Visual puns

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"Stalin visual puns.PNG"

~ Stalin on Visual puns
Fig 1

Oh how I love a good visual pun! Visual puns are the ultimate in puns; they've got everything: They're visual and they're puns. What more could you ask for? They've been used by literally hundreds of people to achieve humor. Everyone from Gary Larson, author of The far side comics, to George W. Bush Mission accomplished? Ha! Good one George W. Bush! , former president of the United States of America. When I see a well crafted groaner it makes me... well... groan. It makes me omit a sound that is indescribable. It's sort of an U UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH! mixed with a GAH! But it does more than that, it makes me happy, it makes me think, think about visual puns, it makes me want to yell to the world, " Holy cow! That's better than a holy mackerel, that's for sure! That's hilarious!". But most of all, it makes me forget all the troubles of the world, if only for a second. If I were to search the whole world over, I would never find anything that makes me happier than a really funny visual pun... Or a tiny sombrero, I like them, too.

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Eat it No no no! Edit!


History of visual puns

Examples of visual puns

There are many good examples of visual puns. Wanna see? Har har har.

Visual puns

Visual puns

Visual puns

Visual puns

Visual puns

Yeah, I know. This section's knot Knot any of it. even funny. Nun Nope. Nun of it. of it.

Sew in conclusion...



Edit Yes, finally!


See also

Cream of the Crap
This article was one of the Top 10 articles of 2011.
Featured version: 23 June 2011
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