education scholar Thomas Keefe – "The preparation (Stage 7) for genocide, specifically the transfer of population that "Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part" as stated in Article II of the UNCPPCG is clear in the Trail of Tears and other deportations of Native American populations from land seized for the benefit of European-American populations."[7]
- Sociologist James V. Fenelon and historian Clifford E. Trafzer – "Instead the national government and its leaders have offered a systemic denial of genocide, the occurrence of which would be contrary to the principles of a democratic and just society. "Denial of massive death counts is common among those whose forefathers were the perpetrators of the genocide" (Stannard, 1992, p. 152) with motives of protecting "the moral reputations of those people and that country responsible," including some scholars. It took 50 years of scholarly debate for the academy to recognize well-documented genocides of the Indian removals in the 1830s, including the Cherokee Trail of Tears, as with other nations of the "Five Civilized" southeastern tribes."[8]
- Sociologist Benjamin P. Bowser, psychologist Carol O. Word, and Kate Shaw – "There was a pattern to Indian genocide. One-by-one, each Native state was defeated militarily; successive Native generations fought and were defeated as well. As settlers became more numerous and stronger militarily, Indians became fewer and weaker militarily. In one Indian nation after the other, resistance eventually collapsed due to the death toll from violence. Then, survivors were displaced from their ancestral lands, which had sustained them for generations. [...] Starting in 1830, surviving Native people, mostly Cherokee, in the Eastern US were ordered by President Andrew Jackson to march up to two thousand miles and to cross the Mississippi River to settle in Oklahoma. Thousands died on the Trail of Tears. This pattern of defeat, displacement, and victimization repeated itself in the American West. From this history, Native Americans were victims of all five Lemkin specified genocidal acts."[9]
- Sociologist and historian Vahakn Dadrian lists the expulsion of the Cherokee as an example of utilitarian genocide, stating "the expulsion and decimation of the Cherokee Indians from the territories of the State of Georgia is symbolic of the pattern of perpetration inflicted upon the American Indian by Whites in North America."[10]
- Genocide scholar Adam Jones – "Forced relocations of Indian populations often took the form of genocidal death marches, most infamously the "Trails of Tears" of the Cherokee and Navajo nations, which killed between 20 and 40 percent of the targeted populations en route. The barren "tribal reservations" to which survivors were consigned exacted their own grievous toll through malnutrition and disease."[11]
- Cherokee politician Bill John Baker – "this ruthless [Indian Removal Act] policy subjected 46,000 Indians—to a forced migration under punishing conditions [...] amounted to genocide, the ethnic cleansing of men, women and children, motivated by racial hatred and greed, and carried out through sadism and violence."[12]
- Cultural studies scholar Melissa Slocum – "Rarely is the conversation about the impact of genocide on today’s generations or the overall steps that lead to genocide. As well, most curricula in the education system, from kindergarten up through to college, does not discuss in detail American Indian genocide beyond possibly a quick one-day mention of the Cherokee Trail of Tears."[13]
- English and literary scholar Thir Bahadur Budhathoki – "On the basis of the basic concept of genocide as propounded by Rephael Lemkin, the definitions of the UN Convention and other genocide scholars, sociological perspective of genocide- modernity nexus and the philosophical understanding of such crime as an evil in its worst possible form, the fictional representation of the entire process of Cherokee removal including its antecedents and consequences represented in these novels, is genocidal in nature. However, the American government, that mostly represents the perpetrators of the process, and the Euro-American culture of the United States considered as the mainstream culture, have not acknowledged the Native American tragedy as genocide."[14]
- Muscogee Nation Historic and Cultural Preservation Manager Rae Lynn Butler – "really was about extinguishing a race of people"; Archivist at the Cherokee Heritage Center Jerrid Miller – "The Trail of Tears was outright genocide".[15]
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- ^ Lutz, Regan A. (June 1995). West of Eden: The Historiography of the Trail of Tears (PhD). University of Toledo. pp. 216–217.
- ^ Michael, Smith & Lowe 2021, p. 27. sfn error: no target: CITEREFMichaelSmithLowe2021 (help)
- ^ Basso, Andrew R. (6 March 2016). "Towards a Theory of Displacement Atrocities: The Cherokee Trail of Tears, The Herero Genocide, and The Pontic Greek Genocide". Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal. 10 (1): 5–29 [15]. doi:10.5038/1911-9933年10月1日.1297.
- ^ Harff, Barbara (1987). "The Etiology of Genocides". In Wallimann, Isidor; Dobkowski, Michael N. (eds.). The Age of Genocide: Etiology and Case Studies of Mass Death. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. p. 41.
- ^ Strickland, Rennard (1986). "Genocide-at-Law: An Historic and Contemporary View of the North American Experience". University of Kansas Law Review . 713: 719.
- ^ Conversa, Maria (2021). "Righting the Wrongs of Native American Removal and Advocating for Tribal Recognition: A Binding Promise, The Trail of Tears, and the Philosophy of Restorative Justice". UIC Law Review. 933. University of Illinois Chicago: 4, 13.
- ^ Keefe, Thomas E. (13–14 April 2019). Native American Genocide: Realities and Denials. First International Conference of the Center for Holocaust, Genocide & Human Rights Studies, University of North Carolina. Charlotte. p. 21.
- ^ Fenelon, James V.; Trafzer, Clifford E. (2014). "From Colonialism to Denial of California Genocide to Misrepresentations: Special Issue on Indigenous Struggles in the Americas". American Behavioral Scientist . 58 (3): 3–29 [16]. doi:10.1177/0002764213495045.
- ^ Bowser, Benjamin P.; Word, Carl O.; Shaw, Kate (2021). "Ongoing Genocides and the Need for Healing: The Cases of Native and African Americans". Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal. 15 (3): 83–99 [86]. doi:10.5038/1911-9933153.1785.
- ^ Dadrian, Vahakn N. (1975). "A Typology of Genocide". International Review of Modern Sociology. 5 (2): 201–212 [209]. JSTOR 41421531.
- ^ Jones, Adam (2006). "The conquest of the Americas". Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction. Routledge. p. 75. ISBN 978-0-203-34744-7.
- ^ Bracey, Earnest N. (2021). "Andrew Jackson, Black American Slavery, and the Trail of Tears: A Critical Analysis". Dialogue and Universalism. 31 (1): 119–138 [128].
- ^ Slocum, Melissa Michal (2018). "There Is No Question of American Indian Genocide". Transmotion. 4 (2): 1– 30 [4]. doi:10.22024/UniKent/03/tm.651.
- ^ Budhathoki, Thir Bahadur (December 2013). Literary Rendition of Genocide in Cherokee Fiction (MPhil). Tribhuvan University. p. 89.
- ^ Martin Rogers, Janna Lynell (July 2019). Decolonizing Cherokee History 1790-1830s: American Indian Holocaust, Genocidal Resistance, and Survival (MA). Oklahoma State University. p. 63.