No Vowels

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N_ V_w_ls

D_WN W_TH TH_ V_W_LS!! - M_st w_rds h_v_ v_w_ls.[edit | edit source ]

 "V_w_ls _n _r v_w_ls __t? _h, ___'r_ c_nf_s_d - w_ll, _'ll d_c_d_ f_r ___, _f ___'ll p_rm_t m_..."
~ H_nn_b_l L_ct_r _n v_w_ls

"_ n_v_r l_k_d v_w_ls."

~ _sc_r W_ld_ _n Th_s p_g_

"TH_S _S SP_RT_!!!111_n__n__n_"

~ K_ng L__n_d_s _n SP_RT_ (Th_ l_tt_r "o" _s s_m_t_m_s n_t _ v_w_l. __th_r w_y, f_ck y__!)

"_n S_v__t R_ss__, v_w_ls r_m_v_ Y__!!"

~ S_v__t R_ss__ _n N_ V_w_ls
Th_ __th_r _f th_s st_b fr__ly _dm_ts b__ng _ sl_ck_r wh_ _s t__ l_zy t_ f_ll_w th_ _d__ thr__gh t_ _ts p__nf_l c_ncl_s__n.
D_ _t y__rs_lf _f y__ c_n b_ _rs_d.

Th_s p_g_ h_s n_ v_w_ls. _t _s h_rd t_ _nd_rst_nd wh_t th_s _rtcl_ _s s_y_ng.

H_w t_ Wr_t_ w_th n_ V_w_ls[edit | edit source ]

Wr_t_ng w_th__t v_w_ls _s n_t d_ff_c_lt. _ll y__ n__d t_ d_ _s r_m_v_ _ll th_ v_w_ls _, _, _, _ _nd _. S_m_t_m_s y__ _ncl_d_ th_ l_tt_r "y" b_c__s_ _t c_n _ct _s _ v_w_l _n w_rds l_k_ "d__" _r "fr_". H_w_v_r, c_nj_nct__ns, _dv_rbs, _nd _th_r sm_ll, 2 t_ 3 l_tt_r w_rds _r_ d_ff_c_lt t_ d_c_ph_r _r _pp__r _s _ s_ngl_ c_ns_n_nt. _th_r t_m_s th_ v_w_l_ss w_rd _pp__rs l_k_ _th_r w_rds. F_r _x_mpl_, "B_tch" _nd "B_tch". _n th_ s_nt_nc_ "_'d l_k_ _ h_t b_tch _f c__k__s" c__ld m__n " _'d l_k_ _ h_t b_tch f_cks"

Wh_ c_n _ _nd_rst_nd th_s?[edit | edit source ]

Y__ c_n _nd_rst_nd th_s b_c__s_ y__ _nl_ r__d th_ f_rst _nd l_st l_tt_rs _f _ w_rd. S_nc_ _lm_st _ll _f th_s_ w_rds _r_ f_m_l__r, y__r br__n f_lls _n th_ m_ss_ng v_w_ls.

S__ _ls_[edit | edit source ]

V_w_ls _bj_d

Th_s P_ss _s b__ng R_v__w_d
Th_s _rt_cl_ _s _nc_mpl_t_, b_t h_lp _s _n th_ w_y. Pl__s_ d_n't d_l_t_ _t _nt_l th_ b_r c_v_lr_ c_m_s.
H_lp th_s p_g_ b_ l__v_ng c_mm_nts f_r _ts __th_r _n _ts t_lk p_g_ _r _n th_ _rt_cl_'s _ntr_ _n P__ R_v__w.

WHT S THS. _ f_rg_r πŸ’€

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