Writer's block
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~ Oscar Wilde on Writer's Block
"Okay, so they get in the ship... and..."
~ Stephen King on Writer's Block
"I guess I'll write that thing where the man tries to catch a fish..."
~ Ernest Hemingway on Writer's Block
"I write books about it because it's better than a blank page"
~ Kate Grenville, renowned author on Writer's Block
Writer's Block is (note to self: check other wikis for ideas on how to introduce an article)
Writer's Block is a disease that causes only writers to get constipated,
No, that's too obvious, let's try and go more random with it.
The Writer's Bloc was a coalition of angry writers that tried to conquer the world...
Wait, I misspelled it...wow...I just can't spel anything write today...
The Writer's Block Act of 1897 was a bill passed by the senate that decreed all writers who have writer's block will...(follow up on this)
Here come the suck police! And the suck police never sleep
- "Sir, did you write this?"
- "Why yes I did!"
- "Well it sucks, you're going to jail!"
- "Oh no!"
The Writer's Block was formed in 1953 by NATO member countries to counter-act the nationalist literary efforts of the evil Soviet Block.
Let's see, Soviets, Soviet... Russians! Russians, Russians... Yakov Smirnoff- nah, I can't do that type of joke, it's cliché. Let's try something else...
Writer's Block affects mostly uncreative stupid people. Seriously, c'mon! You don't know what to write about? Oh boo hoo cry baby, just write about a giant ninja-pirate war and get it over with. Seriously! I mean c'mon! Honestly!
Oh God that's... that's horrible... I suck. I suck and I suck. I can't even think of other ways to say I suck. I suck.
Writer's Block doesn't exist. It's a physical impossibility.
Where am I even trying to go with that? I'm not even thinking.
Think... think...
A guy named Writer who owns a block? Is that a pun? I'm not risking it.
Writer's Block was invented in 1976 by Sir William Drake
I'm liking the "Sir," I think it adds something
who was a total prick. Sir William Drake hated writers because when he was but a young teen, he was raped by one.
Will anyone notice I stole that from Team America? No.
Sir William Drake invented writer's block by...
You're writing yourself into a corner here... by mixing things... by magic... fuck!
Writer's Block is the cityblock in New York were all the writers live
Oh damn, no, that's a pun, I can't do that.
Writer's Blokk is a gangsta rap group that became famous in 1999
Too much work for a "rappers use the letter K more than is necessary" joke.
Writer V. Block was the monumentous Supreme Court decision ruling that the concept of Writer's Block had no constitutional right to exist because it impeded on a Writer's free speech, by not allowing him to think of anything to speak about.
That's actually kinda good. Really good. Yeah, I don't wanna waste this idea on this two-bit website, I'll save it for when they finalize my book deal.
Writer's Block was invented so that people could pretend to be writers and get laid. A little known fact is that REAL writers never run out of ideas. Writers like Stephen King, who writes three books just to warm up for writing eight more books
That's a shitty joke
and then he walks around acting creepy and stuff
I made it shittier!
How it works is that when a person asks someone pretending to be a writer what they're currently writing, they tell them "nothing right now, I got some nasty writer's block," and then he gets laid
How do I explain how they get laid? No, actually, screw it.
Writer's Block comes from fucking pigs up the ass
"Banned for: ever; reason: really unfunny article about bestiality, which I had warned the author about numerous times before.
Writer's Block is a weekly children's TV show for young and aspiring authors
Since when do kids aspire to be authors? They all want to be firemen and ice cream truck drivers.
The show stars Oprah
and her two friends Oscar Wilde
It's obligatory, but still...
and Pancho Villa
Now there's just no excuse for that.
The show concentrates around the trio's efforts to start up a community theatre in inner city Harlem. But The Man is holding them down
Oscar Wilde's not a minority, but I think by now people will have already forgotten I mentioned him. Well, I suppose he's gay... Wait, hold on...
Oscar Wilde is a minority
Fixed it.
They launch an all-out aerial assault against The Man by
I need that animated .gif of the black kid yelling "that's racist!" Where did I see that? Somewhere on the albinoblacksheep forums... fuck it, I don't want to have go find it.
Let's try just writing whatever I think...
Writer's Block
is really pissing me off right now
is really pissing me off right now,
to the point that I'm actually trying to write about it
to the point that I'm actually trying to write about it!
Oh shit, I have hit rock bottom.
Oh shit, I have hit rock bottom.
wait, wait, no need to make rash decisions...
Writer's Block
makes you want to consider suicide
is a state in which a person cannot create original ideas for writing, and therefore loses confidence in their ability.
I don't know why, but I find that funny
Writer's block can be annoying to a novice writer, and debilitating to a professional writer.
It's dry! It's subtle!
There is no real cure for writer's block, and most writers believe the only course of action is to simply wait it out.
Oh man, if they don't get it, they're quite obviously retarded!
Writer's block can, worst of all, lead to the writer believing horribly bad material to actually be comedic genius
Comedic genius!
Some of the best works of literature are the eventual results of writer's block.
This is fucking awesome. I think I'll reward myself with a Snickers and Dr. Pepper.
Writer's Block is adaptable
How can I adapt this phrase and explain it in my own unique way? I know!
So I was spending time with my twin brother when I was asked to describe Writer's block in movie form. I read the original dictionary entry and fell in love with the author, but I couldn't think of anything to write. The rest of my time was spent agonizing over what to write about writers block as well as how I wanted to get together with the dictionary writer. Then I made up a story about how my brother died and I still hadn't done a movie about writers block.
Genius! Nobody will ever expect a movie about me writing a movie about writers block!
Writer's Bloock^H^H^Hck is^H^H^H ,a^H^H^H , also called^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H is the fault of the keyboard that I'm using ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H stupid delete key. That's why this isn't coming out right. Cramped style.
Ah-hah! Here's that animated .gif!
... Now, how do I continue this? Darn it...