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Eisen, as most know him as, is a German, Italian, and Hungarian and of course his home county American. He's a woodwindist, knowing how to play Clarinet primarily, sax, flute, and oboe. He also knows Guitar and piano. He's big into the ways of Science and believe that all the answers are held somewhere with in it. He's a strong believer in Geomety and Trig. He is a webmaster for his boy scout troop in Denver Colorado. He knows HTML and JavaScript. He can make flash animations and is learning basic programing. He's a PC/Mac kind of guy, not careing what he's on just that he is on, but he dose own a Macintosh (A G5 Macintosh Computer with 2.5 gb of ram of 8 gb max. With 2.5 gHz dual processers, liquid cooled with a V8 engin and an over head cam (haha)). Eisen is big in technology and is slightly wired on the count that his mom is a lisenced clown of the name of Ogee. Eisen has more friends then you. He is also the director of "Czar Wars" and is the founder of Cresthill Lane Pictures. He knows a bit about cars and is a Ford fan (Chevys SUCK!) He spends his time riding his bike, camping, and hangin' out. He also loves to make modles expecialy modle rockets. At the current time he his working on a V-2.
Eisen owns two main pets. First of all he owns a Yellow Nape Amazon (parrot) named Shera who is now 22 years old and will live to 75 years. Shera is Eisen's closes companon and they have a close relationship due to the fact that she believes that she was the one to lay the egg that Eisen came out of. Eisen also owns a Beta fish (chiness fighting fish) named Hornblower.
Eisen was born in Englewood, CO at Swidish hospitable. He grew up 1 block south of the University of Denver. He went to University Park Elem til 4 grade when he moved to Highlands Ranch, CO. He enroled at Fox Creek and later Cresthill Middle School and is now at Highlands Ranch High School. While in Cresthill he and a few friends placed 4th place at the St. Marys Acadimy math compition. Also during this time, as a result of a movie assigned to him and a few friends that had to do with the Russian Revolution Cresthill Lane Pictures Inc. became, with there first film Czar Wars I.
Eisen has to many hobbies. He like listing to his short wave radio. As well as making movies with his friends. He works on modles of rockets and planes. Hanging with his dad is a major thing in his life. The computer is another thing that is important, being that he knows many things in the computer world. And saved best for last, he is a scout. He also knows Clarinet and Saxophone. He's been playing Clarinet since 3rd grade and Sax since 5th. Eisen also enjoys art and draws and paints to pass time.
Eisen is Mac and PC orinaited. He knows Adobe (Macromedia) Flash MX 2004 and photoshop. He has an adverage knowledge of HTML and JavaScript. Eisen is teaching himself Applescript. He is a mentor for many people on the computer. He is prode of his computer skills and enjoys to challenge himself.
Eisen is a Life Scout of Denver's 60 year old High Adventure Troop 199. After finshing his turm of SPL he came back to being a OA rep for the 3rd time and has been a Patrol Leader 2 times. He is one of the most trained scouts in his troop because he has gone to NLS, taught at muliable troop JLTs and has gone to Big Horn National Jr. Leadership training. He is also going to attende NAYLTs. He is also the founder of his troops website and updates it weekly. He is also a Brotherhood member in the Order of the Arrow. Eisen show a lot of scout spirt and expects to get Eagle. Resently he worked at Tahosa High Adventure Base of [Denver Area Council] as a CIT (Counciler in Training) and hopes to return next year.
Eisen is hoping for a future in Aeronautics or Austronautics.
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